package org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.core.indexer; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.eclipse.core.filesystem.EFS; import org.eclipse.core.filesystem.IFileStore; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.indexing.DLTKEFSTclIndexer; import org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.indexing.DLTKTclIndexer; import; import; /** * This class controls all aspects of the application's execution */ public class DLTKIndexerApplication implements IApplication { /* * (non-Javadoc) * * * IApplicationContext) */ boolean recursive = false; boolean help = false; boolean version = false; boolean verbose = true; boolean force = false; public Object start(IApplicationContext context) throws Exception { Map arguments = context.getArguments(); String[] appArgs = (String[]) arguments .get(IApplicationContext.APPLICATION_ARGS); List<File> foldersToRebuildIndex = new ArrayList<File>(); for (String arg : appArgs) { if ("-r".equals(arg) || "-recursive".equals(arg) || "--recursive".equals(arg)) { recursive = true; continue; } if ("-f".equals(arg) || "-force".equals(arg) || "--force".equals(arg)) { force = true; continue; } if ("-q".equals(arg) || "-quiet".equals(arg) || "--quiet".equals(arg)) { verbose = false; continue; } if ("-h".equals(arg) || "-help".equals(arg) || "--h".equals(arg)) { help = true; break; } if ("-v".equals(arg) || "-version".equals(arg) || "--version".equals(arg)) { version = true; break; } File f = new File(arg); foldersToRebuildIndex.add(f); } if (help) { return helpMsg(); } if (version) { return versionMsg(); } DLTKEFSTclIndexer indexer = new DLTKEFSTclIndexer() { @Override public void logBeginOfFolder(IFileStore folder) { if (verbose) { System.out.println("Building index file for folder:" + folder.toURI().getPath()); } } @Override public void logEntry(IFileStore indexFile, long filesSize) { if (verbose) { System.out .println("Indexing of folder is done: Original size:" + filesSize + " Index size:" + indexFile.fetchInfo().getLength()); } } @Override protected void reportUnknownError(IFileStore folder) { if (verbose) { System.out.println("ERROR: Failed to index folder:" + folder.toURI().getPath()); } } @Override protected void logIndexConsistent(IFileStore folder) { if (verbose) { System.out.println("Folder indexes are consistent:" + folder.toURI().getPath()); } } @Override public void logReadonlyFolder(IFileStore folder) { if (verbose) { System.out.println("Skipping readonly folder:" + folder.toURI().getPath()); } } @Override public boolean isForceRebuild() { return force; } }; if (!foldersToRebuildIndex.isEmpty()) { if (verbose) { printHeader(); } for (File path : foldersToRebuildIndex) { if (path.exists() && path.isDirectory() && path.canWrite()) { indexer.buildIndexFor(EFS.getLocalFileSystem().getStore( new Path(path.getAbsolutePath())), recursive); } else { if (verbose) { System.out.println("Path:" + path.getAbsolutePath() + " is rejected for indexing."); } } } if (verbose) { System.out.println("Total indexed resources size:" + indexer.getTotalSize()); System.out.println("Basic indexes size:" + indexer.getBasicIndexesSize()); System.out.println("AST indexes size:" + indexer.getASTIndexesSize()); System.out.println("Total indexes size:" + indexer.getTotalIndexesSize()); } } else { helpMsg(); } return IApplication.EXIT_OK; } private void printHeader() { System.out.println("DLTK TCL Offline index creation tool"); } private Object versionMsg() { System.out.println("DLTK Tcl Offline index creation tool version:" + DLTKTclIndexer.VERSION + " build for: 2.0 WAVE 1.6"); return IApplication.EXIT_OK; } private Object helpMsg() { printHeader(); System.out .println("Usage: dltk_tcl_indexer [options] folder1 ... [folderN]"); System.out.println("Options:"); System.out .println("\t -r, -rerursive, --rerursive - Build index recursivly for any subfolder of specified folder."); System.out .println("\t -f, -force, --force - Forces rebuilding of already created indexes. In other way indexes will be rebuilded only if folder contain changes."); System.out .println("\t -v, -version, --version - Prints Version string"); System.out.println("\t -h, -help, --help - This message"); System.out .println("\t -q, -quiet, --quiet - Run in quiet mode. No output to console will be performed."); return IApplication.EXIT_OK; } public void stop() { } }