package com.airbnb.lottie; import; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.util.Collections; class AnimatableTransform implements ModifierContent { private final AnimatablePathValue anchorPoint; private final AnimatableValue<PointF> position; private final AnimatableScaleValue scale; private final AnimatableFloatValue rotation; private final AnimatableIntegerValue opacity; private AnimatableTransform(AnimatablePathValue anchorPoint, AnimatableValue<PointF> position, AnimatableScaleValue scale, AnimatableFloatValue rotation, AnimatableIntegerValue opacity) { this.anchorPoint = anchorPoint; this.position = position; this.scale = scale; this.rotation = rotation; this.opacity = opacity; } static class Factory { private Factory() { } static AnimatableTransform newInstance() { AnimatablePathValue anchorPoint = new AnimatablePathValue(); AnimatableValue<PointF> position = new AnimatablePathValue(); AnimatableScaleValue scale = AnimatableScaleValue.Factory.newInstance(); AnimatableFloatValue rotation = AnimatableFloatValue.Factory.newInstance(); AnimatableIntegerValue opacity = AnimatableIntegerValue.Factory.newInstance(); return new AnimatableTransform(anchorPoint, position, scale, rotation, opacity); } static AnimatableTransform newInstance(JSONObject json, LottieComposition composition) { AnimatablePathValue anchorPoint = null; AnimatableValue<PointF> position = null; AnimatableScaleValue scale; AnimatableFloatValue rotation = null; AnimatableIntegerValue opacity; JSONObject anchorJson = json.optJSONObject("a"); if (anchorJson != null) { anchorPoint = new AnimatablePathValue(anchorJson.opt("k"), composition); } else { throwMissingTransform("anchor"); } JSONObject positionJson = json.optJSONObject("p"); if (positionJson != null) { position = AnimatablePathValue.createAnimatablePathOrSplitDimensionPath(positionJson, composition); } else { throwMissingTransform("position"); } JSONObject scaleJson = json.optJSONObject("s"); if (scaleJson != null) { scale = AnimatableScaleValue.Factory.newInstance(scaleJson, composition); } else { // Somehow some community animations don't have scale in the transform. scale = new AnimatableScaleValue(Collections.<Keyframe<ScaleXY>>emptyList(), new ScaleXY()); } JSONObject rotationJson = json.optJSONObject("r"); if (rotationJson == null) { rotationJson = json.optJSONObject("rz"); } if (rotationJson != null) { rotation = AnimatableFloatValue.Factory.newInstance(rotationJson, composition, false); } else { throwMissingTransform("rotation"); } JSONObject opacityJson = json.optJSONObject("o"); if (opacityJson != null) { opacity = AnimatableIntegerValue.Factory.newInstance(opacityJson, composition); } else { // Somehow some community animations don't have opacity in the transform. opacity = new AnimatableIntegerValue(Collections.<Keyframe<Integer>>emptyList(), 100); } return new AnimatableTransform(anchorPoint, position, scale, rotation, opacity); } private static void throwMissingTransform(String missingProperty) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing transform for " + missingProperty); } } AnimatablePathValue getAnchorPoint() { return anchorPoint; } AnimatableValue<PointF> getPosition() { return position; } AnimatableScaleValue getScale() { return scale; } AnimatableFloatValue getRotation() { return rotation; } AnimatableIntegerValue getOpacity() { return opacity; } public TransformKeyframeAnimation createAnimation() { return new TransformKeyframeAnimation(this); } }