package org.atricore.idbus.idojos.ldapidentitystore.codec.ppolicy; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; /** * PasswordPolicyResponseValue ::= SEQUENCE { * warning [0] CHOICE { * timeBeforeExpiration [0] INTEGER (0 .. maxInt), * graceAuthNsRemaining [1] INTEGER (0 .. maxInt) } OPTIONAL, * error [1] ENUMERATED { * passwordExpired (0), * accountLocked (1), * changeAfterReset (2), * passwordModNotAllowed (3), * mustSupplyOldPassword (4), * insufficientPasswordQuality (5), * passwordTooShort (6), * passwordTooYoung (7), * passwordInHistory (8) } OPTIONAL * * @author <a>Sebastian Gonzalez Oyuela</a> */ public class PasswordPolicyControlGrammar extends AbstractGrammar { private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(PasswordPolicyControlGrammar.class); public static final int WARNING_TAG = 0xA0; public static final int ERROR_TAG = 0x81; public static final int TIMEBEFOREEXPIRATION_TAG = 0x80; public static final int GRACEAUTHNREMAINING_TAG = 0x81; /** * The instance of grammar. PSearchControlGrammar is a singleton */ private static IGrammar instance = new PasswordPolicyControlGrammar(); private PasswordPolicyControlGrammar() { name = PasswordPolicyControlGrammar.class.getName(); statesEnum = PasswordPolicyControlStatesEnum.getInstance(); // Create the transitions table super.transitions = new GrammarTransition[PasswordPolicyControlStatesEnum.LAST_PPOLICYRESPONSEVALUE_STATE][256]; /** * Transition from initial state to Psearch sequence * PPolicyResponseValue ::= SEQUENCE { * ... * * Initialize the password policy control object */ super.transitions[IStates.INIT_GRAMMAR_STATE][UniversalTag.SEQUENCE_TAG] = new GrammarTransition(IStates.INIT_GRAMMAR_STATE, PasswordPolicyControlStatesEnum.PPOLICYRESPONSEVALUE_SEQUENCE_STATE, UniversalTag.SEQUENCE_TAG, new GrammarAction("Initiaization") { public void action(IAsn1Container container) throws DecoderException { PasswordPolicyControlContainer ppolicyContainer = (PasswordPolicyControlContainer) container; // As all the values are optional or defaulted, we can end here ppolicyContainer.grammarEndAllowed(true); } }); /** * Transition from START to warning * ... * warning [0] CHOICE { * ... */ super.transitions[PasswordPolicyControlStatesEnum.PPOLICYRESPONSEVALUE_SEQUENCE_STATE][WARNING_TAG] = new GrammarTransition(PasswordPolicyControlStatesEnum.PPOLICYRESPONSEVALUE_SEQUENCE_STATE, PasswordPolicyControlStatesEnum.WARNING_STATE, WARNING_TAG, new GrammarAction("Set PPolicy Warning") { public void action(IAsn1Container container) throws DecoderException { PasswordPolicyControlContainer ppolicyContainer = (PasswordPolicyControlContainer) container; // As all the values are optional or defaulted, we can end here ppolicyContainer.grammarEndAllowed(true); } }); /** * Transition from warning to timeBeforeExpiration * ... * timeBeforeExpiration [0] INTEGER (0 .. maxInt), * ... */ super.transitions[PasswordPolicyControlStatesEnum.WARNING_STATE][TIMEBEFOREEXPIRATION_TAG] = new GrammarTransition(PasswordPolicyControlStatesEnum.WARNING_STATE, PasswordPolicyControlStatesEnum.TIMEBEFOREEXPIRATION_STATE, TIMEBEFOREEXPIRATION_TAG, new GrammarAction("Set Time Before Expiration Warning") { public void action(IAsn1Container container) throws DecoderException { PasswordPolicyControlContainer ppolicyContainer = ( PasswordPolicyControlContainer ) container; Value value = ppolicyContainer.getCurrentTLV().getValue(); try { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Set Time Before Expiration Warning : "); // Check that the value is into the allowed interval int wValue = IntegerDecoder.parse(value, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Set Time Before Expiration Warning : " + wValue); ppolicyContainer.getPasswordPolicyControl().setWarningType(LDAPPasswordPolicyWarningType.TIME_BEFORE_EXPIRATION); ppolicyContainer.getPasswordPolicyControl().setWarningValue(wValue); // As all the values are optional or defaulted, we can end here ppolicyContainer.grammarEndAllowed(true); } catch ( IntegerDecoderException e ) { logger.error( e.getMessage(),e ); throw new DecoderException( e.getMessage() ); } } } ); /** * Transition from warning to graceAuthNsRemaining * ... * graceAuthNsRemaining [1] INTEGER (0 .. maxInt) } OPTIONAL, * ... */ super.transitions[PasswordPolicyControlStatesEnum.WARNING_STATE][GRACEAUTHNREMAINING_TAG] = new GrammarTransition(PasswordPolicyControlStatesEnum.WARNING_STATE, PasswordPolicyControlStatesEnum.GRACEAUTHNREMAINING_STATE, GRACEAUTHNREMAINING_TAG, new GrammarAction("Set Grace Authns Remaining Warning") { public void action(IAsn1Container container) throws DecoderException { PasswordPolicyControlContainer ppolicyContainer = ( PasswordPolicyControlContainer ) container; Value value = ppolicyContainer.getCurrentTLV().getValue(); try { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Set Grace Authns Remaining Warning"); // Check that the value is into the allowed interval int wValue = IntegerDecoder.parse(value, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Set Grace Authns Remaining Warning : " + wValue); ppolicyContainer.getPasswordPolicyControl().setWarningType(LDAPPasswordPolicyWarningType.GRACE_AUTHNS_REMAINING); ppolicyContainer.getPasswordPolicyControl().setWarningValue(wValue); // As all the values are optional or defaulted, we can end here ppolicyContainer.grammarEndAllowed(true); } catch ( IntegerDecoderException e ) { logger.error( e.getMessage(),e ); throw new DecoderException( e.getMessage() ); } } } ); /** * Transition from warning to error * ... * error [1] ENUMERATED { * ... */ super.transitions[PasswordPolicyControlStatesEnum.PPOLICYRESPONSEVALUE_SEQUENCE_STATE][ERROR_TAG] = new GrammarTransition(PasswordPolicyControlStatesEnum.PPOLICYRESPONSEVALUE_SEQUENCE_STATE, PasswordPolicyControlStatesEnum.ERROR_STATE, ERROR_TAG, new GrammarAction("Set PPolicy Error") { public void action(IAsn1Container container) throws DecoderException { PasswordPolicyControlContainer ppolicyContainer = (PasswordPolicyControlContainer) container; Value value = ppolicyContainer.getCurrentTLV().getValue(); try { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Set PPolicy error"); int errorTypeInt = IntegerDecoder.parse(value, 0, LDAPPasswordPolicyErrorType.PASSWORD_IN_HISTORY.intValue()); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Set PPolicy error : " + errorTypeInt); LDAPPasswordPolicyErrorType errorType = LDAPPasswordPolicyErrorType.getErrorType(errorTypeInt); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Set PPolicy error : " +; ppolicyContainer.getPasswordPolicyControl().setErrorType(errorType); // As all the values are optional or defaulted, we can end here ppolicyContainer.grammarEndAllowed(true); } catch (IntegerDecoderException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new DecoderException(e.getMessage()); } // As all the values are optional or defaulted, we can end here ppolicyContainer.grammarEndAllowed(true); } }); } /** * @return the singleton instance of the SyncDoneValueControlGrammar */ public static IGrammar getInstance() { return instance; } }