package de.lighti.model; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import; import; import; import; public class AppState { public static String getAbilityName( String key ) { if (key != null) { if (abilityNames.containsKey( key.toUpperCase() )) { return abilityNames.get( key.toUpperCase() ); } else { return key; } } else { return null; } } public static String getHeroName( String className ) { if (className != null) { String actualClassName = className.toUpperCase(); actualClassName = actualClassName.replace( "CDOTA_UNIT", "NPC_DOTA" ); if (heroNames.containsKey( actualClassName )) { return heroNames.get( actualClassName ); } else { return className; } } else { return className; } } public static String getHeroId ( String className ) { if (className != null) { String actualClassName = className.toUpperCase(); actualClassName = actualClassName.replace( "CDOTA_UNIT", "NPC_DOTA" ); if (heroIds.containsKey( actualClassName )) { return heroIds.get( actualClassName ); } } return "0"; } public static void setAbilityName( String name, String localisedName ) { if (name != null && localisedName != null) { abilityNames.put( name.toUpperCase(), localisedName ); } } public static void setHeroName( String className, String localisedName ) { if (className != null && localisedName != null) { heroNames.put( className.toUpperCase(), localisedName ); } } public static void setHeroId( String className, String id ) { if (className != null && id != null) { heroIds.put( className.toUpperCase(), id ); } } public TreeMap<Long, Map<String, Object>> gameEventsPerMs = new TreeMap<Long, Map<String, Object>>(); // private final SortedMap<String, Player> players = new TreeMap<String, Player>(); private final Set<Player> players; private final Set<String> playerVariables; private final Map<Integer, Hero> heroes; private final TreeMap<Long, Map<Integer, Dota2Item>> items; private final TreeMap<Long, Map<Integer, Ability>> abilities; private final static Map<String, String> heroNames; private final static Map<String, String> heroIds; private final static Map<String, String> abilityNames; private int msPerTick; static { heroNames = new HashMap<String, String>(); heroIds = new HashMap<String, String>(); abilityNames = new HashMap<String, String>(); } public AppState() { playerVariables = new HashSet<String>(); heroes = new HashMap<Integer, Hero>(); items = new TreeMap<Long, Map<Integer, Dota2Item>>(); items.put( 0l, new HashMap<Integer, Dota2Item>() ); abilities = new TreeMap<Long, Map<Integer, Ability>>(); abilities.put( 0l, new HashMap<Integer, Ability>() ); players = new HashSet<Player>(); } public void addAbility( long tick, int id, String ability ) { Map<Integer, Ability> i = abilities.get( tick ); if (i == null) { i = new HashMap<Integer, Ability>( abilities.floorEntry( tick ).getValue() ); abilities.put( tick, i ); } i.put( id, new Ability( ability ) ); } public void addItem( long tick, int id, String value ) { Map<Integer, Dota2Item> i = items.get( tick ); if (i == null) { i = new HashMap<Integer, Dota2Item>( items.floorEntry( tick ).getValue() ); items.put( tick, i ); } i.put( id, new Dota2Item( value ) ); } public void addPlayer( Player p ) { players.add( p ); } public void addPlayerVariable( String n ) { if (!playerVariables.contains( n )) { playerVariables.add( n ); } } public void clear() { playerVariables.clear(); heroes.clear(); items.clear(); items.put( 0l, new HashMap<Integer, Dota2Item>() ); abilities.clear(); abilities.put( 0l, new HashMap<Integer, Ability>() ); players.clear(); } public Ability getAbility( long tick, int value ) { if (abilities.isEmpty()) { return Ability.UNKNOWN_ABILITY; } final Entry<Long, Map<Integer, Ability>> e = abilities.floorEntry( tick ); if (e.getValue().containsKey( value )) { return e.getValue().get( value ); } else { return Ability.UNKNOWN_ABILITY; } } /** * Returns the replay's length in miliseconds. Please * be aware that the this is the timestamp when the replay ended, * not when the game was decided, i.e. the throne was hit. * * @return the game's length in miliseconds */ public long getGameLength() { return gameEventsPerMs.lastKey(); } public Hero getHero( int value ) { return heroes.get( value ); } /** * Returns the Dota2Item corresponding to a (entity) id. The values in a * heroe's h_mItems array correspond to volatile entity ids representing the game item. * Hence we have to track the timestamp when a certain id was assigned to an item. * @param tick the timestamp * @param value the entity id of the corresponding CDOTA_Item entity * @return the Dota2Item */ public Dota2Item getItem( long tick, int value ) { if (items.isEmpty()) { return Dota2Item.UNKNOWN_ITEM; } final Entry<Long, Map<Integer, Dota2Item>> e = items.floorEntry( tick ); if (e.getValue().containsKey( value )) { return e.getValue().get( value ); } else { return Dota2Item.UNKNOWN_ITEM; } } public Object getLastKnownValue( long tick, String name ) { Map.Entry<Long, Map<String, Object>> e = gameEventsPerMs.floorEntry( tick ); while (e != null) { if (e.getValue().containsKey( name )) { return e.getValue().get( name ); } else { e = gameEventsPerMs.lowerEntry( e.getKey() ); } } return null; } public int getMsPerTick() { return msPerTick; } public Player getPlayer( int id ) { for (final Player p : players) { if (p.getId() == id) { return p; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException( "no such player" ); } public Player getPlayerByName( String player ) { for (final Player p : players) { if (p.getName().equals( player )) { return p; } } return null; } public Set<Player> getPlayers() { return players; } public Set<String> getUnhandledPlayerVariableNames() { return playerVariables; } public void removeAbility( long tick, int id ) { Map<Integer, Ability> i = abilities.get( tick ); if (i == null) { i = new HashMap<Integer, Ability>( abilities.floorEntry( tick ).getValue() ); abilities.put( tick, i ); } i.remove( id ); } public void removeItem( long tick, int id ) { Map<Integer, Dota2Item> i = items.get( tick ); if (i == null) { i = new HashMap<Integer, Dota2Item>( items.floorEntry( tick ).getValue() ); items.put( tick, i ); } i.remove( id ); } public void setHero( int id, Hero hero ) { heroes.put( id, hero ); } public void setMsPerTick( int msPerTick ) { this.msPerTick = msPerTick; } }