package eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.process; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import eu.europa.esig.dss.jaxb.detailedreport.XmlConclusion; import eu.europa.esig.dss.jaxb.detailedreport.XmlConstraint; import eu.europa.esig.dss.jaxb.detailedreport.XmlConstraintsConclusion; import eu.europa.esig.dss.jaxb.detailedreport.XmlName; import eu.europa.esig.dss.jaxb.detailedreport.XmlStatus; import eu.europa.esig.dss.utils.Utils; import eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.policy.rules.Indication; import eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.policy.rules.SubIndication; import eu.europa.esig.jaxb.policy.Level; import eu.europa.esig.jaxb.policy.LevelConstraint; /** * This class is an item of the {@code Chain} class. * * That follows the design pattern "chain of responsibility". * * Depending of the {@code Level} in {@code LevelConstraint} the Chain will continue/stop the current treatment. The * {@code ChainItem} is a validation * constraint which allows to collect information, warnings, errors,... * * @see Chain */ public abstract class ChainItem<T extends XmlConstraintsConclusion> { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ChainItem.class); private ChainItem<T> nextItem; private T result; private final LevelConstraint constraint; private String bbbId; /** * Common constructor * * @param result * the {@code Chain} object parent of this object * @param constraint * the {@code LevelConstraint} to follow to execute this ChainItem * */ protected ChainItem(T result, LevelConstraint constraint) { this.result = result; this.constraint = constraint; } /** * Specific constructor for Basic Building Blocks validation * * @param result * the {@code Chain} object parent of this object * @param constraint * the {@code LevelConstraint} to follow to execute this ChainItem * @param bbbId * the {@code XmlBasicBuildingBlocks}'s id * */ protected ChainItem(T result, LevelConstraint constraint, String bbbId) { this.result = result; this.constraint = constraint; this.bbbId = bbbId; } /** * This method allows to build the chain of responsibility * * @param nextItem * the next {@code ChainItem} to call if this one succeed * @return the current item */ public ChainItem<T> setNextItem(ChainItem<T> nextItem) { this.nextItem = nextItem; return nextItem; } /** * This method allows to execute the chain of responsibility. It will run all the chain until the first * {@code Level.FAIL} and not valid process. */ public void execute() { if ((constraint == null) || (constraint.getLevel() == null)) { logger.trace("Check skipped : constraint not defined"); callNext(); } else { switch (constraint.getLevel()) { case IGNORE: ignore(); break; case FAIL: fail(); break; case INFORM: case WARN: informOrWarn(constraint.getLevel()); break; default: logger.warn("Unknown level : " + constraint.getLevel()); break; } } } protected abstract boolean process(); protected abstract MessageTag getMessageTag(); protected abstract MessageTag getErrorMessageTag(); protected List<XmlName> getPreviousErrors() { return Collections.emptyList(); } protected abstract Indication getFailedIndicationForConclusion(); protected abstract SubIndication getFailedSubIndicationForConclusion(); private void recordIgnore() { recordConstraint(XmlStatus.IGNORED); } private void recordValid() { recordConstraint(XmlStatus.OK); } private void recordInvalid() { recordConstraint(XmlStatus.NOT_OK); } private void recordCustomSuccessConclusion() { XmlConclusion conclusion = new XmlConclusion(); conclusion.setIndication(getSuccessIndication()); conclusion.setSubIndication(getSuccessSubIndication()); result.setConclusion(conclusion); } private void recordConclusion() { XmlConclusion conclusion = new XmlConclusion(); conclusion.setIndication(getFailedIndicationForConclusion()); conclusion.setSubIndication(getFailedSubIndicationForConclusion()); List<XmlName> previousErrors = getPreviousErrors(); if (Utils.isCollectionNotEmpty(previousErrors)) { conclusion.getErrors().addAll(previousErrors); } else { conclusion.getErrors().add(buildXmlName(getErrorMessageTag())); } result.setConclusion(conclusion); } private void recordInfosOrWarns(Level level) { if (Level.INFORM.equals(level)) { recordConstraint(XmlStatus.INFORMATION); } else if (Level.WARN.equals(level)) { recordConstraint(XmlStatus.WARNING); } } private void recordConstraint(XmlStatus status) { XmlConstraint xmlConstraint = new XmlConstraint(); xmlConstraint.setName(buildXmlName(getMessageTag())); xmlConstraint.setStatus(status); xmlConstraint.setId(bbbId); if (XmlStatus.NOT_OK.equals(status) || XmlStatus.WARNING.equals(status) || XmlStatus.INFORMATION.equals(status)) { if (XmlStatus.NOT_OK.equals(status)) { xmlConstraint.setError(buildXmlName(getErrorMessageTag())); } else if (XmlStatus.WARNING.equals(status)) { xmlConstraint.setWarning(buildXmlName(getErrorMessageTag())); } else if (XmlStatus.INFORMATION.equals(status)) { xmlConstraint.setInfo(buildXmlName(getErrorMessageTag())); } } xmlConstraint.setAdditionalInfo(getAdditionalInfo()); addConstraint(xmlConstraint); } protected String getAdditionalInfo() { return null; } private void addConstraint(XmlConstraint constraint) { result.getConstraint().add(constraint); } private XmlName buildXmlName(MessageTag messageTag) { XmlName xmlName = new XmlName(); if (messageTag != null) { xmlName.setNameId(; xmlName.setValue(messageTag.getMessage()); } else { logger.error("MessageTag is null"); } return xmlName; } /** * This method skips next elements */ private void fail() { boolean valid = process(); if (valid) { recordValid(); if (!isCustomSuccessConclusion()) { callNext(); } else { recordCustomSuccessConclusion(); } } else { recordInvalid(); recordConclusion(); } } private boolean isCustomSuccessConclusion() { return getSuccessIndication() != null; } protected Indication getSuccessIndication() { return null; } protected SubIndication getSuccessSubIndication() { return null; } private void informOrWarn(Level level) { boolean valid = process(); if (valid) { recordValid(); } else { recordInfosOrWarns(level); } callNext(); } private void ignore() { recordIgnore(); callNext(); } private void callNext() { if (nextItem != null) { nextItem.execute(); } } protected boolean isValid(XmlConstraintsConclusion constraintConclusion) { return constraintConclusion != null && isValidConclusion(constraintConclusion.getConclusion()); } protected boolean isValidConclusion(XmlConclusion conclusion) { return conclusion != null && Indication.PASSED.equals(conclusion.getIndication()); } protected boolean isInvalidConclusion(XmlConclusion conclusion) { return conclusion != null && Indication.FAILED.equals(conclusion.getIndication()); } protected boolean isIndeterminateConclusion(XmlConclusion conclusion) { return conclusion != null && Indication.INDETERMINATE.equals(conclusion.getIndication()); } protected boolean isAcceptableConclusion(XmlConclusion conclusion) { return conclusion != null && !Indication.FAILED.equals(conclusion.getIndication()); } }