package org.atricore.idbus.kernel.main.mediation; import org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQObjectMessage; import org.apache.activemq.util.ByteArrayInputStream; import org.apache.activemq.util.ByteSequence; import org.apache.activemq.util.JMSExceptionSupport; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import org.atricore.idbus.kernel.main.mediation.osgi.ClassLoadingAwareObjectInputStream; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; import org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean; import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean; import org.springframework.osgi.context.BundleContextAware; import javax.jms.*; import*; import java.util.Enumeration; import; /** * @author <a href="">Sebastian Gonzalez Oyuela</a> * @version $Id$ */ public class ActiveMQMessageQueueManager implements MessageQueueManager, BundleContextAware, InitializingBean, DisposableBean { private static transient Log log = LogFactory.getLog(MessageQueueManager.class); private ArtifactGenerator artifactGenerator; private ConnectionFactory connectionFactory; private String jmsProviderDestinationName; private Connection connection; private Session session; private Queue queue; private boolean initialized = false; private BundleContext bundleContext; private ClassLoader osgiClassLoader; private long receiveTimeout = 30000L; private long artifactTTL = 600L; public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception { init(); } public void destroy() throws Exception { shutDown(); } public void setBundleContext(BundleContext bundleContext) { this.bundleContext = bundleContext; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Creating OSGi Bundlespace classloader using bundle " + bundleContext.getBundle().getSymbolicName() + ":" + bundleContext.getBundle().getBundleId()); osgiClassLoader = new OsgiBundlespaceClassLoader( bundleContext, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(), bundleContext.getBundle()); } /** * @org.apache.xbean.Property alias="connection-factory" */ public ConnectionFactory getConnectionFactory() { return connectionFactory; } public void setConnectionFactory(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) { this.connectionFactory = connectionFactory; } /** * @org.apache.xbean.Property alias="jms-provider-destination" */ public String getJmsProviderDestinationName() { return jmsProviderDestinationName; } public void setJmsProviderDestinationName(String jmsProviderDestinationName) { this.jmsProviderDestinationName = jmsProviderDestinationName; } public void init() throws Exception { if (initialized) return; synchronized (this) { if (initialized) return; log.debug("Initializing Message Queue Manager ... "); connection = connectionFactory.createConnection(); connection.start(); log.trace("ReceiveTimeout:" + receiveTimeout); log.trace("Artifact time to live: " + artifactTTL); session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE); queue = session.createQueue(jmsProviderDestinationName); initialized = true;"Initializing Message Queue Manager ... OK"); } } public void shutDown() throws Exception { if (!initialized) return; try { session.close(); session = null; } finally { try { connection.stop(); connection.close(); connection = null; } catch (Exception e) { /**/ } initialized = false; } } public Object pullMessage(Artifact artifact) throws Exception { init(); Object content = null; MessageConsumer consumer; String qry = "artifact = '" + artifact.getContent() + "'"; log.debug("Pulling Message with Selector ["+qry+"]"); consumer = session.createConsumer(queue, qry); try { Message message = pullMessageSync(artifact, consumer); if (message == null) { synchronized(this) { try { wait(100); message = pullMessageSync(artifact, consumer); } catch (InterruptedIOException e) { /* */ } } } // Workaround for OSGi classloader issues ActiveMQObjectMessage amqMsg = (ActiveMQObjectMessage) message; if (message == null) { log.warn("No message received for ["+qry+"]"); return null; } if (amqMsg.getProperty("artifact") == null) { throw new IdentityMediationException("Message does not contain 'artifact' property " + amqMsg); } if (!amqMsg.getProperty("artifact").equals(artifact.getContent())) { throw new IdentityMediationException("Message 'artifact' invalid (received:" + amqMsg.getProperty("artifact") + ", expected:" + artifact.getContent() + ")"); } content = getObject(amqMsg); } finally { if (consumer != null) { consumer.close(); } } return content; } protected Message pullMessageSync(Artifact artifact, MessageConsumer consumer) throws Exception { ObjectMessage message = (ObjectMessage) consumer.receive(receiveTimeout); // if (message == null) { // int retry = 0; // while(message == null && retry <= receiveRetries) { // log.debug("Pull Message found NO message for [" + artifact + "]. Wait and retry ..."); // try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { /*ignore it*/ } // message = (ObjectMessage) consumer.receive(receiveTimeout); // retry ++; // } // } if (message != null) { log.debug("Pull Message found message " + message); } else { log.debug("Pull Message found NO message for " + artifact); } return message; } public Object peekMessage(Artifact artifact) throws Exception { init(); Object result = null; String qry = "artifact = '" + artifact.getContent() + "'"; log.debug("Peeking message for ["+qry+"]"); QueueBrowser browser = session.createBrowser(queue, qry); Enumeration elems = browser.getEnumeration(); if(elems.hasMoreElements()){ result = getObject((ActiveMQObjectMessage)elems.nextElement()); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Peek Message found " + (result != null ? result.getClass().getName() : "null") + " content for artifact " + artifact.getContent()); return result; } public Artifact pushMessage(Object content) throws Exception { if (content == null) throw new NullPointerException("Message content cannot be null"); if (!(content instanceof Serializable)) throw new NotSerializableException(content.getClass().getName()); init(); MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(queue); ObjectMessage message = session.createObjectMessage((Serializable)content); Artifact artifact = artifactGenerator.generate(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Push Message "+content.getClass().getName()+" for artifact " + artifact.getContent()); message.setStringProperty("artifact", artifact.getContent()); producer.setTimeToLive(artifactTTL); producer.send(message); return artifact; } /** * In OSGi, we need a differente way to unmarshall objects! */ protected Object getObject(ActiveMQObjectMessage msg) throws JMSException { Object object; try { ByteSequence content = msg.getContent(); InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(content); if (msg.isCompressed()) { is = new InflaterInputStream(is); } DataInputStream dataIn = new DataInputStream(is); ClassLoadingAwareObjectInputStream objIn = new ClassLoadingAwareObjectInputStream(osgiClassLoader, dataIn); try { object = (Serializable)objIn.readObject(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ce) { log.error(ce.getMessage(), ce); throw new IOException("Cannot read Object:" + ce.getMessage()); } dataIn.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw JMSExceptionSupport.create("Failed to build body from bytes. Reason: " + e, e); } return object; } /** * @org.apache.xbean.Property alias="artifact-generator" */ public ArtifactGenerator getArtifactGenerator() { return artifactGenerator; } public void setArtifactGenerator(ArtifactGenerator artifactGenerator) { this.artifactGenerator = artifactGenerator; } public long getReceiveTimeout() { return receiveTimeout; } public void setReceiveTimeout(long receiveTimeout) { this.receiveTimeout = receiveTimeout; } public long getArtifactTTL() { return artifactTTL; } public void setArtifactTTL(long artifactTTL) { this.artifactTTL = artifactTTL; } }