/* * A CCNx library test. * * Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013 Palo Alto Research Center, Inc. * * This work is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package org.ccnx.ccn.protocol; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Random; import junit.framework.Assert; import org.ccnx.ccn.impl.support.DataUtils; import org.ccnx.ccn.impl.support.Log; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.CCNTime; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; /** * Test CCN quantized time wrapper. */ public class CCNTimeTest { static int NUM_RUNS = 10; static Random random = new Random(); static Timestamp early, middle, late; static Date dearly, dmiddle, dlate; /** * @throws java.lang.Exception */ @BeforeClass public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception { dearly = new Date(); early = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); Thread.sleep(10); dmiddle = new Date(); middle = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); Thread.sleep(10); dlate = new Date(); late = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); } /** * Test method for CCNTime#setTime(long). */ @Test public void testSetTime() { Log.info(Log.FAC_TEST, "Starting testSetTime"); for (int i=0; i < NUM_RUNS; ++i) { Timestamp e2 = new Timestamp(early.getTime()); e2.setNanos(early.getNanos()); Assert.assertEquals(early, e2); CCNTime c2 = new CCNTime(e2); Assert.assertTrue(timestampEquals(e2, c2)); Assert.assertTrue(c2.equals(e2)); long newTime = e2.getTime() + random.nextInt(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7); // up to a week e2.setTime(newTime); c2.setTime(newTime); Assert.assertTrue(timestampEquals(e2, c2)); Assert.assertTrue(c2.equals(e2)); testTimestamp(c2, e2); } Log.info(Log.FAC_TEST, "Completed testSetTime"); } /** * Test method for CCNTime#setNanos(int). */ @Test public void testSetNanos() { Log.info(Log.FAC_TEST, "Starting testSetNanos"); for (int i=0; i < NUM_RUNS; ++i) { Timestamp e2 = new Timestamp(early.getTime()); e2.setNanos(early.getNanos()); Assert.assertEquals(early, e2); CCNTime c2 = new CCNTime(e2); Assert.assertTrue(timestampEquals(e2, c2)); Assert.assertTrue(c2.equals(e2)); // 999877929 is the highest value that doesn't quantize over the Timestamp limit of 999999999 int newNanos = random.nextInt(CCNTime.NANOS_MAX); e2.setNanos(newNanos); c2.setNanos(newNanos); Assert.assertTrue(timestampEquals(e2, c2)); Assert.assertTrue(c2.equals(e2)); testTimestamp(c2, e2); } Log.info(Log.FAC_TEST, "Completed testSetNanos"); } /** * Test method for CCNTime#CCNTime(long). */ @Test public void testCCNTimeLong() { Log.info(Log.FAC_TEST, "Starting testCCNTimeLong"); for (int i=0; i < NUM_RUNS; ++i) { long msec = System.currentTimeMillis(); CCNTime t1 = new CCNTime(msec); Timestamp ts1 = new Timestamp(msec); testTimestamp(t1, ts1); } Log.info(Log.FAC_TEST, "Completed testCCNTimeLong"); } /** * Test method for CCNTime#CCNTime(java.sql.Timestamp). */ @Test public void testCCNTimeTimestamp() { Log.info(Log.FAC_TEST, "Starting testCCNTimeTimestamp"); for (int i=0; i < NUM_RUNS; ++i) { Timestamp ts2 = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); ts2.setNanos(random.nextInt(10000000)); CCNTime t2 = new CCNTime(ts2); testTimestamp(t2, ts2); } Log.info(Log.FAC_TEST, "Completed testCCNTimeTimestamp"); } /** * Test method for CCNTime#CCNTime(java.util.Date). */ @Test public void testCCNTimeDate() { Log.info(Log.FAC_TEST, "Starting testCCNTimeDate"); for (int i=0; i < NUM_RUNS; ++i) { Date now = new Date(); CCNTime timeNow = new CCNTime(now); Timestamp tsn = new Timestamp(now.getTime()); testTimestamp(timeNow, tsn); } Log.info(Log.FAC_TEST, "Completed testCCNTimeDate"); } /** * Test method for CCNTime#CCNTime(). */ @Test public void testCCNTime() { Log.info(Log.FAC_TEST, "Starting testCCNTime"); for (int i=0; i < NUM_RUNS; ++i) { CCNTime now = new CCNTime(); Timestamp tn = new Timestamp(now.getTime()); tn.setNanos(now.getNanos()); testTimestamp(now, tn); } // Sample problem case long msec = 1252088415990L; CCNTime m = new CCNTime(msec); Timestamp tm = new Timestamp(msec); Timestamp tn = new Timestamp(m.getTime()); tn.setNanos(m.getNanos()); Timestamp rm = roundTimestamp(tm); testTimestamp(m, tm); testTimestamp(m, rm); testTimestamp(m, tn); Log.info(Log.FAC_TEST, "Completed testCCNTime"); } /** * Test method for CCNTime#compareTo(java.util.Date). */ @Test public void testCompareToDate() { Log.info(Log.FAC_TEST, "Starting testCompareToDate"); CCNTime ce = new CCNTime(dearly); CCNTime cm = new CCNTime(dmiddle); CCNTime cl = new CCNTime(dlate); Assert.assertTrue(ce.compareTo(dmiddle) < 0); Assert.assertTrue(ce.compareTo(dlate) < 0); Assert.assertTrue(cm.compareTo(dearly) > 0); Assert.assertTrue(cm.compareTo(dlate) < 0); Assert.assertTrue(cl.compareTo(dearly) > 0); Assert.assertTrue(cl.compareTo(dmiddle) > 0); // Can't compare the other way. Date.compareTo returning 1 for all targets, whether CCNTime or Timestamp. Only works on other Dates Log.info(Log.FAC_TEST, "Completed testCompareToDate"); } /** * Test method for CCNTime#compareTo(java.sql.Timestamp). */ @Test public void testCompareToTimestamp() { Log.info(Log.FAC_TEST, "Starting testCompareToTimestamp"); CCNTime ce = new CCNTime(early); CCNTime cm = new CCNTime(middle); CCNTime cl = new CCNTime(late); Assert.assertTrue(ce.compareTo(middle) < 0); Assert.assertTrue(ce.compareTo(late) < 0); Assert.assertTrue(cm.compareTo(early) > 0); Assert.assertTrue(cm.compareTo(late) < 0); Assert.assertTrue(cl.compareTo(early) > 0); Assert.assertTrue(cl.compareTo(middle) > 0); Assert.assertTrue(early.compareTo(cm) < 0); Assert.assertTrue(early.compareTo(cl) < 0); Assert.assertTrue(middle.compareTo(ce) > 0); Assert.assertTrue(middle.compareTo(cl) < 0); Assert.assertTrue(late.compareTo(ce) > 0); Assert.assertTrue(late.compareTo(cm) > 0); Log.info(Log.FAC_TEST, "Completed testCompareToTimestamp"); } /** * Test method for CCNTime#before(java.sql.Timestamp) and CCNTime#after(java.sql.Timestamp). */ @Test public void testBeforeAfterTimestamp() { Log.info(Log.FAC_TEST, "Starting testBeforeAfterTimestamp"); CCNTime ce = new CCNTime(early); CCNTime cm = new CCNTime(middle); CCNTime cl = new CCNTime(late); Assert.assertTrue(ce.before(middle)); Assert.assertTrue(ce.before(late)); Assert.assertTrue(cm.after(early)); Assert.assertTrue(cm.before(late)); Assert.assertTrue(cl.after(early)); Assert.assertTrue(cl.after(middle)); Assert.assertTrue(early.before(cm)); Assert.assertTrue(early.before(cl)); Assert.assertTrue(middle.after(ce)); Assert.assertTrue(middle.before(cl)); Assert.assertTrue(late.after(ce)); Assert.assertTrue(late.after(cm)); Log.info(Log.FAC_TEST, "Completed testBeforeAfterTimestamp"); } /** * Test method for CCNTime#before(java.util.Date) and CCNTime#after(java.util.Date). */ @Test public void testBeforeAfterDate() { Log.info(Log.FAC_TEST, "Starting testBeforeAfterDate"); CCNTime ce = new CCNTime(dearly); CCNTime cm = new CCNTime(dmiddle); CCNTime cl = new CCNTime(dlate); Assert.assertTrue(ce.before(dmiddle)); Assert.assertTrue(ce.before(dlate)); Assert.assertTrue(cm.after(dearly)); Assert.assertTrue(cm.before(dlate)); Assert.assertTrue(cl.after(dearly)); Assert.assertTrue(cl.after(dmiddle)); // Date's comparisons not happy with timestamps Log.info(Log.FAC_TEST, "Completed testBeforeAfterDate"); } /** * Test method for CCNTime#now(). */ @Test public void testNow() { Log.info(Log.FAC_TEST, "Starting testNow"); for (int i=0; i < NUM_RUNS; ++i) { CCNTime now = CCNTime.now(); Timestamp tn = new Timestamp(now.getTime()); tn.setNanos(now.getNanos()); testTimestamp(now, tn); } Log.info(Log.FAC_TEST, "Completed testNow"); } @Test public void testBinaryArray() throws Exception { Log.info(Log.FAC_TEST, "Starting testBinaryArray"); long v0 = 0x7FFFFF; byte [] b0 = new byte [] {(byte) 0x7F, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF}; CCNTime t0 = CCNTime.fromBinaryTimeAsLong(v0); byte [] x0 = t0.toBinaryTime(); Assert.assertTrue(java.util.Arrays.equals(b0, x0)); long v1 = 0x80FFFF; byte [] b1 = new byte [] {(byte) 0x80, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF}; CCNTime t1 = CCNTime.fromBinaryTimeAsLong(v1); byte [] x1 = t1.toBinaryTime(); Assert.assertTrue(java.util.Arrays.equals(b1, x1)); Log.info(Log.FAC_TEST, "Completed testBinaryArray"); } public void testTimestamp(CCNTime ccnTime, Timestamp compareTS) { Timestamp rounded = roundTimestamp(compareTS); Assert.assertTrue(timestampEquals(compareTS, rounded)); Assert.assertTrue(timestampEquals(rounded, ccnTime)); Assert.assertEquals(rounded, ccnTime); Assert.assertTrue(timestampEquals(compareTS, ccnTime)); long ts12 = timestampToBinaryTime12AsLong(compareTS); long r12 = timestampToBinaryTime12AsLong(rounded); long c12 = timestampToBinaryTime12AsLong(ccnTime); long c12t = ccnTime.toBinaryTimeAsLong(); Assert.assertEquals(ts12, r12); Assert.assertEquals(ts12, c12); Assert.assertEquals(ts12, c12t); byte [] tsb12 = timestampToBinaryTime12(compareTS); byte [] rb12 = timestampToBinaryTime12(rounded); byte [] cb12 = timestampToBinaryTime12(ccnTime); byte [] cb12t = ccnTime.toBinaryTime(); Assert.assertTrue(Arrays.equals(tsb12, rb12)); Assert.assertTrue(Arrays.equals(tsb12, cb12)); Assert.assertTrue(Arrays.equals(tsb12, cb12t)); CCNTime cfb = new CCNTime(cb12t); Assert.assertEquals(cfb, ccnTime); CCNTime cfl = CCNTime.fromBinaryTimeAsLong(c12); Assert.assertEquals(cfl, ccnTime); } /** * Old static quantized time interface. Move here as "ground truth", as we * know it is compatible with the C side; use it to test against. */ /** * Converts a timestamp into a fixed point representation, with 12 bits in the fractional * component, and adds this to the ContentName as a version field. The timestamp is rounded * to the nearest value in the fixed point representation. * <p> * This allows versions to be recorded as a timestamp with a 1/4096 second accuracy. */ public static byte [] timestampToBinaryTime12(Timestamp timestamp) { long timeVal = timestampToBinaryTime12AsLong(timestamp); return BigInteger.valueOf(timeVal).toByteArray(); } public static long timestampToBinaryTime12AsLong(Timestamp timestamp) { long binaryTime12AsLong = (timestamp.getTime() / 1000) * 4096L + (timestamp.getNanos() * 4096L + 500000000L) / 1000000000L; return binaryTime12AsLong; } public static Timestamp binaryTime12ToTimestamp(byte [] binaryTime12) { if ((null == binaryTime12) || (binaryTime12.length == 0)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid binary time!"); } else if (binaryTime12.length > 6) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Time unacceptably far in the future, can't decode: " + DataUtils.printHexBytes(binaryTime12)); } long time = new BigInteger(binaryTime12).longValue(); Timestamp ts = binaryTime12ToTimestamp(time); return ts; } public static Timestamp binaryTime12ToTimestamp(long binaryTime12AsLong) { Timestamp ts = new Timestamp((binaryTime12AsLong / 4096L) * 1000L); ts.setNanos((int)(((binaryTime12AsLong % 4096L) * 1000000000L) / 4096L)); return ts; } /** * Compare timestamps taking into account the resolution lost in the conversion above. */ public static boolean timestampEquals(Timestamp t1, Timestamp t2) { long timeVal1 = CCNTimeTest.timestampToBinaryTime12AsLong(t1); long timeVal2 = CCNTimeTest.timestampToBinaryTime12AsLong(t2); return (timeVal1 == timeVal2); } /** * Rounding function for timestamps. */ public static Timestamp roundTimestamp(Timestamp origTimestamp) { long binaryTime12AsLong = timestampToBinaryTime12AsLong(origTimestamp); Timestamp ts = binaryTime12ToTimestamp(binaryTime12AsLong); return ts; } }