package com.idega.presentation; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.DefaultSingleSelectionModel; import javax.swing.SingleSelectionModel; import javax.swing.SwingConstants; import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent; import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener; import com.idega.event.IWLinkEvent; import com.idega.event.IWLinkListener; import com.idega.presentation.plaf.GenericTabbedPaneUI; import com.idega.presentation.plaf.IWTabbedPaneUI; import com.idega.presentation.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Form; import com.idega.util.Disposable; /** * Title: idegaWeb project * Description: * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 * Company: * * @author * @version 1.0 */ public class IWTabbedPane extends Table implements SwingConstants, Disposable { private static final String uiClassID = "IWTabbedPaneUI"; protected int tabPlacement = TOP; protected SingleSelectionModel model; protected ChangeListener changeListener = null; public Vector pages; private GenericTabbedPaneUI.GenericTabPagePresentation currentPage; protected ChangeEvent changeEvent = null; private static String TabbedPaneAttributeString = "-IWTabbedPane"; private String attributeString; private boolean justConstructed; private IWTabbedPaneUI ui; public IWTabbedPane() { this(TOP); } public IWTabbedPane(int tabPlacement) { super(1, 3); this.setCellpadding(0); this.setCellspacing(0); setHeight(2, 5); setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); setBorder(0); setTabPlacement(tabPlacement); this.pages = new Vector(1); setModel(new DefaultSingleSelectionModel()); getModel().addChangeListener(this.createChangeListener()); setUI(new BasicTabbedPaneUI()); this.currentPage = (GenericTabbedPaneUI.GenericTabPagePresentation) this.getUI().getTabPagePresentation(); this.addTabePage(this.currentPage); this.justConstructed = true; } public static IWTabbedPane getInstance(String key, IWContext iwc, int tabPlacement) { Object obj = iwc.getSessionAttribute(key + TabbedPaneAttributeString); if (obj != null && obj instanceof IWTabbedPane) { IWTabbedPane TabbedPaneObj = (IWTabbedPane) obj; TabbedPaneObj.justConstructed(false); return TabbedPaneObj; } else { IWTabbedPane tempTab = new IWTabbedPane(tabPlacement); iwc.setSessionAttribute(key + TabbedPaneAttributeString, tempTab); tempTab.setAttributeString(key + TabbedPaneAttributeString); return tempTab; } } public boolean justConstructed() { return this.justConstructed; } public void justConstructed(boolean justConstructed) { this.justConstructed = justConstructed; } public String getAttributesString() { return this.attributeString; } public void setAttributeString(String attributeString) { this.attributeString = attributeString; } public void dispose(IWContext iwc) { iwc.getSession().removeAttribute(this.attributeString); PresentationObject[] obs = this.getAddedTabs(); for (int i = 0; i < obs.length; i++) { if (obs[i] instanceof Disposable) { ((Disposable) obs[i]).dispose(iwc); } } Vector evetLinks = this.getUI().getTabPresentation().getAddedTabs(); if (evetLinks != null) { for (int i = 0; i < evetLinks.size(); i++) { ((Link) evetLinks.get(i)).endEvent(iwc); } } } public static IWTabbedPane getInstance(String key, IWContext iwc) { return getInstance(key, iwc, TOP); } public IWTabbedPaneUI getUI() { return this.ui; } public void setUI(IWTabbedPaneUI ui) { this.ui = ui; updateUI(); } public void updateUI() { this.currentPage = (GenericTabbedPaneUI.GenericTabPagePresentation) this.getUI().getTabPagePresentation(); } public String getUIClassID() { return uiClassID; } protected class ModelListener implements ChangeListener { public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { fireStateChanged(); } } protected class LinkListener implements IWLinkListener { public void actionPerformed(IWLinkEvent e) { setSelectedIndex(getUI().getTabPresentation().getAddedTabs().indexOf(e.getSource())); } } protected IWLinkListener createLinkListener() { return new LinkListener(); } protected ChangeListener createChangeListener() { return new ModelListener(); } public void addChangeListener(ChangeListener l) { getEventListenerList().add(ChangeListener.class, l); } public void removeChangeListener(ChangeListener l) { getEventListenerList().remove(ChangeListener.class, l); } protected void fireStateChanged() { // Guaranteed to return a non-null array Object[] listeners = getEventListenerList().getListenerList(); // Process the listeners last to first, notifying // those that are interested in this event for (int i = listeners.length - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2) { if (listeners[i] == ChangeListener.class) { // Lazily create the event: if (this.changeEvent == null) { this.changeEvent = new ChangeEvent(this); } ((ChangeListener) listeners[i + 1]).stateChanged(this.changeEvent); } } } public SingleSelectionModel getModel() { return this.model; } public void setModel(SingleSelectionModel model) { SingleSelectionModel oldModel = getModel(); if (oldModel != null) { oldModel.removeChangeListener(this.changeListener); this.changeListener = null; } this.model = model; if (model != null) { this.changeListener = createChangeListener(); model.addChangeListener(this.changeListener); } firePropertyChange("model", oldModel, model); } /** * unimplemented * @todo implement */ public void firePropertyChange(String key, SingleSelectionModel oldModel, SingleSelectionModel model) { } public int getTabPlacement() { return this.tabPlacement; } public void setTabPlacement(int tabPlacement) { if (tabPlacement != TOP && tabPlacement != LEFT && tabPlacement != BOTTOM && tabPlacement != RIGHT) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal tab placement: must be TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT, or RIGHT"); } if (this.tabPlacement != tabPlacement) { int oldValue = this.tabPlacement; this.tabPlacement = tabPlacement; firePropertyChange("tabPlacement", oldValue, tabPlacement); } } /** * unimplemented */ public void firePropertyChange(String Key, int oldValue, int tabPlacement) { //TODO implement } public int getSelectedIndex() { return this.model.getSelectedIndex(); } public void setSelectedIndex(int index) { this.model.setSelectedIndex(index); this.currentPage.empty(); this.currentPage.add(this.getComponentAt(this.getSelectedIndex())); this.getUI().getTabPresentation().setSelectedIndex(this.getSelectedIndex()); } public PresentationObject getSelectedComponent() { int index = getSelectedIndex(); if (index == -1) { return null; } return getComponentAt(index); } public void setSelectedComponent(PresentationObject c) { int index = indexOfComponent(c); if (index != -1) { setSelectedIndex(index); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("moduleobject not found in tabbed pane"); } } public void insertTab(String title, PresentationObject moduleobject, int index, IWContext iwc) { int i; if (moduleobject != null && (i = indexOfComponent(moduleobject)) != -1) { removeTabAt(i); } this.pages.insertElementAt(new Page(this, title != null ? title : " --- ", moduleobject, iwc), index); if (this.pages.size() == 1) { setSelectedIndex(0); } this.getUI().getTabPresentation().add(((Page) this.pages.elementAt(index)).getTabLink(), index); } public void removeTabAt(int index) { // If we are removing the currently selected tab AND // it happens to be the last tab in the bunch, then // select the previous tab int tabCount = getTabCount(); int selected = getSelectedIndex(); if (selected >= (tabCount - 1)) { setSelectedIndex(selected - 1); } this.pages.removeElementAt(index); } public boolean remove(PresentationObject moduleobject) { int index = indexOfComponent(moduleobject); if (index != -1) { removeTabAt(index); } return (true); } public void remove(int index) { removeTabAt(index); } public void removeAll() { setSelectedIndex(-1); int tabCount = getTabCount(); for (int i = 0; i < tabCount; i++) { PresentationObject moduleobject = getComponentAt(i); // Reset visibility if (moduleobject != null) { // moduleobject.setVisible(true); } } this.pages.removeAllElements(); } public int getTabCount() { return this.pages.size(); } public PresentationObject[] getAddedTabs() { PresentationObject obj[] = new PresentationObject[this.pages.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < this.pages.size(); i++) { obj[i] = ((Page) this.pages.get(i)).content; } return obj; } public int getTabRunCount() { if (this.ui != null) { // return ((IWTabbedPaneUI)ui).getTabRunCount(this); } return 0; } // Getters for the Pages public String getTitleAt(int index) { return ((Page) this.pages.elementAt(index)).title; } public PresentationObject getComponentAt(int index) { return ((Page) this.pages.elementAt(index)).content; } // Setters for the Pages public void setTitleAt(int index, String title) { String oldTitle = ((Page) this.pages.elementAt(index)).title; ((Page) this.pages.elementAt(index)).title = title; if (title == null || oldTitle == null || !title.equals(oldTitle)) { } } public int indexOfTab(String title) { for (int i = 0; i < getTabCount(); i++) { if (getTitleAt(i).equals(title == null ? "" : title)) { return i; } } return -1; } public int indexOfComponent(PresentationObject moduleobject) { for (int i = 0; i < getTabCount(); i++) { PresentationObject c = getComponentAt(i); if ((c != null && c.equals(moduleobject)) || (c == null && c == moduleobject)) { return i; } } return -1; } private class Page { String title; PresentationObject content; Link tabLink; public Page(IWTabbedPane parent, String title, PresentationObject content, IWContext iwc) { this.title = title; this.content = content; this.UpdateUI(getUI(), iwc); } public void UpdateUI(IWTabbedPaneUI ui, IWContext iwc) { this.tabLink = ui.getTabPresentation().getTabLink(this.content); this.tabLink.addIWLinkListener(createLinkListener(), iwc); this.needsUIUpdate(false); } public void needsUIUpdate(boolean update) { } public Link getTabLink() { return this.tabLink; } } // InnerClass Page private void addTabs(PresentationObject obj) { this.add(obj, 1, 1); } private void addTabePage(PresentationObject obj) { this.add(obj, 1, 3); } public void setTabsToFormSubmit(Form form) { Vector tabs = getUI().getTabPresentation().getAddedTabs(); if (tabs != null) { for (int i = 0; i < tabs.size(); i++) { ((Link) tabs.get(i)).setToFormSubmit(form, true); } } getUI().getTabPresentation().setForm(form); } public void main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { if (this.getUI().getTabPresentation() instanceof PresentationObject && this.justConstructed()) { addTabs((PresentationObject) this.getUI().getTabPresentation()); } } } /** * @todo Kalla � TabPagePresentation hlut fr� ui-inu og setja vi�eigani s��u � * hann. * * @todo Selecta vi�eigandi hlut og l�ta TabPresentatnion vita. Nota alltaf * sama TabPresentation hlutinn en kalla � fireStateChange() falli�. * adda � Tabpresentationhlutinn um lei� og hlut er adda� � TabbedPane. Veldur * vandr��um ef a� skipta � um UI �v� �� �arf a� adda �llu � TabPresentation aftur. * * @todo stroka �t setBorder � Table */