package de.jpaw.bonaparte.core; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import org.joda.time.Instant; import org.joda.time.LocalDate; import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime; import org.joda.time.LocalTime; import org.joda.time.ReadablePartial; import de.jpaw.bonaparte.enums.BonaNonTokenizableEnum; import de.jpaw.bonaparte.enums.BonaTokenizableEnum; import de.jpaw.bonaparte.pojos.meta.AlphanumericElementaryDataItem; import de.jpaw.bonaparte.pojos.meta.BasicNumericElementaryDataItem; import de.jpaw.bonaparte.pojos.meta.BinaryElementaryDataItem; import de.jpaw.bonaparte.pojos.meta.ClassDefinition; import de.jpaw.bonaparte.pojos.meta.EnumDataItem; import de.jpaw.bonaparte.pojos.meta.FieldDefinition; import de.jpaw.bonaparte.pojos.meta.MiscElementaryDataItem; import de.jpaw.bonaparte.pojos.meta.NumericElementaryDataItem; import de.jpaw.bonaparte.pojos.meta.ObjectReference; import de.jpaw.bonaparte.pojos.meta.TemporalElementaryDataItem; import de.jpaw.bonaparte.pojos.meta.XEnumDataItem; import de.jpaw.enums.AbstractByteEnumSet; import de.jpaw.enums.AbstractIntEnumSet; import de.jpaw.enums.AbstractLongEnumSet; import de.jpaw.enums.AbstractShortEnumSet; import de.jpaw.enums.AbstractStringEnumSet; import de.jpaw.enums.AbstractStringXEnumSet; import de.jpaw.enums.AbstractXEnumBase; import de.jpaw.enums.EnumSetMarker; import de.jpaw.enums.TokenizableEnum; import de.jpaw.enums.XEnum; import de.jpaw.util.ByteArray; public abstract class AbstractCompactComposer extends AbstractMessageComposer<IOException> implements CompactConstants { private static Field unsafeString = calculateUnsafe(); static private Field calculateUnsafe() { try { Field f = String.class.getDeclaredField("value"); f.setAccessible(true); return f; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } private final boolean useJsonForBonaCustomInElements; // if true, the subobjects inside Element will be output as JSON. This kills enums on deserialization, but allows to deserialize objects not known on receiver side. private final boolean useCache; private final Map<BonaCustom, Integer> objectCache; private int numberOfObjectsSerialized; private int numberOfObjectReuses; // variables set by constructor protected final DataOutput out; protected final boolean recommendIdentifiable; // if true, then factoryId and classId will be used to identify the object (requires prior registration of factories before parsing) protected boolean skipLowerBoundObjectDescription = true; // if true and the object to serialize corresponds to its lower bound, then do not output the class description protected AbstractCompactComposer jsonComposer = null; // derived composer on same DataOutput, which also creates field names. Will be initialized on demand. protected AbstractCompactComposer(DataOutput out, ObjectReuseStrategy reuseStrategy, boolean recommendIdentifiable, boolean useJsonForBonaCustomInElements) { switch (reuseStrategy) { case BY_CONTENTS: this.objectCache = new HashMap<BonaCustom, Integer>(250); this.useCache = true; break; case BY_REFERENCE: this.objectCache = new IdentityHashMap<BonaCustom, Integer>(250); this.useCache = true; break; default: this.objectCache = null; this.useCache = false; break; } this.out = out; this.recommendIdentifiable = recommendIdentifiable; this.useJsonForBonaCustomInElements = useJsonForBonaCustomInElements; numberOfObjectsSerialized = 0; numberOfObjectReuses = 0; } public boolean isSkipLowerBoundObjectDescription() { return skipLowerBoundObjectDescription; } public void setSkipLowerBoundObjectDescription(boolean skipLowerBoundObjectDescription) { this.skipLowerBoundObjectDescription = skipLowerBoundObjectDescription; } // must be overridden / called if caching / reuse is active! public void reset() { numberOfObjectsSerialized = 0; numberOfObjectReuses = 0; if (useCache) objectCache.clear(); } // for statistics public int getNumberOfObjectReuses() { return numberOfObjectReuses; } protected void writeNull() throws IOException { out.writeByte(NULL_FIELD); } @Override public void writeNull(FieldDefinition di) throws IOException { out.writeByte(NULL_FIELD); } @Override public void writeNullCollection(FieldDefinition di) throws IOException { out.writeByte(NULL_FIELD); } // write a non-empty string (using charAt()) protected void writeLongString(String s) throws IOException { char maxCode = 0; int numWith2Byte = 0; int len = s.length(); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++ i) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c > maxCode) maxCode = c; if (c > 127) ++numWith2Byte; } if (maxCode <= 255) { // no reason not to support a full 8 bit character set - this may save a bit of space for some west european texts // pure ASCII String if (len <= 16) { out.writeByte(SHORT_ISO_STRING + len - 1); } else { out.writeByte(ISO_STRING); intOut(len); } out.writeBytes(s); } else if (maxCode < 2048) { // UTF-8 out, with max. 2 byte sequences... out.writeByte(UTF8_STRING); intOut(len + numWith2Byte); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { int c = s.charAt(i); if (c < 128) { out.writeByte(c); } else { // out.writeShort(((0xC0 | (c >> 6)) << 8) | (0x80 | (c & 0x3F))); out.writeShort(0xC080 | ((c & 0x7c0) << 2) | (c & 0x3F)); // should be the same, but shorter } } } else { // UTF-16, due to possible 3 byte sequences out.writeByte(UTF16_STRING); intOut(len); out.writeChars(s); } } // write a non-empty string (using char[]) protected void writeLongStringArray(String s) throws IOException { char maxCode = 0; int numWith2Byte = 0; int len = s.length(); char buff [] = s.toCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++ i) { char c = buff[i]; if (c > maxCode) maxCode = c; if (c > 127) ++numWith2Byte; } if (maxCode <= 255) { // pure ASCII String if (len <= 16) { out.writeByte(SHORT_ISO_STRING + len - 1); } else { out.writeByte(ISO_STRING); intOut(len); } for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) out.writeByte(buff[i]); } else if (maxCode < 2048) { // UTF-8 out, with max. 2 byte sequences... out.writeByte(UTF8_STRING); intOut(len + numWith2Byte); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { int c = buff[i]; if (c < 128) { out.writeByte(c); } else { // out.writeShort(((0xC0 | (c >> 6)) << 8) | (0x80 | (c & 0x3F))); out.writeShort(0xC080 | ((c & 0x7c0) << 2) | (c & 0x3F)); // should be the same, but shorter } } } else { // UTF-16, due to possible 3 byte sequences out.writeByte(UTF16_STRING); intOut(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) out.writeShort(buff[i]); } } // write a non-empty string (using char[]) protected void writeLongStringStealArray(String s) throws IOException { if (unsafeString == null) { writeLongStringArray(s); return; } char buff[]; try { buff = (char []) unsafeString.get(s); } catch (Exception e) { writeLongStringArray(s); return; } char maxCode = 0; int numWith2Byte = 0; int len = buff.length; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++ i) { char c = buff[i]; if (c > maxCode) maxCode = c; if (c > 127) ++numWith2Byte; } if (maxCode <= 255) { // pure ASCII String if (len <= 16) { out.writeByte(SHORT_ISO_STRING + len - 1); } else { out.writeByte(ISO_STRING); intOut(len); } for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) out.writeByte(buff[i]); } else if (maxCode < 2048) { // UTF-8 out, with max. 2 byte sequences... out.writeByte(UTF8_STRING); intOut(len + numWith2Byte); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { int c = buff[i]; if (c < 128) { out.writeByte(c); } else { // out.writeShort(((0xC0 | (c >> 6)) << 8) | (0x80 | (c & 0x3F))); out.writeShort(0xC080 | ((c & 0x7c0) << 2) | (c & 0x3F)); // should be the same, but shorter } } } else { // UTF-16, due to possible 3 byte sequences out.writeByte(UTF16_STRING); intOut(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) out.writeShort(buff[i]); } } // output an integral value protected void intOut(int n) throws IOException { if (n >= 0) { // bisect the cases... if (n <= 60) { // single byte if (n < 32) out.writeByte(n); else out.writeByte(0x80 - 32 + n); } else if (n <= 0x7fff) { if (n < 4096) { // 2 byte integer // out.writeByte(0xc0 + (n >> 8)); // out.writeByte(n); out.writeShort(n | 0xc000); // the same, but faster } else { // 3 byte integer out.writeByte(INT_2BYTE); out.writeShort(n); } } else if (n <= 0x7fffff) { // out.writeByte(INT_3BYTE); // out.writeByte(n >> 16); // out.writeShort(n); out.writeInt(n | (INT_3BYTE << 24)); // the same, but faster } else { out.writeByte(INT_4BYTE); out.writeInt(n); } } else { if (n >= -32768) { if (n >= -10) out.writeByte(0xa0 - n); else { out.writeByte(INT_2BYTE); out.writeShort(n); } } else if (n >= -0x800000) { // out.writeByte(INT_3BYTE); // out.writeByte(n >> 16); // out.writeShort(n); out.writeInt((n & 0xffffff) | (INT_3BYTE << 24)); // the same, but faster } else { out.writeByte(INT_4BYTE); out.writeInt(n); } } } protected void charOut(char c) throws IOException { // if it is a displayable ASCII character, there is a short form if ((c & ~0x7f) == 0 && c >= 0x20) { // 1:1 mapping! write it as a byte! out.writeByte(c); // 1 byte } else if ((c & 0xff00) == 0) { // ISO char out.writeByte(SHORT_ISO_STRING); // 2 byte out.writeByte(c); } else { // something else. Write a single char out.writeByte(UNICODE_CHAR); // 3 byte out.writeShort((short)c); } } // character @Override public void addField(MiscElementaryDataItem di, char c) throws IOException { charOut(c); } protected void stringOut(String s) throws IOException { if (s.length() == 0) { out.writeByte(EMPTY_FIELD); } else if (s.length() == 1) { charOut(s.charAt(0)); } else if (s.length() > 8) { writeLongStringStealArray(s); } else { writeLongString(s); } } @Override public void addField(AlphanumericElementaryDataItem di, String s) throws IOException { if (s == null) { writeNull(); } else { stringOut(s); } } // n is not null protected void bigintOut(BigInteger n) throws IOException { int l = n.bitLength(); // see if we fit into an int if (l <= 31) { // yes, then store as an int intOut(n.intValue()); // intValueExact() requires Java 1.8 } else { out.writeByte(COMPACT_BIGINTEGER); byte [] tmp = n.toByteArray(); // TODO: do some dirty trick to avoid temporary array construction! intOut(tmp.length); out.write(tmp); } } // n is not null protected void bigdecimalOut(BigDecimal n) throws IOException { int sgn = n.signum(); if (sgn == 0) { out.writeByte(0); // special case, but no need to treat it separately while parsing, as general integers are accepted } else { int scale = n.scale(); if (scale > 0 || scale < -3) { // is a fractional number if (scale > 0 && scale <= 9) { out.writeByte(COMPACT_BIGDECIMAL + scale); } else { out.writeByte(COMPACT_BIGDECIMAL); intOut(scale); } bigintOut(n.unscaledValue()); } else { // number is integral (and not with exponent HUGE) bigintOut(n.toBigInteger()); } } } // decimal @Override public void addField(NumericElementaryDataItem di, BigDecimal n) throws IOException { if (n != null) { bigdecimalOut(n); } else { writeNull(); } } // byte @Override public void addField(BasicNumericElementaryDataItem di, byte n) throws IOException { intOut(n); } // short @Override public void addField(BasicNumericElementaryDataItem di, short n) throws IOException { intOut(n); } // integer @Override public void addField(BasicNumericElementaryDataItem di, int n) throws IOException { intOut(n); } // int(n) @Override public void addField(BasicNumericElementaryDataItem di, BigInteger n) throws IOException { if (n != null) { bigintOut(n); } else { writeNull(); } } // entry which does not need a reference protected void longOut(long n) throws IOException { int nn = (int)n; if (nn == n) intOut((int)n); else { if ((n & 0xffff0000L) == (n > 0 ? 0 : 0xffff0000L)) { out.writeByte(INT_6BYTE); out.writeShort((short)(n >> 32)); out.writeInt((int)n); return; } // default out.writeByte(INT_8BYTE); // TODO: optimize for 5 or 7 bytes here! out.writeLong(n); } } // long @Override public void addField(BasicNumericElementaryDataItem di, long n) throws IOException { longOut(n); } // boolean @Override public void addField(MiscElementaryDataItem di, boolean b) throws IOException { out.writeByte(b ? COMPACT_BOOLEAN_TRUE : COMPACT_BOOLEAN_FALSE); } // float @Override public void addField(BasicNumericElementaryDataItem di, float f) throws IOException { int i = (int)f; if (i == f) { // integral number, can be stored in compact form intOut(i); } else { out.writeByte(COMPACT_FLOAT); out.writeFloat(f); } } // double @Override public void addField(BasicNumericElementaryDataItem di, double d) throws IOException { int i = (int)d; if (i == d) { // integral number, can be stored in compact form intOut(i); } else { out.writeByte(COMPACT_DOUBLE); out.writeDouble(d); } } protected void uuidOut(UUID n) throws IOException { out.writeByte(COMPACT_UUID); out.writeLong(n.getMostSignificantBits()); out.writeLong(n.getLeastSignificantBits()); } // UUID @Override public void addField(MiscElementaryDataItem di, UUID n) throws IOException { if (n != null) { uuidOut(n); } else { writeNull(); } } protected void bytearrayOut(ByteArray b) throws IOException { out.writeByte(COMPACT_BINARY); intOut(b.length()); if (b.length() > 0) { b.writeToDataOutput(out); } } // ByteArray: initial quick & dirty implementation @Override public void addField(BinaryElementaryDataItem di, ByteArray b) throws IOException { if (b != null) { bytearrayOut(b); } else { writeNull(); } } protected void bytesOut(byte [] b) throws IOException { out.writeByte(COMPACT_BINARY); intOut(b.length); if (b.length > 0) { out.write(b); } } // raw. Almost the same as ByteArray... @Override public void addField(BinaryElementaryDataItem di, byte[] b) throws IOException { if (b != null) { bytesOut(b); } else { writeNull(); } } protected void localdateOut(LocalDate t) throws IOException { out.writeByte(COMPACT_DATE); intOut(t.getYear()); intOut(t.getMonthOfYear()); intOut(t.getDayOfMonth()); } // converters for DAY und TIMESTAMP @Override public void addField(TemporalElementaryDataItem di, LocalDate t) throws IOException { if (t != null) { localdateOut(t); } else { writeNull(); } } protected void localdatetimeOut(LocalDateTime t) throws IOException { int millis = t.getMillisOfSecond(); boolean fractional = millis != 0; out.writeByte(!fractional ? COMPACT_DATETIME : COMPACT_DATETIME_MILLIS); intOut(t.getYear()); intOut(t.getMonthOfYear()); intOut(t.getDayOfMonth()); if (fractional) intOut(t.getMillisOfDay()); else intOut(t.getMillisOfDay() / 1000); } @Override public void addField(TemporalElementaryDataItem di, LocalDateTime t) throws IOException { if (t != null) { localdatetimeOut(t); } else { writeNull(); } } protected void localtimeOut(LocalTime t) throws IOException { int millis = t.getMillisOfSecond(); if (millis != 0) { out.writeByte(COMPACT_TIME_MILLIS); intOut(t.getMillisOfDay()); } else { out.writeByte(COMPACT_TIME); intOut(t.getMillisOfDay() / 1000); } } @Override public void addField(TemporalElementaryDataItem di, LocalTime t) throws IOException { if (t != null) { localtimeOut(t); } else { writeNull(); } } @Override public void addField(TemporalElementaryDataItem di, Instant t) throws IOException { if (t != null) { longOut(t.getMillis()); } else { writeNull(); } } @Override public void startTransmission() throws IOException { } @Override public void terminateTransmission() throws IOException { } @Override public void terminateRecord() throws IOException { } @Override public void writeSuperclassSeparator() throws IOException { out.writeByte(PARENT_SEPARATOR); } @Override public void startRecord() throws IOException { } @Override public void startMap(FieldDefinition di, int currentMembers) throws IOException { out.writeByte(MAP_BEGIN); intOut(currentMembers); } @Override public void startArray(FieldDefinition di, int currentMembers, int sizeOfElement) throws IOException { out.writeByte(ARRAY_BEGIN); intOut(currentMembers); } // removed collections terminator because it conflicts with the intended use of parent / child serialization to separate tables @Override public void terminateArray() throws IOException { // out.out.writeByte(COLLECTIONS_TERMINATOR); } @Override public void terminateMap() throws IOException { // out.out.writeByte(COLLECTIONS_TERMINATOR); } @Override public void startObject(ObjectReference di, BonaCustom obj) throws IOException { ClassDefinition meta = obj.ret$MetaData(); if (skipLowerBoundObjectDescription && di.getLowerBound() != null && di.getLowerBound().getName().equals(meta.getName())) { if (recommendIdentifiable) { out.writeByte(OBJECT_BEGIN_BASE); } else { out.writeByte(OBJECT_BEGIN_PQON); out.writeByte(EMPTY_FIELD); addField(REVISION_META, meta.getRevision()); } } else { if (recommendIdentifiable && meta.getFactoryId() > 0 && meta.getId() > 0) { out.writeByte(OBJECT_BEGIN_ID); intOut(meta.getFactoryId()); intOut(meta.getId()); } else { out.writeByte(OBJECT_BEGIN_PQON); writeLongStringStealArray(meta.getName()); addField(REVISION_META, meta.getRevision()); } } } @Override public void terminateObject(ObjectReference di, BonaCustom obj) throws IOException { out.writeByte(OBJECT_TERMINATOR); } @Override public void addField(ObjectReference di, BonaCustom obj) throws IOException { if (obj == null) { writeNull(); } else { if (useCache) { Integer previousIndex = objectCache.get(obj); if (previousIndex != null) { // reuse this instance out.writeByte(OBJECT_AGAIN); intOut(numberOfObjectsSerialized - previousIndex.intValue() - 1); ++numberOfObjectReuses; return; } // add the new object to the cache of known objects. This is // done despite we are not yet done with the object! objectCache.put(obj, Integer.valueOf(numberOfObjectsSerialized++)); // fall through } // start a new object startObject(di, obj); // do all fields (now includes terminator) obj.serializeSub(this); // terminate the object terminateObject(di, obj); } } // enum with numeric expansion: delegate to Null/Int @Override public void addEnum(EnumDataItem di, BasicNumericElementaryDataItem ord, BonaNonTokenizableEnum n) throws IOException { if (n == null) writeNull(ord); else addField(ord, n.ordinal()); } // enum with alphanumeric expansion: delegate to Null/String @Override public void addEnum(EnumDataItem di, AlphanumericElementaryDataItem token, BonaTokenizableEnum n) throws IOException { if (n == null) writeNull(token); else addField(token, n.getToken()); } // xenum with alphanumeric expansion: delegate to Null/String @Override public void addEnum(XEnumDataItem di, AlphanumericElementaryDataItem token, XEnum<?> n) throws IOException { if (n == null) writeNull(token); else addField(token, n.getToken()); } @Override public boolean addExternal(ObjectReference di, Object obj) throws IOException { return false; // perform conversion by default } @Override public void addField(ObjectReference di, Map<String, Object> obj) throws IOException { if (obj == null) { writeNull(di); return; } elementOut(obj); } @Override public void addField(ObjectReference di, List<Object> l) throws IOException { if (l == null) { writeNull(di); return; } elementOut(l); } @Override public void addField(ObjectReference di, Object obj) throws IOException { if (obj == null) { writeNull(di); return; } elementOut(obj); } // output an Object array - anonymous subroutine protected void elementOut(Object [] l) throws IOException { if (l == null) { writeNull(); return; } out.writeByte(ARRAY_BEGIN); intOut(l.length); for (Object o : l) elementOut(o); } // output a list - anonymous subroutine protected void elementOut(List<Object> l) throws IOException { if (l == null) { writeNull(); return; } out.writeByte(ARRAY_BEGIN); intOut(l.size()); for (Object o : l) elementOut(o); } // output a map - anonymous subroutine protected void elementOut(Map<String, Object> obj) throws IOException { if (obj == null) { writeNull(); return; } out.writeByte(MAP_BEGIN); intOut(obj.size()); // number of members. Note: this implies we cannot skip nulls! OK as we assume they would have been cleared before if it was the intention to do so. for (Map.Entry<String, Object> elem: obj.entrySet()) { stringOut(elem.getKey()); elementOut(elem.getValue()); } } // output a generic object - anonymous subroutine protected void elementOut(Object obj) throws IOException { if (obj == null) { writeNull(); return; } // check for types. here, we do not have primitive types if (obj instanceof Number) { // check numeric types if (obj instanceof Integer) { intOut(((Integer)obj).intValue()); return; } if (obj instanceof Long) { longOut(((Long)obj).longValue()); return; } if (obj instanceof Byte) { intOut(((Byte)obj).intValue()); return; } if (obj instanceof Short) { intOut(((Short)obj).intValue()); return; } if (obj instanceof BigInteger) { bigintOut((BigInteger)obj); return; } if (obj instanceof BigDecimal) { bigdecimalOut((BigDecimal)obj); return; } if (obj instanceof Double) { out.writeByte(COMPACT_DOUBLE); // no check for integral type here, as we have no type information out.writeDouble(((Double)obj).doubleValue()); return; } if (obj instanceof Float) { out.writeByte(COMPACT_FLOAT); // no check for integral type here, as we have no type information out.writeFloat(((Float)obj).floatValue()); return; } throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognized type " + obj.getClass().getSimpleName() + " for compact number"); } if (obj instanceof String) { stringOut((String)obj); return; } if (obj instanceof Boolean) { out.writeByte((Boolean)obj ? COMPACT_BOOLEAN_TRUE : COMPACT_BOOLEAN_FALSE); return; } if (obj instanceof UUID) { uuidOut((UUID)obj); return; } if (obj instanceof Character) { charOut(((Character)obj).charValue()); return; } if (obj instanceof ByteArray) { bytearrayOut((ByteArray)obj); return; } if (obj instanceof Map<?,?>) { elementOut((Map<String, Object>)obj); return; } if (obj instanceof List<?>) { elementOut((List<Object>)obj); return; } if (obj instanceof EnumSetMarker) { if (obj instanceof AbstractStringEnumSet<?>) { stringOut(((AbstractStringEnumSet<?>)obj).getBitmap()); } else if (obj instanceof AbstractStringXEnumSet<?>) { stringOut(((AbstractStringXEnumSet<?>)obj).getBitmap()); } else if (obj instanceof AbstractIntEnumSet<?>) { intOut(((AbstractIntEnumSet<?>)obj).getBitmap()); } else if (obj instanceof AbstractLongEnumSet<?>) { longOut(((AbstractLongEnumSet<?>)obj).getBitmap()); } else if (obj instanceof AbstractByteEnumSet<?>) { intOut(((AbstractByteEnumSet<?>)obj).getBitmap()); } else if (obj instanceof AbstractShortEnumSet<?>) { intOut(((AbstractShortEnumSet<?>)obj).getBitmap()); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot transform enum set of type " + obj.getClass().getSimpleName() + " to JSON"); } return; } if (obj instanceof Set<?>) { final Set<?> l = (Set<?>)obj; out.writeByte(ARRAY_BEGIN); intOut(l.size()); for (Object o : l) elementOut(o); return; } if (obj instanceof Enum) { // distinguish Tokenizable if (obj instanceof TokenizableEnum) { stringOut(((TokenizableEnum)obj).getToken()); } else { intOut(((Enum<?>)obj).ordinal()); } return; } if (obj instanceof AbstractXEnumBase<?>) { stringOut(((AbstractXEnumBase)obj).getToken()); return; } if (obj instanceof Instant) { longOut(((Instant)obj).getMillis()); return; } if (obj instanceof ReadablePartial) { if (obj instanceof LocalDate) { localdateOut((LocalDate)obj); return; } if (obj instanceof LocalTime) { localtimeOut((LocalTime)obj); return; } if (obj instanceof LocalDateTime) { localdatetimeOut((LocalDateTime)obj); return; } throw new RuntimeException("Cannot transform joda readable partial of type " + obj.getClass().getSimpleName() + " to JSON"); } if (obj instanceof BonaCustom) { if (useJsonForBonaCustomInElements) { // create a special JSON composer on demand if (jsonComposer == null) jsonComposer = new CompactJsonComposer(out); // composer which adds ability to output field names jsonComposer.writeObject((BonaCustom)obj); } else { addField(StaticMeta.INNER_BONAPORTABLE, (BonaCustom)obj); // output objects as object, even within JSON! (catch issues during deserialize) } return; } if (obj instanceof Object []) { // any array of an object type (String, Boolean whatever...) except primitive arrays elementOut((Object [])obj); return; } if (obj.getClass().isArray()) { outputPrimitiveArrays(obj); return; } throw new RuntimeException("Cannot transform type " + obj.getClass().getSimpleName() + " to JSON"); } // code moved out due to excessive length private void outputPrimitiveArrays(Object obj) throws IOException { if (obj instanceof byte []) { bytesOut((byte [])obj); return; } out.writeByte(ARRAY_BEGIN); if (obj instanceof int []) { final int [] array = (int [])obj; final int len = array.length; intOut(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { intOut(array[i]); } return; } if (obj instanceof boolean []) { final boolean [] array = (boolean [])obj; final int len = array.length; intOut(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { out.writeByte(array[i] ? COMPACT_BOOLEAN_TRUE : COMPACT_BOOLEAN_FALSE); } return; } if (obj instanceof char []) { final char [] array = (char [])obj; final int len = array.length; intOut(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { stringOut(Character.toString(array[i])); // converts char [] to a string } return; } if (obj instanceof long []) { final long [] array = (long [])obj; final int len = array.length; intOut(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { longOut(array[i]); } return; } if (obj instanceof short []) { final short [] array = (short [])obj; final int len = array.length; intOut(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { intOut(array[i]); } return; } if (obj instanceof double []) { final double [] array = (double [])obj; final int len = array.length; intOut(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { out.writeByte(COMPACT_DOUBLE); // no check for integral type here, as we have no type information out.writeDouble(array[i]); } return; } if (obj instanceof float []) { final float [] array = (float [])obj; final int len = array.length; intOut(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { out.writeByte(COMPACT_FLOAT); // no check for integral type here, as we have no type information out.writeFloat(array[i]); } return; } throw new RuntimeException("Not yet supported: primitive array " + obj.getClass().getSimpleName()); } }