package org.eclipse.dltk.xotcl.core.tests.parser; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.ASTListNode; import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.ASTNode; import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.Modifiers; import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.declarations.Argument; import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.declarations.MethodDeclaration; import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.declarations.TypeDeclaration; import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.references.SimpleReference; import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.statements.Block; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.ast.TclStatement; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.core.ast.IfStatement; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.core.ast.TclCatchStatement; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.core.ast.TclForStatement; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.core.ast.TclGlobalVariableDeclaration; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.core.ast.TclPackageDeclaration; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.core.ast.TclSwitchStatement; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.core.ast.TclUpvarVariableDeclaration; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.core.ast.TclVariableDeclaration; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.internal.core.parser.processors.tcl.TclCatchProcessor; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.internal.core.parser.processors.tcl.TclForCommandProcessor; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.internal.core.parser.processors.tcl.TclGlobalVariableProcessor; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.internal.core.parser.processors.tcl.TclIfProcessor; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.internal.core.parser.processors.tcl.TclNamespaceProcessor; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.internal.core.parser.processors.tcl.TclPackageProcessor; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.internal.core.parser.processors.tcl.TclProcProcessor; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.internal.core.parser.processors.tcl.TclSwitchCommandProcessor; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.internal.core.parser.processors.tcl.TclUpvarProcessor; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.internal.core.parser.processors.tcl.TclVariableProcessor; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.internal.parser.raw.TclParseException; /** * TODO move to the tcl.core.tests since there is no XOTCL specific here. */ public class TclCommandProcessorTests extends TestCase { static TclStatement toCommand(String content) throws TclParseException { Block block = new Block(); TestTclParser p = new TestTclParser(content); p.parse(content, 0, block); assertEquals(1, block.getStatements().size()); assertNotNull(block.getStatements().get(0)); return (TclStatement) block.getStatements().get(0); } // //// If processor test. public void testIfProcessor001() throws Throwable { String content = "if {a < 2} {\n" + " set b 20\n" + "} else {\n" + " set b 10\n" + " set d 30\n" + "}\n"; this.processTestIf001(content); } public void testIfProcessor001a() throws Throwable { String content = "if {a < 2} then {\n" + " set b 20\n" + "} else {\n" + " set b 10\n" + " set d 30\n" + "}\n"; this.processTestIf001(content); } private void testCondition(IfStatement ifStatement) { assertNotNull(ifStatement.getCondition()); assertEquals(true, ifStatement.getCondition() instanceof ASTListNode); ASTListNode condition = (ASTListNode) ifStatement.getCondition(); assertEquals(3, condition.getChilds().size()); assertTrue(condition.getChilds().get(0) instanceof SimpleReference); assertTrue(condition.getChilds().get(1) instanceof SimpleReference); assertTrue(condition.getChilds().get(2) instanceof SimpleReference); } private void processTestIf001(String content) throws TclParseException { TestTclParser testParser = new TestTclParser(content); TclStatement ifCommand = TclCommandProcessorTests.toCommand(content); TclIfProcessor ifProcessor = new TclIfProcessor(); ASTNode statement = ifProcessor.process(ifCommand, testParser, null); assertNotNull(statement); assertEquals(true, statement instanceof IfStatement); IfStatement ifStatement = (IfStatement) statement; testCondition(ifStatement); this.assertBlockWithSize(ifStatement.getThen(), 1); this.assertBlockWithSize(ifStatement.getElse(), 2); } private void assertBlockWithSize(ASTNode then, int size) { assertNotNull(then); List childs = then.getChilds(); assertNotNull(childs); assertEquals(size, childs.size()); } public void testIfProcessor002() throws Throwable { String content = "if {a < 2} {\n" + " set b 20\n" + "} elseif { a == 4 } {\n" + " set b 10\n" + " set d 30\n" + "} else {\n" + " set d 90\n" + " set f 10\n" + " set a 0\n" + "}"; this.processTestIf002(content); } public void testIfProcessor002a() throws Throwable { String content = "if {a < 2} then {\n" + " set b 20\n" + "} elseif { a == 4 } {\n" + " set b 10\n" + " set d 30\n" + "} else {\n" + " set d 90\n" + " set f 10\n" + " set a 0\n" + "}\n"; this.processTestIf002(content); } public void testIfProcessor003() throws Throwable { String content = "if {a < 2} {\n" + " set b 20\n" + "} elseif { a == 4 } then {\n" + " set b 10\n" + " set d 30\n" + "} else {\n" + " set d 90\n" + " set f 10\n" + " set a 0\n" + "}\n"; this.processTestIf002(content); } private void processTestIf002(String content) throws TclParseException { TestTclParser testParser = new TestTclParser(content); TclStatement ifCommand = TclCommandProcessorTests.toCommand(content); TclIfProcessor ifProcessor = new TclIfProcessor(); ASTNode statement = ifProcessor.process(ifCommand, testParser, null); assertNotNull(statement); assertEquals(true, statement instanceof IfStatement); IfStatement ifStatement = (IfStatement) statement; testCondition(ifStatement); this.assertBlockWithSize(ifStatement.getThen(), 1); ASTNode else1 = ifStatement.getElse(); assertNotNull(else1); assertEquals(true, else1 instanceof IfStatement); IfStatement elseStatement = (IfStatement) else1; this.assertBlockWithSize(elseStatement.getThen(), 2); this.assertBlockWithSize(elseStatement.getElse(), 3); } public void testIfProcessor004() throws Throwable { String content = "if {a < 2} then {\n" + " set b 20\n" + "}\n"; TestTclParser testParser = new TestTclParser(content); TclStatement ifCommand = TclCommandProcessorTests.toCommand(content); TclIfProcessor ifProcessor = new TclIfProcessor(); ASTNode statement = ifProcessor.process(ifCommand, testParser, null); assertNotNull(statement); assertEquals(true, statement instanceof IfStatement); IfStatement ifStatement = (IfStatement) statement; testCondition(ifStatement); this.assertBlockWithSize(ifStatement.getThen(), 1); } public void testTclCatchProcessor001() throws TclParseException { String script = "catch {} var"; testTclCatchProcessor(script, true); } public void testTclCatchProcessor002() throws TclParseException { String script = "catch {}"; testTclCatchProcessor(script, false); } public void testTclCatchProcessor003() throws TclParseException { String script = "catch pid a"; testTclCatchProcessor(script, true); } public void testTclCatchProcessor004() throws TclParseException { String script = "catch pid"; testTclCatchProcessor(script, false); } private void testTclCatchProcessor(String script, boolean withVariable) throws TclParseException { TclCatchProcessor processor = new TclCatchProcessor(); ASTNode node = processor.process(toCommand(script), new TestTclParser( script), null); assertNotNull(node); assertTrue(node instanceof TclCatchStatement); TclCatchStatement catchSatement = (TclCatchStatement) node; if (withVariable) { assertEquals(2, catchSatement.getChilds().size()); assertTrue(catchSatement.getChilds().get(1) instanceof TclVariableDeclaration); } else assertEquals(1, catchSatement.getChilds().size()); assertTrue(catchSatement.getChilds().get(0) instanceof Block); } public void testTclGlobalVariableProcessor001() throws TclParseException { String script = "global var0 var1"; testTclGlobalVariableProcessor(script, 2); } public void testTclGlobalVariableProcessor002() throws TclParseException { String script = "global var"; testTclGlobalVariableProcessor(script, 1); } private void testTclGlobalVariableProcessor(String script, int varNum) throws TclParseException { TclGlobalVariableProcessor processor = new TclGlobalVariableProcessor(); ASTNode statement = processor.process(toCommand(script), new TestTclParser(script), null); assertNotNull(statement); assertTrue(statement instanceof TclGlobalVariableDeclaration || statement instanceof Block); if (statement instanceof ASTListNode) { ASTListNode list = (ASTListNode) statement; assertEquals(varNum, list.getChilds().size()); for (Iterator i = list.getChilds().iterator(); i.hasNext();) assertTrue( instanceof TclGlobalVariableDeclaration); } } public void testTclPackageProcessor001() throws TclParseException { String script = "package ifneeded pack 1.0.1 {script}"; testPackageImports(script, TclPackageDeclaration.STYLE_IFNEEDED, true); } public void testTclPackageProcessor002() throws TclParseException { String script = "package ifneeded pack 1.0.1"; testPackageImports(script, TclPackageDeclaration.STYLE_IFNEEDED, false); } public void testTclPackageProcessor003() throws TclParseException { String script = "package require pack 1.0.1"; testPackageImports(script, TclPackageDeclaration.STYLE_REQUIRE, false); } public void testTclPackageProcessor004() throws TclParseException { String script = "package require -exact pack 1.0.1"; testPackageImports(script, TclPackageDeclaration.STYLE_REQUIRE, false); } public void testTclPackageProcessor005() throws TclParseException { String script = "package provide pack 1.0.1"; testPackageImports(script, TclPackageDeclaration.STYLE_PROVIDE, false); } private void testPackageImports(String script, int style, boolean hasScript) throws TclParseException { TclPackageProcessor processor = new TclPackageProcessor(); ASTNode statement = processor.process(toCommand(script), new TestTclParser(script), null); assertNotNull(statement); assertTrue(statement instanceof TclPackageDeclaration); TclPackageDeclaration decl = (TclPackageDeclaration) statement; assertEquals(style, decl.getStyle()); assertEquals("pack", decl.getName()); assertEquals("1.0.1", ((SimpleReference) decl.getVersion()).getName()); if (hasScript) assertNotNull(decl.getScript()); else assertNull(decl.getScript()); } // For tests on this command with qualified names see // org.eclipse.dltk.xotcl.core.tests.parser.XOTclParserUtilTests public void testTclProcProcessor001() throws TclParseException { String script = "proc func args { pid }"; testTclProcProcessor(script, 1); } public void testTclProcProcessor002() throws TclParseException { String script = "proc func {arg0, {arg1 \"value\"} } { pid }"; MethodDeclaration method = testTclProcProcessor(script, 2); assertNotNull((Argument) method.getArguments().get(1)); } public void testTclProcProcessor003() throws TclParseException { String script = "proc func {} { pid }"; testTclProcProcessor(script, 0); } private MethodDeclaration testTclProcProcessor(String script, int argNum) throws TclParseException { TclProcProcessor processor = new TclProcProcessor(); ASTNode node = processor.process(toCommand(script), new TestTclParser( script), null); assertNotNull(node); assertTrue(node instanceof MethodDeclaration); MethodDeclaration method = (MethodDeclaration) node; assertEquals("func", method.getName()); assertEquals(argNum, method.getArguments().size()); return method; } // For tests on this command with qualified names see // org.eclipse.dltk.xotcl.core.tests.parser.XOTclParserUtilTests public void testTclVariableProcessor001() throws TclParseException { String script = "set var \"value\""; testTclVariableProcessor(script, true); } public void testTclVariableProcessor002() throws TclParseException { String script = "set var"; testTclVariableProcessor(script, false); } private void testTclVariableProcessor(String script, boolean initialValue) throws TclParseException { TclVariableProcessor processor = new TclVariableProcessor(); ASTNode node = processor.process(toCommand(script), new TestTclParser( script), null); assertNotNull(node); TclVariableDeclaration var = (TclVariableDeclaration) node; assertEquals("var", var.getName()); if (initialValue) assertNotNull(var.getInitializer()); } public void testTclUpVarProcessor001() throws TclParseException { String script = "upvar otherVar0 myVar0"; testTclUpVarProcessor(script, 1); } public void testTclUpVarProcessor002() throws TclParseException { String script = "upvar otherVar0 myVar0 otherVar1 myVar1"; testTclUpVarProcessor(script, 2); } public void testTclUpVarProcessor003() throws TclParseException { String script = "upvar 1 otherVar0 myVar0"; testTclUpVarProcessor(script, 1); } public void testTclUpVarProcessor004() throws TclParseException { String script = "upvar #1 otherVar0 myVar0"; testTclUpVarProcessor(script, 1); } private void testTclUpVarProcessor(String script, int varNum) throws TclParseException { TclUpvarProcessor processor = new TclUpvarProcessor(); ASTNode node = processor.process(toCommand(script), new TestTclParser( script), null); assertNotNull(node); assertTrue(node instanceof ASTListNode || node instanceof TclUpvarVariableDeclaration); if (node instanceof ASTListNode) assertEquals(varNum, ((ASTListNode) node).getChilds().size()); } public void testTclNamespaceProcessor001() throws TclParseException { String script = "namespace eval :: pid"; testTclNamespaceProcessor(script); } public void testTclNamespaceProcessor002() throws TclParseException { String script = "namespace eval :: {pid;} {puts boo!}"; testTclNamespaceProcessor(script); } public void testTclNamespaceProcessor003() throws TclParseException { String script = "namespace eval :: {pid}"; testTclNamespaceProcessor(script); } public void testTclNamespaceProcessor004() throws TclParseException { String script = "namespace eval :: puts boo!"; testTclNamespaceProcessor(script); } private void testTclNamespaceProcessor(String script) throws TclParseException { TclNamespaceProcessor processor = new TclNamespaceProcessor(); ASTNode node = processor.process(toCommand(script), new TestTclParser( script), null); assertNotNull(node); assertTrue(node instanceof TypeDeclaration); assertTrue((Modifiers.AccNameSpace & ((TypeDeclaration) node) .getModifiers()) != 0); assertNotNull(((TypeDeclaration) node).getBody()); } public void testTclSwitchProcessor001() throws TclParseException { String script = "switch -glob aaab { a*b - b {expr 1} a* {expr 2} default {expr 3} }"; testTclSwitchProcessor(script, 3); } public void testTclSwitchProcessor002() throws TclParseException { String script = "switch -glob aaab {" + " a*b -" + " b {" + " expr 1" + " } " + " a* {" + " expr 2" + " } " + " default {" + " expr 3" + "}" + " }"; testTclSwitchProcessor(script, 3); } public void testTclSwitchProcessor003() throws TclParseException { String script = "switch -exact -regexp -glob \"\" {" + " [func] {puts py!}" + " default {puts boo}" + " }"; testTclSwitchProcessor(script, 2); } public void testTclSwitchProcessor004() throws TclParseException { String script = "switch -regexp -exact -glob -- -bu {" + "-bu {puts boo}" + "}"; testTclSwitchProcessor(script, 1); } public void testTclSwitchProcessor005() throws TclParseException { String script = "switch string {" + "set {" + " pid" + "} " + "default {puts boo}}"; testTclSwitchProcessor(script, 2); } private void testTclSwitchProcessor(String script, int alternativesNumber) throws TclParseException { TclSwitchCommandProcessor processor = new TclSwitchCommandProcessor(); ASTNode node = processor.process(toCommand(script), new TestTclParser( script), null); assertNotNull(node); TclSwitchStatement switchExpr = (TclSwitchStatement) node; assertNotNull(switchExpr.getString()); assertNotNull(switchExpr.getAlternatives()); assertEquals(alternativesNumber, switchExpr.getAlternatives() .getChilds().size()); } public void testTclForProcessor001() throws TclParseException { String script = "for {set x 0} {$x < 10} {incr x} {puts $x}"; TclForCommandProcessor processor = new TclForCommandProcessor(); ASTNode node = processor.process(toCommand(script), new TestTclParser( script), null); assertNotNull(node); assertTrue(node instanceof TclForStatement); TclForStatement forStatement = (TclForStatement) node; assertEquals(1, forStatement.getChilds().size()); } public void testTclForProcessor002() throws TclParseException { String script = "for {set x 0} $x<10"; // infinite loop actually TclForCommandProcessor processor = new TclForCommandProcessor(); ASTNode node = processor.process(toCommand(script), new TestTclParser( script), null); assertNull(node); } public void testTclForProcessor003() throws TclParseException { String script = "for {set x 0} { $x<10 }"; // infinite loop actually TclForCommandProcessor processor = new TclForCommandProcessor(); ASTNode node = processor.process(toCommand(script), new TestTclParser( script), null); assertNull(node); } public void testTclForProcessor004() throws TclParseException { String script = "for {set x 0} { $x<10 } { incr x }"; // infinite loop // actually TclForCommandProcessor processor = new TclForCommandProcessor(); ASTNode node = processor.process(toCommand(script), new TestTclParser( script), null); assertNull(node); } public void testTclForeachProcessor001() throws TclParseException { String script = "foreach a {1 2 3 4} {set a 0}"; testTclForeachProcessor(script, 1); } public void testTclForeachProcessor002() throws TclParseException { String script = "foreach {a b} {1 2 3 4} {a b} {1 2 3 4} pid"; testTclForeachProcessor(script, 2); } private void testTclForeachProcessor(String script, int listsNumber) throws TclParseException { // TclForeachCommandProcessor processor = new // TclForeachCommandProcessor(); // ASTNode node = processor.process(toCommand(script), new // TestTclParser(script), 0, null); // assertNotNull(node); // TclForeachStatement foreach = (TclForeachStatement)node; // assertNotNull(foreach.getArguments()); // assertEquals(listsNumber, foreach.getArguments().getChilds().size()); // assertNotNull(foreach.getBlock()); // for (int i = 0; i < listsNumber; i++) { // assertTrue(foreach.getArguments().getChilds().get(i) instanceof // BinaryExpression); // Object left = // ((BinaryExpression)foreach.getArguments().getChilds().get(i)).getLeft(); // assertTrue(left instanceof TclVariableDeclaration || left instanceof // ASTListNode); // if (left instanceof ASTListNode) { // ASTListNode list = (ASTListNode)left; // for (Iterator j = list.getChilds().iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) // assertTrue( instanceof TclVariableDeclaration); // } // } // } }