package io.cattle.platform.server.context; import io.cattle.platform.archaius.util.ArchaiusUtil; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; public class ServerContext { public static final DynamicIntProperty HTTP_PORT = ArchaiusUtil.getInt("cattle.http.port"); public static final DynamicIntProperty HTTPS_PORT = ArchaiusUtil.getInt("cattle.https.port"); public static final DynamicStringProperty URL_PATH = ArchaiusUtil.getString("cattle.url.path"); public static final DynamicStringProperty SERVER_IP = ArchaiusUtil.getString("cattle.server.ip"); public static final DynamicStringProperty SERVER_ID = ArchaiusUtil.getString(""); public static final DynamicStringProperty HOST = ArchaiusUtil.getString(""); private static final String FOUND_SERVER_IP = lookupServerIp(); private static final String SERVER_ID_FORMAT = System.getProperty("", "%s"); public static final String HOST_API_PROXY_MODE_OFF = "off"; public static final String HOST_API_PROXY_MODE_EMBEDDED = "embedded"; public static final String HOST_API_PROXY_MODE_HA = "ha"; public static boolean isCustomApiHost() { return !StringUtils.isBlank(HOST.get()); } public enum BaseProtocol { HTTP, WEBSOCKET } public static String getLocalhostUrl(BaseProtocol proto) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); if (HTTPS_PORT.get() > 0) { buffer.append("https://localhost"); buffer.append(":").append(HTTPS_PORT.get()); } else { buffer.append("http://localhost"); buffer.append(":").append(HTTP_PORT.get()); } String url = buffer.toString(); if (BaseProtocol.WEBSOCKET.equals(proto)) { url = url.replaceFirst("http", "ws"); } else { // websocket endpoints don't follow same pathing as rest of api url += URL_PATH.get(); } return url; } public static String getHostApiBaseUrl(BaseProtocol proto) { String url = null; if (ServerContext.isCustomApiHost()) { String apiHost = HOST.get(); if (!apiHost.startsWith("http")) { apiHost = "http://" + apiHost; } url = apiHost; } if (url == null) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); if (HTTPS_PORT.get() > 0) { buffer.append("https://"); buffer.append(getServerIp()); buffer.append(":").append(HTTPS_PORT.get()); } else { buffer.append("http://"); buffer.append(getServerIp()); buffer.append(":").append(HTTP_PORT.get()); } url = buffer.toString(); } if (BaseProtocol.WEBSOCKET.equals(proto)) { url = url.replaceFirst("http", "ws"); } else { // websocket endpoints don't follow same pathing as rest of api url += URL_PATH.get(); } return url; } public static String getServerId() { String id = SERVER_ID.get(); String ip = getServerIp(); if (id != null) { return String.format(id, ip); } return String.format(SERVER_ID_FORMAT, ip); } public static String getHostApiProxyMode() { String embedded = System.getenv("CATTLE_HOST_API_PROXY_MODE"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(embedded)) { embedded = System.getProperty("host.api.proxy.mode", "off"); } return embedded; } protected static String getServerIp() { String ip = SERVER_IP.get(); return ip == null ? FOUND_SERVER_IP : ip; } protected static String lookupServerIp() { String address = null; String v6Address = null; try { for (NetworkInterface iface : Collections.list(NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces())) { for (InetAddress addr : Collections.list(iface.getInetAddresses())) { if (addr instanceof Inet6Address) { v6Address = addr.getHostAddress(); } else { if (!addr.isLoopbackAddress() && (address == null || !addr.isSiteLocalAddress())) { address = addr.getHostAddress(); } } } } if (address != null) { return address; } else if (v6Address != null) { return v6Address; } else { return "localhost"; } } catch (SocketException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to lookup IP of server", e); } } }