/* * A CCNx file proxy program. * * Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Palo Alto Research Center, Inc. * * This work is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package org.ccnx.ccn.apps.ccnfileproxy; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import org.ccnx.ccn.CCNHandle; import org.ccnx.ccn.CCNInterestHandler; import org.ccnx.ccn.config.ConfigurationException; import org.ccnx.ccn.impl.support.Log; import org.ccnx.ccn.io.CCNFileOutputStream; import org.ccnx.ccn.profiles.CommandMarker; import org.ccnx.ccn.profiles.SegmentationProfile; import org.ccnx.ccn.profiles.VersioningProfile; import org.ccnx.ccn.profiles.metadata.MetadataProfile; import org.ccnx.ccn.profiles.nameenum.NameEnumerationResponse; import org.ccnx.ccn.profiles.nameenum.NameEnumerationResponse.NameEnumerationResponseMessage; import org.ccnx.ccn.profiles.nameenum.NameEnumerationResponse.NameEnumerationResponseMessage.NameEnumerationResponseMessageObject; import org.ccnx.ccn.profiles.security.KeyProfile; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.CCNTime; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.ContentName; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.Exclude; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.ExcludeComponent; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.Interest; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.MalformedContentNameStringException; /** * CCNFileProxy is a file system proxy that makes files on the local system * available over the CCNx network. It takes a directory from which to serve files, * which it treats as the root of its content tree, and an optional ccnx URI * to serve as the prefix for that file content as represented in CCNx. * * For example, if you have a directory /foo in the file system, with the following * contents: * /foo/ * bar.txt * baz/ * box.txt * and you call CCNFileProxy /foo ccnx:/testprefix * * then asking for ccnx:/testprefix/bar.txt would return the file bar.txt (segmented * appropriately), and asking for ccnx:/testprefix/baz/box.txt would return box.txt. * The version for each file is set using the last modified information available from * the file system for the real file (but the file is re-signed every time you ask * for it from this server, so will result in slightly different pieces of content * with different signatures). The default prefix is ccnx:/, which means asking * for ccnx:/bar.txt would get you bar.txt. * * Future improvements: * - cache the original signing information so even if the * data falls out of ccnd's cache, you get the same signature information back, * - implement a NE responder to list files. * - signal handling * - logging level control from a command line argument * - move file writer to a separate thread */ public class CCNFileProxy implements CCNInterestHandler { static String DEFAULT_URI = "ccnx:/"; static int BUF_SIZE = 4096; protected boolean _finished = false; protected ContentName _prefix; protected String _filePrefix; protected File _rootDirectory; protected CCNHandle _handle; private ContentName _responseName = null; public static void usage() { System.err.println("usage: CCNFileProxy <file path to serve> [<ccn prefix URI> default: ccn:/]"); } public CCNFileProxy(String filePrefix, String ccnxURI) throws MalformedContentNameStringException, ConfigurationException, IOException { _prefix = ContentName.fromURI(ccnxURI); _filePrefix = filePrefix; _rootDirectory = new File(filePrefix); if (!_rootDirectory.exists()) { Log.severe("Cannot serve files from directory {0}: directory does not exist!", filePrefix); throw new IOException("Cannot serve files from directory " + filePrefix + ": directory does not exist!"); } _handle = CCNHandle.open(); //set response name for NE requests _responseName = KeyProfile.keyName(null, _handle.keyManager().getDefaultKeyID()); } public void start() throws IOException{ Log.info("Starting file proxy for " + _filePrefix + " on CCNx namespace " + _prefix + "..."); System.out.println("Starting file proxy for " + _filePrefix + " on CCNx namespace " + _prefix + "..."); // All we have to do is say that we're listening on our main prefix. _handle.registerFilter(_prefix, this); } public boolean handleInterest(Interest interest) { // Alright, we've gotten an interest. Either it's an interest for a stream we're // already reading, or it's a request for a new stream. Log.info("CCNFileProxy main responder: got new interest: {0}", interest); // Test to see if we need to respond to it. if (!_prefix.isPrefixOf(interest.name())) { Log.info("Unexpected: got an interest not matching our prefix (which is {0})", _prefix); return false; } // We see interests for all our segments, and the header. We want to only // handle interests for the first segment of a file, and not the first segment // of the header. Order tests so most common one (segments other than first, non-header) // fails first. if (SegmentationProfile.isSegment(interest.name()) && !SegmentationProfile.isFirstSegment(interest.name())) { Log.info("Got an interest for something other than a first segment, ignoring {0}.", interest.name()); return false; } else if (interest.name().contains(CommandMarker.COMMAND_MARKER_BASIC_ENUMERATION.getBytes())) { try { Log.info("Got a name enumeration request: {0}", interest); return nameEnumeratorResponse(interest); } catch (IOException e) { Log.warning("IOException generating name enumeration response to {0}: {1}: {2}", interest.name(), e.getClass().getName(), e.getMessage()); return false; } } else if (MetadataProfile.isHeader(interest.name())) { Log.info("Got an interest for the first segment of the header, ignoring {0}.", interest.name()); return false; } // Write the file try { return writeFile(interest); } catch (IOException e) { Log.warning("IOException writing file {0}: {1}: {2}", interest.name(), e.getClass().getName(), e.getMessage()); return false; } } protected File ccnNameToFilePath(ContentName name) { ContentName fileNamePostfix = name.postfix(_prefix); if (null == fileNamePostfix) { // Only happens if interest.name() is not a prefix of _prefix. Log.info("Unexpected: got an interest not matching our prefix (which is {0})", _prefix); return null; } File fileToWrite = new File(_rootDirectory, fileNamePostfix.toString()); Log.info("file postfix {0}, resulting path name {1}", fileNamePostfix, fileToWrite.getAbsolutePath()); return fileToWrite; } /** * Actually write the file; should probably run in a separate thread. * @param fileNamePostfix * @throws IOException */ protected boolean writeFile(Interest outstandingInterest) throws IOException { File fileToWrite = ccnNameToFilePath(outstandingInterest.name()); Log.info("CCNFileProxy: extracted request for file: " + fileToWrite.getAbsolutePath() + " exists? ", fileToWrite.exists()); if (!fileToWrite.exists()) { Log.warning("File {0} does not exist. Ignoring request.", fileToWrite.getAbsoluteFile()); return false; } FileInputStream fis = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(fileToWrite); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnf) { Log.warning("Unexpected: file we expected to exist doesn't exist: {0}!", fileToWrite.getAbsolutePath()); return false; } // Set the version of the CCN content to be the last modification time of the file. CCNTime modificationTime = new CCNTime(fileToWrite.lastModified()); ContentName versionedName = new ContentName(_prefix, outstandingInterest.name().postfix(_prefix), modificationTime); // CCNFileOutputStream will use the version on a name you hand it (or if the name // is unversioned, it will version it). CCNFileOutputStream ccnout = new CCNFileOutputStream(versionedName, _handle); // We have an interest already, register it so we can write immediately. ccnout.addOutstandingInterest(outstandingInterest); byte [] buffer = new byte[BUF_SIZE]; int read = fis.read(buffer); while (read >= 0) { ccnout.write(buffer, 0, read); read = fis.read(buffer); } fis.close(); ccnout.close(); // will flush return true; } /** * Handle name enumeration requests * * @param interest * @throws IOException * @returns true if interest is consumed */ public boolean nameEnumeratorResponse(Interest interest) throws IOException { boolean result = false; ContentName neRequestPrefix = interest.name().cut(CommandMarker.COMMAND_MARKER_BASIC_ENUMERATION.getBytes()); File directoryToEnumerate = ccnNameToFilePath(neRequestPrefix); if (!directoryToEnumerate.exists() || !directoryToEnumerate.isDirectory()) { // nothing to enumerate return result; } NameEnumerationResponse ner = new NameEnumerationResponse(); ner.setPrefix(new ContentName(neRequestPrefix, CommandMarker.COMMAND_MARKER_BASIC_ENUMERATION.getBytes())); Log.info("Directory to enumerate: {0}, last modified {1}", directoryToEnumerate.getAbsolutePath(), new CCNTime(directoryToEnumerate.lastModified())); // stat() the directory to see when it last changed -- will change whenever // a file is added or removed, which is the only thing that will change the // list we return. ner.setTimestamp(new CCNTime(directoryToEnumerate.lastModified())); // See if the resulting response is later than the previous one we released. //now add the response id ContentName prefixWithId = new ContentName(ner.getPrefix(), _responseName); //now finish up with version and segment ContentName potentialCollectionName = new ContentName(prefixWithId, ner.getTimestamp()); //switch to add response id to name enumeration objects //ContentName potentialCollectionName = VersioningProfile.addVersion(ner.getPrefix(), ner.getTimestamp()); potentialCollectionName = SegmentationProfile.segmentName(potentialCollectionName, SegmentationProfile.baseSegment()); //check if we should respond... if (interest.matches(potentialCollectionName, null)) { // We want to set the version of the NE response to the time of the // last modified file in the directory. Unfortunately that requires us to // stat() all the files whether we are going to respond or not. String [] children = directoryToEnumerate.list(); if ((null != children) && (children.length > 0)) { for (int i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) { ner.add(children[i]); } NameEnumerationResponseMessage nem = ner.getNamesForResponse(); NameEnumerationResponseMessageObject neResponse = new NameEnumerationResponseMessageObject(prefixWithId, nem, _handle); neResponse.save(ner.getTimestamp(), interest); result = true; Log.info("sending back name enumeration response {0}, timestamp (version) {1}.", ner.getPrefix(), ner.getTimestamp()); } else { Log.info("no children available: we are not sending back a response to the name enumeration interest (interest = {0}); our response would have been {1}", interest, potentialCollectionName); } } else { Log.info("we are not sending back a response to the name enumeration interest (interest = {0}); our response would have been {1}", interest, potentialCollectionName); if (interest.exclude().size() > 1) { Exclude.Element el = interest.exclude().value(1); if ((null != el) && (el instanceof ExcludeComponent)) { Log.info("previous version: {0}", VersioningProfile.getVersionComponentAsTimestamp(((ExcludeComponent)el).getBytes())); } } } return result; } /** * Turn off everything. * @throws IOException */ public void shutdown() throws IOException { if (null != _handle) { _handle.unregisterFilter(_prefix, this); Log.info("Shutting down file proxy for " + _filePrefix + " on CCNx namespace " + _prefix + "..."); System.out.println("Shutting down file proxy for " + _filePrefix + " on CCNx namespace " + _prefix + "..."); } _finished = true; } public boolean finished() { return _finished; } /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length < 1) { usage(); return; } String filePrefix = args[0]; String ccnURI = (args.length > 1) ? args[1] : DEFAULT_URI; try { CCNFileProxy proxy = new CCNFileProxy(filePrefix, ccnURI); // All we need to do now is wait until interrupted. proxy.start(); while (!proxy.finished()) { // we really want to wait until someone ^C's us. try { Thread.sleep(100000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // do nothing } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.warning("Exception in ccnFileProxy: type: " + e.getClass().getName() + ", message: "+ e.getMessage()); Log.warningStackTrace(e); System.err.println("Exception in ccnFileProxy: type: " + e.getClass().getName() + ", message: "+ e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } }