package com.airbnb.lottie; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; class RectangleContent implements PathContent, BaseKeyframeAnimation.AnimationListener { private final Path path = new Path(); private final RectF rect = new RectF(); private final LottieDrawable lottieDrawable; private final BaseKeyframeAnimation<?, PointF> positionAnimation; private final BaseKeyframeAnimation<?, PointF> sizeAnimation; private final BaseKeyframeAnimation<?, Float> cornerRadiusAnimation; @Nullable private TrimPathContent trimPath; private boolean isPathValid; RectangleContent(LottieDrawable lottieDrawable, BaseLayer layer, RectangleShape rectShape) { this.lottieDrawable = lottieDrawable; positionAnimation = rectShape.getPosition().createAnimation(); sizeAnimation = rectShape.getSize().createAnimation(); cornerRadiusAnimation = rectShape.getCornerRadius().createAnimation(); layer.addAnimation(positionAnimation); layer.addAnimation(sizeAnimation); layer.addAnimation(cornerRadiusAnimation); positionAnimation.addUpdateListener(this); sizeAnimation.addUpdateListener(this); cornerRadiusAnimation.addUpdateListener(this); } @Override public void onValueChanged() { invalidate(); } private void invalidate() { isPathValid = false; lottieDrawable.invalidateSelf(); } @Override public void setContents(List<Content> contentsBefore, List<Content> contentsAfter) { for (int i = 0; i < contentsBefore.size(); i++) { Content content = contentsBefore.get(i); if (content instanceof TrimPathContent) { trimPath = (TrimPathContent) content; trimPath.addListener(this); } } } @Override public Path getPath() { if (isPathValid) { return path; } path.reset(); PointF size = sizeAnimation.getValue(); float halfWidth = size.x / 2f; float halfHeight = size.y / 2f; float radius = cornerRadiusAnimation == null ? 0f : cornerRadiusAnimation.getValue(); float maxRadius = Math.min(halfWidth, halfHeight); if (radius > maxRadius) { radius = maxRadius; } // Draw the rectangle top right to bottom left. PointF position = positionAnimation.getValue(); path.moveTo(position.x + halfWidth, position.y - halfHeight + radius); path.lineTo(position.x + halfWidth, position.y + halfHeight - radius); if (radius > 0) { rect.set(position.x + halfWidth - 2 * radius, position.y + halfHeight - 2 * radius, position.x + halfWidth, position.y + halfHeight); path.arcTo(rect, 0, 90, false); } path.lineTo(position.x - halfWidth + radius, position.y + halfHeight); if (radius > 0) { rect.set(position.x - halfWidth, position.y + halfHeight - 2 * radius, position.x - halfWidth + 2 * radius, position.y + halfHeight); path.arcTo(rect, 90, 90, false); } path.lineTo(position.x - halfWidth, position.y - halfHeight + 2 * radius); if (radius > 0) { rect.set(position.x - halfWidth, position.y - halfHeight, position.x - halfWidth + 2 * radius, position.y - halfHeight + 2 * radius); path.arcTo(rect, 180, 90, false); } path.lineTo(position.x + halfWidth - 2 * radius, position.y - halfHeight); if (radius > 0) { rect.set(position.x + halfWidth - 2 * radius, position.y - halfHeight, position.x + halfWidth, position.y - halfHeight + 2 * radius); path.arcTo(rect, 270, 90, false); } path.close(); Utils.applyTrimPathIfNeeded(path, trimPath); isPathValid = true; return path; } }