package de.jpaw.bonaparte.core.tests; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import de.jpaw.util.ByteArray; public class ByteArraySerializationTest { static private void dumpToFile(String filename, byte [] data) throws Exception { OutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(filename); stream.write(data); stream.close(); } static public byte [] serialize(Object x) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream fos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1000); ObjectOutputStream o = new ObjectOutputStream(fos); o.writeObject(x); o.close(); byte[] result = fos.toByteArray(); System.out.println("Length of buffer is " + result.length); return result; } static Object deserialize(byte [] data) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { ByteArrayInputStream fis = new ByteArrayInputStream(data); ObjectInputStream i = new ObjectInputStream(fis); Object r = i.readObject(); i.close(); return r; } @Test public void testEncodeDecode() throws Exception { // test runs with different padding, include the trivial zero length case ByteArray test1 = new ByteArray("Hello, world".getBytes("UTF-8")); ByteArray test2 = test1.subArray(2, 5); byte [] res1 = serialize(test1); byte [] res2 = serialize(test2); dumpToFile("/tmp/byte-array-1", res1); dumpToFile("/tmp/byte-array-2", res2); Object r1 = deserialize(res1); System.out.println("Got object " + r1.getClass().getName()); System.out.println("Text is " + new String(((ByteArray)r1).getBytes(), "UTF-8")); Object r2 = deserialize(res2); System.out.println("Got object " + r2.getClass().getName()); System.out.println("Text is " + new String(((ByteArray)r2).getBytes(), "UTF-8")); assert test1.equals(r1); assert test2.equals(r2); } }