package de.lighti.model; import java.util.Vector; import de.lighti.model.state.StateUtils.SP_Flags; import de.lighti.model.state.StateUtils.SP_Type; import de.lighti.model.state.StateUtils.SendProp; import de.lighti.util.BitInputBuffer; /** * This class represents a property of an Entity. * * The code is based on the c++ parser library * * @author Tobias Mahlmann * * @param <T> */ public class Property<T> { enum FloatType { FT_None, FT_LowPrecision, FT_Integral, } private static int getArrayLengthBits( SendProp prop ) { int n = prop.getNumberOfElements(); int bits = 0; while (n > 0) { ++bits; n >>>= 1; } return bits; }; private static Vector<Property> readArray( BitInputBuffer stream, SendProp prop ) { if (prop.getArrayProp() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Array prop has no inner prop." ); } final int count = stream.readBitsAsInt( getArrayLengthBits( prop ) ); final Vector<Property> elements = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { elements.add( readProperty( stream, prop.getArrayProp() ) ); } return elements; } private static Float readFloat( BitInputBuffer stream, SendProp prop ) { final int flags = prop.getFlags(); if ((flags & SP_Flags.SP_Coord.getId()) > 0) { return readFloatCoord( stream ); } else if ((flags & SP_Flags.SP_CoordMp.getId()) > 0) { return readFloatCoordMp( stream, FloatType.FT_None ); } else if ((flags & SP_Flags.SP_CoordMpLowPrecision.getId()) > 0) { return readFloatCoordMp( stream, FloatType.FT_LowPrecision ); } else if ((flags & SP_Flags.SP_CoordMpIntegral.getId()) > 0) { return readFloatCoordMp( stream, FloatType.FT_Integral ); } else if ((flags & SP_Flags.SP_NoScale.getId()) > 0) { return readFloatNoScale( stream ); } else if ((flags & SP_Flags.SP_Normal.getId()) > 0) { return readFloatNormal( stream ); } else if ((flags & SP_Flags.SP_CellCoord.getId()) > 0) { return readFloatCellCoord( stream, FloatType.FT_None, prop.getNumBits() ); } else if ((flags & SP_Flags.SP_CellCoordLowPrecision.getId()) > 0) { return readFloatCellCoord( stream, FloatType.FT_LowPrecision, prop.getNumBits() ); } else if ((flags & SP_Flags.SP_CellCoordIntegral.getId()) > 0) { return readFloatCellCoord( stream, FloatType.FT_Integral, prop.getNumBits() ); } else { final float value = stream.readBitsAsInt( prop.getNumBits() ); float a = value; float b = (1 << prop.getNumBits()) - 1; a /= b; float range = prop.getHighValue() - prop.getLowValue(); b = range; a *= b; range = prop.getLowValue(); b = range; a += b; return a; } } private static float readFloatCellCoord( BitInputBuffer stream, FloatType type, int bits ) { final int value = stream.readBitsAsInt( bits ); if (type == FloatType.FT_None || type == FloatType.FT_LowPrecision) { final boolean lp = type == FloatType.FT_LowPrecision; int second; if (!lp) { second = stream.readBitsAsInt( 5 ); } else { second = stream.readBitsAsInt( 3 ); } float a; if (!lp) { a = 0x3FA00000; } else { a = 0x3FC00000; } double b = second; b *= a; a = 0f; a = value; b += a; a = (float) b; return a; } else if (type == FloatType.FT_Integral) { float f = value; if (value >>> 31 > 0) { f += 4.2949673e9f; } return f; } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "unknown float type" ); } } private static float readFloatCoord( BitInputBuffer stream ) { int first = stream.readBitsAsInt( 1 ); int second = stream.readBitsAsInt( 1 ); float a = 0; float b = 0; if (first > 0 || second > 0) { final int third = stream.readBitsAsInt( 1 ); if (first > 0) { first = stream.readBitsAsInt( 0x0E ) + 1; } if (second > 0) { second = stream.readBitsAsInt( 5 ); } b = first; a = second; final float special = 0x3D000000; a *= special; double ad = a; final double bd = b; ad *= bd; a = (float) ad; if (third > 0) { final int mask = 0x80000000; a = (int) a ^ mask; } } return a; } private static float readFloatCoordMp( BitInputBuffer stream, FloatType type ) { int value; if (type == FloatType.FT_LowPrecision || type == FloatType.FT_None) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } else if (type == FloatType.FT_Integral) { int a = stream.readBitsAsInt( 1 ); final int b = stream.readBitsAsInt( 1 ); a = a + 2 * b; if (b == 0) { return 0; } else { if (a > 0) { value = stream.readBitsAsInt( 12 ); } else { value = stream.readBitsAsInt( 15 ); } if ((value & 1) > 0) { value = -((value >>> 1) + 1); } else { value = (value >>> 1) + 1; } } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unknown coord type" ); } return value; } private static float readFloatNormal( BitInputBuffer stream ) { final boolean first = stream.readBit(); final int second = stream.readBitsAsInt( 11 ); float f = second; if (second >>> 31 > 0) { f += 4.2949673e9f; } f *= 4.885197850512946e-4f; return (int) f ^ 0x80000000; } private static float readFloatNoScale( BitInputBuffer stream ) { return stream.readBitsAsFloat( 32 ); } private static Integer readInteger( BitInputBuffer stream, SendProp prop ) { if ((prop.getFlags() & SP_Flags.SP_EncodedAgainstTickcount.getId()) > 0) { if ((prop.getFlags() & SP_Flags.SP_Unsigned.getId()) > 0) { return stream.readVar35(); } else { final int value = stream.readVar35(); return -(value & 1) ^ value >> 1; } } else { int value = stream.readBitsAsInt( prop.getNumBits() ); final int signer = 0x80000000 >> 32 - prop.getNumBits() & (prop.getFlags() & SP_Flags.SP_Unsigned.getId()) - 1; value = value ^ signer; return value - signer; } } private static long readLong( BitInputBuffer stream, SendProp prop ) { if ((SP_Flags.SP_EncodedAgainstTickcount.getId() & prop.getFlags()) > 0) { if ((prop.getFlags() & SP_Flags.SP_Unsigned.getId()) > 0) { return stream.readVar35(); } else { final long value = stream.readVar35(); return -(value & 1) ^ value >> 1; } } else { boolean negate = false; int second_bits = prop.getNumBits() - 32; if ((SP_Flags.SP_Unsigned.getId() & prop.getFlags()) == 0) { --second_bits; if (stream.readBit()) { negate = true; } } if (prop.getNumBits() < second_bits) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Invalid number of bits" ); } final long a = stream.readBitsAsInt( 32 ); final long b = stream.readBitsAsInt( second_bits ); long value = a << 32 | b; if (negate) { value *= -1; } return value; } } public static Property<?> readProperty( BitInputBuffer stream, SendProp prop ) { final String name = prop.getInTable().getName() + "." + prop.getName(); final Property<?> out; switch (prop.getType()) { case SP_Array: final Vector<Property> elements = readArray( stream, prop ); out = new Property<Vector<Property>>( name, SP_Type.SP_Array, elements ); break; case SP_Float: out = new Property<Float>( name, SP_Type.SP_Float, readFloat( stream, prop ) ); break; case SP_Int: out = new Property<Integer>( name, SP_Type.SP_Int, readInteger( stream, prop ) ); break; case SP_Int64: out = new Property<Long>( name, SP_Type.SP_Int64, readLong( stream, prop ) ); break; case SP_String: final String stringValue = readString( MAX_STRING_LENGTH, stream, prop ); out = new Property<String>( name, SP_Type.SP_String, stringValue ); break; case SP_Vector: final float[] vectorValue = readVector( stream, prop ); out = new Property<float[]>( name, SP_Type.SP_Vector, vectorValue ); break; case SP_VectorXY: final float[] xyValue = readVectorXY( stream, prop ); out = new Property<float[]>( name, SP_Type.SP_VectorXY, xyValue ); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unsupported send prop type " + prop.getType() ); } return out; } private static String readString( int max_length, BitInputBuffer stream, SendProp prop ) { final int length = stream.readBitsAsInt( 9 ); if (length > max_length) { throw new IllegalStateException( "String too long " + length + " > " + max_length ); } final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { builder.append( (char) stream.readBitsAsInt( 8 ) ); } return builder.toString(); } private static float[] readVector( BitInputBuffer stream, SendProp prop ) { final float vector[] = new float[3]; vector[0] = readFloat( stream, prop ); vector[1] = readFloat( stream, prop ); if ((prop.getFlags() & SP_Flags.SP_Normal.getId()) > 0) { final boolean first = stream.readBit(); float a = vector[0] * vector[0]; float b = vector[1] * vector[1]; a += b; b = 0x3D000000; if (a <= b) { a = 0f; } else { b -= a; a = (float) Math.sqrt( b ); } if (first) { final float special = 0x3D000000; a *= special; } vector[2] = a; } else { vector[2] = readFloat( stream, prop ); } return vector; } private static float[] readVectorXY( BitInputBuffer stream, SendProp prop ) { final float[] vector = new float[2]; vector[0] = readFloat( stream, prop ); vector[1] = readFloat( stream, prop ); return vector; } private static final int MAX_STRING_LENGTH = 0x200; private final String name; private final SP_Type type; private final T value; public Property( String name, SP_Type type, T v ) { super(); = name; this.type = type; this.value = v; } public String getName() { return name; } public T getValue() { return value; } @Override public String toString() { return "Property [name=" + name + ", type=" + type + ", value=" + value + "]"; } }