package com.applang.berichtsheft.test; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.MatchResult; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.xml.transform.Result; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXResult; import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource; import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXTransformerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.sax.TransformerHandler; import; import junit.framework.Test; import junit.framework.TestSuite; import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*; import org.apache.xml.serializer.OutputPropertiesFactory; import org.apache.xml.serializer.Serializer; import org.apache.xml.serializer.SerializerFactory; import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.*; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.Locator; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.XMLFilter; import org.xml.sax.XMLReader; import org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderFactory; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import; import com.applang.Util2; import com.applang.berichtsheft.BerichtsheftActivity; import com.applang.berichtsheft.BerichtsheftApp; import com.applang.berichtsheft.plugin.BerichtsheftPlugin; import com.applang.berichtsheft.plugin.DataDockable; import com.applang.components.DataView; import com.applang.components.ActionPanel.ActionType; import com.applang.components.DataView.DataModel; import com.applang.components.DatePicker.Period; import com.applang.components.DatePicker; import com.applang.components.FormEditor; import com.applang.components.NotePicker; import com.applang.components.TextToggle; import com.applang.components.WeatherManager; import com.applang.components.NotePicker.NoteFinder; import com.applang.provider.NotePad; import com.applang.provider.PlantInfo; import com.applang.provider.WeatherInfo; import static com.applang.SwingUtil.*; import static com.applang.Util.*; import static com.applang.Util1.*; import static com.applang.Util2.*; import static com.applang.ZipUtil.*; public class MiscTests extends XMLTestCase { public MiscTests(String testName) { super(testName); this.testName = testName; } private String testName = null; @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); underTest = true; BerichtsheftApp.loadSettings(); if (!"testOdtDokument".equals(testName) && !"testPiping".equals(testName)) { textToggle = new TextToggle(); np = new NotePicker(null, textToggle); } if (tempfile.exists()) tempfile.delete(); contentfile = new File(BerichtsheftApp.applicationDataPath("Skripte/content.xml")); paramsFilename = BerichtsheftApp.applicationDataPath("Skripte/params.xml"); } File tempfile = new File(tempPath(), "temp.xml"); @Override protected void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); if (np != null && np.getCon() != null) np.getCon().close();; underTest = false; } public static void main(String...args) {; } public static Test partialSuite() { TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(); suite.addTest(new MiscTests("testClasses")); suite.addTest(new MiscTests("testKeinFehler")); suite.addTest(new MiscTests("testContentUris")); suite.addTest(new MiscTests("testNotesBrowsing")); return suite; } TextToggle textToggle; NotePicker np; public void testDateTime() throws Exception { int year = 2012; int weekInYear = 53; int dayInWeek = 2; long millis = timeInMillis(year, weekInYear, dayInWeek); assertEquals(timeInMillis(2012, -Calendar.DECEMBER, 31), millis); millis = timeInMillis(2013, -Calendar.JANUARY, 1); String kalenderWoche = String.format("%d/%d", weekInYear % 52, (year + 1) % 100); assertEquals(kalenderWoche, formatDate(millis, DatePicker.weekFormat)); long millisPerDay = getMillis(1); long sevenDaysAWeek = timeInMillis(2013, 1, 7); assertEquals(timeInMillis(2013, 1, 6) + millisPerDay, sevenDaysAWeek); long eightDaysAWeek = timeInMillis(2013, 1, 8); assertEquals(eightDaysAWeek - millisPerDay, sevenDaysAWeek); long[] week = DatePicker.weekInterval("53/12", 1); assertEquals("2/13", formatDate(week[1], DatePicker.weekFormat)); String dateString = "1/13"; assertEquals(dateString, DatePicker.weekDate(week)); week = DatePicker.nextWeekInterval(dateString); dateString = formatDate(week[0], DatePicker.weekFormat); assertEquals("2/13", dateString); week = DatePicker.previousWeekInterval(dateString); assertEquals("1/13", DatePicker.weekDate(week)); millis = timeInMillis(1954, -Calendar.JANUARY, 27); dateString = formatDate(millis, DatePicker.weekFormat); assertFalse(DatePicker.isCalendarDate(dateString)); assertTrue(DatePicker.isWeekDate(dateString)); int[] weekDate = DatePicker.parseWeekDate(dateString); assertEquals(5, weekDate[0]); assertEquals(1954, weekDate[1]); dateString = formatDate(now(), DatePicker.weekFormat); weekDate = DatePicker.parseWeekDate(dateString); assertTrue(weekDate[1] > 2000); assertEquals(null, toDate("", DatePicker.calendarFormat)); println("absolute zero : %10.2f °C", absoluteZero); for (int i = Calendar.JANUARY; i <= Calendar.DECEMBER; i++) { print("%02d\t", i); } } public void testDatePicker() { int[] period = Period.loadParts(1); DatePicker.modality |= Behavior.TIMEOUT; do { period = DatePicker.pickAPeriod(period, "pick day, week or month"); if (period == null) return; println(period); } while (true); } long[] interval; public void _testAllNotes() throws Exception { // assertTrue(np.openConnection("databases/berichtsheft.db")); assertTrue(np.openConnection("/home/lotharla/Downloads/_note_pad1.db")); // assertTrue(np.openConnection("/home/lotharla/work/Niklas/note_pad_april 5-03-2013.db")); long[] time = new long[]{ dateInMillis(2013, 0, 1), dateInMillis(2014, 0, 1), }; PreparedStatement ps = np.preparePicking(true, NotePicker.allTitles, time); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); np.registerNotes(rs); String text = np.all(); // System.out.println(text); contentsToFile(new File(tempPath(), "notes.txt"), text); } boolean randomizeTimeOfDay = false; SQLiteDatabase db = null; private void openConnection(String dbPath) { assertTrue(makeSureExists(NotePad.AUTHORITY, new File(dbPath))); db = SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase(dbPath, null); } int generateData(boolean empty, Pattern expat, int grp, int[][] dates, String[] categories, Integer... params) throws Exception { InputStream is = new BerichtsheftActivity().getResources().getAssets().open("Kein Fehler im System.txt"); MatchResult[] excerpts = excerptsFrom(is, expat); Integer start = param(0, 0, params); Integer length = param(dates != null ? dates.length : 0, 1, params); Cursor c; if (empty) { c = db.rawQuery("select count(*) from notes", null); if (c != null && c.moveToFirst()) { int cnt = c.getInt(0); if (cnt > 0) assertEquals(cnt, db.delete("notes", null, null)); } } int cnt = 0; long time = dateFromTodayInMillis(0); String category = ""; for (int i = start; i < excerpts.length; i++) { MatchResult m = excerpts[i]; int j = i - start; if (isAvailable(j, categories)) category = categories[j]; time = dates != null && j < dates.length ? timeInMillis(dates[j][0], dates[j][1], dates[j][2]) : dateFromTodayInMillis(1, new Date(time), randomizeTimeOfDay); long[] interval = dayInterval(time, 1); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("note",; values.put("title", category); values.put("created", time); values.put("modified", now()); c = db.rawQuery("select _id from notes where created between ? and ? and title regexp ?", strings("" + interval[0], "" + (interval[1] - 1), category)); boolean update = c != null && c.moveToFirst(); if (update) assertThat( db.update("notes", values, "_id=?", strings("" + c.getLong(0))), is(greaterThan(-1))); else assertThat( db.insert("notes", null, values), is(greaterThan(-1L))); cnt++; if (j >= length - 1) break; } return cnt; } private ValMap results(final int kind) { String sql; switch (kind) { case 1: sql = "select count(*) from notes"; break; case 0: sql = "select title,count(_id) from notes group by title"; break; default: return null; } return getResults(db.rawQuery(sql, null), new Function<String>() { public String apply(Object... params) { Cursor cursor = param(null, 0, params); switch (kind) { case 1: return "count"; case 0: return cursor.getString(0); default: return null; } } }, new Function<Object>() { public Object apply(Object... params) { Cursor cursor = param(null, 0, params); switch (kind) { case 1: return cursor.getInt(0); case 0: return cursor.getInt(1); default: return null; } } } ); } String test_db = tempPath() + "/test.db"; Pattern expat = Pattern.compile("(?s)\\n([^\\{\\}]+?)(?=\\n)"); int[] date = ints(2012, -Calendar.DECEMBER, 24); public void testKeinFehler() throws Exception { try { openConnection(test_db); int[][] dates = new int[][] {date}; int length = 19; assertEquals(length, generateData(true, expat, 1, dates, strings("1."), 2, length)); length = 7; assertEquals(length, generateData(false, expat, 1, dates, strings("2."), 21, length)); length = 10; assertEquals(length, generateData(false, expat, 1, dates, strings("3."), 28, length)); assertEquals(36, results(1).get("count")); } finally { if (db != null) db.close(); } } private void setupKeinFehler(boolean newDb) { if (newDb) new File(test_db).delete(); try { openConnection(test_db); ValMap map = results(0); if (!new Integer(19).equals(map.get("1.")) || !new Integer(7).equals(map.get("2.")) || !new Integer(10).equals(map.get("3."))) testKeinFehler(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (db != null) db.close(); } } public void testFlavoredUris() { String dbFileName = test_db; new File(dbFileName).delete(); String[] tableNames = strings("notes", "weathers", "plants"); String[] flavors = strings(NotePad.AUTHORITY, WeatherInfo.AUTHORITY, PlantInfo.AUTHORITY); ValMap info; for (int i = 0; i < flavors.length; i++) { String tableName = tableNames[i]; Uri furi = fileUri(dbFileName, tableName); assertEquals(tableName, dbTableName(furi)); assertTrue(makeSureExists(flavors[i], new File(dbFileName))); println(runShellScript("dump", BerichtsheftPlugin.sqliteScript(dbFileName, ".tables"))); } Context context = new BerichtsheftActivity(); for (int i = flavors.length - 1; i > -1; i--) { String flavor = flavors[i]; String tableName = tableNames[i]; Uri curi = contentUri(flavor, tableName); assertEquals(tableName, dbTableName(curi)); info = table_info2(context, curi, tableName, flavor); assertTrue(info.containsKey("PRIMARY_KEY")); assertTrue(info.containsKey("VERSION")); assertEquals(databaseName(flavor), getDatabaseFile(context, curi).getName()); context.registerFlavor(flavor, dbFileName); assertEquals(dbFileName, getDatabaseFile(context, curi).getPath()); info = table_info2(context, curi, tableName, flavor); assertTrue(info.containsKey("PRIMARY_KEY")); assertTrue(info.containsKey("VERSION")); } for (int i = 0; i < flavors.length; i++) assertTrue(context.unregisterFlavor(flavors[i])); } public void testNotesBrowsing() { setupKeinFehler(false); DataView dv = new DataView(); Uri uri = fileUri(test_db, "notes"); dv.setUri(uri); np.setDataView(dv); assertFalse(np.usingJdbc()); assertEquals(0, np.pkColumn); assertEquals(35, np.lastRow()); DataModel model = (DataModel) dv.getTable().getModel(); ValList columns = model.columns; BidiMultiMap projection = new BidiMultiMap(columns); projection.putValue("created", "unixepoch"); model.setProjection(projection); int[] index = { columns.indexOf("created"), columns.indexOf("title"), columns.indexOf("note"), columns.indexOf("_id") }; assertEquals(0, np.pkRow); for (int i = 0; i < model.getRowCount(); i++) { Object[] values = model.getValues(true, i); println(values); Object expected = values[index[2]]; Object[] result = (Object[])[index[0]], values[index[1]]); assertEquals(expected, result[2]); assertEquals(values[index[3]], result[3]); assertEquals(expected, np.getText()); if (np.isActionEnabled(ActionType.NEXT.index())) np.browse(ActionType.NEXT); } assertEquals(np.lastRow(), np.pkRow); } public void testNoteFinding() { setupKeinFehler(false); DataView dv = new DataView(); Uri uri = fileUri(test_db, "notes"); dv.setUri(uri); np.setDataView(dv); String[] keys = np.finder.keyLine("%"); assertEquals(asList(keys).toString(), 36, keys.length); keys = np.finder.keyLine(); println((Object)keys); assertEquals(asList(keys).toString(), 36, keys.length); DataModel model = (DataModel) dv.getTable().getModel(); int[] index = { model.columns.indexOf("created"), model.columns.indexOf("title") }; for (int i = 0; i < model.getRowCount(); i++) { Object[] values = model.getValues(false, i); Long time = (Long)values[index[0]]; // time += getRandom().nextInt((int)getMillis(1)); int found = np.finder.pointer(time, (String)values[index[1]]); assertEquals(i, found); } }; public void testNotesManagment() { setupKeinFehler(false); DataView dv = new DataView(); Uri uri = fileUri(test_db, "notes"); dv.setUri(uri); np.setDataView(dv); assertFalse(np.isDirty()); int cnt = np.comboBoxes[0].getItemCount(); assertEquals(3, cnt); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) assertEquals((i + 1) + ".", np.comboBoxes[0].getItemAt(i)); long time = timeInMillis(date[0], date[1], date[2]); for (String stanza : strings("1.","2.","3.")) { String dateString = formatDate(time, DatePicker.calendarFormat); Object[] result = (Object[]), stanza); assertEquals(time, result[0]); assertEquals(stanza, result[1]); assertThat(stringValueOf(result[2]).length(), is(greaterThan(0))); } np.setText("ein Fehler im System"); Object[] record = objects( formatDate(time, DatePicker.calendarFormat), "4." );, true); assertThat(np.comboBoxes[0].getItemAt(3).toString(), is(equalTo("4."))); assertEquals(36, np.lastRow()); assertFalse(np.isDirty()); textToggle.getTextEdit().insert("k", 0); assertTrue(np.isDirty()); np.setDate(record[0].toString()); np.setTitle(record[1].toString()); np.updateChange(true); assertFalse(np.isDirty()); Object[] rec = (Object[]); assertThat(rec, notNullValue()); assertEquals(37L, rec[3]); np.setRow(rec[3]); // assertEquals(36, np.pkRow); np.delete(record); // assertThat(np.comboBoxes[0].getItemAt(3).toString(), not(equalTo("4."))); }; int[][] dates = new int[][] { {2012, 52, Calendar.SUNDAY}, {2012, 52, Calendar.SUNDAY}, {2013, 1, Calendar.SUNDAY}, }; String[] categories = strings( "Bemerkung", "Bericht", "Bericht" ); public void testData() throws Exception { new File(test_db).delete(); openConnection(test_db); int cnt = generateData(true, expat, 1, dates, categories, 2); assertEquals(dates.length, cnt); db.close(); } void setupNotes(String db, Object... params) throws ParseException { assertTrue("openConnection failed", np.openConnection(db, params)); interval = DatePicker.weekInterval("33/12", 1); assertEquals(2, interval.length); } public void _testMySql() throws Exception { setupNotes("//localhost/note_pad?user=lotharla&password=gnalppA", "mysql", "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver", "note_pad"); int cnt = generateData(true, NotePicker.notePattern1, 2, dates, categories); PreparedStatement ps = np.getCon().prepareStatement("select _id from notes"); assertEquals(cnt, np.registerNotes(ps.executeQuery())); try { assertThat( np.insert(4, "", np.getTitle(), timeInMillis(dates[2][0], dates[2][1], dates[2][2])), is(greaterThan(-1))); fail("expected to fail on UNIQUE constraint in the notes table"); } catch (Exception e) {} } int _generateData(boolean empty, Pattern expat, int grp, int[][] dates, String[] categories, Integer... params) throws Exception { InputStream is = new BerichtsheftActivity().getResources().getAssets().open("Kein Fehler im System.txt"); MatchResult[] excerpts = excerptsFrom(is, expat); Integer start = param(0, 0, params); Integer length = param(dates != null ? dates.length : 0, 1, params); if (empty) { int cnt = np.delete(NotePicker.allTitles, NotePicker.allDates, false); assertEquals(cnt, np.delete(NotePicker.allTitles, NotePicker.allDates, true)); } int cnt = 0; long time = dateFromTodayInMillis(0); for (int i = start; i < excerpts.length; i++) { MatchResult m = excerpts[i]; int j = i - start; if (isAvailable(j, categories)) np.setTitle(categories[j]); time = dates != null && j < dates.length ? timeInMillis(dates[j][0], dates[j][1], dates[j][2]) : dateFromTodayInMillis(1, new Date(time), randomizeTimeOfDay); String dateString = NotePicker.formatDate(1, time); String note =; if (empty) assertThat( np.insert(1+i-start, note, np.getTitle(), time), is(greaterThan(-1))); else assertThat( np.updateOrInsert(dateString, np.getPattern(), note, true), is(greaterThan(-1L))); cnt++; if (j >= length - 1) break; } return cnt; } public void _testNotesListing() throws Exception { setupKeinFehler(false); assertTrue(np.openConnection(test_db)); PreparedStatement ps = np.getCon().prepareStatement( "select _id,title,note,created,modified from notes order by created,title"); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); int rows = np.registerNotes(rs); for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { Object[] values = np.records[i]; println(values); } rs.close(); } public void _testNoteFinding1() throws Exception { testData(); assertTrue(np.openConnection(test_db)); NoteFinder finder = np.finder; String[] keys = finder.keyLine(NotePicker.allTitles); assertEquals(asList(keys).toString(), dates.length, keys.length); np.setPattern(categories[1]); long epoch = timeInMillis(dates[1][0], dates[1][1], dates[1][2]); assertTrue(finder.previousBunchAvailable(epoch)); assertFalse(finder.bunchAvailable(epoch - 1)); assertTrue(finder.bunchAvailable(epoch)); assertFalse(finder.bunchAvailable(epoch + 1)); assertTrue(finder.nextBunchAvailable(epoch)); long after = timeInMillis(dates[2][0], dates[2][1], dates[2][2]); long before = timeInMillis(dates[0][0], dates[0][1], dates[0][2]); np.setPattern("Berich"); assertEquals(finder.keyValue(epoch, categories[1]), finder.find(ActionType.PICK, epoch)); np.setPattern("Bericht_"); assertEquals(finder.keyValue(after, categories[2]), finder.find(ActionType.PICK, epoch)); np.setPattern("xxx"); assertEquals(finder.keyValue(after, categories[2]), finder.find(ActionType.PICK, after)); np.setPattern("Bericht"); assertEquals(finder.keyValue(epoch, categories[1]), finder.find(ActionType.PICK, epoch)); assertEquals(finder.keyValue(after, categories[2]), finder.find(ActionType.NEXT, epoch)); assertEquals(finder.keyValue(before, categories[0]), finder.find(ActionType.PREVIOUS, epoch)); interval = DatePicker.weekInterval("52/12", 1); epoch = finder.epochFromKey(finder.find(ActionType.NEXT, interval)); assertEquals("1/13", NotePicker.formatDate(2, epoch)); np.setPattern("Bemerkung"); assertFalse(finder.previousBunchAvailable(interval[0])); assertTrue(finder.bunchAvailable(interval[0])); assertTrue(finder.nextBunchAvailable(interval[0])); np.setPattern("Bericht"); assertTrue(finder.previousBunchAvailable(interval[0])); assertTrue(finder.bunchAvailable(interval[0])); assertTrue(finder.nextBunchAvailable(interval[0])); np.setPattern("Bemerkung"); assertTrue(finder.previousBunchAvailable(interval[1])); assertFalse(finder.bunchAvailable(interval[1])); assertFalse(finder.nextBunchAvailable(interval[1])); np.setPattern("Bericht"); assertTrue(finder.previousBunchAvailable(interval[1])); assertTrue(finder.bunchAvailable(interval[1])); assertFalse(finder.nextBunchAvailable(interval[1])); _generateData(false, expat, 1, new int[][] { {2012, 51, Calendar.THURSDAY}, {2012, 52, Calendar.THURSDAY}, {2013, 2, Calendar.THURSDAY}, }, strings("x", "y", "z"), 2); for (Object p : np.finder.specialPatterns.getValues()) { np.setPattern(p.toString()); keys = finder.keyLine(np.getPattern()); interval = DatePicker.weekInterval("52/12", 1); assertTrue(finder.bunchAvailable(interval[0])); if (NotePicker.allTitles.equals(p)) { assertTrue(finder.previousBunchAvailable(interval)); } else { assertFalse(finder.previousBunchAvailable(interval)); } assertTrue(finder.bunchAvailable(interval)); assertTrue(finder.nextBunchAvailable(interval)); interval = DatePicker.weekInterval("1/13", 1); epoch = finder.epochFromKey(finder.find(ActionType.PREVIOUS, interval)); assertEquals("52/12", NotePicker.formatDate(2, epoch)); np.setPattern(p.toString()); assertTrue(finder.previousBunchAvailable(interval)); assertTrue(finder.bunchAvailable(interval)); if (NotePicker.allTitles.equals(p)) { assertTrue(finder.nextBunchAvailable(interval)); } else { assertFalse(finder.nextBunchAvailable(interval)); } } } public void _testNoteFinding2() { setupKeinFehler(false); assertTrue(np.openConnection(test_db)); String[] keys = np.finder.keyLine(NotePicker.allTitles); println((Object)keys); assertEquals(asList(keys).toString(), 36, keys.length); np.setPattern(NotePicker.allTitles); np.pickNote("1/13", np.getPattern()); String text = np.getText(); assertTrue(np.isWrapped(text)); }; public void _testNotePicking() throws Exception { randomizeTimeOfDay = true; setupKeinFehler(true); assertTrue(np.openConnection(test_db)); PreparedStatement ps = np.getCon().prepareStatement("SELECT _id FROM notes where title regexp ?"); ps.setString(1, NotePicker.allTitles); assertEquals(36, np.registerNotes(ps.executeQuery())); interval = new long[] { timeInMillis(2013, 0, 1), timeInMillis(2013, 0, 2), }; ps = np.preparePicking(true, NotePicker.allTitles, interval); ValMap map = getResultMap(ps); assertEquals(2, map.size()); long[] ids = new long[2]; int i = 0; for (Map.Entry<String,Object> entry : map.entrySet()) { String categ = entry.getValue().toString(); long time = Long.parseLong(entry.getKey()); long id = getId(categ, time); long modified = getModified(id); Thread.sleep(1); assertEquals(id, np.updateOrInsert(NotePicker.formatDate(1, time), categ, categ, true)); assertThat(getModified(id), is(greaterThan(modified))); ids[i] = id; i++; } assertEquals(36, np.delete(NotePicker.allTitles, NotePicker.allDates, false)); np.remove(false, NotePicker.allTitles, NotePicker.formatDate(1, interval[0])); assertEquals(34, np.delete(NotePicker.allTitles, NotePicker.allDates, false)); } private long getId(String categ, long time) throws Exception, SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = np.preparePicking(false, categ, time); assertEquals(1, np.registerNotes(ps.executeQuery())); return np.ids[0]; } private long getModified(long id) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = np.getCon().prepareStatement("SELECT modified FROM notes where _id = ?"); ps.setLong(1, id); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); assertTrue(; return rs.getLong(1); } public void _testNoteWrapping() throws Exception { assertTrue(np.openConnection(test_db)); String text = np.wrapNote("foo", "bar"); assertEquals("{{{ foo\nbar\n}}}", text); MatchResult m = findFirstIn(text, NotePicker.notePattern1); assertEquals(2, m.groupCount()); assertEquals("foo",; assertEquals("bar",; text = np.wrapNote(now(), "", ""); m = findFirstIn(text, NotePicker.notePattern2); assertEquals(3, m.groupCount()); assertEquals("",; assertEquals("",; setupKeinFehler(false); interval = new long[] { timeInMillis(2012, -11, 30), timeInMillis(2012, -11, 31), }; np.setPattern(NotePicker.allTitles); PreparedStatement ps = np.preparePicking(true, np.getPattern(), interval); assertEquals(3, np.registerNotes(ps.executeQuery())); text = np.all(); assertTrue(np.isWrapped(text)); String[][] notes = np.listRecords(text); for (int i = 0; i < notes.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < notes[i].length; j++) if (j == 0) assertEquals(NotePicker.formatDate(1, (Long)np.records[i][j]), notes[i][j]); else assertEquals(np.records[i][j], notes[i][j]); } np.finder.keyLine(NotePicker.allTitles); np.pickNote(DatePicker.weekDate(weekInterval(new Date(interval[0]), 1)), np.getPattern()); assertTrue(np.isWrapped(np.getText())); } public void _testSqliteJdbcRegex() throws Exception { String dbfile = test_db; Class.forName("org.sqlite.JDBC"); Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:"); Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); assertEquals(0, stat.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE if exists try;")); assertEquals(0, stat.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE try (a TEXT);")); assertEquals(1, stat.executeUpdate("insert into try (a) values ('foo');")); assertEquals(1, stat.executeUpdate("insert into try (a) values ('bar');")); assertEquals(1, stat.executeUpdate("insert into try (a) values ('bat');")); assertEquals(1, stat.executeUpdate("insert into try (a) values ('woo');")); assertEquals(1, stat.executeUpdate("insert into try (a) values ('oop');")); assertEquals(1, stat.executeUpdate("insert into try (a) values ('craw');")); assertEquals(0, stat.executeUpdate("backup to " + dbfile)); stat.close(); conn.close(); String inputfile = tempPath() + "/control.xml"; contentsToFile(new File(inputfile), String.format( "<control>" + "<DBINFO>" + "<dbdriver>org.sqlite.JDBC</dbdriver>" + "<dburl>jdbc:sqlite:%s</dburl>" + "<user />" + "<password/>" + "</DBINFO>" + "<QUERY " + "dbinfo=\"1\" " + "statement=\"SELECT a FROM try WHERE a REGEXP ?\" " + "typeinfo=\"string\" />" + "<textelement query=\"1\" param1=\"^b.*\" day=\"0\" />" + "<textelement query=\"1\" param1=\".*a.*\" day=\"0\" />" + "<textelement query=\"1\" param1=\"w?oop?\" day=\"0\" />" + "</control>", dbfile)); String styleSheet = getSetting("content.xsl", null); // BerichtsheftApp.berichtsheftPath("Skripte/content.xsl") assertNotNull(styleSheet); xmlTransform(inputfile, styleSheet, tempfile.getPath(), "debug", "yes" ); Document doc = xmlDocument(tempfile); NodeList tables = doc.getElementsByTagName("table"); assertEquals(3, tables.getLength()); for (int i = 0; i < tables.getLength(); i++) { NodeList rows = tables.item(i).getChildNodes(); assertEquals(ints(2,3,2)[i], rows.getLength()); for (int j = 0; j < rows.getLength(); j++) { NodeList cols = rows.item(j).getChildNodes(); assertEquals(1, cols.getLength()); Node cell = cols.item(0); switch (i) { case 0: switch (j) { case 0: assertEquals("bar", cell.getTextContent()); break; case 1: assertEquals("bat", cell.getTextContent()); break; } break; case 1: switch (j) { case 0: assertEquals("bar", cell.getTextContent()); break; case 1: assertEquals("bat", cell.getTextContent()); break; case 2: assertEquals("craw", cell.getTextContent()); break; } break; case 2: switch (j) { case 0: assertEquals("woo", cell.getTextContent()); break; case 1: assertEquals("oop", cell.getTextContent()); break; } break; } } } } public void testSqliteRegex() throws Exception { setupKeinFehler(false); String controlfile = tempPath() + "/control.xml"; contentsToFile(new File(controlfile), String.format( "<control>" + "<DBINFO>" + "<dbdriver>android.database.sqlite</dbdriver>" + "<dburl>%s</dburl>" + "<user />" + "<password/>" + "</DBINFO>" + "<QUERY " + "dbinfo=\"1\" " + "statement=\"SELECT note FROM notes WHERE note REGEXP ?\" " + "typeinfo=\"string\" />" + "<textelement query=\"1\" param1=\"(?i)^Kein.+\" day=\"0\" />" + "<textelement query=\"1\" param1=\".+fehler.+\" day=\"0\" />" + "<textelement query=\"1\" param1=\".+system$\" day=\"0\" />" + "</control>", fileUri(test_db, null))); BerichtsheftApp.performQueries(controlfile); println(contentsFromFile(new File(controlfile))); } public void _testXMLFilters() throws Exception { // Instantiate a TransformerFactory. TransformerFactory tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); // Determine whether the TransformerFactory supports The use uf SAXSource // and SAXResult if (tFactory.getFeature(SAXSource.FEATURE) && tFactory.getFeature(SAXResult.FEATURE)) { // Cast the TransformerFactory to SAXTransformerFactory. SAXTransformerFactory saxTFactory = ((SAXTransformerFactory) tFactory); // Create an XMLFilter for each stylesheet. XMLFilter xmlFilter1 = saxTFactory.newXMLFilter(new StreamSource("/home/lotharla/xalan-j_2_7_1/samples/UseXMLFilters/foo1.xsl")); XMLFilter xmlFilter2 = saxTFactory.newXMLFilter(new StreamSource("/home/lotharla/xalan-j_2_7_1/samples/UseXMLFilters/foo2.xsl")); XMLFilter xmlFilter3 = saxTFactory.newXMLFilter(new StreamSource("/home/lotharla/xalan-j_2_7_1/samples/UseXMLFilters/foo3.xsl")); // Create an XMLReader. XMLReader reader = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader(); // xmlFilter1 uses the XMLReader as its reader. xmlFilter1.setParent(reader); // xmlFilter2 uses xmlFilter1 as its reader. xmlFilter2.setParent(xmlFilter1); // xmlFilter3 uses xmlFilter2 as its reader. xmlFilter3.setParent(xmlFilter2); // xmlFilter3 outputs SAX events to the serializer. java.util.Properties xmlProps = OutputPropertiesFactory.getDefaultMethodProperties("xml"); xmlProps.setProperty("indent", "no"); xmlProps.setProperty("standalone", "no"); Serializer serializer = SerializerFactory.getSerializer(xmlProps); serializer.setOutputStream(System.out); xmlFilter3.setContentHandler(serializer.asContentHandler()); xmlFilter3.parse(new InputSource("/home/lotharla/xalan-j_2_7_1/samples/UseXMLFilters/foo.xml")); } } public void testPiping() throws Exception { // Instantiate a TransformerFactory. TransformerFactory tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); // Determine whether the TransformerFactory supports The use uf SAXSource // and SAXResult if (tFactory.getFeature(SAXSource.FEATURE) && tFactory.getFeature(SAXResult.FEATURE)) { // Cast the TransformerFactory to SAXTransformerFactory. SAXTransformerFactory saxTFactory = ((SAXTransformerFactory) tFactory); String controlStyleSheet = BerichtsheftApp.applicationDataPath("Skripte/control.xsl"); String contentStyleSheet = BerichtsheftApp.applicationDataPath("Skripte/content.xsl"); // Create a TransformerHandler for each stylesheet. final TransformerHandler tHandler1 = saxTFactory.newTransformerHandler(new StreamSource(controlStyleSheet)); TransformerHandler tHandler2 = saxTFactory.newTransformerHandler(new StreamSource(contentStyleSheet)); tHandler2.getTransformer().setParameter("inputfile", "content.xml"); // TransformerHandler tHandler3 = saxTFactory.newTransformerHandler(new StreamSource(tempPath() + "/foo3.xsl")); TransformerHandler tHandler = new TransformerHandler() { @Override public void unparsedEntityDecl(String name, String publicId, String systemId, String notationName) throws SAXException { tHandler1.unparsedEntityDecl(name, publicId, systemId, notationName); } @Override public void notationDecl(String name, String publicId, String systemId) throws SAXException { tHandler1.notationDecl(name, publicId, systemId); } @Override public void startEntity(String name) throws SAXException { tHandler1.startEntity(name); } @Override public void startDTD(String name, String publicId, String systemId) throws SAXException { tHandler1.startDTD(name, publicId, systemId); } @Override public void startCDATA() throws SAXException { tHandler1.startCDATA(); } @Override public void endEntity(String name) throws SAXException { tHandler1.endEntity(name); } @Override public void endDTD() throws SAXException { tHandler1.endDTD(); } @Override public void endCDATA() throws SAXException { tHandler1.startCDATA(); } @Override public void comment(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException { tHandler1.comment(ch, start, length); } @Override public void startPrefixMapping(String prefix, String uri) throws SAXException { tHandler1.startPrefixMapping(prefix, uri); } @Override public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts) throws SAXException { tHandler1.startElement(uri, localName, qName, atts); } @Override public void startDocument() throws SAXException { tHandler1.startDocument(); } @Override public void skippedEntity(String name) throws SAXException { tHandler1.skippedEntity(name); } @Override public void setDocumentLocator(Locator locator) { tHandler1.setDocumentLocator(locator); } @Override public void processingInstruction(String target, String data) throws SAXException { tHandler1.processingInstruction(target, data); } @Override public void ignorableWhitespace(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException { tHandler1.ignorableWhitespace(ch, start, length); } @Override public void endPrefixMapping(String prefix) throws SAXException { tHandler1.endPrefixMapping(prefix); } @Override public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { tHandler1.endElement(uri, localName, qName); } @Override public void endDocument() throws SAXException { tHandler1.endDocument(); } @Override public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException { tHandler1.characters(ch, start, length); } @Override public void setSystemId(String systemID) { tHandler1.setSystemId(systemID); } @Override public void setResult(Result result) throws IllegalArgumentException { tHandler1.setResult(result); } @Override public Transformer getTransformer() { return tHandler1.getTransformer(); } @Override public String getSystemId() { return tHandler1.getSystemId(); } }; // Create an XMLReader. XMLReader reader = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader(); reader.setContentHandler(tHandler); reader.setProperty("", tHandler1); tHandler1.setResult(new SAXResult(tHandler2)); // tHandler2.setResult(new SAXResult(tHandler3)); // transformer3 outputs SAX events to the serializer. java.util.Properties xmlProps = OutputPropertiesFactory.getDefaultMethodProperties("xml"); xmlProps.setProperty("indent", "no"); xmlProps.setProperty("standalone", "no"); Serializer serializer = SerializerFactory.getSerializer(xmlProps); OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(tempfile); serializer.setOutputStream(out); tHandler2.setResult(new SAXResult(serializer.asContentHandler())); // Parse the XML input document. The input ContentHandler and output ContentHandler // work in separate threads to optimize performance. reader.parse(paramsFilename); } check_transform(0, contentfile.getPath(), tempfile.getPath()); } File contentfile; String paramsFilename; Pattern textElementPattern = Pattern.compile("(.*form\\[1\\]/(text|textarea)\\[(\\d+)\\])"); String check_transform(int way, String inputFilename, String outputFilename) throws Exception { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); assertTrue(String.format("'%s' doesn't exist", inputFilename), new File(inputFilename).exists()); assertTrue(String.format("'%s' doesn't exist", outputFilename), new File(outputFilename).exists()); Diff diff = compareXML(new FileReader(inputFilename), new FileReader(outputFilename)); if (!diff.similar()) { Document input = xmlDocument(new File(inputFilename)); Document test = xmlDocument(new File(outputFilename)); String t = "", desc = "", id = ""; DetailedDiff detailedDiff = new DetailedDiff(diff); List<?> allDifferences = detailedDiff.getAllDifferences(); for (Object detail : allDifferences) { Difference df = (Difference) detail; String testXpathLocation = df.getTestNodeDetail().getXpathLocation(); String controlXpathLocation = df.getControlNodeDetail().getXpathLocation(); MatchResult mr = findFirstIn(controlXpathLocation, textElementPattern); String xpath = mr == null ? "/" :; id = xpathEngine.evaluate(xpath + "/@id", input); if (!t.equals(id)) { switch (way) { case 3: String inputValue = xpathEngine.evaluate(controlXpathLocation, input); String testValue = xpathEngine.evaluate(testXpathLocation, test); sb.append(String.format("%s : %s (%s)\n", testXpathLocation, testValue, inputValue)); break; case 1: assertEquals(id, id, xpathEngine.evaluate(xpath + "/@current-value", test)); break; case 2: NodeList nodes = xpathEngine.getMatchingNodes( String.format("/control/textelement[@formid='%s']", id), control); if (nodes.getLength() > 0) { NamedNodeMap attributes = nodes.item(0).getAttributes(); Node q = attributes.getNamedItem("query"); if (q != null) { String val = q.getNodeValue(); NodeList queries = xpathEngine.getMatchingNodes( String.format("/control/QUERY[%d]", Integer.parseInt(val)), control); if (queries.getLength() > 0) { Element query = (Element)queries.item(0); String sql = query.getAttribute("statement"); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(sql); String[] typeinfo = query.getAttribute("typeinfo").split(","); for (int i = 0, j = 1; i < typeinfo.length; i++) { q = null; while (q == null && j < 10) { q = attributes.getNamedItem("param" + j); j++; } val = q.getNodeValue(); if (typeinfo[i].contains("integer")) ps.setLong(i + 1, Long.parseLong(val)); else ps.setString(i + 1, val); } ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); val = ""; if ( val = rs.getString(1); if (val.equals("NaN")) val = ""; assertEquals(id, val, xpathEngine.evaluate(xpath + "/@current-value", test)); } } } if (desc.length() > 0) { sb.append(String.format("%s %s\n", t, desc)); desc = ""; } break; } t = id; } desc += "|" + df.getDescription(); } if (way == 2 && desc.length() > 0) sb.append(String.format("%s %s\n", id, desc)); } return sb.toString(); } SimpleXpathEngine xpathEngine = new SimpleXpathEngine(); Document control = null; Connection con = null; public void testContent() throws Exception { File tempDir = tempDir(true, BerichtsheftApp.NAME, "odt"); try { File source = new File(BerichtsheftApp.odtVorlagePath("Tagesberichte")); assertTrue(source.exists()); File archive = new File(tempDir, ""); copyFile(source, archive); assertTrue(archive.exists()); int unzipped = unzipArchive(archive, new UnzipJob(tempDir.getPath()), false); assertTrue(archive.delete()); String content = pathCombine(tempDir.getPath(), "content.xml"); String _content = pathCombine(tempDir.getPath(), "_content.xml"); assertTrue(new File(content).renameTo(new File(_content))); String controlStyleSheet = BerichtsheftApp.applicationDataPath("Skripte/control.xsl"); String contentStyleSheet = BerichtsheftApp.applicationDataPath("Skripte/content.xsl"); Class.forName("org.sqlite.JDBC"); for (int way : ints(1,2,3)) { switch (way) { case 1: xmlTransform(paramsFilename, contentStyleSheet, content, "inputfile", _content, "control", -1); break; case 2: String temp = pathCombine(tempDir.getParent(), "control.xml"); if (fileExists(content)) assertTrue(new File(content).delete()); xmlTransform(paramsFilename, controlStyleSheet, temp); BerichtsheftApp.performQueries(temp); control = xmlDocument(new File(temp)); String url = xpathEngine.evaluate("/control/DBINFO/dburl", control); xmlTransform(temp, contentStyleSheet, content, "inputfile", _content); con = DriverManager.getConnection(url); break; case 3: if (fileExists(content)) assertTrue(new File(content).delete()); assertTrue(BerichtsheftApp.pipe(_content, content, new FileReader(paramsFilename))); break; } check_transform(way, _content, content); } if (con != null) con.close(); assertTrue(new File(_content).delete()); File destination = new File(BerichtsheftApp.odtDokumentPath("Tagesberichte")); if (destination.exists()) destination.delete(); int zipped = zipArchive(destination, tempDir.getPath(), tempDir.getPath()); assertTrue(destination.exists()); assertEquals(unzipped, zipped); int updated = updateArchive(destination, tempDir.getPath(), 1, content, content); assertEquals(unzipped, updated); } finally { assertTrue(deleteDirectory(tempDir)); } } public void testExport() throws Exception { Document doc = xmlDocument(new File(paramsFilename)); String dbName = xpathEngine.evaluate("/params/dbfile", doc); int year = toInt(2013, xpathEngine.evaluate("/params/year", doc)); int weekInYear = toInt(5, xpathEngine.evaluate("/params/weekInYear", doc)); int dayInWeek = toInt(1, xpathEngine.evaluate("/params/dayInWeek", doc)); DatePicker.modality |= Behavior.TIMEOUT; String dateString = DatePicker.pickADate( timeInMillis(year, weekInYear, dayInWeek), DatePicker.weekFormat, "Pick week for 'Tagesberichte'"); if (dateString.length() < 1) return; int[] parts = DatePicker.parseWeekDate(dateString); contentsToFile(new File(paramsFilename), BerichtsheftApp.parameters( strings(dbName,dbName), parts[1], parts[0])); assertTrue(BerichtsheftApp.export( BerichtsheftApp.odtVorlagePath("Tagesberichte"), BerichtsheftApp.odtDokumentPath("Tagesberichte_"), strings(dbName,dbName), parts[1], parts[0])); } String test1_db = tempPath() + "/test1.db", test2_db = tempPath() + "/test2.db"; int[] date2 = ints(2012, -Calendar.DECEMBER, 25); int[] period = ints(2013, 1, 1, 7); public void testKeinFehler2() throws Exception { try { openConnection(test1_db); int[][] dates = new int[][] {date2}; int length = 19; assertEquals(length, generateData(true, expat, 1, dates, strings("Bericht"), 2, length)); length = 7; assertEquals(length, generateData(false, expat, 1, dates, strings("Bemerkung2"), 21, length)); int[] date = getCalendarDate(dateInMillis(date2[0], -date2[1], date2[2], length)); dates = new int[][] {{date[2], -date[1], date[0]}}; length = 10; assertEquals(length, generateData(false, expat, 1, dates, strings("Bemerkung3"), 28, length)); assertEquals(36, results(1).get("count")); } finally { if (db != null) db.close(); } } private void setupKeinFehler2(boolean newDb) { if (newDb) { new File(test1_db).delete(); new File(test2_db).delete(); } try { openConnection(test1_db); ValMap map = results(0); if (!new Integer(19).equals(map.get("Bericht")) || !new Integer(7).equals(map.get("Bemerkung2")) || !new Integer(10).equals(map.get("Bemerkung3"))) testKeinFehler2(); if (!hasDbWeatherforPeriod(test2_db)) testWetter(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (db != null) db.close(); } } private boolean hasDbWeatherforPeriod(String dbFileName) throws Exception { DatePicker.Period.setParts(period); long[] interval = DatePicker.Period.getInterval(); WeatherManager wm = new WeatherManager(); assertTrue(wm.openConnection(dbFileName)); PreparedStatement ps = wm.getCon().prepareStatement( "select created from weathers " + "where created between ? and ? and location=? " + "order by created, location"); ps.setLong(1, interval[0]); ps.setLong(2, interval[1] - 1); ps.setString(3, wm.location); BidiMultiMap bidi = getResultMultiMap(ps, _null()); ValList list = bidi.getKeys(); boolean retval = list.size() > 0 && list.get(0), interval[0]) >= 0 && list.get(-1), interval[1]) <= 0; wm.closeConnection(); return retval; } public void testWetter() throws Exception { DatePicker.Period.saveParts(0, period); assertTrue(DataDockable.makeWetter(null, "period", false, test2_db, false)); assertTrue(hasDbWeatherforPeriod(test2_db)); } public void testOdtDokument() throws Exception { setupKeinFehler2(false); long time = now(); DatePicker.Period.saveParts(1, period); assertTrue(DataDockable.makeDokument(null, "odt", true, test1_db, test2_db)); String dateString = DatePicker.Period.weekDate(); int[] weekDate = DatePicker.parseWeekDate(dateString); String dokumentPath = BerichtsheftApp.odtDokumentPath("Tagesberichte", weekDate); assertTrue(fileExists(dokumentPath)); long docTime = Util2.getFileTime(dokumentPath, 1).toMillis(); assertThat(docTime/1000, is(greaterThanOrEqualTo(time/1000))); File tempDir = tempDir(false, BerichtsheftApp.NAME, "odt"); String content = pathCombine(tempDir.getPath(), "content.xml"); String _content = pathCombine(tempDir.getParentFile().getPath(), "_content.xml"); assertThat(Util2.getFileSize(content), is(greaterThan(Util2.getFileSize(_content)))); String report = check_transform(2, _content, content); println(report); } public void _testXPath() throws Exception { Document doc = xmlDocument(new File(BerichtsheftApp.applicationDataPath("Skripte/content.xml"))); // Document doc = xmlDocument(new File(BerichtsheftApp.applicationDataPath("Vorlagen/Tagesberichte_2012/styles.xml"))); /* String path = "/document-content" + "/body[1]" + "/text[1]" + "/p[1]" + "/control" + "[@control='%s']"; path = String.format(path, "control32"); String path = "/document-styles" + "/automatic-styles" + "/page-layout" + "/page-layout-properties"; */ String path = "/document-content" + "/body" + "/text" + "/p" + "/frame[1]" + "/image"; NodeList nodes = evaluateXPath(doc, path); // NodeList nodes = xpathEngine.getMatchingNodes(path, doc); int length = nodes.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Element el = (Element) nodes.item(i); NamedNodeMap attributes = el.getAttributes(); for (int j = 0; j < attributes.getLength(); j++) { Node node = attributes.item(j); println("%s : %s", node.getNodeName(), node.getNodeValue()); } } } public void testMimicry() throws Exception { new File(diagFilePath).delete(); File dir = tempDir(true, BerichtsheftApp.NAME); String content = BerichtsheftApp.applicationDataPath("Skripte/content.xml"); String mask = BerichtsheftApp.applicationDataPath("Skripte/mask.xsl"); String output = tempPath() + "/content.xml"; clearMappings(); xmlTransform(content, mask, output, "mode", 1); FormEditor.pages = dir.listFiles(); int length = FormEditor.pages.length; assertEquals(2, length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { assertTrue(mappings.containsKey("frame" + (i+1) + "_image")); assertTrue(mappings.containsKey("frame" + (i+1) + "_width")); assertTrue(mappings.containsKey("frame" + (i+1) + "_height")); } String[] keys = strings("control32_x"); String[] values = strings("xxx"); for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) mappings.put(keys[i], values[i]); // System.out.println(mappings); for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { Document doc = FormEditor.map2page(mappings, i, false); xmlNodeToFile(doc, true, FormEditor.pages[i]); } xmlTransform(content, mask, output, "mode", 2); String report = check_transform(3, content, output); // System.out.println(report); for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) assertTrue(report, report.contains(values[i])); assertTrue(deleteDirectory(dir)); } public void testFormEdit() throws Exception { Deadline.WAIT = 2000; String inputPath = BerichtsheftApp.odtVorlagePath("Tagesberichte"); String outputPath = BerichtsheftApp.odtDokumentPath("Tagesberichte"); assertTrue(FormEditor.perform(inputPath, outputPath, true, new Job<FormEditor>() { public void perform(FormEditor formEditor, Object[] params) throws Exception { formEditor.updateSplitComponents(0, "action1=&control1=on&x=.5&y=.2&width=&height="); } }, new Job<Void>() { public void perform(Void t, Object[] params) throws Exception { String report = check_transform(3, params[0].toString(), params[1].toString()); assertTrue(report, report.contains("@x")); assertTrue(report, report.contains("0.5")); } } )); } public static Test suite() { if ( TestUtils.hasTestCases() ) { return TestUtils.getSuite( MiscTests.class ); } return new TestSuite(MiscTests.class); } }