/* Copyright (c) 2002,2003, Stefan Haustein, Oberhausen, Rhld., Germany * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ // Contributors: Paul Hackenberger (unterminated entity handling in relaxed mode) package org.kxml2.io; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import org.xmlpull.v1.*; /** A simple, pull based XML parser. This classe replaces the kXML 1 XmlParser class and the corresponding event classes. */ public class KXmlParser implements XmlPullParser { private Object location; static final private String UNEXPECTED_EOF = "Unexpected EOF"; static final private String ILLEGAL_TYPE = "Wrong event type"; static final private int LEGACY = 999; static final private int XML_DECL = 998; // general private String version; private Boolean standalone; private boolean processNsp; private boolean relaxed; private boolean keepNamespaceAttributes; // android-added private Hashtable entityMap; private int depth; private String[] elementStack = new String[16]; private String[] nspStack = new String[8]; private int[] nspCounts = new int[4]; // source private Reader reader; private String encoding; private char[] srcBuf; private int srcPos; private int srcCount; private int line; private int column; // txtbuffer /** Target buffer for storing incoming text (including aggregated resolved entities) */ private char[] txtBuf = new char[128]; /** Write position */ private int txtPos; // Event-related private int type; private boolean isWhitespace; private String namespace; private String prefix; private String name; private boolean degenerated; private int attributeCount; /** * The current element's attributes arranged in groups of 4: * i + 0 = attribute namespace URI * i + 1 = attribute namespace prefix * i + 2 = attribute qualified name (may contain ":", as in "html:h1") * i + 3 = attribute value */ private String[] attributes = new String[16]; // private int stackMismatch = 0; private String error; /** * A separate peek buffer seems simpler than managing * wrap around in the first level read buffer */ private int[] peek = new int[2]; private int peekCount; private boolean wasCR; private boolean unresolved; private boolean token; public KXmlParser() { srcBuf = new char[Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() >= 1048576 ? 8192 : 128]; } // BEGIN android-added /** * Retains namespace attributes like {@code xmlns="http://foo"} or {@code * xmlns:foo="http:foo"} in pulled elements. Most applications will only be * interested in the effective namespaces of their elements, so these * attributes aren't useful. But for structure preserving wrappers like DOM, * it is necessary to keep the namespace data around. */ public void keepNamespaceAttributes() { this.keepNamespaceAttributes = true; } // END android-added private final boolean isProp(String n1, boolean prop, String n2) { if (!n1.startsWith("http://xmlpull.org/v1/doc/")) return false; if (prop) return n1.substring(42).equals(n2); else return n1.substring(40).equals(n2); } private final boolean adjustNsp() throws XmlPullParserException { boolean any = false; for (int i = 0; i < attributeCount << 2; i += 4) { // * 4 - 4; i >= 0; i -= 4) { String attrName = attributes[i + 2]; int cut = attrName.indexOf(':'); String prefix; if (cut != -1) { prefix = attrName.substring(0, cut); attrName = attrName.substring(cut + 1); } else if (attrName.equals("xmlns")) { prefix = attrName; attrName = null; } else continue; if (!prefix.equals("xmlns")) { any = true; } else { int j = (nspCounts[depth]++) << 1; nspStack = ensureCapacity(nspStack, j + 2); nspStack[j] = attrName; nspStack[j + 1] = attributes[i + 3]; if (attrName != null && attributes[i + 3].equals("")) error("illegal empty namespace"); // prefixMap = new PrefixMap (prefixMap, attrName, attr.getValue ()); //System.out.println (prefixMap); // BEGIN android-changed if (keepNamespaceAttributes) { // explicitly set the namespace for unprefixed attributes // such as xmlns="http://foo" attributes[i] = "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/"; any = true; } else { System.arraycopy( attributes, i + 4, attributes, i, ((--attributeCount) << 2) - i); i -= 4; } // END android-changed } } if (any) { for (int i = (attributeCount << 2) - 4; i >= 0; i -= 4) { String attrName = attributes[i + 2]; int cut = attrName.indexOf(':'); if (cut == 0 && !relaxed) throw new RuntimeException( "illegal attribute name: " + attrName + " at " + this); else if (cut != -1) { String attrPrefix = attrName.substring(0, cut); attrName = attrName.substring(cut + 1); String attrNs = getNamespace(attrPrefix); if (attrNs == null && !relaxed) throw new RuntimeException( "Undefined Prefix: " + attrPrefix + " in " + this); attributes[i] = attrNs; attributes[i + 1] = attrPrefix; attributes[i + 2] = attrName; /* if (!relaxed) { for (int j = (attributeCount << 2) - 4; j > i; j -= 4) if (attrName.equals(attributes[j + 2]) && attrNs.equals(attributes[j])) exception( "Duplicate Attribute: {" + attrNs + "}" + attrName); } */ } } } int cut = name.indexOf(':'); if (cut == 0) error("illegal tag name: " + name); if (cut != -1) { prefix = name.substring(0, cut); name = name.substring(cut + 1); } this.namespace = getNamespace(prefix); if (this.namespace == null) { if (prefix != null) error("undefined prefix: " + prefix); this.namespace = NO_NAMESPACE; } return any; } private final String[] ensureCapacity(String[] arr, int required) { if (arr.length >= required) return arr; String[] bigger = new String[required + 16]; System.arraycopy(arr, 0, bigger, 0, arr.length); return bigger; } private final void error(String desc) throws XmlPullParserException { if (relaxed) { if (error == null) error = "ERR: " + desc; } else exception(desc); } private final void exception(String desc) throws XmlPullParserException { throw new XmlPullParserException( desc.length() < 100 ? desc : desc.substring(0, 100) + "\n", this, null); } /** * common base for next and nextToken. Clears the state, except from * txtPos and whitespace. Does not set the type variable */ private final void nextImpl() throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { if (reader == null) exception("No Input specified"); if (type == END_TAG) depth--; while (true) { attributeCount = -1; // degenerated needs to be handled before error because of possible // processor expectations(!) if (degenerated) { degenerated = false; type = END_TAG; return; } if (error != null) { for (int i = 0; i < error.length(); i++) push(error.charAt(i)); // text = error; error = null; type = COMMENT; return; } // if (relaxed // && (stackMismatch > 0 || (peek(0) == -1 && depth > 0))) { // int sp = (depth - 1) << 2; // type = END_TAG; // namespace = elementStack[sp]; // prefix = elementStack[sp + 1]; // name = elementStack[sp + 2]; // if (stackMismatch != 1) // error = "missing end tag /" + name + " inserted"; // if (stackMismatch > 0) // stackMismatch--; // return; // } prefix = null; name = null; namespace = null; // text = null; type = peekType(); switch (type) { case ENTITY_REF : pushEntity(); return; case START_TAG : parseStartTag(false); return; case END_TAG : parseEndTag(); return; case END_DOCUMENT : return; case TEXT : // BEGIN android-changed: distinguish attribute values from normal text. pushText('<', !token, false); // END android-changed if (depth == 0) { if (isWhitespace) type = IGNORABLE_WHITESPACE; // make exception switchable for instances.chg... !!!! // else // exception ("text '"+getText ()+"' not allowed outside root element"); } return; default : type = parseLegacy(token); if (type != XML_DECL) return; } } } private final int parseLegacy(boolean push) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { String req = ""; int term; int result; int prev = 0; read(); // < int c = read(); if (c == '?') { if ((peek(0) == 'x' || peek(0) == 'X') && (peek(1) == 'm' || peek(1) == 'M')) { if (push) { push(peek(0)); push(peek(1)); } read(); read(); if ((peek(0) == 'l' || peek(0) == 'L') && peek(1) <= ' ') { if (line != 1 || column > 4) error("PI must not start with xml"); parseStartTag(true); if (attributeCount < 1 || !"version".equals(attributes[2])) error("version expected"); version = attributes[3]; int pos = 1; if (pos < attributeCount && "encoding".equals(attributes[2 + 4])) { encoding = attributes[3 + 4]; pos++; } if (pos < attributeCount && "standalone".equals(attributes[4 * pos + 2])) { String st = attributes[3 + 4 * pos]; if ("yes".equals(st)) standalone = new Boolean(true); else if ("no".equals(st)) standalone = new Boolean(false); else error("illegal standalone value: " + st); pos++; } if (pos != attributeCount) error("illegal xmldecl"); isWhitespace = true; txtPos = 0; return XML_DECL; } } /* int c0 = read (); int c1 = read (); int */ term = '?'; result = PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION; } else if (c == '!') { if (peek(0) == '-') { result = COMMENT; req = "--"; term = '-'; } else if (peek(0) == '[') { result = CDSECT; req = "[CDATA["; term = ']'; push = true; } else { result = DOCDECL; req = "DOCTYPE"; term = -1; } } else { error("illegal: <" + c); return COMMENT; } for (int i = 0; i < req.length(); i++) read(req.charAt(i)); if (result == DOCDECL) parseDoctype(push); else { while (true) { c = read(); if (c == -1){ error(UNEXPECTED_EOF); return COMMENT; } if (push) push(c); if ((term == '?' || c == term) && peek(0) == term && peek(1) == '>') break; prev = c; } if (term == '-' && prev == '-' && !relaxed) error("illegal comment delimiter: --->"); read(); read(); if (push && term != '?') txtPos--; } return result; } /** precondition: <! consumed */ private final void parseDoctype(boolean push) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { int nesting = 1; boolean quoted = false; // read(); while (true) { int i = read(); switch (i) { case -1 : error(UNEXPECTED_EOF); return; case '\'' : quoted = !quoted; break; case '<' : if (!quoted) nesting++; break; case '>' : if (!quoted) { if ((--nesting) == 0) return; } break; } if (push) push(i); } } /* precondition: </ consumed */ private final void parseEndTag() throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { read(); // '<' read(); // '/' name = readName(); skip(); read('>'); int sp = (depth - 1) << 2; if (depth == 0) { error("element stack empty"); type = COMMENT; return; } if (!relaxed) { if (!name.equals(elementStack[sp + 3])) { error("expected: /" + elementStack[sp + 3] + " read: " + name); // become case insensitive in relaxed mode // int probe = sp; // while (probe >= 0 && !name.toLowerCase().equals(elementStack[probe + 3].toLowerCase())) { // stackMismatch++; // probe -= 4; // } // // if (probe < 0) { // stackMismatch = 0; // // text = "unexpected end tag ignored"; // type = COMMENT; // return; // } } namespace = elementStack[sp]; prefix = elementStack[sp + 1]; name = elementStack[sp + 2]; } } private final int peekType() throws IOException { switch (peek(0)) { case -1 : return END_DOCUMENT; case '&' : return ENTITY_REF; case '<' : switch (peek(1)) { case '/' : return END_TAG; case '?' : case '!' : return LEGACY; default : return START_TAG; } default : return TEXT; } } private final String get(int pos) { return new String(txtBuf, pos, txtPos - pos); } /* private final String pop (int pos) { String result = new String (txtBuf, pos, txtPos - pos); txtPos = pos; return result; } */ private final void push(int c) { isWhitespace &= c <= ' '; if (txtPos == txtBuf.length) { char[] bigger = new char[txtPos * 4 / 3 + 4]; System.arraycopy(txtBuf, 0, bigger, 0, txtPos); txtBuf = bigger; } txtBuf[txtPos++] = (char) c; } /** Sets name and attributes */ private final void parseStartTag(boolean xmldecl) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { if (!xmldecl) read(); name = readName(); attributeCount = 0; while (true) { skip(); int c = peek(0); if (xmldecl) { if (c == '?') { read(); read('>'); return; } } else { if (c == '/') { degenerated = true; read(); skip(); read('>'); break; } if (c == '>' && !xmldecl) { read(); break; } } if (c == -1) { error(UNEXPECTED_EOF); //type = COMMENT; return; } String attrName = readName(); if (attrName.length() == 0) { error("attr name expected"); //type = COMMENT; break; } int i = (attributeCount++) << 2; attributes = ensureCapacity(attributes, i + 4); attributes[i++] = ""; attributes[i++] = null; attributes[i++] = attrName; skip(); if (peek(0) != '=') { if(!relaxed){ error("Attr.value missing f. "+attrName); } attributes[i] = attrName; } else { read('='); skip(); int delimiter = peek(0); if (delimiter != '\'' && delimiter != '"') { if(!relaxed){ error("attr value delimiter missing!"); } delimiter = ' '; } else read(); int p = txtPos; // BEGIN android-changed: distinguish attribute values from normal text. pushText(delimiter, true, true); // END android-changed attributes[i] = get(p); txtPos = p; if (delimiter != ' ') read(); // skip endquote } } int sp = depth++ << 2; elementStack = ensureCapacity(elementStack, sp + 4); elementStack[sp + 3] = name; if (depth >= nspCounts.length) { int[] bigger = new int[depth + 4]; System.arraycopy(nspCounts, 0, bigger, 0, nspCounts.length); nspCounts = bigger; } nspCounts[depth] = nspCounts[depth - 1]; /* if(!relaxed){ for (int i = attributeCount - 1; i > 0; i--) { for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (getAttributeName(i).equals(getAttributeName(j))) exception("Duplicate Attribute: " + getAttributeName(i)); } } } */ if (processNsp) adjustNsp(); else namespace = ""; elementStack[sp] = namespace; elementStack[sp + 1] = prefix; elementStack[sp + 2] = name; } /** * result: isWhitespace; if the setName parameter is set, * the name of the entity is stored in "name" */ private final void pushEntity() throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { push(read()); // & int pos = txtPos; while (true) { int c = peek(0); if (c == ';') { read(); break; } if (c < 128 && (c < '0' || c > '9') && (c < 'a' || c > 'z') && (c < 'A' || c > 'Z') && c != '_' && c != '-' && c != '#') { if(!relaxed){ error("unterminated entity ref"); } // BEGIN android-removed: avoid log spam. // System.out.println("broken entitiy: "+get(pos-1)); // END android-removed //; ends with:"+(char)c); // if (c != -1) // push(c); return; } push(read()); } String code = get(pos); txtPos = pos - 1; if (token && type == ENTITY_REF){ name = code; } if (code.charAt(0) == '#') { int c = (code.charAt(1) == 'x' ? Integer.parseInt(code.substring(2), 16) : Integer.parseInt(code.substring(1))); push(c); return; } String result = (String) entityMap.get(code); unresolved = result == null; if (unresolved) { if (!token) error("unresolved: &" + code + ";"); } else { for (int i = 0; i < result.length(); i++) push(result.charAt(i)); } } /** types: '<': parse to any token (for nextToken ()) '"': parse to quote ' ': parse to whitespace or '>' */ private final void pushText(int delimiter, boolean resolveEntities, boolean inAttributeValue) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { int next = peek(0); int cbrCount = 0; while (next != -1 && next != delimiter) { // covers eof, '<', '"' if (delimiter == ' ') if (next <= ' ' || next == '>') break; // BEGIN android-changed: "<" is not allowed in attribute values. if (next == '&') { if (!resolveEntities) break; pushEntity(); } else if (next == '<' && inAttributeValue) { error("Illegal: \"<\" inside attribute value"); } else if (next == '\n' && type == START_TAG) { read(); push(' '); } else push(read()); // END android-changed // BEGIN android-changed: "]]>" *is* allowed in attribute values, but // is not allowed in regular text between markup. final boolean allowCloseCdata = inAttributeValue; if (!allowCloseCdata && (next == '>' && cbrCount >= 2 && delimiter != ']')) { error("Illegal: \"]]>\" outside CDATA section"); } // END android-changed if (next == ']') cbrCount++; else cbrCount = 0; next = peek(0); } } private final void read(char c) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { int a = read(); if (a != c) error("expected: '" + c + "' actual: '" + ((char) a) + "'"); } private final int read() throws IOException { int result; if (peekCount == 0) result = peek(0); else { result = peek[0]; peek[0] = peek[1]; } // else { // result = peek[0]; // System.arraycopy (peek, 1, peek, 0, peekCount-1); // } peekCount--; column++; if (result == '\n') { line++; column = 1; } return result; } /** Does never read more than needed */ private final int peek(int pos) throws IOException { while (pos >= peekCount) { int nw; if (srcBuf.length <= 1) nw = reader.read(); else if (srcPos < srcCount) nw = srcBuf[srcPos++]; else { srcCount = reader.read(srcBuf, 0, srcBuf.length); if (srcCount <= 0) nw = -1; else nw = srcBuf[0]; srcPos = 1; } if (nw == '\r') { wasCR = true; peek[peekCount++] = '\n'; } else { if (nw == '\n') { if (!wasCR) peek[peekCount++] = '\n'; } else peek[peekCount++] = nw; wasCR = false; } } return peek[pos]; } private final String readName() throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { int pos = txtPos; int c = peek(0); if ((c < 'a' || c > 'z') && (c < 'A' || c > 'Z') && c != '_' && c != ':' && c < 0x0c0 && !relaxed) error("name expected"); do { push(read()); c = peek(0); } while ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '_' || c == '-' || c == ':' || c == '.' || c >= 0x0b7); String result = get(pos); txtPos = pos; return result; } private final void skip() throws IOException { while (true) { int c = peek(0); if (c > ' ' || c == -1) break; read(); } } // public part starts here... public void setInput(Reader reader) throws XmlPullParserException { this.reader = reader; line = 1; column = 0; type = START_DOCUMENT; name = null; namespace = null; degenerated = false; attributeCount = -1; encoding = null; version = null; standalone = null; if (reader == null) return; srcPos = 0; srcCount = 0; peekCount = 0; depth = 0; entityMap = new Hashtable(); entityMap.put("amp", "&"); entityMap.put("apos", "'"); entityMap.put("gt", ">"); entityMap.put("lt", "<"); entityMap.put("quot", "\""); } public void setInput(InputStream is, String _enc) throws XmlPullParserException { srcPos = 0; srcCount = 0; String enc = _enc; if (is == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); try { if (enc == null) { // read four bytes int chk = 0; while (srcCount < 4) { int i = is.read(); if (i == -1) break; chk = (chk << 8) | i; srcBuf[srcCount++] = (char) i; } if (srcCount == 4) { switch (chk) { case 0x00000FEFF : enc = "UTF-32BE"; srcCount = 0; break; case 0x0FFFE0000 : enc = "UTF-32LE"; srcCount = 0; break; case 0x03c : enc = "UTF-32BE"; srcBuf[0] = '<'; srcCount = 1; break; case 0x03c000000 : enc = "UTF-32LE"; srcBuf[0] = '<'; srcCount = 1; break; case 0x0003c003f : enc = "UTF-16BE"; srcBuf[0] = '<'; srcBuf[1] = '?'; srcCount = 2; break; case 0x03c003f00 : enc = "UTF-16LE"; srcBuf[0] = '<'; srcBuf[1] = '?'; srcCount = 2; break; case 0x03c3f786d : while (true) { int i = is.read(); if (i == -1) break; srcBuf[srcCount++] = (char) i; if (i == '>') { String s = new String(srcBuf, 0, srcCount); int i0 = s.indexOf("encoding"); if (i0 != -1) { while (s.charAt(i0) != '"' && s.charAt(i0) != '\'') i0++; char deli = s.charAt(i0++); int i1 = s.indexOf(deli, i0); enc = s.substring(i0, i1); } break; } } default : if ((chk & 0x0ffff0000) == 0x0FEFF0000) { enc = "UTF-16BE"; srcBuf[0] = (char) ((srcBuf[2] << 8) | srcBuf[3]); srcCount = 1; } else if ((chk & 0x0ffff0000) == 0x0fffe0000) { enc = "UTF-16LE"; srcBuf[0] = (char) ((srcBuf[3] << 8) | srcBuf[2]); srcCount = 1; } else if ((chk & 0x0ffffff00) == 0x0EFBBBF00) { enc = "UTF-8"; srcBuf[0] = srcBuf[3]; srcCount = 1; } } } } if (enc == null) enc = "UTF-8"; int sc = srcCount; setInput(new InputStreamReader(is, enc)); encoding = _enc; srcCount = sc; } catch (Exception e) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "Invalid stream or encoding: " + e.toString(), this, e); } } public boolean getFeature(String feature) { if (XmlPullParser.FEATURE_PROCESS_NAMESPACES.equals(feature)) return processNsp; else if (isProp(feature, false, "relaxed")) return relaxed; else return false; } public String getInputEncoding() { return encoding; } public void defineEntityReplacementText(String entity, String value) throws XmlPullParserException { if (entityMap == null) throw new RuntimeException("entity replacement text must be defined after setInput!"); entityMap.put(entity, value); } public Object getProperty(String property) { if (isProp(property, true, "xmldecl-version")) return version; if (isProp(property, true, "xmldecl-standalone")) return standalone; if (isProp(property, true, "location")) return location != null ? location : reader.toString(); return null; } public int getNamespaceCount(int depth) { if (depth > this.depth) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); return nspCounts[depth]; } public String getNamespacePrefix(int pos) { return nspStack[pos << 1]; } public String getNamespaceUri(int pos) { return nspStack[(pos << 1) + 1]; } public String getNamespace(String prefix) { if ("xml".equals(prefix)) return "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"; if ("xmlns".equals(prefix)) return "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/"; for (int i = (getNamespaceCount(depth) << 1) - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2) { if (prefix == null) { if (nspStack[i] == null) return nspStack[i + 1]; } else if (prefix.equals(nspStack[i])) return nspStack[i + 1]; } return null; } public int getDepth() { return depth; } public String getPositionDescription() { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(type < TYPES.length ? TYPES[type] : "unknown"); buf.append(' '); if (type == START_TAG || type == END_TAG) { if (degenerated) buf.append("(empty) "); buf.append('<'); if (type == END_TAG) buf.append('/'); if (prefix != null) buf.append("{" + namespace + "}" + prefix + ":"); buf.append(name); int cnt = attributeCount << 2; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i += 4) { buf.append(' '); if (attributes[i + 1] != null) buf.append( "{" + attributes[i] + "}" + attributes[i + 1] + ":"); buf.append(attributes[i + 2] + "='" + attributes[i + 3] + "'"); } buf.append('>'); } else if (type == IGNORABLE_WHITESPACE); else if (type != TEXT) buf.append(getText()); else if (isWhitespace) buf.append("(whitespace)"); else { String text = getText(); if (text.length() > 16) text = text.substring(0, 16) + "..."; buf.append(text); } buf.append("@"+line + ":" + column); if(location != null){ buf.append(" in "); buf.append(location); } else if(reader != null){ buf.append(" in "); buf.append(reader.toString()); } return buf.toString(); } public int getLineNumber() { return line; } public int getColumnNumber() { return column; } public boolean isWhitespace() throws XmlPullParserException { if (type != TEXT && type != IGNORABLE_WHITESPACE && type != CDSECT) exception(ILLEGAL_TYPE); return isWhitespace; } public String getText() { return type < TEXT || (type == ENTITY_REF && unresolved) ? null : get(0); } public char[] getTextCharacters(int[] poslen) { if (type >= TEXT) { if (type == ENTITY_REF) { poslen[0] = 0; poslen[1] = name.length(); return name.toCharArray(); } poslen[0] = 0; poslen[1] = txtPos; return txtBuf; } poslen[0] = -1; poslen[1] = -1; return null; } public String getNamespace() { return namespace; } public String getName() { return name; } public String getPrefix() { return prefix; } public boolean isEmptyElementTag() throws XmlPullParserException { if (type != START_TAG) exception(ILLEGAL_TYPE); return degenerated; } public int getAttributeCount() { return attributeCount; } public String getAttributeType(int index) { return "CDATA"; } public boolean isAttributeDefault(int index) { return false; } public String getAttributeNamespace(int index) { if (index >= attributeCount) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); return attributes[index << 2]; } public String getAttributeName(int index) { if (index >= attributeCount) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); return attributes[(index << 2) + 2]; } public String getAttributePrefix(int index) { if (index >= attributeCount) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); return attributes[(index << 2) + 1]; } public String getAttributeValue(int index) { if (index >= attributeCount) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); return attributes[(index << 2) + 3]; } public String getAttributeValue(String namespace, String name) { for (int i = (attributeCount << 2) - 4; i >= 0; i -= 4) { if (attributes[i + 2].equals(name) && (namespace == null || attributes[i].equals(namespace))) return attributes[i + 3]; } return null; } public int getEventType() throws XmlPullParserException { return type; } public int next() throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { txtPos = 0; isWhitespace = true; int minType = 9999; token = false; do { nextImpl(); if (type < minType) minType = type; // if (curr <= TEXT) type = curr; } while (minType > ENTITY_REF // ignorable || (minType >= TEXT && peekType() >= TEXT)); type = minType; if (type > TEXT) type = TEXT; return type; } public int nextToken() throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { isWhitespace = true; txtPos = 0; token = true; nextImpl(); return type; } // // utility methods to make XML parsing easier ... public int nextTag() throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { next(); if (type == TEXT && isWhitespace) next(); if (type != END_TAG && type != START_TAG) exception("unexpected type"); return type; } public void require(int type, String namespace, String name) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { if (type != this.type || (namespace != null && !namespace.equals(getNamespace())) || (name != null && !name.equals(getName()))) exception( "expected: " + TYPES[type] + " {" + namespace + "}" + name); } public String nextText() throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { if (type != START_TAG) exception("precondition: START_TAG"); next(); String result; if (type == TEXT) { result = getText(); next(); } else result = ""; if (type != END_TAG) exception("END_TAG expected"); return result; } public void setFeature(String feature, boolean value) throws XmlPullParserException { if (XmlPullParser.FEATURE_PROCESS_NAMESPACES.equals(feature)) processNsp = value; else if (isProp(feature, false, "relaxed")) relaxed = value; else exception("unsupported feature: " + feature); } public void setProperty(String property, Object value) throws XmlPullParserException { if(isProp(property, true, "location")) location = value; else throw new XmlPullParserException("unsupported property: " + property); } /** * Skip sub tree that is currently porser positioned on. * <br>NOTE: parser must be on START_TAG and when funtion returns * parser will be positioned on corresponding END_TAG. */ // Implementation copied from Alek's mail... public void skipSubTree() throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { require(START_TAG, null, null); int level = 1; while (level > 0) { int eventType = next(); if (eventType == END_TAG) { --level; } else if (eventType == START_TAG) { ++level; } } } }