package; import static; import static; import org.hamcrest.BaseMatcher; /** * Some matcher sugar that lets you create a matcher for a given type * but only process items of a specific subtype of that matcher. * * @param <T> The desired type of the Matcher. * @param <S> the subtype of T that your matcher applies safely to. */ public abstract class BoundedMatcher<T, S extends T> extends BaseMatcher<T> { private final Class<?> expectedType; private final Class<?>[] interfaceTypes; public BoundedMatcher(Class<? extends S> expectedType) { this.expectedType = checkNotNull(expectedType); this.interfaceTypes = new Class[0]; } public BoundedMatcher(Class<?> expectedType, Class<?> interfaceType1, Class<?>... otherInterfaces) { this.expectedType = checkNotNull(expectedType); checkNotNull(otherInterfaces); int interfaceCount = otherInterfaces.length + 1; this.interfaceTypes = new Class[interfaceCount]; interfaceTypes[0] = checkNotNull(interfaceType1); checkArgument(interfaceType1.isInterface()); int interfaceTypeIdx = 1; for (Class<?> intfType : otherInterfaces) { interfaceTypes[interfaceTypeIdx] = checkNotNull(intfType); checkArgument(intfType.isInterface()); interfaceTypeIdx++; } } protected abstract boolean matchesSafely(S item); @Override @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) public final boolean matches(Object item) { if (item == null) { return false; } if (expectedType.isInstance(item)) { for (Class<?> intfType : interfaceTypes) { if (!intfType.isInstance(item)) { return false; } } return matchesSafely((S) item); } return false; } }