package de.jpaw.bonaparte.core; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import org.joda.time.Instant; import org.joda.time.LocalDate; import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime; import org.joda.time.LocalTime; import org.joda.time.format.ISODateTimeFormat; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import de.jpaw.bonaparte.pojos.meta.AlphanumericElementaryDataItem; import de.jpaw.bonaparte.pojos.meta.BasicNumericElementaryDataItem; import de.jpaw.bonaparte.pojos.meta.BinaryElementaryDataItem; import de.jpaw.bonaparte.pojos.meta.ClassDefinition; import de.jpaw.bonaparte.pojos.meta.EnumDataItem; import de.jpaw.bonaparte.pojos.meta.FieldDefinition; import de.jpaw.bonaparte.pojos.meta.MiscElementaryDataItem; import de.jpaw.bonaparte.pojos.meta.NumericElementaryDataItem; import de.jpaw.bonaparte.pojos.meta.ObjectReference; import de.jpaw.bonaparte.pojos.meta.TemporalElementaryDataItem; import de.jpaw.bonaparte.pojos.meta.XEnumDataItem; import de.jpaw.enums.AbstractXEnumBase; import de.jpaw.enums.XEnumFactory; import de.jpaw.util.ByteArray; import de.jpaw.util.MapIterator; // this parser will accept a subset of all possible convertable input types // the following types can be assumed to be accepted: // - the desired type itself // - a string // - the possible types created by the JsonParser for input originating from the corresponding type public class MapParser extends AbstractMessageParser<MessageParserException> implements MessageParser<MessageParserException> { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MapParser.class); private final Map<String, Object> map; private Iterator<Object> iter = null; private String currentClass = "N/A"; protected final boolean instantInMillis; protected final StringParserUtil spu; protected MessageParserException err(int errno, FieldDefinition di) { return new MessageParserException(errno, di.getName(), -1, currentClass); } public MapParser(Map<String, Object> map, boolean instantInMillis) { = map; // currentClass = map.get(MimeTypes.JSON_FIELD_PQON); this.instantInMillis = instantInMillis; this.spu = new StringParserUtil(new ParsePositionProvider() { @Override public int getParsePosition() { return -1; } @Override public String getCurrentClassName() { return currentClass; } }, instantInMillis); } // populate an existing object from a provided map public static void populateFrom(BonaPortable obj, Map<String, Object> map) throws MessageParserException { obj.deserialize(new MapParser(map, false)); } private static BonaPortable allocObject(Map<String, Object> map, ObjectReference di) throws MessageParserException { final ClassDefinition lowerBound = di.getLowerBound(); // create the object. Determine the type by the object reference, if that defines no subclassing // otherwise, check for special fields like $PQON (partially qualified name), and @type (fully qualified name) if (di.getAllowSubclasses() == false) { // no parameter required. determine by reference if (lowerBound == null) throw new MessageParserException(MessageParserException.JSON_BAD_OBJECTREF); return BonaPortableFactory.createObject(di.getLowerBound().getName()); // OK } // variable contents. see if we got a partially qualified name Object pqon1 = map.get(MimeTypes.JSON_FIELD_PQON); if (pqon1 != null && pqon1 instanceof String) { // lucky day, we got the partially qualified name return BonaPortableFactory.createObject((String)pqon1); } Object pqon2 = map.get(MimeTypes.JSON_FIELD_FQON); if (pqon2 != null && pqon2 instanceof String) { // also lucky, we got a fully qualified name return BonaPortableFactory.createObjectByFqon((String)pqon2); } // fallback: use the lower bound of di, if provided if (lowerBound == null) { // also no lower bound? Cannot work around that! throw new MessageParserException(MessageParserException.JSON_NO_PQON, di.getName(), -1, null); } if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { // output the map we got LOGGER.trace("Cannot convert Map to BonaPortable, Map dump is"); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> me : map.entrySet()) LOGGER.trace(" \"{}\": {}", me.getKey(), me.getValue() == null ? "null" : me.getValue().toString()); } // severe issue if the base class is abstract if (lowerBound.getIsAbstract()) { LOGGER.warn("Parsed object cannot be determined, no type information provided and base object is abstract. {}: ({}...)", di.getName(), lowerBound.getName()); throw new MessageParserException(MessageParserException.JSON_NO_PQON, di.getName(), -1, null); } // issue a warning, at least, and use the base class LOGGER.warn("Parsed object cannot be determined uniquely, no type information provided and subclasses allowed for {}: ({}...)", di.getName(), lowerBound.getName()); return BonaPortableFactory.createObject(lowerBound.getName()); } // convert a map to BonaPortable, read class info from the Map ($PQON entries) public static BonaPortable asBonaPortable(Map<String, Object> map, ObjectReference di) throws MessageParserException { BonaPortable obj = allocObject(map, di); populateFrom(obj, map); return obj; } private Object getNext(FieldDefinition di) { return (iter != null) ? : map.get(di.getName()); } private Object get(FieldDefinition di) throws MessageParserException { Object z = getNext(di); if (z == null && di.getIsRequired()) throw err(MessageParserException.ILLEGAL_EXPLICIT_NULL, di); return z; } @Override public MessageParserException enumExceptionConverter(IllegalArgumentException e) throws MessageParserException { return new MessageParserException(MessageParserException.INVALID_ENUM_TOKEN, e.getMessage(), -1, currentClass); } @Override public MessageParserException customExceptionConverter(String msg, Exception e) throws MessageParserException { return new MessageParserException(MessageParserException.CUSTOM_OBJECT_EXCEPTION, e != null ? msg + e.toString() : msg, -1, currentClass); } @Override public void setClassName(String newClassName) { currentClass = newClassName; } @Override public Character readCharacter(MiscElementaryDataItem di) throws MessageParserException { Object z = get(di); if (z == null) return null; if (z instanceof Character) return (Character)z; // must be string of length 1 otherwise if (z instanceof String) { return spu.readCharacter(di, (String)z); } throw err(MessageParserException.UNSUPPORTED_CONVERSION, di); } @Override public UUID readUUID(MiscElementaryDataItem di) throws MessageParserException { Object z = get(di); if (z == null) return null; if (z instanceof UUID) return (UUID)z; if (z instanceof String) { return spu.readUUID(di, (String)z); } throw err(MessageParserException.UNSUPPORTED_CONVERSION, di); } @Override public Boolean readBoolean(MiscElementaryDataItem di) throws MessageParserException { Object z = get(di); if (z == null) return null; if (z instanceof Boolean) return (Boolean)z; if (z instanceof String) { return spu.readBoolean(di, (String)z); } if (z instanceof Number) { return ((Number)z).doubleValue() == 0.0 ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; } throw err(MessageParserException.UNSUPPORTED_CONVERSION, di); } @Override public Double readDouble(BasicNumericElementaryDataItem di) throws MessageParserException { Object z = get(di); if (z == null) return null; if (z instanceof Number) { return Double.valueOf(((Number)z).doubleValue()); } if (z instanceof String) { return Double.valueOf(spu.readPrimitiveDouble(di, (String)z)); } throw err(MessageParserException.UNSUPPORTED_CONVERSION, di); } @Override public Float readFloat(BasicNumericElementaryDataItem di) throws MessageParserException { Object z = get(di); if (z == null) return null; if (z instanceof Number) { return Float.valueOf(((Number)z).floatValue()); } if (z instanceof String) { return Float.valueOf(spu.readPrimitiveFloat(di, (String)z)); } throw err(MessageParserException.UNSUPPORTED_CONVERSION, di); } @Override public Long readLong(BasicNumericElementaryDataItem di) throws MessageParserException { Object z = get(di); if (z == null) return null; if (z instanceof Number) { return Long.valueOf(((Number)z).longValue()); } if (z instanceof String) { return Long.valueOf(spu.readPrimitiveLong(di, (String)z)); } throw err(MessageParserException.UNSUPPORTED_CONVERSION, di); } @Override public Integer readInteger(BasicNumericElementaryDataItem di) throws MessageParserException { Object z = get(di); if (z == null) return null; if (z instanceof Number) { return Integer.valueOf(((Number)z).intValue()); } if (z instanceof String) { return Integer.valueOf(spu.readPrimitiveInteger(di, (String)z)); } throw err(MessageParserException.UNSUPPORTED_CONVERSION, di); } @Override public Short readShort(BasicNumericElementaryDataItem di) throws MessageParserException { Object z = get(di); if (z == null) return null; if (z instanceof Number) { return Short.valueOf(((Number)z).shortValue()); } if (z instanceof String) { return Short.valueOf(spu.readPrimitiveShort(di, (String)z)); } throw err(MessageParserException.UNSUPPORTED_CONVERSION, di); } @Override public Byte readByte(BasicNumericElementaryDataItem di) throws MessageParserException { Object z = get(di); if (z == null) return null; if (z instanceof Number) { return Byte.valueOf(((Number)z).byteValue()); } if (z instanceof String) { return Byte.valueOf(spu.readPrimitiveByte(di, (String)z)); } throw err(MessageParserException.UNSUPPORTED_CONVERSION, di); } @Override public BigInteger readBigInteger(BasicNumericElementaryDataItem di) throws MessageParserException { Object z = get(di); if (z == null) return null; if (z instanceof BigInteger) // todo: check scale? return (BigInteger)z; if (z instanceof Number) { // check int, long if (z instanceof Integer) return BigInteger.valueOf(((Integer)z).intValue()); if (z instanceof Long) return BigInteger.valueOf(((Long)z).longValue()); throw err(MessageParserException.UNSUPPORTED_CONVERSION, di); } if (z instanceof String) { return spu.readBigInteger(di, (String)z); } throw err(MessageParserException.UNSUPPORTED_CONVERSION, di); } @Override public BigDecimal readBigDecimal(NumericElementaryDataItem di) throws MessageParserException { Object z = get(di); if (z == null) return null; if (z instanceof BigDecimal) // todo: check scale? return (BigDecimal)z; if (z instanceof Number) { // check double, int, long if (z instanceof Integer) return BigDecimal.valueOf(((Integer)z).intValue()); if (z instanceof Long) return BigDecimal.valueOf(((Long)z).longValue()); if (z instanceof Double) return BigDecimal.valueOf(((Double)z).doubleValue()); throw err(MessageParserException.UNSUPPORTED_CONVERSION, di); } if (z instanceof String) { return spu.readBigDecimal(di, (String)z); } throw err(MessageParserException.UNSUPPORTED_CONVERSION, di); } @Override public String readAscii(AlphanumericElementaryDataItem di) throws MessageParserException { Object z = get(di); if (z == null) return null; if (z instanceof String) { return spu.readAscii(di, (String)z); } throw err(MessageParserException.UNSUPPORTED_CONVERSION, di); } @Override public String readString(AlphanumericElementaryDataItem di) throws MessageParserException { Object z = get(di); if (z == null) return null; if (z instanceof String) { return spu.readString(di, (String)z); } throw err(MessageParserException.UNSUPPORTED_CONVERSION, di); } @Override public ByteArray readByteArray(BinaryElementaryDataItem di) throws MessageParserException { Object z = get(di); if (z == null) return null; if (z instanceof ByteArray) { final ByteArray zz = (ByteArray)z; if (zz.length() > di.getLength()) throw err(MessageParserException.BINARY_TOO_LONG, di); return zz; } if (z instanceof byte []) { final byte [] zz = (byte [])z; if (zz.length > di.getLength()) throw err(MessageParserException.BINARY_TOO_LONG, di); return zz.length == 0 ? ByteArray.ZERO_BYTE_ARRAY : new ByteArray(zz); } if (z instanceof String) { return spu.readByteArray(di, (String)z); } throw err(MessageParserException.UNSUPPORTED_CONVERSION, di); } @Override public byte[] readRaw(BinaryElementaryDataItem di) throws MessageParserException { Object z = get(di); if (z == null) return null; if (z instanceof ByteArray) { final ByteArray zz = (ByteArray)z; if (zz.length() > di.getLength()) throw err(MessageParserException.BINARY_TOO_LONG, di); return zz.getBytes(); } if (z instanceof byte []) { final byte [] zz = (byte [])z; if (zz.length > di.getLength()) throw err(MessageParserException.BINARY_TOO_LONG, di); return zz; } if (z instanceof String) { return spu.readRaw(di, (String)z); } throw err(MessageParserException.UNSUPPORTED_CONVERSION, di); } @Override public Instant readInstant(TemporalElementaryDataItem di) throws MessageParserException { Object z = get(di); if (z == null) return null; if (z instanceof Instant) { return (Instant)z; } if (z instanceof String) { return spu.readInstant(di, (String)z); // assumes precision = 1 second, with fractionals if ms } if (z instanceof Number) { // convert number of seconds to Instant return new Instant((long)(((Number)z).doubleValue() * 1000.0)); } throw err(MessageParserException.UNSUPPORTED_CONVERSION, di); } @Override public LocalDate readDay(TemporalElementaryDataItem di) throws MessageParserException { Object z = get(di); if (z == null) return null; if (z instanceof String) { // cannot use spu, use JSON instead of Bonaparte formatting try { return LocalDate.parse((String)z,; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw err(MessageParserException.ILLEGAL_TIME, di); } } if (z instanceof LocalDate) { return (LocalDate)z; } throw err(MessageParserException.UNSUPPORTED_CONVERSION, di); } @Override public LocalTime readTime(TemporalElementaryDataItem di) throws MessageParserException { Object z = get(di); if (z == null) return null; if (z instanceof String) { // cannot use spu, use JSON instead of Bonaparte formatting try { //return LocalTime.parse((String)z, di.getFractionalSeconds() > 0 ? ISODateTimeFormat.time() : ISODateTimeFormat.timeNoMillis()); return LocalTime.parse((String)z, ISODateTimeFormat.timeParser()); // a more flexible parser } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw err(MessageParserException.ILLEGAL_TIME, di); } } if (z instanceof LocalTime) { return (LocalTime)z; } throw err(MessageParserException.UNSUPPORTED_CONVERSION, di); } @Override public LocalDateTime readDayTime(TemporalElementaryDataItem di) throws MessageParserException { Object z = get(di); if (z == null) return null; if (z instanceof String) { // cannot use spu, use JSON instead of Bonaparte formatting try { // return LocalDateTime.parse((String)z, di.getFractionalSeconds() > 0 ? ISODateTimeFormat.dateTime() : ISODateTimeFormat.dateTimeNoMillis()); return LocalDateTime.parse((String)z, ISODateTimeFormat.dateTimeParser()); // a more flexible parser } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw err(MessageParserException.ILLEGAL_TIME, di); } } if (z instanceof LocalDateTime) { return (LocalDateTime)z; } throw err(MessageParserException.UNSUPPORTED_CONVERSION, di); } @Override public <R extends BonaPortable> R readObject(ObjectReference di, Class<R> type) throws MessageParserException { // read of a nested object => uses a separate map! Object z = get(di); if (z == null) return null; BonaCustom obj; if (z instanceof Map<?,?>) { obj = asBonaPortable((Map<String, Object>)z, di); // recursive invocation } else if (z instanceof BonaCustom) { obj = (BonaCustom)z; } else { throw err(MessageParserException.UNSUPPORTED_CONVERSION, di); } if (obj.getClass().equals(type)) return (R)obj; if (!di.getAllowSubclasses() && !type.isAssignableFrom(obj.getClass())) throw new MessageParserException(MessageParserException.BAD_CLASS, String.format("(got %s, expected %s or subclass for %s)", obj.getClass().getSimpleName(), type.getSimpleName(), di.getName()), -1, currentClass); return (R)obj; } @Override public Map<String, Object> readJson(ObjectReference di) throws MessageParserException { Object z = get(di); if (z == null) return null; if (z instanceof Map<?,?>) { return (Map<String, Object>)z; // no check possible due to Java type erasure } // reverse mapping: BonaPortable => Map<>. It would be weird to encounter here, but hey.... if (z instanceof BonaCustom) { return MapComposer.marshal((BonaCustom)z); } throw err(MessageParserException.UNSUPPORTED_CONVERSION, di); } @Override public List<Object> readArray(ObjectReference di) throws MessageParserException { Object z = get(di); if (z == null) return null; if (z instanceof List<?>) { return (List<Object>)z; // no check possible due to Java type erasure } if (z instanceof Object []) { return new ArrayList<Object>(Arrays.asList((Object [])z)); } throw err(MessageParserException.UNSUPPORTED_CONVERSION, di); } @Override public Object readElement(ObjectReference di) throws MessageParserException { return get(di); } @Override public int parseMapStart(FieldDefinition di) throws MessageParserException { if (iter != null) throw new RuntimeException("Nested collection should not happen, but occurred for Map " + currentClass + "." + di.getName()); Object z = getNext(di); if (z == null) { if (di.getIsAggregateRequired()) throw err(MessageParserException.NULL_COLLECTION_NOT_ALLOWED, di); return -1; } if (z instanceof Map<?,?>) { Map<Object,Object> m = (Map<Object,Object>)z; iter = new MapIterator<Object>(m); return m.size(); } throw err(MessageParserException.UNSUPPORTED_CONVERSION, di); } @Override public int parseArrayStart(FieldDefinition di, int sizeOfElement) throws MessageParserException { if (iter != null) throw new RuntimeException("Nested collection should not happen, but occurred for Collection " + currentClass + "." + di.getName()); Object z = getNext(di); if (z == null) { if (di.getIsAggregateRequired()) throw err(MessageParserException.NULL_COLLECTION_NOT_ALLOWED, di); return -1; } if (z instanceof List<?>) { List<Object> l = (List<Object>)z; iter = l.iterator(); return l.size(); } if (z instanceof Set<?>) { Set<Object> s = (Set<Object>)z; iter = s.iterator(); return s.size(); } if (z instanceof Object []) { Object [] a = (Object [])z; iter = Arrays.asList(a).iterator(); return a.length; } throw err(MessageParserException.UNSUPPORTED_CONVERSION, di); } @Override public void parseArrayEnd() throws MessageParserException { if (iter == null) throw new RuntimeException("Cannot end collection when none has been started."); if (iter.hasNext()) throw new RuntimeException("Should not end collection when iterator has not been exhausted."); iter = null; } @Override public BonaPortable readRecord() throws MessageParserException { BonaPortable obj = allocObject(map, null); obj.deserialize(this); return obj; } @Override public List<BonaPortable> readTransmission() throws MessageParserException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public void eatParentSeparator() throws MessageParserException { } @Override public <T extends AbstractXEnumBase<T>> T readXEnum(XEnumDataItem di, XEnumFactory<T> factory) throws MessageParserException { Object z = getNext(di); if (z == null) { T result = factory.getNullToken(); if (result == null && di.getIsRequired()) throw err(MessageParserException.EMPTY_BUT_REQUIRED_FIELD, di); return result; } if (z instanceof String) { final T value = factory.getByToken((String)z); if (value == null) throw err(MessageParserException.INVALID_ENUM_TOKEN, di); return value; } throw err(MessageParserException.UNSUPPORTED_CONVERSION, di); } // special handling of enums: access the original name, not the one with $token suffix: take care when di and when edi is used! @Override public Integer readEnum(EnumDataItem edi, BasicNumericElementaryDataItem di) throws MessageParserException { Object z = get(edi); if (z == null) return null; if (z instanceof Number) { return Integer.valueOf(((Number)z).intValue()); } if (z instanceof String) { return Integer.valueOf(spu.readPrimitiveInteger(di, (String)z)); } throw err(MessageParserException.UNSUPPORTED_CONVERSION, edi); } // special handling of enums: access the original name, not the one with $token suffix @Override public String readEnum(EnumDataItem edi, AlphanumericElementaryDataItem di) throws MessageParserException { Object z = get(edi); if (z == null) return null; if (z instanceof String) { return spu.readString(di, (String)z); } throw err(MessageParserException.UNSUPPORTED_CONVERSION, edi); } }