/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.harmony.security.tests.java.security; import dalvik.annotation.TestTargetClass; import dalvik.annotation.TestTargets; import dalvik.annotation.TestLevel; import dalvik.annotation.TestTargetNew; import java.security.KeyPairGenerator; import java.security.Provider; import java.security.SecureRandom; import java.security.Security; import java.security.spec.DSAParameterSpec; import java.security.interfaces.DSAPublicKey; import java.security.interfaces.DSAParams; @TestTargetClass(KeyPairGenerator.class) public class KeyPairGenerator4Test extends junit.framework.TestCase { /** * @tests java.security.KeyPairGenerator#genKeyPair() */ @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "genKeyPair", args = {} ) public void test_genKeyPair() throws Exception { KeyPairGenerator gen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("DSA"); gen.initialize(1024); assertNotNull("KeyPair is null", gen.genKeyPair()); } /** * @tests java.security.KeyPairGenerator#getAlgorithm() */ @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "getAlgorithm", args = {} ) public void test_getAlgorithm() throws Exception { String alg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("DSA").getAlgorithm(); assertEquals("getAlgorithm returned unexpected value", "DSA", alg); } /** * @tests java.security.KeyPairGenerator#getInstance(java.lang.String) */ @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.PARTIAL, notes = "Verification of other string parameters and exception cases missed", method = "getInstance", args = {java.lang.String.class} ) public void test_getInstanceLjava_lang_String() throws Exception { KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("DSA"); } /** * @tests java.security.KeyPairGenerator#getInstance(java.lang.String, * java.lang.String) */ @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.PARTIAL, notes = "NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException checking missed", method = "getInstance", args = {java.lang.String.class, java.lang.String.class} ) public void test_getInstanceLjava_lang_StringLjava_lang_String() throws Exception { // Test1: Test with named provider Provider[] providers = Security.getProviders("KeyPairGenerator.DSA"); for (int i = 0; i < providers.length; i++) { KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("DSA", providers[i].getName()); }// end for // Test2: Test with empty provider name - should raise // IllegalArgumentException try { KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("DSA", ""); fail("Should have thrown IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // expected } } /** * @tests java.security.KeyPairGenerator#getProvider() */ @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "getProvider", args = {} ) public void test_getProvider() throws Exception { Provider p = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("DSA").getProvider(); assertNotNull("provider is null", p); } /** * @tests java.security.KeyPairGenerator#initialize(int) */ @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.PARTIAL, notes = "InvalidParameterException checking missed", method = "initialize", args = {int.class} ) public void test_initializeI() throws Exception { KeyPairGenerator keyPair = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("DSA"); keyPair.initialize(1024); } /** * @tests java.security.KeyPairGenerator#initialize(int, * java.security.SecureRandom) */ @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.PARTIAL, notes = "InvalidParameterException checking missed", method = "initialize", args = {int.class, java.security.SecureRandom.class} ) public void test_initializeILjava_security_SecureRandom() throws Exception { KeyPairGenerator keyPair = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("DSA"); keyPair.initialize(1024, new SecureRandom()); } /** * @tests java.security.KeyPairGenerator#initialize(java.security.spec.AlgorithmParameterSpec) */ @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.PARTIAL, notes = "InvalidAlgorithmParameterException checking missed", method = "initialize", args = {java.security.spec.AlgorithmParameterSpec.class} ) public void test_initializeLjava_security_spec_AlgorithmParameterSpec() throws Exception { // create DSAParams KeyPairGenerator keyPairGenerator = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("DSA"); keyPairGenerator.initialize(1024); DSAPublicKey key = (DSAPublicKey) keyPairGenerator.genKeyPair() .getPublic(); DSAParams params = key.getParams(); KeyPairGenerator keyPair = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("DSA"); keyPair.initialize(new DSAParameterSpec(params.getP(), params.getQ(), params.getG())); } /** * @tests java.security.KeyPairGenerator#initialize(java.security.spec.AlgorithmParameterSpec, * java.security.SecureRandom) */ @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.PARTIAL, notes = "InvalidAlgorithmParameterException checking missed", method = "initialize", args = {java.security.spec.AlgorithmParameterSpec.class, java.security.SecureRandom.class} ) public void test_initializeLjava_security_spec_AlgorithmParameterSpecLjava_security_SecureRandom() throws Exception { // create DSAParams KeyPairGenerator keyPairGenerator = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("DSA"); keyPairGenerator.initialize(1024); DSAPublicKey key = (DSAPublicKey) keyPairGenerator.genKeyPair() .getPublic(); DSAParams params = key.getParams(); KeyPairGenerator keyPair = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("DSA"); keyPair.initialize(new DSAParameterSpec(params.getP(), params.getQ(), params.getG()), new SecureRandom()); } }