package com.airbnb.lottie; import; import; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; class ShapeStroke { enum LineCapType { Butt, Round, Unknown; Paint.Cap toPaintCap() { switch (this) { case Butt: return Paint.Cap.BUTT; case Round: return Paint.Cap.ROUND; case Unknown: default: return Paint.Cap.SQUARE; } } } enum LineJoinType { Miter, Round, Bevel; Paint.Join toPaintJoin() { switch (this) { case Bevel: return Paint.Join.BEVEL; case Miter: return Paint.Join.MITER; case Round: return Paint.Join.ROUND; } return null; } } @Nullable private final AnimatableFloatValue offset; private final List<AnimatableFloatValue> lineDashPattern; private final AnimatableColorValue color; private final AnimatableIntegerValue opacity; private final AnimatableFloatValue width; private final LineCapType capType; private final LineJoinType joinType; private ShapeStroke(@Nullable AnimatableFloatValue offset, List<AnimatableFloatValue> lineDashPattern, AnimatableColorValue color, AnimatableIntegerValue opacity, AnimatableFloatValue width, LineCapType capType, LineJoinType joinType) { this.offset = offset; this.lineDashPattern = lineDashPattern; this.color = color; this.opacity = opacity; this.width = width; this.capType = capType; this.joinType = joinType; } static class Factory { private Factory() { } static ShapeStroke newInstance(JSONObject json, LottieComposition composition) { List<AnimatableFloatValue> lineDashPattern = new ArrayList<>(); AnimatableColorValue color = AnimatableColorValue.Factory.newInstance(json.optJSONObject("c"), composition); AnimatableFloatValue width = AnimatableFloatValue.Factory.newInstance(json.optJSONObject("w"), composition); AnimatableIntegerValue opacity = AnimatableIntegerValue.Factory.newInstance( json.optJSONObject("o"), composition); LineCapType capType = LineCapType.values()[json.optInt("lc") - 1]; LineJoinType joinType = LineJoinType.values()[json.optInt("lj") - 1]; AnimatableFloatValue offset = null; if (json.has("d")) { JSONArray dashesJson = json.optJSONArray("d"); for (int i = 0; i < dashesJson.length(); i++) { JSONObject dashJson = dashesJson.optJSONObject(i); String n = dashJson.optString("n"); if (n.equals("o")) { JSONObject value = dashJson.optJSONObject("v"); offset = AnimatableFloatValue.Factory.newInstance(value, composition); } else if (n.equals("d") || n.equals("g")) { JSONObject value = dashJson.optJSONObject("v"); lineDashPattern.add(AnimatableFloatValue.Factory.newInstance(value, composition)); } } if (lineDashPattern.size() == 1) { // If there is only 1 value then it is assumed to be equal parts on and off. lineDashPattern.add(lineDashPattern.get(0)); } } return new ShapeStroke(offset, lineDashPattern, color, opacity, width, capType, joinType); } } AnimatableColorValue getColor() { return color; } AnimatableIntegerValue getOpacity() { return opacity; } AnimatableFloatValue getWidth() { return width; } List<AnimatableFloatValue> getLineDashPattern() { return lineDashPattern; } AnimatableFloatValue getDashOffset() { return offset; } LineCapType getCapType() { return capType; } LineJoinType getJoinType() { return joinType; } }