/* * Part of the CCNx Java Library. * * Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Palo Alto Research Center, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received * a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; * if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ package org.ccnx.ccn.impl.encoding; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.util.logging.Level; import org.ccnx.ccn.impl.support.DataUtils; import org.ccnx.ccn.impl.support.Log; /** * The ccnb compressed binary XML codec. This class contains utility functions used by * BinaryXMLEncoder and BinaryXMLDecoder as well as setup to use this codec with XMLCodecFactory. * * Ccnb encoding uses a dictionary to turn tag and attribute names into short * binary identifiers, and uses a compressed encoding for those identifiers and the lengths * of atomic UTF-8 and binary data. For easy encoding & decoding there are no lengths of elements; * this means encoding can be done as a single pass because the length of an encoded child * element does not need to be known in order to write the start of the parent element. * * The possible type tags: * - dtag: binary tag encoded using a dictionary * - dattr: binary attribute encoded using a dictionary * - tag: UTF-8 encoded tag not found in dictionary * - attribute: UTF-8 encoded attribute not found in dictionary * - utf8 string * - binary data * * See the protocol documentation for more details of the ccnb format. */ public final class BinaryXMLCodec implements XMLCodec { /** * Class for managing the paired type/value representation used to encode tags * and content lengths. */ public final static class TypeAndVal { protected int _type; protected long _val; public TypeAndVal(int type, long val) { _type = type; _val = val; } int type() { return _type; } long val() { return _val; } } public static final String CODEC_NAME = "Binary"; /** * Values encoded in type and value composites. **/ /** * // starts composite extension - value is subtype */ public static final byte XML_EXT = 0x00; /** * // starts composite - value is tagnamelen-1 */ public static final byte XML_TAG = 0x01; /** * // starts composite - value is tagdict index */ public static final byte XML_DTAG = 0x02; /** * // attribute - value is attrnamelen-1, attribute value follows */ public static final byte XML_ATTR = 0x03; /** * // attribute value is attrdict index */ public static final byte XML_DATTR = 0x04; /** * // opaque binary data - value is byte count */ public static final byte XML_BLOB = 0x05; /** * // UTF-8 encoded character data - value is byte count */ public static final byte XML_UDATA = 0x06; /** * // end element */ public static final byte XML_CLOSE = 0x0; /** * // <?name:U value:U?> */ public static final byte XML_SUBTYPE_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTIONS = 16; /** * Masks for bitwise processing. Java's bitwise operations operate * on ints, so save effort of promotion. */ public static final int XML_TT_BITS = 3; public static final int XML_TT_MASK = ((1 << XML_TT_BITS) - 1); public static final int XML_TT_VAL_BITS = XML_TT_BITS + 1; public static final int XML_TT_VAL_MASK = ((1 << (XML_TT_VAL_BITS)) - 1); public static final int XML_REG_VAL_BITS = 7; public static final int XML_REG_VAL_MASK = ((1 << XML_REG_VAL_BITS) - 1); public static final int XML_TT_NO_MORE = (1 << XML_REG_VAL_BITS); // 0x80 public static final int BYTE_MASK = 0xFF; public static final int LONG_BYTES = 8; public static final int LONG_BITS = 64; private static final long bits_11 = 0x0000007FFL; private static final long bits_18 = 0x00003FFFFL; private static final long bits_32 = 0x0FFFFFFFFL; /** * The name of this codec. Used to generate XMLEncoder and XMLDecoder instances with XMLCodecFactory. * @return the codec name. */ public final static String codecName() { return CODEC_NAME; } /** * Encode a type identifier (from the set listed above) and an integer value * together in a composite encoding. * Value is encoded in the first several bytes; with the tag encoded in the * last three bits. The encoding of value is variable length in the bottom * 7 bits of every byte except for the last one, where it is in the next to top * 4 bits; the high order bit is set on every byte where there are more bytes * to follow. * * @param type the type value to encode * @param val Positive integer, potentially of any length, allow only longs * here. * @param buf the buffer to encode into * @param offset the offset into buf at which to start encoding * @return the number of bytes used to encode. * @deprecated Use encodeTypeAndVal(final int type, final long value, final OutputStream ostream) */ @Deprecated public static int encodeTypeAndVal(int type, long val, byte [] buf, int offset) { if ((type > XML_UDATA) || (type < 0) || (val < 0)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Tag and value must be positive, and tag valid."); } // Encode backwards. Calculate how many bytes we need: int numEncodingBytes = numEncodingBytes(val); if ((offset + numEncodingBytes) > buf.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Buffer space of " + (buf.length-offset) + " bytes insufficient to hold " + numEncodingBytes + " of encoded type and value."); } // Bottom 4 bits of val go in last byte with tag. buf[offset + numEncodingBytes - 1] = (byte)(BYTE_MASK & (((XML_TT_MASK & type) | ((XML_TT_VAL_MASK & val) << XML_TT_BITS))) | XML_TT_NO_MORE); // set top bit for last byte val = val >>> XML_TT_VAL_BITS;; // Rest of val goes into preceding bytes, 7 bits per byte, top bit // is "more" flag. int i = offset + numEncodingBytes - 2; while ((0 != val) && (i >= offset)) { buf[i] = (byte)(BYTE_MASK & (val & XML_REG_VAL_MASK)); // leave top bit unset val = val >>> XML_REG_VAL_BITS; --i; } if (val != 0) { Log.warning(Log.FAC_ENCODING, "This should not happen: miscalculated encoding length, have " + val + " left."); } return numEncodingBytes; } /** * Convenience method. Encodes type and val into fixed buffer using encodeTypeAndVal(int, long, byte [], int) * and returns the result. * @param type the type value to encode * @param val Positive integer, potentially of any length, allow only longs * here. * @return the encoded type and value * @deprecated Use encodeTypeAndVal(final int type, final long value, final OutputStream ostream) */ @Deprecated public static byte [] encodeTypeAndVal(int type, long val) { byte [] buf = new byte[numEncodingBytes(val)]; encodeTypeAndVal(type, val, buf, 0); return buf; } /** * Convenience method. Encodes type and val into output stream using encodeTypeAndVal(int, long, byte [], int) * and returns the number of bytes encoded. * @param tag the type value to encode * @param val Positive integer, potentially of any length, allow only longs * here. * @param ostream the stream to encode to * @return the number of bytes encoded */ public static int encodeTypeAndVal(final int type, final long value, final OutputStream ostream) throws IOException { /* We exploit the fact that encoding is done from the right, so this actually means there is a deterministic encoding from a long to a Type/Value pair: | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | |ABCD.EFGH|IJKL.MNOP|QRST.UVWX|YZ01.2345|6789.abcd|efgh.ijkl|mnop.qrst|uvwx.yz@# 60> 53> 46> 39> 32> 25> 18> 11> 4> |_000.ABCD|_EFG.HIJK|_LMN.OPQR|_STU.VWXY|_Z01.2345|_678.9abc|_defg.hij|_klm.nopq|_rst.uvwx|_yz@#___ What we want to do is compute the result in MSB order and write it directly to the channel without any intermediate form. */ int bits; int count = 0; // once we start writing bits, we keep writing bits even if they are "0" boolean writing = false; // a few heuristic to catch the small-bit length patterns if( value < 0 || value > 15 ) { int start = 60; if( 0 <= value ) { if( value < bits_11 ) start = 4; else if( value < bits_18 ) start = 11; else if( value < bits_32 ) start = 25; } for( int i = start; i >= 4; i -= 7) { bits = (int) (value >>> i) & BinaryXMLCodec.XML_REG_VAL_MASK; if( bits != 0 || writing ) { ostream.write(bits); count++; writing = true; } } } // Explicit computation of the bottom byte bits = type & BinaryXMLCodec.XML_TT_MASK; final int bottom4 = (int) value & BinaryXMLCodec.XML_TT_VAL_MASK; bits |= bottom4 << BinaryXMLCodec.XML_TT_BITS; // the bottom byte always has the NO_MORE flag bits |= BinaryXMLCodec.XML_TT_NO_MORE; ostream.write(bits); count++; // byte [] encoding = encodeTypeAndVal(tag, val); // ostream.write(encoding); return count; } /** * Decodes a type and value pair from an InputStream. * @param istream stream to read from * @return a decoded type and value * @throws IOException if there is an error reading or decoding the type and value pair */ public static TypeAndVal decodeTypeAndVal(InputStream istream) throws IOException { int next; int type = -1; long val = 0; boolean more = true; do { next = istream.read(); if (next < 0) { return null; // at EOF } // If leading byte is 0, we are at an end marker, not a start marker; // last byte of TV will have type and high bit set. Previous bytes // are packed number representation, so leading 0 not legal. Either // error or we're just peeking. if ((0 == next) && (0 == val)) { return null; } more = (0 == (next & XML_TT_NO_MORE)); if (more) { val = val << XML_REG_VAL_BITS; val |= (next & XML_REG_VAL_MASK); } else { // last byte type = next & XML_TT_MASK; val = val << XML_TT_VAL_BITS; val |= ((next >>> XML_TT_BITS) & XML_TT_VAL_MASK); } } while (more); return new TypeAndVal(type, val); } /** * Decodes a type and value pair from an InputStream, and then resets that * stream at its original position. * @param istream stream to read from * @return a decoded type and value * @throws IOException if there is an error reading or decoding the type and value pair */ public static TypeAndVal peekTypeAndVal(InputStream istream) throws IOException { TypeAndVal tv = null; istream.mark(LONG_BYTES*2); try { tv = decodeTypeAndVal(istream); } finally { istream.reset(); } return tv; } /** * Helper method, return the number of significant bits of x. * * Deprecated; unused here, but left since it is public. * * @param x number we want to know bit length of * @return bit length of x */ public static int numbits(long x) { if (0 == x) return 0; return (LONG_BITS - Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(x)); } final static int ENCODING_LIMIT_1_BYTE = ((1 << (XML_TT_VAL_BITS)) - 1); final static int ENCODING_LIMIT_2_BYTES = ((1 << (XML_TT_VAL_BITS + XML_REG_VAL_BITS)) - 1); final static int ENCODING_LIMIT_3_BYTES = ((1 << (XML_TT_VAL_BITS + 2 * XML_REG_VAL_BITS)) - 1); public static int numEncodingBytes(long x) { if (x <= ENCODING_LIMIT_1_BYTE) return (1); if (x <= ENCODING_LIMIT_2_BYTES) return (2); if (x <= ENCODING_LIMIT_3_BYTES) return (3); int numbytes = 1; // Last byte gives you XML_TT_VAL_BITS // Remainder each give you XML_REG_VAL_BITS x = x >>> XML_TT_VAL_BITS; while (x != 0) { numbytes++; x = x >>> XML_REG_VAL_BITS; } return (numbytes); } /** * Decodes a binary blob (encoded binary content) from an InputStream. * Expects to read a XML_BLOB type marker, and then the data. Has to peek * to cope with 0-length blob. Inline the peek to avoid unneeded resets. * @param istream stream to read from * @return returns decoded blob (binary content) * @throws IOException if stream cannot be read, decoded or reset */ public static byte [] decodeBlob(InputStream istream) throws IOException { istream.mark(LONG_BYTES*2); TypeAndVal tv = decodeTypeAndVal(istream); if ((null == tv) || (XML_BLOB != tv.type())) { // if we just have closers left, will get back null if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_ENCODING, Level.FINEST)) Log.finest(Log.FAC_ENCODING, "Expected BLOB, got " + ((null == tv) ? " not a tag " : tv.type()) + ", assuming elided 0-length blob."); istream.reset(); return new byte[0]; } return decodeBlob(istream, (int)tv.val()); } /** * Decodes a binary blob (encoded binary content) from an InputStream * when we have already read the BLOB tag and length, and just need to read the content. * @param istream stream to read from * @param blobLength the length of the binary content to read in bytes * @return returns decoded blob (binary content) * @throws IOException if stream cannot be read or decoded */ public static byte [] decodeBlob(InputStream istream, int blobLength) throws IOException { byte [] bytes = new byte[blobLength]; int count = 0; while (true) { count += istream.read(bytes, count, (blobLength - count)); //Library.info("read "+count+" bytes out of "+blobLength+" in decodeBlob"); if (count < bytes.length) { //we couldn't read enough.. need to try to read all of the bytes //loop again... //should we add a max number of tries? } else if (count == bytes.length) { //we are done reading! return now. return bytes; } else { //we somehow read more than we should have... throw new IOException("Expected to read " + bytes.length + " bytes of data, read: " + count); } } } /** * Encodes a binary BLOB (binary content) to an output stream. * @param ostream the stream to write to * @param blob the binary content to write * @throws IOException if there is an error encoding or writing the data */ public static void encodeBlob(OutputStream ostream, byte [] blob) throws IOException { encodeBlob(ostream, blob, 0, ((null == blob) ? 0 : blob.length)); } /** * Encodes a binary BLOB (binary content) to an output stream. * @param ostream the stream to write to * @param blob the binary content to write * @param offset the offset into blob at which to start encoding data * @param length the number of bytes of blob to encode * @throws IOException if there is an error encoding or writing the data */ public static void encodeBlob(OutputStream ostream, byte [] blob, int offset, int length) throws IOException { // We elide the encoding of a 0-length blob if ((null == blob) || (length == 0)) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_ENCODING, Level.FINER)) Log.finer(Log.FAC_ENCODING, "Eliding 0-length blob."); return; } encodeTypeAndVal(XML_BLOB, length, ostream); ostream.write(blob, offset, length); } /** * Decodes a UTF-8 string element's content from an InputStream. * Expects to read a XML_UDATA type marker, and then the data. Has to peek * to cope with 0-length ustring. Inline the peek to avoid unneeded resets. * This will not decode a TAG or ATTR ustring. * @param istream stream to read from * @return returns decoded String * @throws IOException if stream cannot be read, decoded or reset */ public static String decodeUString(InputStream istream) throws IOException { istream.mark(LONG_BYTES*2); TypeAndVal tv = decodeTypeAndVal(istream); if ((null == tv) || (XML_UDATA != tv.type())) { // if we just have closers left, will get back null if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_ENCODING, Level.FINEST)) Log.finest(Log.FAC_ENCODING, "Expected UDATA, got " + ((null == tv) ? " not a tag " : tv.type()) + ", assuming elided 0-length blob."); istream.reset(); return ""; } return decodeUString(istream, (int)tv.val()); } /** * Decodes a UTF-8 string element's content from an InputStream * when we've read the type indicator (which could be UDATA, or TAG, or ATTR) * and just need to get the data. Assumes caller will cope with the fact that * TAGs and ATTRs have encoded lengths that are one byte shorter than their * actual data length, and that the length passed in here is actually the * length of data we should read. * @param istream stream to read from * @param byteLength length of element to read * @return returns the decoded String * @throws IOException if stream cannot be read or decoded */ public static String decodeUString(InputStream istream, int byteLength) throws IOException { byte [] stringBytes = decodeBlob(istream, byteLength); return DataUtils.getUTF8StringFromBytes(stringBytes); } /** * Encode a non-TAG, non-ATTR UString (UTF-8 String). * @param ostream stream to encode to * @param ustring String to encode * @throws IOException if there is an error encoding the data or writing to the stream */ public static void encodeUString(OutputStream ostream, String ustring) throws IOException { encodeUString(ostream, ustring, XML_UDATA); } /** * Encode the special case the UStrings that represent TAG and ATTR. * The lengths of these strings are represented as length-1, as they * can never be 0 length. The decrement is done here, rather than * in encodeTypeAndVal. * @param ostream the stream to encode to * @param ustring the String containing the TAG or ATTR value. If null or a zero length string is * passed in then nothing is written to the output. * @param type the type to encode (XML_TAG or XML_ATTR) * @throws IOException if there is an error encoding or writing the data **/ public static void encodeUString(OutputStream ostream, String ustring, byte type) throws IOException { // We elide the encoding of a 0-length UString if ((null == ustring) || (ustring.length() == 0)) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_ENCODING, Level.FINER)) Log.finer(Log.FAC_ENCODING, "Eliding 0-length UString."); return; } byte [] strBytes = DataUtils.getBytesFromUTF8String(ustring); encodeTypeAndVal(type, (((type == XML_TAG) || (type == XML_ATTR)) ? (strBytes.length-1) : strBytes.length), ostream); ostream.write(strBytes); } }