package; import static; import; import; import; import android.view.View; import org.hamcrest.Matcher; import java.util.List; /** * Indicates that a given matcher did not match any elements in the view hierarchy. * <p> * Contains details about the matcher and the current view hierarchy to aid in debugging. * </p> * <p> * Since this is usually an unrecoverable error this exception is a runtime exception. * </p> * <p> * References to the view and failing matcher are purposefully not included in the state of this * object - since it will most likely be created on the UI thread and thrown on the instrumentation * thread, it would be invalid to touch the view on the instrumentation thread. Also the view * hierarchy may have changed since exception creation (leading to more confusion). * </p> */ public final class NoMatchingViewException extends RuntimeException implements EspressoException { private Matcher<? super View> viewMatcher; private View rootView; private List<View> adapterViews = Lists.newArrayList(); private boolean includeViewHierarchy = true; private Optional<String> adapterViewWarning = Optional.<String>absent(); private NoMatchingViewException(String description) { super(description); } private NoMatchingViewException(Builder builder) { super(getErrorMessage(builder)); this.viewMatcher = builder.viewMatcher; this.rootView = builder.rootView; this.adapterViews = builder.adapterViews; this.adapterViewWarning = builder.adapterViewWarning; this.includeViewHierarchy = builder.includeViewHierarchy; } private static String getErrorMessage(Builder builder) { String errorMessage = ""; if (builder.includeViewHierarchy) { Optional<List<View>> problemViews = Optional.absent(); Optional<String> problemViewSuffix = Optional.absent(); String message = String.format("No views in hierarchy found matching: %s", builder.viewMatcher); if (builder.adapterViewWarning.isPresent()) { message = message + builder.adapterViewWarning.get(); } errorMessage = HumanReadables.getViewHierarchyErrorMessage(builder.rootView, problemViews, message, problemViewSuffix); } else { errorMessage = String.format("Could not find a view that matches %s" , builder.viewMatcher); } return errorMessage; } /** Builder for {@link NoMatchingViewException}. */ public static class Builder { private Matcher<? super View> viewMatcher; private View rootView; private List<View> adapterViews = Lists.newArrayList(); private boolean includeViewHierarchy = true; private Optional<String> adapterViewWarning = Optional.<String>absent(); public Builder from(NoMatchingViewException exception) { this.viewMatcher = exception.viewMatcher; this.rootView = exception.rootView; this.adapterViews = exception.adapterViews; this.adapterViewWarning = exception.adapterViewWarning; this.includeViewHierarchy = exception.includeViewHierarchy; return this; } public Builder withViewMatcher(Matcher<? super View> viewMatcher) { this.viewMatcher = viewMatcher; return this; } public Builder withRootView(View rootView) { this.rootView = rootView; return this; } public Builder withAdapterViews(List<View> adapterViews) { this.adapterViews = adapterViews; return this; } public Builder includeViewHierarchy(boolean includeViewHierarchy) { this.includeViewHierarchy = includeViewHierarchy; return this; } public Builder withAdapterViewWarning(Optional<String> adapterViewWarning) { this.adapterViewWarning = adapterViewWarning; return this; } public NoMatchingViewException build() { checkNotNull(viewMatcher); checkNotNull(rootView); checkNotNull(adapterViews); checkNotNull(adapterViewWarning); return new NoMatchingViewException(this); } } }