package io.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.factory.impl; import io.cattle.platform.util.type.CollectionUtils; import io.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.annotation.Actions; import io.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.factory.SchemaFactory; import io.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.model.Action; import io.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.model.ApiError; import io.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.model.ApiVersion; import io.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.model.Collection; import io.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.model.Field; import io.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.model.FieldType; import io.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.model.FieldType.TypeAndName; import io.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.model.Resource; import io.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.model.Schema; import io.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.model.impl.FieldImpl; import io.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.model.impl.SchemaImpl; import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.inject.Inject; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; @io.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.annotation.Type public class SchemaFactoryImpl extends AbstractSchemaFactory implements SchemaFactory { final io.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.annotation.Field defaultField; final io.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.annotation.Type defaultType; String id = "base"; boolean includeDefaultTypes = true, writableByDefault = false; Map<String, SchemaImpl> schemasByName = new TreeMap<String, SchemaImpl>(); Map<Class<?>, SchemaImpl> schemasByClass = new HashMap<Class<?>, SchemaImpl>(); Map<String, Class<?>> typeToClass = new HashMap<String, Class<?>>(); List<Class<?>> types = new ArrayList<Class<?>>(); List<String> typeNames = new ArrayList<String>(); Map<SchemaImpl, Class<?>> parentClasses = new HashMap<SchemaImpl, Class<?>>(); List<Schema> schemasList = new ArrayList<Schema>(); List<SchemaPostProcessor> postProcessors = new ArrayList<SchemaPostProcessor>(); public SchemaFactoryImpl() { try { defaultField = PropertyUtils.getPropertyDescriptor(this, "defaultField").getReadMethod() .getAnnotation(io.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.annotation.Field.class); defaultType = this.getClass().getAnnotation(io.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.annotation.Type.class); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } @Override public String getId() { return id; } @io.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.annotation.Field public Object getDefaultField() { return null; } @Override public Schema registerSchema(Object obj) { Class<?> clz = obj instanceof Class<?> ? (Class<?>)obj : null; SchemaImpl schema = schemaFromObject(obj); for (SchemaPostProcessor processor : postProcessors) { schema = processor.postProcessRegister(schema, this); if (schema == null) { return null; } } /* Register in the multitude of maps */ if (clz != null) { addToMap(typeToClass, schema, clz); } addToMap(schemasByName, schema, schema); if (clz != null) { schemasByClass.put(clz, schema); for (Class<?> iface : clz.getInterfaces()) { schemasByClass.put(iface, schema); } } schemasList.add(schema); return schema; } protected <T> void addToMap(Map<String, T> map, SchemaImpl key, T value) { if (key == null || value == null) return; map.put(key.getId(), value); map.put(key.getId().toLowerCase(), value); map.put(key.getPluralName(), value); map.put(key.getPluralName().toLowerCase(), value); } @Override public Schema getSchema(Class<?> clz) { return schemasByClass.get(clz); } @Override public Schema parseSchema(String name) { SchemaImpl schema = readSchema(name); Class<?> clz = typeToClass.get(name); processParent(schema); List<Field> fields = getFields(clz); for (Map.Entry<String, Field> entry : schema.getResourceFields().entrySet()) { Field field = entry.getValue(); if (field instanceof FieldImpl) { ((FieldImpl)field).setName(entry.getKey()); } fields.add(field); } Map<String, Field> resourceFields = sortFields(fields); schema.setResourceFields(resourceFields); schema.getResourceActions().putAll(getResourceActions(clz)); schema.getCollectionActions().putAll(getCollectionActions(clz)); for (SchemaPostProcessor processor : postProcessors) { schema = processor.postProcess(schema, this); } addToMap(schemasByName, schema, schema); if (clz == null && schema.getParent() != null) { clz = typeToClass.get(schema.getParent()); if (clz != null) { addToMap(typeToClass, schema, clz); } } return schema; } protected void processParent(SchemaImpl schema) { SchemaImpl parent = null; Class<?> parentClass = parentClasses.get(schema); String parentName = schema.getParent(); if (parentClass == null && parentName != null) { parent = schemasByName.get(parentName); if (parent == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to find parent schema for [" + parentName + "] for type [" + schema.getId() + "]"); } } else if (parentClass != null) { parent = schemasByClass.get(parentClass); if (parent == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to find parent schema for class [" + parentClass + "] for type [" + schema.getId() + "]"); } } if (parent != null) { schema.setParent(parent.getId()); parent.getChildren().add(schema.getId()); schema.load(parent); } } protected Map<String, Action> getCollectionActions(Class<?> clz) { return getActions(clz, true); } protected Map<String, Action> getResourceActions(Class<?> clz) { return getActions(clz, false); } protected Map<String, Action> getActions(Class<?> clz, boolean collection) { Map<String, Action> result = new LinkedHashMap<String, Action>(); if (clz == null) { return result; } Actions actions = clz.getAnnotation(Actions.class); if (actions == null) { return result; } for (io.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.annotation.Action action : actions.value()) { if (action.collection() != collection) { continue; } String input = null; String output = null; if (StringUtils.isBlank(action.inputType())) { input = getSchemaName(action.input()); } else { input = action.inputType(); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(action.outputType())) { output = getSchemaName(action.output()); } else { output = action.outputType(); } result.put(, new Action(input, output)); } return result; } protected SchemaImpl schemaFromObject(Object obj) { Class<?> clz = obj instanceof Class<?> ? (Class<?>)obj : obj.getClass(); SchemaImpl schema = new SchemaImpl(); SchemaType schemaType = obj instanceof String ? schemaTypeFromString((String)obj) : schemaTypeFromClass(clz); schema.setName(; schema.setPluralName(schemaType.pluralName); schema.setParent(schemaType.parent); if (schemaType.parent == null && schemaType.parentClass != null) { parentClasses.put(schema, schemaType.parentClass); } return schema; } protected SchemaType schemaTypeFromClass(Class<?> clz) { SchemaType schemaType = new SchemaType(); io.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.annotation.Type type = clz.getAnnotation(io.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.annotation.Type.class); if (type == null) type = defaultType; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty( { =; } else { = StringUtils.uncapitalize(clz.getSimpleName()); } if (!StringUtils.isBlank(type.pluralName())) { schemaType.pluralName = type.pluralName(); } if (!StringUtils.isBlank(type.parent())) { schemaType.parent = type.parent(); } if (type.parentClass() != Void.class) { schemaType.parentClass = type.parentClass(); } return schemaType; } protected SchemaType schemaTypeFromString(String type) { SchemaType schemaType = new SchemaType(); String[] parts = type.split("\\s*,\\s*"); = parts[0]; for (int i = 1; i < parts.length; i++) { String[] kv = parts[i].split("\\s*=\\s*"); if (kv.length != 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal type format [" + type + "] must be comma separated key=value pairs"); } String key = kv[0]; String value = kv[1]; if ("pluralName".equals(key)) { schemaType.pluralName = value; } else if ("parent".equals(key)) { schemaType.parent = value; } } return schemaType; } protected SchemaImpl readSchema(String name) { Class<?> clz = typeToClass.get(name); if (clz == null) clz = Object.class; SchemaImpl schema = schemasByName.get(name); if (schema == null) schema = schemaFromObject(clz); io.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.annotation.Type type = clz.getAnnotation(io.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.annotation.Type.class); if (type == null) type = defaultType; if (type == defaultType) { schema.setCreate(writableByDefault); schema.setUpdate(writableByDefault); schema.setDeletable(writableByDefault); } else { schema.setCreate(type.create()); schema.setUpdate(type.update()); schema.setDeletable(type.delete()); } schema.setById(type.byId()); schema.setList(type.list()); return schema; } protected Map<String, Field> sortFields(List<Field> fields) { Map<Integer, Field> indexed = new TreeMap<Integer, Field>(); Map<String, Field> named = new TreeMap<String, Field>(); Map<String, Field> result = new LinkedHashMap<String, Field>(); for (Field field : fields) { Integer displayIndex = field.getDisplayIndex(); if (displayIndex == null) { named.put(field.getName(), field); } else { indexed.put(displayIndex, field); } } for (Field field : indexed.values()) { result.put(field.getName(), field); } for (Field field : named.values()) { result.put(field.getName(), field); } return result; } protected List<Field> getFields(Class<?> clz) { List<Field> result = new ArrayList<Field>(); if (clz == null) return result; for (PropertyDescriptor prop : PropertyUtils.getPropertyDescriptors(clz)) { FieldImpl field = getField(clz, prop); if (field != null) { result.add(field); } } return result; } protected FieldImpl getField(Class<?> clz, PropertyDescriptor prop) { FieldImpl field = new FieldImpl(); Method readMethod = prop.getReadMethod(); Method writeMethod = prop.getWriteMethod(); if (readMethod == null && writeMethod == null) return null; io.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.annotation.Field f = getFieldAnnotation(prop); if (!f.include()) return null; field.setReadMethod(readMethod); if (readMethod != null && readMethod.getDeclaringClass() != clz) return null; if (StringUtils.isEmpty( { field.setName(prop.getName()); } else { field.setName(; } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(f.description())) { field.setDescription(f.description()); } if (f.displayIndex() > 0) { field.setDisplayIndex(f.displayIndex()); } if (readMethod == null) { field.setIncludeInList(false); } assignSimpleProps(field, f); assignType(prop, field, f); assignLengths(field, f); assignOptions(prop, field, f); return field; } protected void assignOptions(PropertyDescriptor prop, FieldImpl field, io.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.annotation.Field f) { Class<?> clz = prop.getPropertyType(); if (!clz.isEnum()) { return; } List<String> options = new ArrayList<String>(clz.getEnumConstants().length); for (Object o : clz.getEnumConstants()) { options.add(o.toString()); } field.setOptions(options); } protected void assignSimpleProps(FieldImpl field, io.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.annotation.Field f) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(f.defaultValue())) { field.setDefault(f.defaultValue()); } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(f.validChars())) { field.setValidChars(f.validChars()); } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(f.invalidChars())) { field.setInvalidChars(f.invalidChars()); } if (f == this.defaultField) { field.setNullable(writableByDefault); field.setUpdate(writableByDefault); field.setCreate(writableByDefault); } else { field.setNullable(f.nullable()); field.setUpdate(f.update()); field.setCreate(f.create()); field.setTransform(f.transform()); } field.setUnique(f.unique()); field.setRequired(f.required()); } protected void assignLengths(FieldImpl field, io.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.annotation.Field f) { if (f.min() != Long.MIN_VALUE) { field.setMin(f.min()); } if (f.max() != Long.MAX_VALUE) { field.setMax(f.max()); } if (f.minLength() != Long.MIN_VALUE) { field.setMinLength(f.minLength()); } if (f.maxLength() != Long.MAX_VALUE) { field.setMaxLength(f.maxLength()); } } protected void assignType(PropertyDescriptor prop, FieldImpl field, io.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.annotation.Field f) { if (f.type() != FieldType.NONE) { field.setTypeEnum(f.type()); return; } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(f.typeString())) { field.setType(f.typeString()); return; } if (f.password()) { field.setTypeEnum(FieldType.PASSWORD); return; } assignSimpleType(prop.getPropertyType(), field); List<TypeAndName> types = new ArrayList<FieldType.TypeAndName>(); Method readMethod = prop.getReadMethod(); if (readMethod != null) { getTypes(readMethod.getGenericReturnType(), types); } if (types.size() == 1) { field.setType(types.get(0).getName()); } else if (types.size() > 1) { types.remove(0); field.setSubTypesList(types); } } protected void getTypes(java.lang.reflect.Type type, List<TypeAndName> types) { Class<?> clz = null; if (type instanceof Class<?>) { clz = (Class<?>)type; } if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) { java.lang.reflect.Type rawType = ((ParameterizedType)type).getRawType(); if (rawType instanceof Class<?>) clz = (Class<?>)rawType; } if (clz == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to find class for type [" + type + "]"); } FieldType fieldType = assignSimpleType(clz, null); String name = fieldType.getExternalType(); if (fieldType == FieldType.TYPE) { Schema subSchema = getSchema(clz); if (subSchema == null) { fieldType = FieldType.JSON; name = fieldType.getExternalType(); } else { name = subSchema.getId(); } } types.add(new TypeAndName(fieldType, name)); java.lang.reflect.Type subType = null; switch (fieldType) { case ARRAY: if (clz.isArray()) { subType = clz.getComponentType(); } else { subType = getGenericType(type, 0); } break; case MAP: subType = getGenericType(type, 1); break; case REFERENCE: subType = getGenericType(type, 0); break; case TYPE: return; default: break; } if (subType != null) { getTypes(subType, types); } } protected java.lang.reflect.Type getGenericType(java.lang.reflect.Type t, int index) { if (t instanceof ParameterizedType && ((ParameterizedType)t).getActualTypeArguments().length == index + 1) { return ((ParameterizedType)t).getActualTypeArguments()[index]; } return Object.class; } protected FieldType assignSimpleType(Class<?> clzType, FieldImpl field) { FieldType result = null; if (clzType.isEnum()) { result = FieldType.ENUM; } else { outer: for (FieldType type : FieldType.values()) { Class<?>[] clzs = type.getClasses(); if (clzs == null) continue; for (Class<?> clz : clzs) { if (clz.isAssignableFrom(clzType)) { result = type; if ((Number.class.isAssignableFrom(clzType) || Boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(clzType)) && !clz.isPrimitive() && field != null) { field.setNullable(true); } break outer; } } } } if (field != null) { field.setTypeEnum(result); } return result; } protected io.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.annotation.Field getFieldAnnotation(PropertyDescriptor prop) { Method readMethod = prop.getReadMethod(); Method writeMethod = prop.getWriteMethod(); io.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.annotation.Field f = null; if (readMethod != null) { f = readMethod.getAnnotation(io.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.annotation.Field.class); } if (f == null && writeMethod != null) { f = writeMethod.getAnnotation(io.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.annotation.Field.class); } if (f == null) { f = defaultField; } return f; } @PostConstruct public void init() { if (includeDefaultTypes) { registerSchema(Schema.class); registerSchema(ApiVersion.class); registerSchema(ApiError.class); registerSchema(Collection.class); registerSchema(Resource.class); } for (Class<?> clz : types) { registerSchema(clz); } for (String name : typeNames) { registerSchema(name); } for (Schema schema : schemasList) { parseSchema(schema.getId()); } } @Override public List<Schema> listSchemas() { return schemasList; } @Override public Schema getSchema(String type) { return schemasByName.get(lower(type)); } @Override public Class<?> getSchemaClass(String type) { return typeToClass.get(lower(type)); } protected String lower(String type) { return type == null ? "" : type.toLowerCase(); } public List<Class<?>> getTypes() { return types; } public void setTypes(List<Class<?>> types) { this.types = types; } public List<SchemaPostProcessor> getPostProcessors() { return postProcessors; } @Inject public void setPostProcessors(List<SchemaPostProcessor> postProcessors) { this.postProcessors = CollectionUtils.orderList(SchemaPostProcessor.class, postProcessors); } public List<String> getTypeNames() { return typeNames; } public void setTypeNames(List<String> typeNames) { this.typeNames = typeNames; } public boolean isIncludeDefaultTypes() { return includeDefaultTypes; } public void setIncludeDefaultTypes(boolean includeDefaultTypes) { this.includeDefaultTypes = includeDefaultTypes; } public boolean isWritableByDefault() { return writableByDefault; } public void setWritableByDefault(boolean writableByDefault) { this.writableByDefault = writableByDefault; } public void setId(String id) { = id; } private static final class SchemaType { String name; String pluralName; String parent; Class<?> parentClass; } }