package com.applang.components; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.regex.MatchResult; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.swing.Box; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPopupMenu; import javax.swing.JSplitPane; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent; import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener; import org.gjt.sp.jedit.View; import android.content.ContentUris; import android.content.ContentValues; import; import com.applang.Util.Job; import com.applang.berichtsheft.BerichtsheftApp; import com.applang.berichtsheft.plugin.BerichtsheftPlugin; import com.applang.components.DataView.DataModel; import com.applang.provider.NotePad; import com.applang.provider.NotePadProvider; import com.applang.provider.NotePad.NoteColumns; import static com.applang.SwingUtil.*; import static com.applang.Util.*; import static com.applang.Util1.*; import static com.applang.Util2.*; import static com.applang.PluginUtils.*; public class NotePicker extends ActionPanel { public static void main(String[] args) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { BerichtsheftApp.loadSettings(); setupSpellChecker(BerichtsheftApp.applicationDataPath()); final DataView dataView = new DataView(); final TextToggle textToggle = new TextToggle() .createBufferedTextArea("velocity", "/modes/velocity_pure.xml"); textToggle.getTextEdit().installSpellChecker(); String title = "Berichtsheft database"; NotePicker notePicker = new NotePicker(dataView, textToggle, null, title, 1); createAndShowGUI(title, new Dimension(800, 400), Behavior.EXIT_ON_CLOSE, notePicker, new Function<Component>() { public Component apply(Object...params) { JSplitPane splitPane = splitPane(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT, new PropertyChangeListener() { public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { } }); splitPane.setResizeWeight(0.5); splitPane.setOneTouchExpandable(true); Component target = textToggle.getUIComponent(); splitPane.setTopComponent(target); Component c = findFirstComponent(dataView, "south"); if (c != null) dataView.remove(c); splitPane.setBottomComponent(dataView); return splitPane; } }); } }); } @Override public void start(Object... params) { if (!usingJdbc()) initialize(dataView.getUriString()); else { dbFilePath = getSetting("database", ""); if (fileExists(new File(dbFilePath))) initialize(dbFilePath); } } @Override public void finish(Object... params) { if (!usingJdbc()) dataView.nosync(); getTextToggle().getTextEdit().uninstallSpellChecker(); try { if (getCon() != null) getCon().close(); } catch (SQLException e) { handleException(e); } if (usingJdbc()) putSetting("database", dbFilePath); super.finish(params); } private DataView dataView; public void setDataView(DataView dataView) { this.dataView = dataView; initialize(dataView.getUriString()); } public boolean usingJdbc() { return dataView == null; } private JTextField date = null; public NotePicker(DataView dataView, TextToggle textArea, Object... params) { super(textArea, params); textArea.setOnTextChanged(new Job<JComponent>() { public void perform(JComponent t, Object[] params) throws Exception { setDirty(true); } }); if (!usingJdbc() && dataView.getUri() == null) dataView.resetDataConfiguration(); this.dataView = dataView; } public void installNotePicking(Container container) { container.removeAll(); addButton(container, ActionType.DATABASE.index(), new NoteAction(ActionType.DATABASE)); date = new JTextField(20); date.setHorizontalAlignment(JTextField.CENTER); addSelectAllObserver(date); container.add(date); date.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() { @Override public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { super.keyTyped(e); } @Override public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) clickAction(8); else super.keyPressed(e); } }); addButton(container, ActionType.CALENDAR.index(), new NoteAction(ActionType.CALENDAR)); installBrowsing(container); installAddRemove(container, "note"); installUpdate(container); clear(); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public void installBrowsing(Container container) { comboBoxes = new JComboBox[] {new JComboBox()}; comboBoxes[0].setEditable(true); container.add(comboBoxes[0]); JTextField textField = comboEdit(0); addSelectAllObserver(textField); textField.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() { @Override public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) clickAction(ActionType.PICK.index()); } }); addButton(container, ActionType.PICK.index(), new NoteAction(ActionType.PICK)); addButton(container, ActionType.FIRST.index(), new NoteAction(ActionType.FIRST)); addButton(container, ActionType.PREVIOUS.index(), new NoteAction(ActionType.PREVIOUS)); addButton(container, ActionType.NEXT.index(), new NoteAction(ActionType.NEXT)); addButton(container, ActionType.LAST.index(), new NoteAction(ActionType.LAST)); } public void installBausteinEditing(Container container) { container.removeAll(); date = null; addButton(container, ActionType.DATABASE.index(), new NoteAction(ActionType.DATABASE)); addButton(this, ActionType.STRUCT.index(), new NoteAction(ActionType.STRUCT)); container.add( Box.createHorizontalStrut(3) ); addToggle(this, ActionType.TOGGLE2.index(), new NoteAction(ActionType.TOGGLE2)); container.add( Box.createHorizontalStrut(3) ); installBrowsing(container); installAddRemove(container, "baustein"); installUpdate(container); clear(); } class NoteAction extends CustomAction { public NoteAction(ActionType type) { super(type); if (type.equals(ActionType.TOGGLE2)) { putValue(NAME,; } } public NoteAction(String text) { super(text); } @Override protected void action_Performed(ActionEvent ae) { String dateString = getDate(); ActionType type = (ActionType)getType(); switch (type) { case DATABASE: updateOnRequest(); dbFilePath = chooseDatabase(dbFilePath); break; case CALENDAR: dateString = pickDate(dateString); date.requestFocusInWindow(); break; case FIRST: case PREVIOUS: case NEXT: case LAST: browse(type); break; case PICK: if (usingJdbc()) { searchPattern = getPattern(); finder.keyLine(searchPattern); pickNote(dateString, searchPattern); } else if (pkColumn > -1) { finder.keyLine(); Long time = toTime(dateString, DatePicker.calendarFormat); if (time != null) { pkRow = finder.pointer(time, getTitle()); browse(type); } } break; case DATE: date.requestFocusInWindow(); break; case TITLE: comboBoxes[0].requestFocusInWindow(); break; case INSERT: break; case DELETE: deleteSelection(); break; case TOGGLE2: toggle(this, getTextToggle().getTextEdit().toggler); break; case STRUCT: break; default: return; } } } private void clear() { if (usingJdbc()) refreshWith(null); else { setDate(""); setTitle(""); setText(""); } enableBrowseActions(); } public void enableBrowseActions() { enableAction(ActionType.FIRST.index(), pkRow > 0); enableAction(ActionType.PREVIOUS.index(), pkRow > 0); enableAction(ActionType.NEXT.index(), pkRow < lastRow() && pkRow > -1); enableAction(ActionType.LAST.index(), pkRow < lastRow() && pkRow > -1); } private DataModel dataModel() { if (dataView == null) return null; return (DataModel) dataView.getTable().getModel(); } private int convertRowIndexToModel(int rowIndex) { return dataView.getTable().convertRowIndexToModel(rowIndex); } private DataAdapter dataAdapter = null; private String uriString = NoteColumns.CONTENT_URI.toString(); private Object pk = null; public int pkColumn = -1, pkRow = -1; private boolean createProvider() { String dbPath = dataView.getDataConfiguration().getPath(); dataAdapter = new DataAdapter(NotePad.AUTHORITY, new File(dbPath), uriString); ValMap info =; if (info.size() > 0) { pk = info.get("PRIMARY_KEY"); pkColumn = info.getList("name").indexOf(pk); if (pkColumn < 0) { BerichtsheftPlugin.consoleMessage(""); } } else { BerichtsheftPlugin.consoleMessage("", dataAdapter.getTableName()); pkColumn = -1; } return pkColumn > -1; } public Object pkValue() { if (pkRow < 0) return null; int rowIndex = convertRowIndexToModel(pkRow); Object[] row = dataModel().getValues(false, rowIndex); return row[pkColumn]; } public int lastRow() { DataModel model = dataModel(); if (model == null) return -1; else return model.getRowCount() - 1; } public void setRow(Object pkValue) { DataModel model = dataModel(); for (int i = 0; i < model.getRowCount(); i++) { Object[] row = dataModel().getValues(false, i); if (row[pkColumn].equals(pkValue)) { pkRow = i; break; } } } private void initialize(String dbString) { if (usingJdbc()) { if (openConnection(dbString)) { retrieveTitles(); if (finder != null) { searchPattern = allTitles; finder.keyLine(searchPattern); setDate(formatDate( 0, finder.keys.length > 0 ? finder .epochFromKey(finder.keys[0]) : now())); pickNote(getDate(), searchPattern); } } } else { String tableName = dbTableName(dbString); switch (NotePadProvider.tableIndex(tableName)) { case 1: installBausteinEditing(this); getTextToggle().toggle(false, null); break; default: installNotePicking(this); getTextToggle().toggle(true, null); break; } uriString = NotePadProvider.contentUri(tableName).toString(); refresh(); } JComponent jc = (JComponent) getParent(); if (jc != null) setWindowTitle(this, String.format( "Berichtsheft database : %s", trimPath(dbString, jc.getWidth() / 2, jc.getFont(), jc))); } public void refresh() { if (usingJdbc()) { finder.keyLine(searchPattern); pickNote(getDate(), finder.pattern); retrieveTitles(); } else if (!noRefresh) { clear(); if (createProvider()) { dataView.populate(dataAdapter, null, null, DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER); retrieveTitles(); browse(ActionType.PICK); } } } private static final String DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER = "created,title"; @Override protected String chooseDatabase(String dbName) { if (usingJdbc()) { File dbFile = DataView.chooseDb(null, false, dbName, true); if (dbFile != null) { dbName = dbFile.getPath(); initialize(dbName); } } else { View view = getView() instanceof View ? (View) getView() : null; if (dataView.configureData(view, false)) { dbName = dataView.getUriString(); initialize(dbName); } } return dbName; } private String pickDate(String dateString) { Long[] times = timeLine(); if (times.length > 0) times = arrayextend(times, true, times[0] - getMillis(1) + 1); dateString = new DatePicker(NotePicker.this, dateString, times).getDateString(); NotePicker.this.requestFocus(); setDate(dateString); return dateString; } @Override protected void updateOnRequest() { Object item = getItem(); if (isItemValid(item)) { save(item, false); } } private long[] getTime(String dateString) { int kind = DatePicker.kindOfDate(dateString); switch (kind) { case 3: return DatePicker.monthInterval(dateString, 1); case 2: return DatePicker.weekInterval(dateString, 1); default: Date date = parseDate(dateString); return new long[] {date == null ? now() : date.getTime()}; } } private boolean bausteinEditing() { return date == null; } public String getDate() { if (bausteinEditing()) return ""; String text = date.getText(); return text; } public void setDate(final String text) { try { CustomAction.blocked(new Job<Void>() { public void perform(Void v, Object[] params) throws Exception { if (!bausteinEditing()) date.setText(text); } }, null); } catch (Exception e) {} } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void retrieveTitles() { try { String title = getTitle(); comboBoxes[0].removeAllItems(); if (usingJdbc()) { PreparedStatement ps = getCon().prepareStatement( "select distinct title from notes order by title"); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ( comboBoxes[0].addItem(rs.getString(1)); comboBoxes[0].addItem(itemAll); comboBoxes[0].addItem(itemBAndB); } else { Object[][] res = dataAdapter.query(uriString, (String[])null, String.format("select distinct title from %s order by title", dataAdapter.getTableName())); for (Object[] row : res) { comboBoxes[0].addItem(row[0]); } } setTitle(title); } catch (Exception e) {} } public void setTitle(final String t) { try { CustomAction.blocked(new Job<Void>() { public void perform(Void v, Object[] params) throws Exception { comboEdit(0).setText(t); } }, null); } catch (Exception e) {} } public String getTitle() { return comboEdit(0).getText(); } public static final String allDates = ""; public static final String allTitles = SOMETHING_OR_NOTHING_REGEX; public static final String itemAll = "-- all --"; public static final String bAndB = "(?i)(bemerk\\w*|bericht\\w*)"; public static final String itemBAndB = "Berichte & Bemerkungen"; public void setPattern(String p) { finder.pattern = p; for (Object value : finder.specialPatterns.getValues()) if (p.equals(value)) p = stringValueOf(finder.specialPatterns.getKey(value)); setTitle(p); } public String getPattern() { String c = getTitle(); for (Object key : finder.specialPatterns.getKeys()) if (c.equals(key)) c = stringValueOf(finder.specialPatterns.getValue(key)); return c; } public Long[] timeLine(Object... params) { ArrayList<Long> timelist = alist(); try { if (usingJdbc()) { String pattern = param(allTitles, 0, params); PreparedStatement ps = getCon() .prepareStatement( "select distinct created FROM notes where title regexp ? order by created"); ps.setString(1, pattern); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { timelist.add(rs.getLong(1)); } rs.close(); } else { Object[][] res = dataAdapter.query(uriString, (String[])null, String.format("select distinct created FROM %s order by created", dataAdapter.getTableName())); for (Object[] row : res) { timelist.add((Long) row[0]); } } } catch (Exception e) {} return timelist.toArray(new Long[0]); } String searchPattern = allTitles; public class NoteFinder { public BidiMultiMap specialPatterns = new BidiMultiMap(); public NoteFinder() { specialPatterns.add(itemAll, allTitles); specialPatterns.add(itemBAndB, bAndB); } String pattern = ""; long[] epoch = new long[0]; String[] keys = null; public String[] keyLine(String...pattern) { ValList keylist = vlist(); try { if (usingJdbc()) { PreparedStatement ps = getCon() .prepareStatement( "select created,title FROM notes where title regexp ? order by " + DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER); ps.setString(1, pattern[0]); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { keylist.add(keyValue(rs.getLong(1), rs.getString(2))); } rs.close(); } else if (isAvailable(0, pattern)){ Object[][] result = dataAdapter.query(uriString, strings("created", "title"), "title like ?", strings(pattern[0]), DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER); for (Object[] res : result) { keylist.add(keyValue((Long)res[0], (String)res[1])); } } else { DataModel model = dataModel(); int[] index = { model.columns.indexOf("created"), model.columns.indexOf("title") }; for (int i = 0; i < model.getRowCount(); i++) { Object[] values = model.getValues(false, i); keylist.add(keyValue((Long)values[index[0]], (String)values[index[1]])); } } } catch (Exception e) {} return this.keys = toStrings(keylist); } public String keyValue(long time, String title) { return time + "_" + title; } public long epochFromKey(String key) { return Long.parseLong(key.substring(0, key.indexOf('_'))); } public String titleFromKey(String key) { return key.substring(key.indexOf('_') + 1); } private class KeyComparator implements Comparator<String> { public KeyComparator(boolean partial) { this.partial = partial; } private boolean partial; @Override public int compare(String o1, String o2) { long t1 = epochFromKey(o1); long t2 = epochFromKey(o2); if (t1 < t2) return -1; else if (t1 > t2) return 1; else if (partial) return 0; String c1 = titleFromKey(o1); String c2 = titleFromKey(o2); return c1.compareTo(c2); } }; private KeyComparator comparator = new KeyComparator(false); private KeyComparator partialComparator = new KeyComparator(true); private int criterion(long epoch, String pattern) { String value = keyValue(epoch, pattern); if (specialPatterns.getValues().contains(pattern)) { ArrayList<Integer> a = alist(); ArrayList<Integer> b = alist(); ArrayList<Integer> c = alist(); int comp = 0; for (int i = 0; i < this.keys.length; i++) { String key = this.keys[i]; if ((comp =, value)) == 0 && titleFromKey(key).matches(pattern)) a.add(i); else if (comp < 0) b.add(i); else c.add(i); } if (a.size() > 0) return Collections.min(a); else if (c.size() > 0) return -Collections.min(c) - 1; else if (b.size() > 0) return -Collections.max(b) - 2; else return -1; } else return Arrays.binarySearch(this.keys, value, comparator); } private int pointer(int crit) { if (crit < 0) crit = -crit - 1; return crit; } public int pointer(long time, String title) { return pointer(criterion(time, title)); } private int[] index = new int[2]; public boolean bunchAvailable(long... epoch) { index[0] = criterion(epoch[0], pattern); if (epoch.length > 1) { index[1] = criterion(epoch[1] - 1, pattern); return index[0] > -1 || index[0] != index[1]; } else return index[0] > -1; } public boolean nextBunchAvailable(long... epoch) { if (epoch.length > 1) { int pointer = pointer(epoch[1], pattern); return pointer > 0 && pointer < keys.length; } else return pointer(epoch[0], pattern) < keys.length - 1; } public boolean previousBunchAvailable(long... epoch) { int pointer = pointer(epoch[0], pattern); return pointer > 0; } public String find(ActionType direct, long... epoch) { boolean available = bunchAvailable(epoch); int index = pointer(this.index[0]); if (direct == ActionType.PICK) if (!available) { message(String.format("'%s' on %s not available", pattern, formatDate(epoch.length, epoch[0]))); if (index >= keys.length) { direct = ActionType.PREVIOUS; available = true; } else direct = ActionType.NEXT; } boolean next = direct == ActionType.NEXT; if (next && epoch.length > 1) index = pointer(this.index[1]); else { if (available && direct != ActionType.PICK) index += next ? 1 : -1; } if (index < 0 || index >= keys.length) return null; String key = keys[index]; long t = epochFromKey(key); if (epoch.length > 1) { if (epoch.length == 2) this.epoch = DatePicker.weekInterval(formatDate(2, t), 1); else this.epoch = DatePicker.monthInterval(formatDate(3, t), 1); } else this.epoch = new long[] {t}; this.pattern = titleFromKey(key); return key; } } public NoteFinder finder = new NoteFinder(); public void pickNote(String dateString, String pattern) { clear(); setDate(dateString); try { finder.pattern = pattern; finder.epoch = getTime(dateString); if (nullOrEmpty(finder.epoch)) { message(String.format("value for '%s' doesn't make sense", ActionType.DATE.description())); date.requestFocus(); } browse(ActionType.PICK); } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); setText(""); } } private boolean browseFree = true; public void browse(ActionType direct) { if (!browseFree) return; try { browseFree = false; updateOnRequest(); String text = ""; if (usingJdbc()) { ResultSet rs = null; if (finder.find(direct, finder.epoch) != null) rs = query(finder.epoch); enableAction(ActionType.PREVIOUS.index(), finder.previousBunchAvailable(finder.epoch)); enableAction(ActionType.NEXT.index(), finder.nextBunchAvailable(finder.epoch)); text = refreshWith(rs); } else if (pkColumn > -1) { switch (direct) { case FIRST: pkRow = 0; break; case PREVIOUS: pkRow--; break; case NEXT: pkRow++; break; case LAST: pkRow = lastRow(); break; default: pkRow = Math.min(Math.max(0, pkRow), lastRow()); break; } enableBrowseActions(); if (direct != ActionType.DELETE) { int[] rows = dataView.getTable().getSelectedRows(); if (rows.length > 0 && direct == ActionType.PICK) rows = ints(rows[0], rows[rows.length - 1]); else rows = ints(pkRow); dataView.synchronizeSelection(rows, tablePopup, tableSelectionListener); } Object[] rec = (Object[]) select(); if (isAvailable(2, rec)) { setDate(bausteinEditing() ? null : formatDate(1, (Long) rec[0])); setTitle(stringValueOf(rec[1])); text = stringValueOf(rec[2]); } else clear(); } setText(text); } finally { browseFree = true; } } private JPopupMenu tablePopup = newPopupMenu( objects(ActionType.DELETE.description(), new NoteAction(ActionType.DELETE)) ); private ListSelectionListener tableSelectionListener = new ListSelectionListener() { @Override public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { if (e.getValueIsAdjusting()) return; int sel = dataView.getTable().getSelectedRow(); if (sel > -1) { pkRow = sel; browse(ActionType.PICK); } } }; private void deleteSelection() { updateOnRequest(); int[] rows = dataView.getTable().getSelectedRows(); if (isAvailable(0, rows)) { boolean refresh = false; try { begin_delete(); for (int i = rows.length - 1; i > -1; i--) { pkRow = rows[i]; browse(ActionType.DELETE); Boolean done = do_delete(getLongItem()); if (done != null) refresh |= done; } } catch (Throwable e) {} finally { end_delete(); } if (refresh) refresh(); } } @Override public Object select(Object...args) { args = reduceDepth(args); boolean pkValue = notAvailable(0, args); String dateString = param(null, 0, args); String pattern = param(null, 1, args); if (pkValue || notNullOrEmpty(dateString) || bausteinEditing()) try { Long time = toTime(dateString, DatePicker.calendarFormat); long[] interval = dayInterval(time, 1); if (usingJdbc()) { PreparedStatement ps = preparePicking(true, pattern, interval); if (registerNotes(ps.executeQuery()) > 0) { return records[0]; } } else { Object[][] result = dataAdapter.query(uriString, strings("created", "title", "note", "_id"), whereClause(pkValue), pkValue ? strings("" + pkValue()) : (bausteinEditing() ? strings(pattern) : strings("" + interval[0], "" + (interval[1] - 1), pattern))); if (isAvailable(0, result)) { return result[0]; } } } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); } return null; } private String whereClause(boolean pkValue) { if (pkValue) return pk + "=?"; else return bausteinEditing() ? "created is null and title = ?" : "created between ? and ? and title like ?"; } public static String shortFormat = "%s %s"; @Override protected String toString(Object item) { Object[] rec = (Object[]) item; return String.format(shortFormat, rec[1], rec[0]); } @Override protected String toLongString(Object item) { Object[] rec = (Object[]) item; return String.format(noteFormat2, rec[1], rec[0], rec[2]); } @Override public boolean isItemValid(Object item) { Object[] rec = (Object[]) item; Date date = parseDate(stringValueOf(rec[0])); return date != null && notNullOrEmpty(rec[1]); } @Override protected Object getItem() { return objects(getDate(), getTitle()); } @Override protected Object getLongItem() { return objects(getDate(), getTitle(), getText()); } @Override protected void updateItem(boolean update, Object...args) { Object[] rec = reduceDepth(args); String text = getText(); if (isAvailable(0, rec)) updateOrAdd(false, text, rec); else if (update) updateOrAdd(false, text, (Object[]) getItem()); else { rec = (Object[]) select(getItem()); if (isAvailable(2, rec)) setText(rec[2].toString()); } } private long updateOrAdd(boolean add, String text, Object...rec) { if (usingJdbc()) return updateOrInsert(rec[0].toString(), rec[1].toString(), text, add); else { long time = toTime(rec[0].toString(), DatePicker.calendarFormat); ValMap info =; BidiMultiMap map = new BidiMultiMap(); map.putValue("note", text); map.putValue("modified", now()); ContentValues values = contentValues(info, map.getKeys(), map.getValues().toArray()); if (add) { values.putNull(pk.toString()); values.put("created", time); values.put("title", rec[1].toString()); Uri uri = dataAdapter.insert(uriString, values); return ContentUris.parseId(uri); } else { rec = (Object[]) select(rec); return dataAdapter.update(appendId(uriString, (Long) rec[3]), values); } } } @Override protected boolean addItem(boolean refresh, Object item) { Object[] rec = (Object[]) item; String text = getText(); long id = updateOrAdd(true, text, rec); if (refresh) refresh(); return id > -1; } @Override protected boolean removeItem(Object item) { boolean done = false; Object[] rec = (Object[]) select(item); if (rec != null) { if (usingJdbc()) done = remove(false, rec[1].toString(), rec[0].toString()); else done = 0 < dataAdapter.delete(appendId(uriString, (Long) rec[3])); } if (done) { clear(); refresh(); } return done; } @Override public void setText(String text) { TextToggle textBums = getTextToggle(); updateText(textBums, text); textBums.getTextEdit().undoManager.discardAllEdits(); } public static String formatDate(int kind, long time) { switch (kind) { case 2: return DatePicker.weekDate(weekInterval(new Date(time), 1)); case 3: return DatePicker.monthDate(monthInterval(new Date(time), 1)); default: return com.applang.Util.formatDate(time, DatePicker.calendarFormat); } } public Date parseDate(String dateString) { try { return new Date(toTime(dateString, DatePicker.calendarFormat)); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } @Override public boolean openConnection(String dbPath, Object... params) { try { if (super.openConnection(dbPath, arrayextend(params, true, "notes"))) return true; if ("sqlite".equals(getScheme())) getStmt().execute("CREATE TABLE notes (" + "_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," + "title TEXT," + "note TEXT," + "created INTEGER," + "modified INTEGER, " + "UNIQUE (created, title))"); else if ("mysql".equals(getScheme())) getStmt().execute("CREATE TABLE notes (" + "_id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY," + "title VARCHAR(40)," + "note TEXT," + "created BIGINT," + "modified BIGINT, " + "UNIQUE (created, title))"); return true; } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); return false; } } private static final String orderClause = " order by created, title"; public PreparedStatement preparePicking(boolean record, String pattern, long... time) throws Exception { String sql = "select " + (record ? "created,title,note,_id" : "_id") + " from notes"; PreparedStatement ps; if (time.length < 2) { ps = getCon().prepareStatement(sql + " where title regexp ? and created = ?"); ps.setString(1, pattern); ps.setLong(2, time[0]); } else { ps = getCon().prepareStatement(sql + " where created between ? and ? and title regexp ?" + orderClause); ps.setLong(1, time[0]); ps.setLong(2, time[1] - 1); ps.setString(3, pattern); } return ps; } public int update(long id, String note) throws Exception { PreparedStatement ps = getCon().prepareStatement("UPDATE notes SET note = ?, modified = ? where _id = ?"); ps.setString(1, note); ps.setLong(2, now()); ps.setLong(3, id); return ps.executeUpdate(); } public int insert(long id, String note, String title, long time) throws Exception { PreparedStatement ps = getCon().prepareStatement("INSERT INTO notes (_id,title,note,created,modified) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)"); ps.setLong(1, id); ps.setString(2, title); ps.setString(3, note); ps.setLong(4, time); ps.setLong(5, now()); return ps.executeUpdate(); } public int delete(String pattern, String dateString, boolean delete) throws Exception { Connection con = getCon(); PreparedStatement ps; Date date = parseDate(dateString); if (date == null) { if (delete) ps = con.prepareStatement("delete from notes where title regexp ?"); else ps = con.prepareStatement("select count(*) from notes where title regexp ?"); ps.setString(1, pattern); } else { if (delete) ps = con.prepareStatement("delete from notes where title regexp ? and created = ?"); else ps = con.prepareStatement("select count(*) from notes where title regexp ? and created = ?"); ps.setString(1, pattern); ps.setLong(2, date.getTime()); } if (!delete) { ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();; return rs.getInt(1); } else return ps.executeUpdate(); } public boolean remove(boolean ask, String pattern, String dateString) { boolean retval = false; try { long[] interval = getTime(dateString); if (interval.length == 1) interval = dayInterval(interval[0], 1); PreparedStatement ps = preparePicking(false, pattern, interval); if (registerNotes(ps.executeQuery()) > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) if (!ask || confirmDelete(ids[i])) { ps = getCon().prepareStatement("DELETE FROM notes where _id = ?"); ps.setLong(1, ids[i]); ps.executeUpdate(); retval = true; } } } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); } return retval; } private boolean confirmDelete(long id) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = getCon().prepareStatement("select title,created,note from notes where _id = ?"); ps.setLong(1, id); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); boolean retval = false; if ( retval = JOptionPane.YES_OPTION == JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( NotePicker.this, String.format("delete '%s' on '%s' : %s ?", rs.getString(1), rs.getLong(2), rs.getString(3)), caption, JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); rs.close(); return retval; } public long newId() throws Exception { ResultSet rs = getStmt().executeQuery("SELECT max(_id) FROM notes"); long id = ? rs.getLong(1) : -1; rs.close(); return 1 + id; } public long updateOrInsert(String dateString, String pattern, String note, boolean insert) { long id = -1; try { long time = toTime(dateString, DatePicker.calendarFormat); PreparedStatement ps = preparePicking(false, pattern, dayInterval(time, 1)); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if ( { id = rs.getLong(1); update(id, note); } else if (insert) { id = newId(); insert(id, note, getTitle(), time); } rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); return -1; } return id; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void updateOrInsert(String pattern, String dateString) { if (finder.epoch.length == 2) { for (String[] record : listRecords(getText())) updateOrInsert(record[0], record[1], record[2], true); } else updateOrInsert(dateString, pattern, getText(), true); } private ResultSet query(long... time) { ResultSet rs = null; try { String pattern = time.length > 1 ? searchPattern : finder.pattern; PreparedStatement ps = preparePicking(true, pattern, time); rs = ps.executeQuery(); } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); } return rs; } public Long[] ids = null; public Object[][] records = null; public int registerNotes(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { ArrayList<Long> idlist = alist(); ArrayList<Object[]> reclist = alist(); ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); int cols = rsmd.getColumnCount(); while ( { if (cols > 1) { ValList list = vlist(); for (int i = 1; i <= cols; i++) list.add(rs.getObject(i)); reclist.add(list.toArray()); } else idlist.add(rs.getLong(1)); } rs.close(); records = reclist.toArray(new Object[0][]); ids = idlist.toArray(new Long[0]); return cols > 1 ? records.length : ids.length; } private String refreshWith(ResultSet rs) { String note = null; try { if (rs == null) { setDate(""); return null; } int kind = finder.epoch.length; if (kind > 1) { if (registerNotes(rs) > 0) { setDate(formatDate(kind, finder.epoch[0])); setPattern(searchPattern); note = all(); } } else { if ( { setDate(formatDate(kind, rs.getLong(1))); setTitle(rs.getString(2)); note = rs.getString(3); } rs.close(); } return note; } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); return refreshWith(null); } finally { setDirty(false); // enableAction(ActionType.DELETE.index(), hasTextArea() && note != null); } } public String all() throws Exception { String all = String.format(wrapFormat, ":folding=explicit:"); for (int i = 0; i < records.length; i++) { if (all.length() > 0) all += "\n"; all += wrapNote(records[i]); } return all; } public String wrapNote(Object... params) throws Exception { if (isAvailable(0, params) && params[0] instanceof Long) { String dateString = formatDate(1, (Long)params[0]); return String.format(noteFormat2, dateString, param("", 1, params), param("", 2, params)); } else return String.format(noteFormat1, param("", 0, params), param("", 1, params)); } public static String wrapFormat = enclose(FOLD_MARKER[0], " %s ", FOLD_MARKER[1]); public static Pattern wrapPattern = Pattern.compile("(?s)" + enclose(FOLD_MARKER_REGEX[0], " (.*?) \\}\\}\\}", FOLD_MARKER_REGEX[1])); public static String noteFormat1 = enclose(FOLD_MARKER[0], " %s\n%s\n", FOLD_MARKER[1]); public static String noteFormat2 = enclose(FOLD_MARKER[0], " %s '%s'\n%s\n", FOLD_MARKER[1]); public static Pattern notePattern1 = Pattern.compile("(?s)" + enclose(FOLD_MARKER_REGEX[0], " ([^\\}]*?)\\n([^\\}]*?)\\n", FOLD_MARKER_REGEX[1])); public static Pattern notePattern2 = Pattern.compile("(?s)" + enclose(FOLD_MARKER_REGEX[0], " ([^\\}]*?) '([^\\}]*?)'\\n(.*?)\\n", FOLD_MARKER_REGEX[1])); public boolean isWrapped(String text) { return text.startsWith(FOLD_MARKER[0]) && text.endsWith(FOLD_MARKER[1]); } public String[][] listRecords(String text) { ArrayList<String[]> list = alist(); for (MatchResult m : findAllIn(text, notePattern2)) list.add(strings(,,; return list.toArray(new String[0][]); } }