package; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.os.Build; import android.util.Printer; import android.util.StringBuilderPrinter; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo; import android.view.inputmethod.InputConnection; import android.widget.Checkable; import android.widget.TextView; import java.util.List; /** * Text converters for various Android objects. */ public final class HumanReadables { private HumanReadables() {} /** * Prints out an error message feature the view hierarchy starting at the rootView. * * @param rootView the root of the hierarchy tree to print out. * @param problemViews list of the views that you would like to point out are causing the error * message. * @param errorHeader the header of the error message (should contain the description of why the * error is happening). * @param problemViewSuffix the message to append to the view description in the tree printout. * Required if problemViews is supplied. * @return a string for human consumption. */ public static String getViewHierarchyErrorMessage(View rootView, final Optional<List<View>> problemViews, String errorHeader, final Optional<String> problemViewSuffix) { Preconditions.checkArgument(!problemViews.isPresent() || problemViewSuffix.isPresent()); StringBuilder errorMessage = new StringBuilder(errorHeader); if (problemViewSuffix.isPresent()) { errorMessage.append( String.format("\nProblem views are marked with '%s' below.", problemViewSuffix.get())); } errorMessage.append("\n\nView Hierarchy:\n"); Joiner.on("\n").appendTo(errorMessage, Iterables.transform( depthFirstViewTraversalWithDistance(rootView), new Function<ViewAndDistance, String>() { @Override public String apply(ViewAndDistance viewAndDistance) { String formatString = "+%s%s "; if (problemViews.isPresent() && problemViews.get().contains(viewAndDistance.getView())) { formatString += problemViewSuffix.get(); } formatString += "\n|"; return String.format(formatString, Strings.padStart(">", viewAndDistance.getDistanceFromRoot() + 1, '-'), HumanReadables.describe(viewAndDistance.getView())); } })); return errorMessage.toString(); } /** * Transforms an arbitrary view into a string with (hopefully) enough debug info. * * @param v nullable view * @return a string for human consumption. */ public static String describe(View v) { if (null == v) { return "null"; } ToStringHelper helper = Objects.toStringHelper(v).add("id", v.getId()); if (v.getId() != -1 && v.getResources() != null) { try { helper.add("res-name", v.getResources().getResourceEntryName(v.getId())); } catch (Resources.NotFoundException ignore) { // Do nothing. } } if (null != v.getContentDescription()) { helper.add("desc", v.getContentDescription()); } switch (v.getVisibility()) { case View.GONE: helper.add("visibility", "GONE"); break; case View.INVISIBLE: helper.add("visibility", "INVISIBLE"); break; case View.VISIBLE: helper.add("visibility", "VISIBLE"); break; default: helper.add("visibility", v.getVisibility()); } helper.add("width", v.getWidth()) .add("height", v.getHeight()) .add("has-focus", v.hasFocus()) .add("has-focusable", v.hasFocusable()) .add("has-window-focus", v.hasWindowFocus()) .add("is-clickable", v.isClickable()) .add("is-enabled", v.isEnabled()) .add("is-focused", v.isFocused()) .add("is-focusable", v.isFocusable()) .add("is-layout-requested", v.isLayoutRequested()) .add("is-selected", v.isSelected()); if (null != v.getRootView()) { // pretty much only true in unit-tests. helper.add("root-is-layout-requested", v.getRootView().isLayoutRequested()); } EditorInfo ei = new EditorInfo(); InputConnection ic = v.onCreateInputConnection(ei); boolean hasInputConnection = ic != null; helper.add("has-input-connection", hasInputConnection); if (hasInputConnection) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("["); Printer p = new StringBuilderPrinter(sb); ei.dump(p, ""); sb.append("]"); helper.add("editor-info", sb.toString().replace("\n", " ")); } if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > 10) { helper.add("x", v.getX()).add("y", v.getY()); } if (v instanceof TextView) { innerDescribe((TextView) v, helper); } if (v instanceof Checkable) { innerDescribe((Checkable) v, helper); } if (v instanceof ViewGroup) { innerDescribe((ViewGroup) v, helper); } return helper.toString(); } private static void innerDescribe(TextView textBox, ToStringHelper helper) { if (null != textBox.getText()) { helper.add("text", textBox.getText()); } if (null != textBox.getError()) { helper.add("error-text", textBox.getError()); } if (null != textBox.getHint()) { helper.add("hint", textBox.getHint()); } helper.add("input-type", textBox.getInputType()); helper.add("ime-target", textBox.isInputMethodTarget()); } private static void innerDescribe(Checkable checkable, ToStringHelper helper) { helper.add("is-checked", checkable.isChecked()); } private static void innerDescribe(ViewGroup viewGroup, ToStringHelper helper) { helper.add("child-count", viewGroup.getChildCount()); } }