package com.applang.components; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.MatchResult; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.swing.Box; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPopupMenu; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JTextArea; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import org.gjt.sp.jedit.View; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import; import com.applang.PluginUtils; import com.applang.berichtsheft.BerichtsheftActivity; import com.applang.berichtsheft.BerichtsheftApp; import com.applang.berichtsheft.plugin.BerichtsheftPlugin; import com.applang.berichtsheft.plugin.BerichtsheftShell; import com.applang.provider.WeatherInfo.Weathers; import console.Console; import; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener; import; import android.util.Log; import android.widget.TextView; import static com.applang.Util.*; import static com.applang.Util2.*; import static com.applang.SwingUtil.*; import static com.applang.PluginUtils.*; public class WeatherManager extends ActionPanel { private static final String TAG = WeatherManager.class.getSimpleName(); /** * @param args * @throws Exception */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final DataView dataView = new DataView(); String title = "WeatherInfo database"; WeatherManager weatherManager = new WeatherManager(dataView, null, title); ActionPanel.createAndShowGUI(title, new Dimension(1000, 200), Behavior.EXIT_ON_CLOSE, weatherManager, new Function<Component>() { public Component apply(Object...params) { Component c = findFirstComponent(dataView, "south"); if (c != null) dataView.remove(c); return dataView.getUIComponent(); } }); } }); } private JLabel uriLabel; private DataView dataView; public WeatherManager() { super(null); } public WeatherManager(IComponent dataView, Object... params) { super(dataView, params); this.dataView = (DataView) iComponent; addButton(this, ActionType.CALENDAR.index(), new InfoAction(ActionType.CALENDAR)); addButton(this, 4, new InfoAction("Weather")); addButton(this, ActionType.DATABASE.index(), new InfoAction(ActionType.DATABASE)); JPopupMenu popupMenu = newPopupMenu( objects(ActionType.IMPORT.description(), new InfoAction(ActionType.IMPORT)), objects(ActionType.TEXT.description(), new InfoAction(ActionType.TEXT)) ); attachDropdownMenu(buttons[4], popupMenu); add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(10)); add(uriLabel = new JLabel()); } @Override public void start(Object... params) { super.start(params); dbFilePath = getSetting("database", ""); } @Override public void finish(Object... params) { if (getCon() != null) try { updateOnRequest(); getCon().close(); } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); } putSetting("database", dbFilePath); super.finish(params); } public class InfoAction extends CustomAction { public InfoAction(ActionType type) { super(type); } public InfoAction(String text) { super(text); } @Override protected void action_Performed(ActionEvent ae) { ActionType t = (ActionType)getType(); if (t != null) { switch (t) { case DATABASE: if (dataView.configureData(null, false)) { dbFilePath = dataView.getDataConfiguration().getPath(); if (notNullOrEmpty(dbFilePath)) openConnection(dbFilePath); uriLabel.setText(dbFilePath); } break; case CALENDAR: DatePicker.Period.pick(0); break; case IMPORT: parseAndEvaluate(location, DatePicker.Period.loadParts(0), true, null); break; default: return; } } } } public String location = "10519"; // BONN-ROLEBER private static final String URL_MONTHREP = "" + "countr=GERMANY&" + "ind=%s&" + "year=%s&" + "month=%s&" + "l=1&" + "action=display"; /* D: observation day. h: UTC observation time. T: air temperature (ºC). RH: air relative humidity (%). P/Gh: sea level pressure (hpa) or geopotential height (m). WI: wind direction and speed (km/h). CC: total cloud cover(eighths). LC: cover and type of low clouds. MC: cover and type of middle clouds. HC: type of high clouds. PR: amount of precipitation and measuring period. MT: maximun temperature. mT: minimum temperature. WE: weather. */ private static final String URL_SUMMARY = "" + "countr=GERMANY&" + "ind=%s&" + "year=%s&" + "month=%s&" + "day=%s&" + "n_days=%d&" + "trans=PA&" + "time=all&" + "l=1&action=display"; String urlString(boolean broken, String location, int...dateParts) { String url; String monthString = "0" + dateParts[1]; monthString = monthString.substring(monthString.length() - 2, monthString.length()); switch (dateParts[3]) { case DatePicker.Period.MONTH: url = String.format(URL_MONTHREP, location, "" + dateParts[0], monthString); break; default: url = String.format(URL_SUMMARY, location, "" + dateParts[0], monthString, "" + dateParts[2], dateParts[3]); break; } if (broken) url = url.replaceAll("(\\?|\\&)", "$1\n"); return url; } public static Uri siteUri(String translation, String location, String time, int...dateParts) { Uri.Builder builder = new Uri.Builder() .scheme("http") .authority("") .appendPath("meteo_p") .appendQueryParameter("countr", "GERMANY") .appendQueryParameter("ind", location) .appendQueryParameter("year", "" + dateParts[0]) .appendQueryParameter("month", String.format("%02d", dateParts[1])); switch (dateParts[3]) { case DatePicker.Period.MONTH: builder = builder.appendPath("monthrep"); break; default: builder = builder.appendPath("byind") .appendQueryParameter("day", "" + dateParts[2]) .appendQueryParameter("n_days", "" + dateParts[3]) .appendQueryParameter("time", time) .appendQueryParameter("trans", translation); break; } return builder .appendQueryParameter("l", "1") .appendQueryParameter("action", "display") .build(); } private Document parseSite(String location, int[] dateParts) { Document doc = null; switch (dateParts[3]) { case DatePicker.Period.MONTH: break; default: dateParts = DatePicker.extendPeriod(1, dateParts); } Uri uri = siteUri("PA", location, "all", dateParts); BerichtsheftPlugin.print("connecting '%s'\n... ", uri); long millis = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { doc = Jsoup.connect(uri.toString()) .timeout(100000) .get(); } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); } BerichtsheftPlugin.print("%d sec(s)", (System.currentTimeMillis() - millis) / 1000, NEWLINE); return doc; } public void parseAndEvaluate(final String location, final int[] period, final boolean popup, final Function<Void> followUp, final Object... params) { Boolean async = param_Boolean(true, 1, params); if (!async) { Document doc = parseSite(location, period); evaluate(doc, popup); if (followUp != null) followUp.apply(params); } else { final Console console = BerichtsheftShell.getConsole(true); if (console != null) BerichtsheftShell.consoleWait(console, true); Task<Document> task = new Task<Document>(null, new Job<Document>() { public void perform(Document doc, Object[] params) throws Exception { evaluate(doc, popup); if (followUp != null) followUp.apply(params); } }, params) { @Override protected Document doInBackground() { try { setProgress(1); return parseSite(location, period); } finally { setProgress(100); } } }; task.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() { public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { if ("progress" == evt.getPropertyName()) { if (console != null) { BerichtsheftShell.setBerichtsheftShell(console); int progress = (Integer) evt.getNewValue(); BerichtsheftShell.consoleWait(console, progress < 100); } } } }); task.execute(); } } private Document doc = null; private ValMap summary(boolean popup, String title) { final ValMap summary = vmap(); View view = BerichtsheftApp.getJEditView(); try { final Object out = popup ? new StringWriter() : ""; waiting(view, new ComponentFunction<Void>() { public Void apply(Component comp, Object[] parms) { Elements elements ="pre:contains(D | h |)"); if (elements.size() > 0) { String header = elements.get(0).text(); println(out, header); MatchResult[] vbars = findAllIn(header, Pattern.compile("\\|")); int[] columnPos = new int[vbars.length + 2]; columnPos[0] = -1; for (int i = 0; i <= vbars.length; i++) { columnPos[i+1] = i < vbars.length ? vbars[i].start() : header.length(); } elements =".dat"); if (elements.size() > 0) { for (Element element : elements) { String row = element.text(); println(out, row); for (int i = 0; i < columnPos.length - 1; i++) { String columnName = header.substring(columnPos[i] + 1, columnPos[i+1]).trim(); ValList column = summary.getList(columnName); int startPos = Math.min(columnPos[i] + 1, row.length()); int endPos = i == columnPos.length - 2 ? row.length() : Math.min(columnPos[i+1] + 1, row.length()); String value = row.substring(Math.max(0, startPos), endPos); column.add(value.trim()); } } } } return null; } }); if (popup) { JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea(); textArea.setFont(monoSpaced()); textArea.setText(((StringWriter)out).toString()); Component component = new JScrollPane(textArea); component.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(800,400)); int result = new AlertDialog(view, getProperty(""), title, component, JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, Behavior.MODAL, loadIcon(""), null).open().getResult(); if (result != JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) return null; } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "summary", e); } // println(com.applang.Util2.toString(summary)); return summary; } public AlertDialog feedableDialog(String title) { AlertDialog dialog; TextView tv = new TextView(null, null); tv.getTaggedComponent().setFont(monoSpaced()); dialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(BerichtsheftActivity.getInstance(), false) .setTitle(title) .setView(tv) .setNeutralButton(android.R.string.close, new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { dialog.cancel(); } }) .create(); dialog.setModalExclusionType(AlertDialog.ModalExclusionType.APPLICATION_EXCLUDE); Dimension(800, 400)); return dialog; // feedableDialog(title).feed(1); } /* SKY COVER weight 0/8 CLR-CLEAR 0 1/8 TO 4/8 SCT-SCATTERED 3 5/8 TO 7/8 BKN-BROKEN 6 8/8 OVC-OVERCAST 9 OBS-OBSCURED 10 POB-PARTIAL OBSCURATION avg sonnig : 0-2 leicht bewölkt : 2-5 aufgelockert : 5-8 stark bewölkt : 8-10 */ int weight(Object cc, Object we) { int skc = -1; MatchResult mr = findFirstIn(stringValueOf(cc), Pattern.compile("(\\d+)\\/8")); if (mr != null) skc = Integer.parseInt(; switch (skc) { case 0: return 0; case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: return 3; case 5: case 6: case 7: return 6; case 8: return 9; default: if ("rain".equals(we)) return 10; else return -1; } } String averaged(ValList list) { int n = 0; float avg = 0; for (Object val : list) if (-1 < (Integer)val) { avg += (Integer)val; n++; } if (n < 1) return ""; avg /= n; if (avg < 2) return "sonnig"; else if (avg < 5) return "leicht bewölkt"; else if (avg < 8) return "aufgelockert"; else return "stark bewölkt"; } public static Pattern PRECIPITATION_PATTERN = clippingPattern("\\(", "\\)"); private void evaluateSummary(ValMap summary) { if (summary == null) return; ValMap vormittag = vmap(), nachmittag = vmap(); BidiMultiMap precip = bmap(3); ArrayList<Double> temps = alist(); ValList list = summary.getList("D"); if (notAvailable(0, list)) return; String old = list.get(0).toString(), day = old; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { String hour = summary.getListValue("h", i).toString(); Long instant = pointInTime(day, stripUnits(hour)); if ("06Z".compareTo(hour) <= 0 && "19Z".compareTo(hour) >= 0) { int weight = weight( summary.getListValue("CC", i), summary.getListValue("WE", i)); if ("12Z".compareTo(hour) < 0) nachmittag.getList(day).add(weight); else vormittag.getList(day).add(weight); } Object oT = summary.getListValue("T", i); oT = stripUnits(oT.toString()); temps.add(toDouble(Double.NaN, oT.toString())); Object oPR = summary.getListValue("PR", i); if (notNullOrEmpty(oPR)) { MatchResult[] mr = findAllIn(oPR.toString(), PRECIPITATION_PATTERN); if (mr.length > 0) { Integer hours = toInt(0, stripUnits(mr[0].group(2))); precip.add(instant, hoursFromDate(instant, -hours), toDouble(0.1, mr[0].group(1))); } } if (i < list.size() - 1) day = summary.getListValue("D", i + 1).toString(); else day = ""; if (!old.equals(day)) { int oldDay = toInt(-1, old); Long time = DatePicker.Period.getMillis(oldDay); if (time != null) { String description = ""; String vm = averaged(vormittag.getList(old)); if (notNullOrEmpty(vm)) description += String.format("v.m. %s ", vm); String nm = averaged(nachmittag.getList(old)); if (notNullOrEmpty(nm)) description += String.format("n.m. %s ", nm); ValMap values = vmap(); values.put(Weathers.DESCRIPTION, description); values.put(Weathers.PRECIPITATION, interpolate(old, precip)); values.put(Weathers.MAXTEMP, Collections.max(temps)); values.put(Weathers.MINTEMP, Collections.min(temps)); if (null == updateOrInsert(location, time, values)) break; } old = day; temps = alist(); } } // for (String d : vormittag.keySet()) { // list = vormittag.getList(d); // println("%s vormittag", d, list, averaged(list)); // } // for (String d : vormittag.keySet()) { // list = nachmittag.getList(d); // println("%s nachmittag", d, list, averaged(list)); // } } private double interpolate(String day, BidiMultiMap precip) { double value = 0.0; long[] interval = intervalInTime(day); timeLine = precip.getKeys().toArray(new Long[0]); // println("timeLine", formatDates(timeLine)); // println("interval", formatDates(interval)); int[] index = ints( index(interval[0]), index(interval[1]) ); long[] old = null; for (int i = index[1]; i < index[0]; i++) { ValList rec = precip.get(i); long[] ival = interval(rec); double precipitation = (Double)rec.get(2); double contrib = contribution(interval, ival, precipitation); double isect = old == null ? 0.0 : intersection(ival, old); double portion = (1.0 - isect) * contrib; // println(formatDates(ival), precipitation, contrib, portion); value += portion; old = ival; } // println("precipitation on %s : %f", formatDate(epoch), value); return value; } private double contribution(long[] interval, long[] ival, double value) { long upper = Math.min(interval[1], ival[1]); long lower = Math.max(interval[0], ival[0]); double portion = 1.0 * (upper - lower) / (ival[1] - ival[0]); return portion * value; } private long[] interval(ValList rec) { return new long[]{ (Long)rec.get(1), (Long)rec.get(0) }; } private double intersection(long[] ival1, long[] ival2) { if (ival2[0] >= ival1[1] || ival2[1] <= ival1[0]) return 0.0; else if (ival2[1] >= ival1[1] && ival2[0] <= ival1[0]) return 1.0; else if (ival1[1] >= ival2[1] && ival1[0] <= ival2[0]) return 1.0; else if (ival2[1] >= ival1[1]) return 1.0 * (ival1[1] - ival2[0]) / (ival2[1] - ival2[0]); else return 1.0 * (ival2[1] - ival1[0]) / (ival1[1] - ival1[0]); } private int index(long epoch) { return pointer(criterion(epoch)); } Long[] timeLine; private int criterion(long epoch) { return Arrays.binarySearch(timeLine, epoch, new Comparator<Long>() { @Override public int compare(Long l1, Long l2) { if (l1 < l2) return 1; else if (l1 > l2) return -1; else return 0; } }); } private int pointer(int crit) { if (crit < 0) crit = -crit - 1; return crit; } private long[] intervalInTime(String day) { Long epoch = DatePicker.Period.getMillis(toInt(-1, day)); if (epoch == null) return null; else return dayInterval(epoch, 1); } private Long pointInTime(String day, String hour) { return DatePicker.Period.getMillisByHour(toInt(-1, day), toInt(0, hour)); } void measurements(final String marker) { waiting(null, new ComponentFunction<Void>() { public Void apply(Component comp, Object[] parms) { storeValues(tableAfter(marker, 1)); storeValues(tableAfter(marker, 2)); return null; } }); } Element tableAfter(String text, int follower) { Element table = null, el = null; Elements tables ="table:contains(" + text + ")"); int length = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (Element t : tables) if (length > t.html().length()) { length = t.html().length(); el = t; } if (el != null) { while (el != el.lastElementSibling()) { el = el.nextElementSibling(); tables ="table"); if (tables.size() > 0) { follower--; if (follower > 0) continue; table = tables.first(); break; } } } return table; } void storeValues(Element table) { ValMap values = vmap(); Elements column ="td:eq(0)"); boolean precipitation = column.get(1).text().toLowerCase().startsWith("prec"); Element row ="tr").first(); for (int i = 1; i <"td").size(); i++) { column ="td:eq(%d)", i)); int day = Integer.parseInt(column.first().text()); if (precipitation) values.put("precipitation", toFloat(Float.NaN, column.get(1).text())); else { values.put("maxtemp", toFloat(Float.NaN, column.get(1).text())); values.put("mintemp", toFloat(Float.NaN, column.get(2).text())); } long time = DatePicker.Period.getMillis(day); if (null == updateOrInsert(location, time, values)) break; } } private void evaluate(Document doc, boolean popup) { this.doc = doc; count = ints(0,0); switch (DatePicker.Period.length) { case DatePicker.Period.MONTH: measurements("Daily extreme temperatures"); measurements("24 hours rainfall"); break; default: evaluateSummary(summary(popup, DatePicker.Period.description())); break; } if (count[0] > 0 || count[1] > 0) BerichtsheftPlugin.consoleMessage("dataview.updateOrInsert.message", count[1], count[0]); } @Override public boolean openConnection(String dbPath, Object... params) { try { if (super.openConnection(dbPath, arrayextend(params, true, "weathers"))) return true; getStmt().execute("CREATE TABLE weathers (" + "_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," + "description TEXT," + "location TEXT," + "precipitation FLOAT," + "maxtemp FLOAT," + "mintemp FLOAT," + "created INTEGER," + "modified INTEGER)"); return true; } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); return false; } } public int update(long id, ValMap values) throws Exception { String sql = "update weathers set"; for (Map.Entry<String,Object> entry : values.entrySet()) sql += " " + entry.getKey() + "='" + entry.getValue().toString() + "',"; PreparedStatement ps = getCon().prepareStatement(sql + " modified = ? where _id = ?"); ps.setLong(1, now()); ps.setLong(2, id); return ps.executeUpdate(); } public int insert(long id, ValMap values, String location, long time) throws Exception { String keys = "", vals = ""; for (String key : values.keySet()) keys += "," + key; for (Object value : values.values()) vals += ",'" + value.toString() + "'"; String sql = String.format( "insert into weathers (_id%s,location,created,modified) VALUES (?%s,?,?,?)", keys, vals); PreparedStatement ps = getCon().prepareStatement(sql); ps.setLong(1, id); ps.setString(2, location); ps.setLong(3, time); ps.setLong(4, now()); return ps.executeUpdate(); } public long newId() throws Exception { ResultSet rs = getStmt().executeQuery("select max(_id) from weathers"); long id = ? rs.getLong(1) : -1; rs.close(); return 1 + id; } public long getIdOfDay(String location, long time) throws SQLException { long[] interval = dayInterval(time, 1); PreparedStatement ps = getCon().prepareStatement( "select _id from weathers " + "where created between ? and ? and location=? " + "order by created, location"); ps.setLong(1, interval[0]); ps.setLong(2, interval[1] - 1); ps.setString(3, location); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); long id = -1; if ( id = rs.getLong(1); rs.close(); return id; } private int[] count = new int[2]; public Object updateOrInsert(String location, long time, ValMap values) { if (getCon() == null) { message("database connection not open"); BerichtsheftPlugin.print(location, formatDate(time, DatePicker.calendarFormat, Locale.getDefault()), values, NEWLINE); return -1; } try { long id = getIdOfDay(location, time); if (id > -1) { update(id, values); count[0]++; } else { id = newId(); insert(id, values, location, time); count[1]++; } return id; } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); return -1; } } }