package org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.internal.parser; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.ASTNode; import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.ASTVisitor; import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.declarations.MethodDeclaration; import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.declarations.ModuleDeclaration; import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.declarations.TypeDeclaration; import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.expressions.Expression; import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.expressions.StringLiteral; import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.parser.AbstractSourceParser; import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.parser.ISourceParser; import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.parser.ISourceParserExtension; import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.references.SimpleReference; import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.statements.Block; import org.eclipse.dltk.compiler.env.IModuleSource; import org.eclipse.dltk.compiler.problem.IProblemReporter; import org.eclipse.dltk.core.RuntimePerformanceMonitor; import org.eclipse.dltk.core.RuntimePerformanceMonitor.PerformanceNode; import org.eclipse.dltk.core.builder.ISourceLineTracker; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.ast.ComplexString; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.ast.Script; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.ast.StringArgument; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.ast.Substitution; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.ast.TclArgument; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.ast.TclArgumentList; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.ast.TclCodeModel; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.ast.TclCommand; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.ast.TclModule; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.ast.TclModuleDeclaration; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.ast.TclStatement; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.ast.VariableReference; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.ast.expressions.TclBlockExpression; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.ast.expressions.TclExecuteExpression; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.core.ITclCommandDetector; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.core.ITclCommandDetectorExtension; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.core.ITclCommandProcessor; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.core.ITclParser; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.core.ITclSourceParser; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.core.TclNature; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.core.TclParseUtil; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.core.TclPlugin; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.core.ITclCommandDetector.CommandInfo; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.core.ast.TclAdvancedExecuteExpression; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.internal.parser.ext.CommandManager; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.parser.TclErrorCollector; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.parser.TclParser; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.parser.definitions.DefinitionManager; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.parser.definitions.NamespaceScopeProcessor; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.parser.printer.SimpleCodePrinter; import org.eclipse.dltk.utils.TextUtils; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; public class NewTclSourceParser extends AbstractSourceParser implements ITclParser, ISourceParser, ISourceParserExtension, ITclSourceParser { private IProblemReporter problemReporter; private String fileName; boolean useProcessors = true; private boolean useDetectors = true; private TclModuleDeclaration moduleDeclaration; // private TclModule tclModule; private ISourceLineTracker tracker; private Set<ASTNode> processedForContentNodes = new HashSet<ASTNode>(); private NamespaceScopeProcessor coreProcessor = DefinitionManager .getInstance().createProcessor();; public ModuleDeclaration parse(String fileName, TclModule tclModule, IProblemReporter reporter) { processedForContentNodes.clear(); initDetectors(); // this.tclModule = tclModule; // TclCodeModel model = this.tclModule.getCodeModel(); this.tracker = createLineTracker(tclModule); this.problemReporter = reporter; this.fileName = fileName; this.moduleDeclaration = new TclModuleDeclaration(tclModule.getSize()); this.moduleDeclaration.setTclModule(tclModule); this.parse(tclModule, moduleDeclaration); return moduleDeclaration; } public static ISourceLineTracker createLineTracker(TclModule tclModule) { TclCodeModel model = tclModule.getCodeModel(); EList<Integer> list = model.getLineOffsets(); int[] offsets = new int[list.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { offsets[i] = list.get(i); } EList<String> delimeters = model.getDelimeters(); String[] delimetersAsArray = delimeters.toArray(new String[delimeters .size()]); return new TextUtils.DefaultSourceLineTracker(tclModule.getSize(), offsets, delimetersAsArray); } private void initDetectors() { if (detectors == null) { detectors = CommandManager.getInstance().getDetectors(); } } private ITclCommandProcessor localProcessor = new ITclCommandProcessor() { public ASTNode process(TclStatement st, ITclParser parser, ASTNode parent) { if (parent != null) { TclParseUtil.addToDeclaration(parent, st); // Re process internal blocks. } return st; } public void setCurrentASTTree(ModuleDeclaration module) { } public void setDetectedParameter(Object parameter) { } }; private ITclCommandDetector[] detectors; private int globalOffset; protected void parse(TclModule module, ASTNode decl) { processedForContentNodes.clear(); initDetectors(); List<TclCommand> commands = module.getStatements(); processStatements(decl, commands); } private void processStatements(ASTNode decl, List<TclCommand> commands) { for (Iterator<TclCommand> iter = commands.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { TclCommand command =; // Command handling TclStatement st = convertToAST(command); if (st == null) { continue; // could be null on errors in source code } runStatementProcessor(decl, st); } } private void runStatementProcessor(ASTNode decl, TclStatement st) { ITclCommandProcessor processor = this.locateProcessor(st, decl); if (processor != null) { try { ASTNode nde = processor.process(st, this, decl); if (nde == null) { nde = localProcessor.process(st, this, decl); } if (nde != null && this.useDetectors) { for (int i = 0; i < this.detectors.length; i++) { if (detectors[i] != null) { detectors[i].processASTNode(nde); } } } if (nde != null) { // Lets store some position information int globalOffset = this.globalOffset; boolean userProcessor = this.useProcessors; boolean useDetectors = this.useDetectors; nde.traverse(new ASTVisitor() { public boolean visit(TypeDeclaration s) throws Exception { if (processedForContentNodes.add(s)) { List stats = s.getStatements(); processStatements(s, stats); } return true; } private void processStatements(ASTNode s, List stats) { List<ASTNode> statements = new ArrayList<ASTNode>( stats); stats.clear(); for (ASTNode node : statements) { if (node instanceof TclStatement) { runStatementProcessor(s, (TclStatement) node); } else { stats.add(node); } } } public boolean visit(MethodDeclaration s) throws Exception { if (processedForContentNodes.add(s)) { List stats = s.getStatements(); processStatements(s, stats); } return true; } public boolean visit(Expression s) throws Exception { if (s instanceof Block) { if (processedForContentNodes.add(s)) { Block bl = (Block) s; List stats = bl.getStatements(); processStatements(bl, stats); } return true; } else if (s instanceof TclAdvancedExecuteExpression) { if (processedForContentNodes.add(s)) { TclAdvancedExecuteExpression ex = (TclAdvancedExecuteExpression) s; List stats = ex.getStatements(); processStatements(ex, stats); } } else if (s instanceof TclExecuteExpression) { // This should not happen at all. } return true; } }); // Restore values this.useDetectors = useDetectors; this.useProcessors = userProcessor; this.globalOffset = globalOffset; } } catch (Exception e) { TclPlugin.error(e); } } } private TclStatement convertToAST(TclCommand command) { List<ASTNode> expressions = new ArrayList<ASTNode>(); expressions.add(convertToAST(command.getName())); for (TclArgument arg : command.getArguments()) { expressions.add(convertToAST(arg)); } return new TclStatement(expressions); } private ASTNode convertToAST(TclArgument arg) { if (arg instanceof StringArgument) { // Simple absolute or relative source'ing. StringArgument argument = (StringArgument) arg; String value = argument.getValue(); return stringToAST(argument, value); } else if (arg instanceof ComplexString) { ComplexString carg = (ComplexString) arg; return stringToAST(carg, SimpleCodePrinter.getArgumentString(carg, carg.getStart())); } else if (arg instanceof Script) { Script st = (Script) arg; EList<TclCommand> eList = st.getCommands(); Block block = new Block(st.getStart(), st.getEnd()); for (TclCommand tclArgument : eList) { TclStatement stat = convertToAST(tclArgument); block.addStatement(stat); } return block; } else if (arg instanceof VariableReference) { VariableReference variableReference = (VariableReference) arg; String content = SimpleCodePrinter.getArgumentString( variableReference, variableReference.getStart()); return new SimpleReference(arg.getStart(), arg.getEnd(), content); } else if (arg instanceof Substitution) { Substitution st = (Substitution) arg; EList<TclCommand> eList = st.getCommands(); TclAdvancedExecuteExpression block = new TclAdvancedExecuteExpression( st.getStart(), st.getEnd()); for (TclCommand cmd : eList) { TclStatement stat = convertToAST(cmd); block.addStatement(stat); } // block.acceptStatements(exprs); return block; } else if (arg instanceof TclArgumentList) { TclArgumentList st = (TclArgumentList) arg; String str = SimpleCodePrinter.getArgumentString(st, st.getStart()); return stringToAST(st, str); } throw new RuntimeException( "TODO: Not all cases are matched in TCL Parser AST converter"); } private ASTNode stringToAST(TclArgument argument, String value) { int slen = value.length(); int end = argument.getEnd(); int start = argument.getStart(); if (slen >= 2 && value.charAt(0) == '{' && (value.charAt(slen - 1) == '}' || (moduleDeclaration != null && end == moduleDeclaration .sourceEnd()))) { // This is block argument TclBlockExpression bl = new TclBlockExpression(start, end, value); bl.setProcessedArgument(argument); return bl; } else if (slen >= 2 && value.charAt(0) == '"' && (value.charAt(slen - 1) == '"' || end == moduleDeclaration .sourceEnd())) { // This is string literal return new StringLiteral(start, end, value); } else { int len = end - start; if (value.length() > len) { value = value.substring(0, len); } // Simple reference return new SimpleReference(start, end, value); } } private ITclCommandProcessor locateProcessor(TclStatement command, ASTNode decl) { if (this.useProcessors == false) { return localProcessor; } if (command != null && command.getCount() > 0) { Expression expr = command.getAt(0); if (!(expr instanceof SimpleReference)) { return localProcessor; } String name = ((SimpleReference) expr).getName(); if (name.startsWith("::")) { name = name.substring(2); } ITclCommandProcessor processor = CommandManager.getInstance() .getProcessor(name); if (processor == null) { // advanced command detection. if (this.useDetectors) { for (int i = 0; i < detectors.length; i++) { if (detectors[i] == null) { continue; } if (detectors[i] instanceof ITclCommandDetectorExtension) { ((ITclCommandDetectorExtension) detectors[i]) .setBuildRuntimeModelFlag(false); } CommandInfo commandName = detectors[i].detectCommand( command, this.moduleDeclaration, decl); if (commandName != null) { processor = CommandManager.getInstance() .getProcessor(commandName.commandName); if (processor != null) { processor .setDetectedParameter(commandName.parameter); } break; } } } } if (processor != null) { processor.setCurrentASTTree(this.moduleDeclaration); return processor; } } return this.localProcessor; } public IProblemReporter getProblemReporter() { return this.problemReporter; } public String getFileName() { return this.fileName; } public int getStartPos() { return 0; } public void setProcessorsState(boolean state) { this.useProcessors = state; } public void setUseDetectors(boolean b) { this.useDetectors = false; } public ISourceLineTracker getCodeModel() { return tracker; } /** * Assume parsing are in same module. */ public void parse(String content, int offset, ASTNode parent) { PerformanceNode p = RuntimePerformanceMonitor.begin(); initDetectors(); processedForContentNodes.clear(); TclParser newParser = new TclParser(); TclErrorCollector collector = null; if (problemReporter != null) { collector = new TclErrorCollector(); } newParser.setGlobalOffset(offset); List<TclCommand> module = newParser.parse(content, collector, coreProcessor); if (problemReporter != null) { collector.reportAll(problemReporter, tracker); } processStatements(parent, module); p.done(TclNature.NATURE_ID, "New tcl parser: Parse of code", content .length()); } public ModuleDeclaration parse(IModuleSource input, final IProblemReporter reporter) { PerformanceNode node = RuntimePerformanceMonitor.begin(); processedForContentNodes.clear(); this.problemReporter = reporter; TclParser newParser = new TclParser(); TclErrorCollector collector = null; if (reporter != null) { collector = new TclErrorCollector(); } newParser.setGlobalOffset(globalOffset); String content = input.getSourceContents(); TclModule module = newParser.parseModule(content, collector, coreProcessor); // TODO: Add error passing to reporter here. ModuleDeclaration result = parse(input.getFileName(), module, reporter); if (collector != null) { collector.reportAll(reporter, tracker); } node.done(TclNature.NATURE_ID, "new tcl source parser:time", content .length()); return result; } public void setFlags(int flags) { } public void setOffset(int offset) { this.globalOffset = offset; } public void parse(Script script, Block bll) { PerformanceNode p = RuntimePerformanceMonitor.begin(); processedForContentNodes.clear(); processStatements(bll, script.getCommands()); p.done(TclNature.NATURE_ID, "New tcl parser: Parse of block", 0); } }