package org.ops4j.pax.web.service.jetty.internal; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet; import javax.servlet.Servlet; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.mortbay.jetty.Connector; import; import org.osgi.service.http.HttpContext; import org.ops4j.pax.web.service.spi.Configuration; import org.ops4j.pax.web.service.spi.ServerController; import org.ops4j.pax.web.service.spi.ServerEvent; import org.ops4j.pax.web.service.spi.ServerListener; import org.ops4j.pax.web.service.spi.model.ContextModel; import org.ops4j.pax.web.service.spi.model.ErrorPageModel; import org.ops4j.pax.web.service.spi.model.EventListenerModel; import org.ops4j.pax.web.service.spi.model.FilterModel; import org.ops4j.pax.web.service.spi.model.ServletModel; class ServerControllerImpl implements ServerController { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog( ServerControllerImpl.class ); private Configuration m_configuration; private State m_state; private final JettyFactory m_jettyFactory; private JettyServer m_jettyServer; private final Set<ServerListener> m_listeners; private Connector m_httpConnector; private Connector m_httpSecureConnector; // JDK Defaults private String defaultTrustStore = System.getProperty("java.home") + System.getProperty("file.separator") + "lib" + System.getProperty("file.separator") + "security" + System.getProperty("file.separator") + "cacerts"; private String defaultTrustPassword = "changeit"; private String defaultTrustStoreType = "JKS"; ServerControllerImpl( final JettyFactory jettyFactory ) { m_jettyFactory = jettyFactory; m_configuration = null; m_state = new Unconfigured(); m_listeners = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<ServerListener>(); } public synchronized void start() { LOG.debug( String.format( "Starting server [%s]", this ) ); m_state.start(); } public synchronized void stop() { LOG.debug( String.format( "Stopping server [%s]", this ) ); m_state.stop(); } public synchronized void configure( final Configuration configuration ) { LOG.debug( String.format( "Configuring server [%s] -> [%s] ", this, configuration ) ); if( configuration == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "configuration == null" ); } m_configuration = configuration; m_state.configure(); } public Configuration getConfiguration() { return m_configuration; } public void addListener( ServerListener listener ) { if( listener == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "listener == null" ); } m_listeners.add( listener ); } public void addServlet( final ServletModel model ) { m_state.addServlet( model ); } public void removeServlet( final ServletModel model ) { m_state.removeServlet( model ); } public boolean isStarted() { return m_state instanceof Started; } public boolean isConfigured() { return !( m_state instanceof Unconfigured ); } public void addEventListener( final EventListenerModel eventListenerModel ) { m_state.addEventListener( eventListenerModel ); } public void removeEventListener( final EventListenerModel eventListenerModel ) { m_state.removeEventListener( eventListenerModel ); } public void removeContext( HttpContext httpContext ) { m_state.removeContext( httpContext ); } public void addFilter( final FilterModel filterModel ) { m_state.addFilter( filterModel ); } public void removeFilter( final FilterModel filterModel ) { m_state.removeFilter( filterModel ); } public void addErrorPage( final ErrorPageModel model ) { m_state.addErrorPage( model ); } public void removeErrorPage( final ErrorPageModel model ) { m_state.removeErrorPage( model ); } public Integer getHttpPort() { if( m_httpConnector != null && m_httpConnector.isStarted() ) { return m_httpConnector.getLocalPort(); } return m_configuration.getHttpPort(); } public Integer getHttpSecurePort() { if( m_httpSecureConnector != null && m_httpSecureConnector.isStarted() ) { return m_httpSecureConnector.getLocalPort(); } return m_configuration.getHttpSecurePort(); } public Servlet createResourceServlet( ContextModel contextModel, String alias, String name ) { return new ResourceServlet( contextModel.getHttpContext(), contextModel.getContextName(), alias, name ); } void notifyListeners( ServerEvent event ) { for( ServerListener listener : m_listeners ) { listener.stateChanged( event ); } } @Override public String toString() { return new StringBuilder().append( ServerControllerImpl.class.getSimpleName() ).append( "{" ).append( "state=" ) .append( m_state ).append( "}" ).toString(); } private interface State { void start(); void stop(); void configure(); void addServlet( ServletModel model ); void removeServlet( ServletModel model ); void addEventListener( EventListenerModel eventListenerModel ); void removeEventListener( EventListenerModel eventListenerModel ); void removeContext( HttpContext httpContext ); void addFilter( FilterModel filterModel ); void removeFilter( FilterModel filterModel ); void addErrorPage( ErrorPageModel model ); void removeErrorPage( ErrorPageModel model ); } private class Started implements State { public void start() { throw new IllegalStateException( "server is already started. must be stopped first." ); } public void stop() { m_jettyServer.stop(); m_state = new Stopped(); notifyListeners( ServerEvent.STOPPED ); } public void configure() { ServerControllerImpl.this.stop(); ServerControllerImpl.this.start(); } public void addServlet( final ServletModel model ) { m_jettyServer.addServlet( model ); } public void removeServlet( final ServletModel model ) { m_jettyServer.removeServlet( model ); } public void addEventListener( EventListenerModel eventListenerModel ) { m_jettyServer.addEventListener( eventListenerModel ); } public void removeEventListener( EventListenerModel eventListenerModel ) { m_jettyServer.removeEventListener( eventListenerModel ); } public void removeContext( HttpContext httpContext ) { m_jettyServer.removeContext( httpContext ); } public void addFilter( FilterModel filterModel ) { m_jettyServer.addFilter( filterModel ); } public void removeFilter( FilterModel filterModel ) { m_jettyServer.removeFilter( filterModel ); } public void addErrorPage( ErrorPageModel model ) { m_jettyServer.addErrorPage( model ); } public void removeErrorPage( ErrorPageModel model ) { m_jettyServer.removeErrorPage( model ); } @Override public String toString() { return "STARTED"; } } private class Stopped implements State { Stopped() { m_httpConnector = null; m_httpSecureConnector = null; } public void start() { m_jettyServer = m_jettyFactory.createServer(); m_httpConnector = null; m_httpSecureConnector = null; String[] addresses = m_configuration.getListeningAddresses(); if( addresses == null || addresses.length == 0 ) { addresses = new String[] { null }; } Map<String, Object> attributes = new HashMap<String, Object>(); attributes.put( "javax.servlet.context.tempdir", m_configuration.getTemporaryDirectory() ); m_jettyServer.configureContext( attributes, m_configuration.getSessionTimeout(), m_configuration .getSessionCookie(), m_configuration.getSessionUrl(), m_configuration.getWorkerName() ); m_jettyServer.start(); for( String address : addresses ) { java.lang.Integer maxHeaderBuffSize = null; try { // Since we can't extend the interface, use reflection as a hack. Method m = m_configuration.getClass().getMethod("getHeaderBufferSize"); maxHeaderBuffSize = (Integer) m.invoke(m_configuration); if (maxHeaderBuffSize != null)"Setting HTTP MAX HEADER BUFFER SIZE to " + maxHeaderBuffSize + " bytes"); else"Using Jetty default HTTP MAX HEADER BUFFER SIZE"); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { LOG.warn("Configuration does not support max header buffer size property"); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Configuration does not support max header buffer size property"); } java.lang.Boolean secureCookies = false; try { // Since we can't extend the interface, use reflection as a hack. Method m = m_configuration.getClass().getMethod("getSecureCookies"); secureCookies = (Boolean) m.invoke(m_configuration); if (secureCookies != null)"Setting SECURE COOKIES to " + maxHeaderBuffSize + " bytes"); else"Using Jetty default SECURE COOKIIES setting"); if (m_jettyFactory instanceof ConfigurableJettyFactoryImpl) { ConfigurableJettyFactoryImpl f = (ConfigurableJettyFactoryImpl) m_jettyFactory; f.getSessionHandlerBuilder().setSecureCookies(secureCookies); } } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { LOG.warn("Configuration does not support secure cookies property"); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Configuration does not support secure cookies property"); } String trustStore = ""; String trustPassword = ""; String trustStoreType = ""; try { // Since we can't extend the interface, use reflection as a hack. Method m1 = m_configuration.getClass().getMethod("getTrustStore"); trustStore = (String) m1.invoke(m_configuration); if (trustStore == null || "".equals(trustStore)) trustStore = defaultTrustStore; Method m2 = m_configuration.getClass().getMethod("getTrustPassword"); trustPassword = (String) m2.invoke(m_configuration); if (trustPassword == null || "".equals(trustPassword)) trustPassword = defaultTrustPassword; Method m3 = m_configuration.getClass().getMethod("getTrustStoreType"); trustStoreType = (String) m3.invoke(m_configuration); if (trustStoreType == null || "".equals(trustStoreType)) trustStoreType = defaultTrustStoreType; LOG.debug("Setting HTTPS trust store to " + trustStore + "("+trustStoreType+")"); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { LOG.warn("Configuration does not support HTTPS trust store configuration properties"); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Configuration does not support HTTPS trust store configuration properties"); } if( m_configuration.isHttpEnabled() ) { final Connector connector = m_jettyFactory.createConnector( m_configuration.getHttpPort(), address, m_configuration.useNIO() ); if( m_httpConnector == null ) { m_httpConnector = connector; } // Get some additional properties, but use reflection to avoid a direct dependency with our extension if (maxHeaderBuffSize != null) connector.setHeaderBufferSize(maxHeaderBuffSize); m_jettyServer.addConnector( connector ); try { connector.start(); } catch( Exception e ) { LOG.warn( "Http connector will not be started", e ); } } if( m_configuration.isHttpSecureEnabled() ) { final String sslPassword = m_configuration.getSslPassword(); final String sslKeyPassword = m_configuration.getSslKeyPassword(); if( sslPassword != null && sslKeyPassword != null ) { final Connector secureConnector = m_jettyFactory.createSecureConnector( m_configuration .getHttpSecurePort(), m_configuration.getSslKeystore(), sslPassword, sslKeyPassword, address, m_configuration.getSslKeystoreType(), m_configuration.isClientAuthNeeded(), m_configuration.isClientAuthWanted() ); if( m_httpSecureConnector == null ) { m_httpSecureConnector = secureConnector; } // if (secureConnector instanceof SslSocketConnector) { LOG.debug("Configuring HTTPS trust store to " + trustStore + "("+trustStoreType+") for SSL Connector " + secureConnector.getName()); SslSocketConnector sslConnector = (SslSocketConnector) secureConnector; sslConnector.setTruststore(trustStore); sslConnector.setTruststoreType(trustStoreType); sslConnector.setTrustPassword(trustPassword); } if (maxHeaderBuffSize != null) secureConnector.setHeaderBufferSize(maxHeaderBuffSize); m_jettyServer.addConnector( secureConnector ); try { secureConnector.start(); } catch( Exception e ) { LOG.warn( "Http connector will not be started", e ); } } else { LOG.warn( "SSL password and SSL keystore password must be set in order to enable SSL." ); LOG.warn( "SSL connector will not be started" ); } } } m_state = new Started(); notifyListeners( ServerEvent.STARTED ); } public void stop() { // do nothing. already stopped } public void configure() { notifyListeners( ServerEvent.CONFIGURED ); } public void addServlet( final ServletModel model ) { // do nothing if server is not started } public void removeServlet( final ServletModel model ) { // do nothing if server is not started } public void addEventListener( EventListenerModel eventListenerModel ) { // do nothing if server is not started } public void removeEventListener( EventListenerModel eventListenerModel ) { // do nothing if server is not started } public void removeContext( HttpContext httpContext ) { // do nothing if server is not started } public void addFilter( FilterModel filterModel ) { // do nothing if server is not started } public void removeFilter( FilterModel filterModel ) { // do nothing if server is not started } public void addErrorPage( ErrorPageModel model ) { // do nothing if server is not started } public void removeErrorPage( ErrorPageModel model ) { // do nothing if server is not started } @Override public String toString() { return "STOPPED"; } } private class Unconfigured extends Stopped { @Override public void start() { throw new IllegalStateException( "server is not yet configured." ); } @Override public void configure() { m_state = new Stopped(); notifyListeners( ServerEvent.CONFIGURED ); ServerControllerImpl.this.start(); } @Override public String toString() { return "UNCONFIGURED"; } } }