package io.cattle.platform.docker.transform; import static io.cattle.platform.core.constants.InstanceConstants.*; import static io.cattle.platform.docker.constants.DockerInstanceConstants.*; import io.cattle.platform.core.addon.BlkioDeviceOption; import io.cattle.platform.core.addon.LogConfig; import io.cattle.platform.core.addon.Ulimit; import io.cattle.platform.core.constants.InstanceConstants; import io.cattle.platform.core.constants.NetworkConstants; import io.cattle.platform.core.constants.VolumeConstants; import io.cattle.platform.core.model.Instance; import io.cattle.platform.core.util.SystemLabels; import io.cattle.platform.json.JsonMapper; import io.cattle.platform.object.util.DataAccessor; import io.cattle.platform.util.type.CollectionUtils; import io.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.exception.ClientVisibleException; import io.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.util.ResponseCodes; import io.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.validation.ValidationErrorCodes; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.inject.Inject; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import com.github.dockerjava.api.command.InspectContainerResponse; import com.github.dockerjava.api.model.Capability; import com.github.dockerjava.api.model.ContainerConfig; import com.github.dockerjava.api.model.Device; import com.github.dockerjava.api.model.ExposedPort; import com.github.dockerjava.api.model.HostConfig; import com.github.dockerjava.api.model.LxcConf; import com.github.dockerjava.api.model.Ports; import com.github.dockerjava.api.model.Ports.Binding; import com.github.dockerjava.api.model.RestartPolicy; import com.github.dockerjava.api.model.VolumeBind; public class DockerTransformerImpl implements DockerTransformer { private static final String HOST_CONFIG = "HostConfig"; private static final String CONFIG = "Config"; private static final String IMAGE_PREFIX = "docker:"; private static final String IMAGE_KIND_PATTERN = "^(sim|docker):.*"; private static final String READ_WRITE = "rw"; private static final String READ_ONLY = "ro"; private static final String ACCESS_MODE = "RW"; private static final String DRIVER = "Driver"; private static final String DEST = "Destination"; private static final String SRC = "Source"; private static final String NAME = "Name"; private static final String READ_IOPS= "BlkioDeviceReadIOps"; private static final String WRITE_IOPS= "BlkioDeviceWriteIOps"; private static final String READ_BPS= "BlkioDeviceReadBps"; private static final String WRITE_BPS= "BlkioDeviceWriteBps"; private static final String WEIGHT = "BlkioWeightDevice"; @Inject JsonMapper jsonMapper; @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<DockerInspectTransformVolume> transformVolumes(Map<String, Object> fromInspect, List<Object> mounts) { List<DockerInspectTransformVolume> volumes = transformMounts(mounts); if (volumes != null) { return volumes; } volumes = new ArrayList<DockerInspectTransformVolume>(); InspectContainerResponse inspect = transformInspect(fromInspect); HostConfig hostConfig = inspect.getHostConfig(); VolumeBind[] volumeBinds = null; try { volumeBinds = inspect.getVolumes(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // A bug in docker-java can cause this. volumeBinds = new VolumeBind[0]; } Set<String> binds = bindSet(hostConfig.getBinds()); Map<String, String> rw = rwMap((Map<String, Boolean>) fromInspect.get("VolumesRW")); for (VolumeBind vb : volumeBinds) { String am = rw.containsKey(vb.getContainerPath()) ? rw.get(vb.getContainerPath()) : READ_WRITE; boolean isBindMound = binds.contains(vb.getContainerPath()); String uri = String.format(VolumeConstants.URI_FORMAT, VolumeConstants.FILE_PREFIX, vb.getHostPath()); volumes.add(new DockerInspectTransformVolume(vb.getContainerPath(), uri, am, isBindMound, null, vb.getContainerPath(), null)); } return volumes; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected List<DockerInspectTransformVolume> transformMounts(List<Object> mounts) { if (mounts == null) { return null; } List<DockerInspectTransformVolume> volumes = new ArrayList<DockerInspectTransformVolume>(); for (Object mount : mounts) { Map<String, Object> mountObj = (Map<String, Object>)mount; String am = ((boolean)mountObj.get(ACCESS_MODE)) ? "rw" : "ro"; String dr = (String)mountObj.get(DRIVER); String containerPath = (String)mountObj.get(DEST); String hostPath = (String)mountObj.get(SRC); String name = (String)mountObj.get(NAME); String externalId = null; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) { name = hostPath; } else { externalId = name; } if ("rancher-cni".equals(name)) { continue; } boolean isBindMount = (dr == null); // TODO When we implement proper volume deletion in py-agent, we can change this so that if the driver is explicitly, local, we don't // use 'file://' String uriPrefix = StringUtils.isEmpty(dr) || StringUtils.equals(dr, VolumeConstants.LOCAL_DRIVER) ? VolumeConstants.FILE_PREFIX : dr; String uri = String.format(VolumeConstants.URI_FORMAT, uriPrefix, hostPath); volumes.add(new DockerInspectTransformVolume(containerPath, uri, am, isBindMount, dr, name, externalId)); } return volumes; } Map<String, String> rwMap(Map<String, Boolean> volumeRws) { // TODO When this bug is fixed, switch to using java-docker's volumesRW // Map<String, String> rwMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (volumeRws == null) { return rwMap; } for (Map.Entry<String, Boolean> volume : volumeRws.entrySet()) { Boolean readWrite = volume.getValue(); String perms = readWrite ? READ_WRITE : READ_ONLY; rwMap.put(volume.getKey(), perms); } return rwMap; } Set<String> bindSet(String[] binds) { Set<String> hostBindMounts = new HashSet<String>(); if (binds == null) return hostBindMounts; for (String bindMount : binds) { String[] parts = bindMount.split(":"); hostBindMounts.add(parts[1]); } return hostBindMounts; } @Override public void transform(Map<String, Object> fromInspect, Instance instance) { InspectContainerResponse inspect = transformInspect(fromInspect); ContainerConfig containerConfig = inspect.getConfig(); HostConfig hostConfig = inspect.getHostConfig(); instance.setExternalId(inspect.getId()); instance.setKind(KIND_CONTAINER); setName(instance, inspect, fromInspect); if (containerConfig != null) { instance.setHostname((String) fixEmptyValue(containerConfig.getHostName())); setField(instance, FIELD_MEMORY, containerConfig.getMemoryLimit()); setField(instance, FIELD_CPU_SET, containerConfig.getCpuset()); setField(instance, FIELD_CPU_SHARES, containerConfig.getCpuShares()); setField(instance, FIELD_MEMORY_SWAP, containerConfig.getMemorySwap()); setField(instance, FIELD_DOMAIN_NAME, containerConfig.getDomainName()); setField(instance, FIELD_USER, containerConfig.getUser()); setField(instance, FIELD_TTY, containerConfig.isTty()); setField(instance, FIELD_STDIN_OPEN, containerConfig.isStdinOpen()); setImage(instance, containerConfig.getImage()); setField(instance, FIELD_WORKING_DIR, containerConfig.getWorkingDir()); setEnvironment(instance, containerConfig.getEnv()); setCommand(instance, containerConfig.getCmd()); setListField(instance, FIELD_ENTRY_POINT, containerConfig.getEntrypoint()); setField(instance, FIELD_VOLUME_DRIVER, fromInspect, "Config", "VolumeDriver"); setField(instance, FIELD_STOP_SIGNAL, fromInspect, CONFIG, "StopSignal"); setHealthConfig(fromInspect, instance); } if (containerConfig != null && hostConfig != null) { setVolumes(instance, containerConfig.getVolumes(), hostConfig.getBinds()); setPorts(instance, safeGetExposedPorts(containerConfig), hostConfig.getPortBindings()); } if (hostConfig != null) { setField(instance, FIELD_PRIVILEGED, hostConfig.isPrivileged()); setField(instance, FIELD_PUBLISH_ALL_PORTS, hostConfig.isPublishAllPorts()); setLxcConf(instance, hostConfig.getLxcConf()); setListField(instance, FIELD_DNS, hostConfig.getDns()); setListField(instance, FIELD_DNS_SEARCH, hostConfig.getDnsSearch()); setCapField(instance, FIELD_CAP_ADD, hostConfig.getCapAdd()); setCapField(instance, FIELD_CAP_DROP, hostConfig.getCapDrop()); setRestartPolicy(instance, hostConfig.getRestartPolicy()); setDevices(instance, hostConfig.getDevices()); setMemoryReservation(fromInspect, instance); setField(instance, FIELD_BLKIO_WEIGHT, fromInspect, HOST_CONFIG, "BlkioWeight"); setField(instance, FIELD_CGROUP_PARENT, fromInspect, HOST_CONFIG, "CgroupParent"); setField(instance, FIELD_CPU_PERIOD, fromInspect, HOST_CONFIG, "CpuPeriod"); setField(instance, FIELD_CPU_QUOTA, fromInspect, HOST_CONFIG, "CpuQuota"); setField(instance, FIELD_CPUSET_MEMS, fromInspect, HOST_CONFIG, "CpusetMems"); setField(instance, FIELD_DNS_OPT, fromInspect, HOST_CONFIG, "DnsOptions"); setField(instance, FIELD_GROUP_ADD, fromInspect, HOST_CONFIG, "GroupAdd"); setField(instance, FIELD_KERNEL_MEMORY, fromInspect, HOST_CONFIG, "KernelMemory"); setField(instance, FIELD_MEMORY_SWAPPINESS, fromInspect, HOST_CONFIG, "MemorySwappiness"); setField(instance, FIELD_OOMKILL_DISABLE, fromInspect, HOST_CONFIG, "OomKillDisable"); setField(instance, FIELD_SHM_SIZE, fromInspect, HOST_CONFIG, "ShmSize"); setField(instance, FIELD_TMPFS, fromInspect, HOST_CONFIG, "Tmpfs"); setField(instance, FIELD_UTS, fromInspect, HOST_CONFIG, "UTSMode"); setField(instance, FIELD_IPC_MODE, fromInspect, HOST_CONFIG, "IpcMode"); setField(instance, FIELD_SYSCTLS, fromInspect, HOST_CONFIG, "Sysctls"); setField(instance, FIELD_OOM_SCORE_ADJ, fromInspect, HOST_CONFIG, "OomScoreAdj"); setField(instance, FIELD_ISOLATION, fromInspect, HOST_CONFIG, "Isolation"); } setBlkioDeviceOptionss(instance, fromInspect); setUlimit(instance, fromInspect); setNetworkMode(instance, containerConfig, hostConfig); setField(instance, FIELD_SECURITY_OPT, fromInspect, HOST_CONFIG, "SecurityOpt"); setField(instance, FIELD_PID_MODE, fromInspect, HOST_CONFIG, "PidMode"); setField(instance, FIELD_READ_ONLY, fromInspect, HOST_CONFIG, "ReadonlyRootfs"); setField(instance, FIELD_EXTRA_HOSTS, fromInspect, HOST_CONFIG, "ExtraHosts"); setFieldIfNotEmpty(instance, FIELD_CPU_SHARES, fromInspect, HOST_CONFIG, "CpuShares"); setFieldIfNotEmpty(instance, FIELD_CPU_SET, fromInspect, HOST_CONFIG, "CpusetCpus"); setFieldIfNotEmpty(instance, FIELD_MEMORY, fromInspect, HOST_CONFIG, "Memory"); setFieldIfNotEmpty(instance, FIELD_MEMORY_SWAP, fromInspect, HOST_CONFIG, "MemorySwap"); setLogConfig(instance, fromInspect); setLabels(instance, fromInspect); // Currently not implemented: VolumesFrom, Links, // Consider: AttachStdin, AttachStdout, AttachStderr, StdinOnce, } void setMemoryReservation(Map<String, Object> fromInspect, Instance instance) { Object memRes = CollectionUtils.getNestedValue(fromInspect, HOST_CONFIG, "MemoryReservation"); if (memRes != null && memRes instanceof Number) { instance.setMemoryReservation(((Number)memRes).longValue()); } } void setHealthConfig(Map<String, Object> fromInspect, Instance instance) { Object healthCmd = CollectionUtils.getNestedValue(fromInspect, CONFIG, "Healthcheck", "Test"); Object healthInterval = CollectionUtils.getNestedValue(fromInspect, CONFIG, "Healthcheck", "Interval"); Object healthTimeout = CollectionUtils.getNestedValue(fromInspect, CONFIG, "Healthcheck", "Timeout"); Object healthRetries = CollectionUtils.getNestedValue(fromInspect, CONFIG, "Healthcheck", "Retries"); if (healthCmd != null) { setField(instance, "healthCmd", healthCmd); } if (healthInterval != null) { setField(instance, "healthInterval", healthInterval); } if (healthTimeout != null) { setField(instance, "healthTimeout", healthTimeout); } if (healthTimeout != null) { setField(instance, "healthRetries", healthRetries); } } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) void setBlkioDeviceOptionss(Instance instance, Map<String, Object> fromInspect) { /* * We're coverting from docker's structure of: * {BlkioDeviceReadIOps: [{Path: <device>, Rate: 1000} ... ], BlkioDeviceWriteIOps: [{Path: <device>, Rate: 1000} ... ] ... } * to cattle's structure of: * {blkioDeviceOptions: {<device>: {readIops: 1000m writeIops: 1000 ... } ... } */ List<String> fields = Arrays.asList(READ_IOPS, WRITE_IOPS, READ_BPS, WRITE_BPS, WEIGHT); Map<String, BlkioDeviceOption> target = new HashMap<>(); for (String field : fields) { List<Map> deviceOptions = null; try { deviceOptions = (List<Map>)CollectionUtils.toList(CollectionUtils.getNestedValue(fromInspect, HOST_CONFIG, field)); } catch (Exception e) { continue; } if (deviceOptions == null || deviceOptions.isEmpty()) { continue; } for (Map deviceOption : deviceOptions) { String path = null; Integer value = null; try { path = (String)deviceOption.get("Path"); value = (Integer)(field == WEIGHT ? deviceOption.get("Weight") : deviceOption.get("Rate")); } catch (Exception e) { // just skip it } if (path != null && value != null) { BlkioDeviceOption targetDevOpt = target.get(path); if (targetDevOpt == null) { targetDevOpt = new BlkioDeviceOption(); target.put(path, targetDevOpt); } switch (field) { case READ_IOPS: targetDevOpt.setReadIops(value); break; case WRITE_IOPS: targetDevOpt.setWriteIops(value); break; case READ_BPS: targetDevOpt.setReadBps(value); break; case WRITE_BPS: targetDevOpt.setWriteBps(value); break; case WEIGHT: targetDevOpt.setWeight(value); break; } } } } if (!target.isEmpty()) { setField(instance, FIELD_BLKIO_DEVICE_OPTIONS, target); } } void setNetworkMode(Instance instance, ContainerConfig containerConfig, HostConfig hostConfig) { if(DataAccessor.fields(instance).withKey(FIELD_NETWORK_MODE).get() != null) return; String netMode = null; if (containerConfig != null && containerConfig.isNetworkDisabled()) { netMode = NetworkConstants.NETWORK_MODE_NONE; } else if (hostConfig != null) { String inspectNetMode = hostConfig.getNetworkMode(); if (NetworkConstants.NETWORK_MODE_BRIDGE.equals(inspectNetMode) || NetworkConstants.NETWORK_MODE_HOST.equals(inspectNetMode) || NetworkConstants.NETWORK_MODE_NONE.equals(inspectNetMode)) { netMode = inspectNetMode; } else if (NetworkConstants.NETWORK_MODE_DEFAULT.equals(inspectNetMode) || StringUtils.isBlank(inspectNetMode)) { netMode = NetworkConstants.NETWORK_MODE_BRIDGE; } else if (StringUtils.startsWith(inspectNetMode, NetworkConstants.NETWORK_MODE_CONTAINER)) { throw new ClientVisibleException(ResponseCodes.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, ValidationErrorCodes.INVALID_OPTION, "Transformer API does not support container network mode.", null); } else { throw new ClientVisibleException(ResponseCodes.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, ValidationErrorCodes.INVALID_OPTION, "Unrecognized network mode: " + inspectNetMode, null); } } setField(instance, FIELD_NETWORK_MODE, netMode); } void setField(Instance instance, String field, Map<String, Object> fromInspect, String... keys) { Object l = CollectionUtils.getNestedValue(fromInspect, keys); setField(instance, field, l); } void setFieldIfNotEmpty(Instance instance, String field, Map<String, Object> fromInspect, String... keys) { Object l = CollectionUtils.getNestedValue(fromInspect, keys); if (!isEmptyValue(l)) { setField(instance, field, l); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") void setLogConfig(Instance instance, Map<String, Object> fromInspect) { Object type = CollectionUtils.getNestedValue(fromInspect, HOST_CONFIG, "LogConfig", "Type"); Object config = CollectionUtils.getNestedValue(fromInspect, HOST_CONFIG, "LogConfig", "Config"); if (type == null && config == null) { return; } LogConfig logConfig = new LogConfig(); if (type != null) { logConfig.setDriver(type.toString()); } if (config instanceof Map) { logConfig.setConfig((Map<String, String>)config); } setField(instance, FIELD_LOG_CONFIG, logConfig); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") void setUlimit(Instance instance, Map<String, Object> fromInspect) { Object ulimits = CollectionUtils.getNestedValue(fromInspect, HOST_CONFIG, "Ulimits"); if (ulimits == null) { return; } List<Ulimit> ret = new ArrayList<>(); if (ulimits instanceof List) { for (Object ulimit : (List<Object>) ulimits) { if (ulimit instanceof Map) { Ulimit l = new Ulimit(); Map<String, Object> temp = (Map<String, Object>) ulimit; if (temp.get("Name") instanceof String) { l.setName(temp.get("Name").toString()); } if (temp.get("Hard") instanceof Number) { l.setHard(((Number) temp.get("Hard")).intValue()); } if (temp.get("Soft") instanceof Integer) { l.setSoft(((Number) temp.get("Soft")).intValue()); } if (!l.getName().isEmpty()) { ret.add(l); } } } } if (!ret.isEmpty()) { setField(instance, FIELD_ULIMITS, ret); } } @Override @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes" }) public void setLabels(Instance instance, Map<String, Object> fromInspect) { // Labels not yet implemented in docker-java. Need to use the raw map Object l = CollectionUtils.getNestedValue(fromInspect, "Config", "Labels"); Map<String, Object> cleanedLabels = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (l instanceof Map) { Map labels = (Map)l; for (Object key : labels.keySet()) { if (key == null) continue; Object value = labels.get(key); if (value == null) value = ""; cleanedLabels.put(key.toString(), value.toString()); } } Map<String, Object> labels = DataAccessor.fieldMap(instance, FIELD_LABELS); labels.putAll(cleanedLabels); setField(instance, FIELD_LABELS, labels); } void setImage(Instance instance, String image) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(image) && !image.matches(IMAGE_KIND_PATTERN)) { image = IMAGE_PREFIX + image; } setField(instance, FIELD_IMAGE_UUID, image); } void setName(Instance instance, InspectContainerResponse inspect, Map<String, Object> fromInspect) { String name = inspect.getName(); Object displayNameLabel = CollectionUtils.getNestedValue(fromInspect, "Config", "Labels", SystemLabels.LABEL_DISPLAY_NAME); if (displayNameLabel == null) { displayNameLabel = DataAccessor.fieldMap(instance, FIELD_LABELS).get(SystemLabels.LABEL_DISPLAY_NAME); } if (displayNameLabel != null) { String displayName = displayNameLabel.toString(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(displayName)) { name = displayName; } } if (name != null) { name = name.replaceFirst("/", ""); instance.setName(name); } } private ExposedPort[] safeGetExposedPorts(ContainerConfig containerConfig) { try { return containerConfig.getExposedPorts(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // Bug in docker-java doesn't account for this property being null return null; } } void setDevices(Instance instance, Device[] devices) { if (devices == null) { devices = new Device[0]; } List<String> instanceDevices = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Device d : devices) { StringBuilder fullDevice = new StringBuilder(d.getPathOnHost()).append(":").append(d.getPathInContainer()).append(":"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(d.getcGroupPermissions())) { fullDevice.append("rwm"); } else { fullDevice.append(d.getcGroupPermissions()); } instanceDevices.add(fullDevice.toString()); } setField(instance, FIELD_DEVICES, instanceDevices); } void setRestartPolicy(Instance instance, RestartPolicy restartPolicy) { if (restartPolicy == null || StringUtils.isEmpty(restartPolicy.getName())) { return; } io.cattle.platform.core.addon.RestartPolicy rp = new io.cattle.platform.core.addon.RestartPolicy(); rp.setMaximumRetryCount(restartPolicy.getMaximumRetryCount()); rp.setName(restartPolicy.getName()); setField(instance, FIELD_RESTART_POLICY, rp); } void setCapField(Instance instance, String field, Capability[] caps) { if (caps == null) { caps = new Capability[0]; } List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Capability cap : caps) { list.add(cap.toString()); } setField(instance, field, list); } void setLxcConf(Instance instance, LxcConf[] lxcConf) { if (lxcConf == null || lxcConf.length == 0) { lxcConf = new LxcConf[0]; } Map<String, String> instanceLxcConf = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (LxcConf lxc : lxcConf) { instanceLxcConf.put(lxc.getKey(), lxc.getValue()); } setField(instance, FIELD_LXC_CONF, instanceLxcConf); } void setPorts(Instance instance, ExposedPort[] exposedPorts, Ports portBindings) { if (exposedPorts == null) { exposedPorts = new ExposedPort[0]; } List<String> ports = new ArrayList<String>(); for (ExposedPort ep : exposedPorts) { String port = ep.toString(); Binding[] bindings = portBindings == null || portBindings.getBindings() == null ? null : portBindings.getBindings().get(ep); if (bindings != null && bindings.length > 0) { for (Binding b : bindings) { // HostPort should really be a string, not an int. Somehow empty string becomes 0 if (b.getHostPort() != null && b.getHostPort() != 0) { String fullPort = b.getHostPort() + ":" + port; ports.add(fullPort); } else { ports.add(port); } } } } setField(instance, FIELD_PORTS, ports); } void setVolumes(Instance instance, Map<String, ?> volumes, String[] binds) { List<String> dataVolumes = new ArrayList<String>(); if (volumes != null) { dataVolumes.addAll(volumes.keySet()); } if (binds != null) { dataVolumes.addAll(Arrays.asList(binds)); } setField(instance, InstanceConstants.FIELD_DATA_VOLUMES, dataVolumes); } void setListField(Instance instance, String field, String[] value) { if (value == null) { value = new String[0]; } List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(value)); setField(instance, field, list); } void setCommand(Instance instance, String[] cmd) { if (cmd == null) { cmd = new String[0]; } List<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(); args.addAll(Arrays.asList(cmd)); setField(instance, FIELD_COMMAND, args); } void setEnvironment(Instance instance, String[] env) { if (env == null) { env = new String[0]; } Map<String, String> envMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (String e : env) { String[] kvp = e.split("=", 2); if (kvp.length == 2) { envMap.put(kvp[0], kvp[1]); } else if (kvp.length == 1) { // TODO Change the Rancher API to support valueless environment variables. // -e FOO and -e FOO="" are not the same thing. envMap.put(kvp[0], ""); } } setField(instance, FIELD_ENVIRONMENT, envMap); } private void setField(Instance instance, String field, Object fieldValue) { fieldValue = fixEmptyValue(fieldValue); DataAccessor.fields(instance).withKey(field).set(fieldValue); } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unused" }) private Object fixEmptyValue(Object fieldValue) { if (fieldValue instanceof String && StringUtils.isEmpty((String)fieldValue)) { return null; } else if (fieldValue instanceof Number && ((Number)fieldValue).longValue() == 0L) { return null; } else if (fieldValue instanceof List && fieldValue == null) { return new ArrayList(); } else if (fieldValue instanceof Map && fieldValue == null) { return new HashMap(); } return fieldValue; } private boolean isEmptyValue(Object fieldValue) { return fieldValue == null || (fieldValue instanceof String && StringUtils.isEmpty((String) fieldValue)) || (fieldValue instanceof Number && ((Number) fieldValue).longValue() == 0L) || (fieldValue instanceof List && fieldValue == null) || (fieldValue instanceof Map && fieldValue == null); } InspectContainerResponse transformInspect(Map<String, Object> inspect) { return jsonMapper.convertValue(inspect, InspectContainerResponse.class); } }