package com.idega.util.config; import; import; import java.util.Map; import com.idega.core.cache.IWCacheManager2; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWMainApplication; import com.idega.util.bundles.BundleResourceResolver; import com.idega.util.bundles.ResourceResolver; /** * * @author <a href="">Vytautas Čivilis</a> * @version 1.0 * */ public class ConfigFactory { private static ConfigFactory me; private IWMainApplication iwma; private Map<String, Config> configs; private static final String bundle_path_part1 = "bundle://"; private static final String bundle_path_part2 = "/properties/"; private static final String configs_cache_map = "ConfigFactory.configs_cache_map"; public static ConfigFactory getInstance() { if (me == null) { synchronized (ConfigFactory.class) { if (me == null) { me = new ConfigFactory(); } } } return me; } public Config getConfig(InputStream is) throws ConfigException { return Config.getInstance(is); } /** * * loads up configuration file to the object. * * This method guarantees that only one Config instance for each properties file exists * * @param bundle_identifier - project - bundle where file exists * @param property_file_name - file name of properties file - this file should exist in bundle's properties folder * @return Object representing properties file * @throws ConfigException - any kind of exception actually */ public Config getConfig(String bundle_identifier, String property_file_name) throws ConfigException { String config_uri_string = new StringBuffer(bundle_path_part1) .append(bundle_identifier) .append(bundle_path_part2) .append(property_file_name) .toString(); Map<String, Config> configs = getConfigs(); if(configs.containsKey(config_uri_string)) return configs.get(config_uri_string); synchronized (this) { if(configs.containsKey(config_uri_string)) return configs.get(config_uri_string); Config cfg = null; try { URI config_uri = URI.create(config_uri_string); ResourceResolver resolver = new BundleResourceResolver(IWMainApplication.getDefaultIWMainApplication()); InputStream is = resolver.resolve(config_uri).getInputStream(); cfg = Config.getInstance(is); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ConfigException("Exception while resolving properties file from: "+config_uri_string, e); } if(cfg == null) throw new ConfigException("Couldn't resolve properties file from: "+config_uri_string); configs.put(config_uri_string, cfg); return cfg; } } protected Map<String, Config> getConfigs() { if(configs == null) { synchronized (this) { if(configs == null) { configs = IWCacheManager2.getInstance(getIWMainApplication()).getCache(configs_cache_map); } } } return configs; } protected IWMainApplication getIWMainApplication() { if(iwma == null) iwma = IWMainApplication.getDefaultIWMainApplication(); return iwma; } }