package com.idega.util; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.logging.Level; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.BeanDefinition; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import com.idega.builder.bean.AdvancedProperty; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWBundle; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWMainApplication; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWResourceBundle; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.ui.handlers.IWDatePickerHandler; import; import; @Service("webUtil") @Scope(BeanDefinition.SCOPE_SINGLETON) public class WebUtil extends DefaultSpringBean { public String getLocalizedString(String bundleIdentifier, String key, String returnValueIfNotFound) { return getMultipleLocalizedStrings(bundleIdentifier, Arrays.asList( new AdvancedProperty(key, returnValueIfNotFound) )).get(0); } public List<String> getMultipleLocalizedStrings(String bundleIdentifier, List<AdvancedProperty> multipleRequiredLocalizations) { List<String> defaultValues = getDefaultValues(multipleRequiredLocalizations); if (ListUtil.isEmpty(multipleRequiredLocalizations)) { return defaultValues; } IWBundle bundle = getBundle(bundleIdentifier); if (bundle == null) { getLogger().warning("Bundle was not found by identifier: ".concat(bundleIdentifier)); return defaultValues; } IWResourceBundle iwrb = getResourceBundle(bundle); if (iwrb == null) { getLogger().warning("Unable to resolve resource bundle from bundle: " + bundle); return defaultValues; } List<String> localizations = new ArrayList<String>(multipleRequiredLocalizations.size()); for (AdvancedProperty localizationRequest: multipleRequiredLocalizations) { localizations.add(iwrb.getLocalizedString(localizationRequest.getId(), localizationRequest.getValue())); } return localizations; } private List<String> getDefaultValues(List<AdvancedProperty> parameters) { if (ListUtil.isEmpty(parameters)) { return null; } List<String> defaultValues = new ArrayList<String>(parameters.size()); for (AdvancedProperty parameter: parameters) { defaultValues.add(parameter.getValue()); } return defaultValues; } public boolean sendEmail(String from, String to, String subject, String message) { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(subject) || StringUtil.isEmpty(message)) { getLogger().warning("Subject or/and message not provided, unable to send a message:\n" + message); return false; } // Printing errors to console if (isDevelopementState()) { getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "To: " + to + "\n" + "From: " + from + "\n" + "Subject: " + subject + "\n" + "Message: " + message); return Boolean.TRUE; } from = StringUtil.isEmpty(from) ? "" : from; to = StringUtil.isEmpty(to) ? IWMainApplication.getDefaultIWMainApplication().getSettings().getProperty("js_error_mail_to", "") : to; if (StringUtil.isEmpty(to)) { getLogger().warning("Receiver is unknown! Unable to send a message:\n" + message); return false; } String host = IWMainApplication.getDefaultIWMainApplication().getSettings().getProperty(CoreConstants.PROP_SYSTEM_SMTP_MAILSERVER); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(host)) { getLogger().warning("Mail server host is unknown, unable to send a message:\n" + message); return false; } String userName = "Not logged in"; IWContext iwc = CoreUtil.getIWContext(); if (iwc != null && iwc.isLoggedOn()) { userName = iwc.getCurrentUser().getName(); } message.concat("\nUser: ").concat(userName); final String fromAddress = from; final String toAddress = to; final String hostName = host; final String sbjct = subject; final String msg = message; Thread sender = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { SendMail.send(fromAddress, toAddress, null, null, hostName, sbjct, msg); } catch(Exception e) { getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Error while sending email (".concat(msg).concat(") to: ").concat(toAddress), e); } } }); sender.start(); return true; } public boolean logOut() { IWContext iwc = CoreUtil.getIWContext(); if (iwc == null) { getLogger().warning(IWContext.class.getName() + " is not available!"); return false; } if (!iwc.isLoggedOn()) { getLogger().warning("User is not logged in!"); return false; } LoginBusinessBean loginBusiness = null; try { loginBusiness = LoginBusinessBean.getLoginBusinessBean(iwc.getRequest().getSession(false)); } catch (Exception e) { getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Error getting LoginBusiness", e); } if (loginBusiness == null) return false; return loginBusiness.logOutUser(iwc); } private Boolean latestNavigationUsed = Boolean.TRUE; public Boolean isLatestNavigationUsed() { latestNavigationUsed = getApplication().getSettings().getBoolean("html5_navigation", Boolean.FALSE); return latestNavigationUsed; } public Boolean isLoggedIn() { IWContext iwc = CoreUtil.getIWContext(); if (iwc == null) return Boolean.FALSE; try { return iwc.isLoggedOn(); } catch (Exception e) { getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Error while checking if user is logged in", e); } return Boolean.FALSE; } public String getApplicationProperty(String name) { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(name)) return null; return getApplication().getSettings().getProperty(name); } public Boolean getBooleanApplicationProperty(String name, boolean defaultValue) { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(name)) return false; return getApplication().getSettings().getBoolean(name, defaultValue); } public String getAutoLoginUri(String personalId, String uri) { if (!getApplication().getSettings().getBoolean("provide_auto_login", Boolean.FALSE)) { getLogger().warning("Auto login URI can not be provided for a user by personal ID: " + personalId); return null; } if (StringUtil.isEmpty(personalId)) { getLogger().warning("Personal ID is not provided"); return null; } if (StringUtil.isEmpty(uri)) { getLogger().warning("URI is not provided - can not construct auto login URI"); return null; } logOut(); User user = null; UserBusiness userBusiness = getServiceInstance(UserBusiness.class); try { user = userBusiness.getUser(personalId); } catch (RemoteException e) { getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Error getting user by personal ID: " + personalId, e); } catch (FinderException e) {} if (user == null) { getLogger().warning("User was not found by provided personal ID: " + personalId); return null; } URIUtil uriUtil = new URIUtil(uri); String uniqueId = user.getUniqueId(); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(uniqueId)) { uniqueId = IdGeneratorFactory.getUUIDGenerator().generateId(); user.setUniqueId(uniqueId);; } uriUtil.setParameter(LoginBusinessBean.PARAM_LOGIN_BY_UNIQUE_ID, uniqueId); uriUtil.setParameter(LoginBusinessBean.LoginStateParameter, LoginBusinessBean.LOGIN_EVENT_LOGIN); return uriUtil.getUri(); } public String getFirstDayOfCurrentMonth(boolean showTime) { return getLocalizedDate(getFirstDay(showTime), getCurrentLocale(), showTime); } public static final String getLocalizedDate(IWTimestamp date, Locale locale, boolean showTime) { return showTime ? date.getLocaleDateAndTime(locale, IWTimestamp.SHORT, IWTimestamp.SHORT) : date.getLocaleDate(locale, IWTimestamp.SHORT); } public static final IWTimestamp getFirstDay(boolean showTime) { IWTimestamp currentTime = IWTimestamp.RightNow(); currentTime.setDay(1); if (showTime) { currentTime.setHour(0); currentTime.setMinute(0); currentTime.setSecond(0); } return currentTime; } public static final IWTimestamp getLastDay(boolean showTime) { IWTimestamp date = getFirstDay(showTime); date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + 1); date.setDay(date.getDay() - 1); if (showTime) { date.setHour(23); date.setMinute(59); date.setSecond(59); } return date; } public String getLastDayOfCurrentMonth(boolean showTime) { return getLocalizedDate(getLastDay(showTime), getCurrentLocale(), showTime); } public boolean setActiveRole(String sessionId, String role, HttpSession session) { if (session == null || StringUtil.isEmpty(role) || StringUtil.isEmpty(sessionId)) { return false; } if (!sessionId.equals(session.getId())) { return false; } session.setAttribute(CoreConstants.ACTIVE_ROLE, role); return true; } public boolean setSessionProperty(String sessionId, String name, String property, HttpSession session) { if (session == null || StringUtil.isEmpty(name) || StringUtil.isEmpty(property) || StringUtil.isEmpty(sessionId)) { return false; } if (!sessionId.equals(session.getId())) { return false; } session.setAttribute(name, property); return true; } public boolean isDateEarlierThan(String date, String dateToCompare) { Locale locale = getCurrentLocale(); Date date1 = IWDatePickerHandler.getParsedDate(date, locale); Date date2 = IWDatePickerHandler.getParsedDate(dateToCompare, locale); if (date1 == null || date2 == null) { return false; } return date1.before(date2); } }