package aimax.osm.viewer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Provides a rather general map entity renderer implementation. It assumes that * all entities provided to the renderer have an attached * {@link aimax.osm.viewer.DefaultEntityViewInfo} object. The visual appearance * of the drawn map strongly depends on those objects. * * @author Ruediger Lunde */ public class DefaultEntityRenderer extends AbstractEntityRenderer { private Hashtable<Long, List<MapNode>> wayNodeHash; /** * Default size used for fonts (in logical units). */ protected float defaultFontSize = 12f; protected float scale; protected float displayFactorSym; protected List<MapWay> areaBuffer; protected List<MapWay> wayBuffer; protected List<MapEntity> nodeBuffer; protected List<Track> trackBuffer; protected List<NameInfo> nameInfoBuffer; private List<MapNode> tmpNodeBuffer; // to improve thread-safety /** Standard constructor. */ public DefaultEntityRenderer() { wayNodeHash = new Hashtable<Long, List<MapNode>>(); setBackgroundColor(UColor.WHITE); areaBuffer = new ArrayList<MapWay>(); wayBuffer = new ArrayList<MapWay>(); nodeBuffer = new ArrayList<MapEntity>(); trackBuffer = new ArrayList<Track>(); nameInfoBuffer = new ArrayList<NameInfo>(); tmpNodeBuffer = new ArrayList<MapNode>(); } /** Clears all buffers and prepares rendering. */ @Override public void initForRendering(UnifiedImageBuilder<?> imageBdr, CoordTransformer transformer, WayNodeProvider wnProvider) { super.initForRendering(imageBdr, transformer, wnProvider); wayNodeHash.clear(); scale = transformer.computeScale(); displayFactorSym = displayFactor * transformer.getDotsPerUnit(); imageBdr.setFontSize(defaultFontSize * displayFactorSym); areaBuffer.clear(); wayBuffer.clear(); nodeBuffer.clear(); trackBuffer.clear(); nameInfoBuffer.clear(); // count = 0; } protected List<MapNode> getWayNodes(MapWay way) { List<MapNode> result = wayNodeHash.get(way.getId()); if (result == null) { result = wnProvider.getWayNodes(way, scale); wayNodeHash.put(way.getId(), result); } return result; } /** * Returns the map node which is the nearest with respect to the specified * view coordinates among the currently displayed nodes. */ public MapNode getNextNode(int x, int y) { Position pos = new Position(, transformer.lon(x)); MapNode nextNode = null; MapNode tmp = null; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { List<MapWay> ways = (i == 0) ? areaBuffer : wayBuffer; for (MapWay way : ways) { tmp = pos.selectNearest(way.getNodes(), null); if (nextNode == null || pos.getDistKM(tmp) < pos.getDistKM(nextNode)) { nextNode = tmp; } } } for (MapEntity node : nodeBuffer) { if (node instanceof MapNode) { tmp = (MapNode) node; if (tmp != null && tmp.getAttributeValue("marker") == null && (nextNode == null || pos.getDistKM(tmp) < pos .getDistKM(nextNode))) { nextNode = tmp; } } } return nextNode; } /** Adds a way to a buffer for printing. */ @Override public void visitMapWay(MapWay way) { DefaultEntityViewInfo pInfo = (DefaultEntityViewInfo) way.getViewInfo(); List<MapNode> nodes = getWayNodes(way); if (!nodes.isEmpty() && pInfo.wayColor != null) { if (pInfo.wayFillColor != null && nodes.get(0) == nodes.get(nodes.size() - 1) && (way.isArea() || !pInfo.fillAreasOnly)) // alternative solution: // && (way.isArea() || // (nodes.get(0) == nodes.get(nodes.size()-1) // && !pInfo.fillAreasOnly))) areaBuffer.add(way); else wayBuffer.add(way); } if (pInfo.isWayIcon && pInfo.icon != null) nodeBuffer.add(way); } /** Adds the entity to a buffer for printing. */ @Override public void visitMapNode(MapNode node) { nodeBuffer.add(node); } /** Classifies the entity and possibly adds it to a buffer for printing. */ @Override public void visitTrack(Track track) { DefaultEntityViewInfo vInfo = (DefaultEntityViewInfo) track .getViewInfo(); if (vInfo != null && scale >= vInfo.minVisibleScale * displayFactor) { trackBuffer.add(track); } } // int awnodes = 0; /** Prints all buffered entities according to their rendering informations. */ public void printBufferedObjects() { Collections.sort(areaBuffer, new MapAreaComparator()); Comparator<MapEntity> comp = new MapEntityComparator(); if (wayBuffer.size() < 10000) Collections.sort(wayBuffer, comp); if (nodeBuffer.size() < 10000) Collections.sort(nodeBuffer, comp); for (MapWay area : areaBuffer) printWay(area, (DefaultEntityViewInfo) area.getViewInfo(), true); for (MapWay way : wayBuffer) printWay(way, (DefaultEntityViewInfo) way.getViewInfo(), false); for (MapEntity node : nodeBuffer) { MapNode n; if (node instanceof MapWay) { List<MapNode> wayNodes = getWayNodes((MapWay) node); // needed to show icons for ways, whose abstraction is empty. if (wayNodes.isEmpty()) wayNodes = ((MapWay) node).getNodes(); n = wayNodes.get(0); } else n = (MapNode) node; printNode(n, (DefaultEntityViewInfo) node.getViewInfo()); } for (Track track : trackBuffer) printTrack(track); // System.out.print("NamesOrg: " + nameInfoBuffer.size() + "\n"); Collections.sort(nameInfoBuffer); // remove names whose positions are to close to each other int charSize = (int) (defaultFontSize * displayFactorSym); for (int i = 0; i < nameInfoBuffer.size(); ++i) { NameInfo info = nameInfoBuffer.get(i); for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) { NameInfo info1 = nameInfoBuffer.get(j); int fac = ( ? 3 : 2; if (Math.abs(info.y - info1.y) < charSize * fac) { fac = (info.x < info1.x) ? : .length(); if (Math.abs(info.x - info1.x) < charSize * fac) { nameInfoBuffer.remove(i); --i; j = i; } } } } for (NameInfo textInfo : nameInfoBuffer) { imageBdr.setColor(textInfo.color); imageBdr.drawString(, textInfo.x, textInfo.y); } // System.out.print("Areas: " + areaBuffer.size() + " "); // System.out.print("Ways: " + wayBuffer.size() + " "); // System.out.print("Nodes: " + nodeBuffer.size() + " "); // System.out.print("Names: " + nameInfoBuffer.size() + "\n"); } /** Prints a way entity. */ protected void printWay(MapWay way, DefaultEntityViewInfo pInfo, boolean asArea) { List<MapNode> nodes = getWayNodes(way); if (nodes != null) { // awnodes+=nodes.size(); boolean asOneway = false; NameInfo textInfo = null; if (scale >= pInfo.minNameScale * displayFactor) { asOneway = way.isOneway(); if (way.getName() != null && pInfo.nameColor != null) { textInfo = new NameInfo(way.getName(), pInfo.nameColor, pInfo.printOrder); } } printLine(imageBdr, nodes, pInfo, asArea, asOneway, textInfo); } } /** Prints a node entity. */ protected void printNode(MapNode node, DefaultEntityViewInfo pInfo) { int x = transformer.x(node.getLon()); int y = transformer.y(node.getLat()); int width = 0; if (pInfo.icon != null) { width = Math.round(pInfo.icon.size * displayFactorSym); pInfo.icon.draw(imageBdr, x, y, displayFactorSym); } if (scale >= pInfo.minNameScale * displayFactor) { String name = node.getName(); if (name != null && pInfo.nameColor != null) { NameInfo info = new NameInfo(name, pInfo.nameColor, pInfo.printOrder); info.x = x + width; info.y = y + width / 4; nameInfoBuffer.add(info); } } } /** Prints a track entity. */ protected void printTrack(Track track) { DefaultEntityViewInfo vInfo = (DefaultEntityViewInfo) track .getViewInfo(); tmpNodeBuffer.clear(); tmpNodeBuffer.addAll(track.getNodes()); if (!tmpNodeBuffer.isEmpty()) { printLine(imageBdr, tmpNodeBuffer, vInfo, false, false, null); printPoint(imageBdr, tmpNodeBuffer.get(tmpNodeBuffer.size() - 1), vInfo, null); } } /** Prints a line or fills an area. */ protected void printLine(UnifiedImageBuilder<?> imageBdr, List<MapNode> nodes, DefaultEntityViewInfo pInfo, boolean asArea, boolean asOneway, NameInfo textInfo) { // count++; int[] xPoints = new int[nodes.size()]; int[] yPoints = new int[nodes.size()]; int viewWidth = !asArea ? imageBdr.getWidth() : -1; int viewHeight = !asArea ? imageBdr.getHeight() : -1; boolean visible = getViewCoords(nodes, viewWidth, viewHeight, xPoints, yPoints); if (visible) { boolean filled = false; if (asArea) { imageBdr.setColor(pInfo.wayFillColor != null ? pInfo.wayFillColor : pInfo.wayColor); imageBdr.setLineStyle(false, displayFactor); imageBdr.setAreaFilled(true); imageBdr.drawPolygon(xPoints, yPoints, nodes.size()); filled = true; } if (!filled || pInfo.wayFillColor != null && !pInfo.wayFillColor.equals(pInfo.wayColor)) { imageBdr.setColor(pInfo.wayColor); imageBdr.setLineStyle(pInfo.wayDashed, pInfo.wayWidth * displayFactorSym); imageBdr.setAreaFilled(false); imageBdr.drawPolyline(xPoints, yPoints, nodes.size()); } if (asOneway) { float x = xPoints[xPoints.length - 1]; float y = yPoints[yPoints.length - 1]; double angle = Math.atan2(x - xPoints[xPoints.length - 2], -(y - yPoints[yPoints.length - 2])); printOnewayArrow(x, y, angle); } if (textInfo != null) { setWayNamePosition(textInfo, xPoints, yPoints, filled); nameInfoBuffer.add(textInfo); } if (debugMode && scale >= 2 * pInfo.minNameScale * displayFactor) { int i = 0; for (MapNode node : nodes) { textInfo = new NameInfo(Long.toString(node.getId()), pInfo.nameColor, pInfo.printOrder); textInfo.x = xPoints[i]; textInfo.y = yPoints[i]; nameInfoBuffer.add(textInfo); ++i; } } } } /** * Computes the view coordinates for a list of way nodes and checks * visibility with respect to a clipping rectangle. The check improves the * viewing performance in large scales in which long invisible ways (e.g. * coast lines) often pass the bounding box test. * * @param nodes * List of way nodes. * @param viewWidth * Used for clipping if > 0. * @param viewHeight * Used for clipping if > 0. * @param xView * Array of coordinates for the result. * @param yView * Array of coordinates for the result. * @return true if at least a part of the line is visible. */ protected boolean getViewCoords(List<MapNode> nodes, int viewWidth, int viewHeight, int[] xView, int[] yView) { boolean visible = (viewWidth <= 0 || viewHeight <= 0); int xv; int yv; int xClipPos; int yClipPos; int xClipPosLast = 0; int yClipPosLast = 0; int i = 0; for (MapNode node : nodes) { xv = transformer.x(node.getLon()); yv = transformer.y(node.getLat()); // bounding box test not sufficient for large scales... xView[i] = xv; yView[i] = yv; if (!visible) { xClipPos = 0; if (xv < 0) xClipPos = 1; else if (xv > viewWidth) xClipPos = 2; yClipPos = 0; if (yv < 0) yClipPos = 1; else if (yv > viewHeight) yClipPos = 2; visible = (xClipPos == 0 || xClipPos != xClipPosLast && i > 0) && (yClipPos == 0 || yClipPos != yClipPosLast && i > 0); xClipPosLast = xClipPos; yClipPosLast = yClipPos; } ++i; } return visible; } /** * Marks the end of a one-way street with an arrow. The angle specifies the * direction, zero means north. */ protected void printOnewayArrow(float x, float y, double angle) { imageBdr.setColor(UColor.GRAY); imageBdr.setLineStyle(false, displayFactorSym); imageBdr.setAreaFilled(false); drawArrowLine(x, y, displayFactorSym * 10f, angle); drawArrowLine(x, y, displayFactorSym * 7f, angle - Math.PI/4); drawArrowLine(x, y, displayFactorSym * 7f, angle + Math.PI/4); } private void drawArrowLine(float x, float y, float length, double angle) { imageBdr.drawLine(Math.round(x), Math.round(y), (int) Math.round(-length * Math.sin(angle) + x), (int) Math.round(length * Math.cos(angle) + y)); } /** Finds a good place for printing the name of a way entity. */ protected void setWayNamePosition(NameInfo info, int[] xPoints, int[] yPoints, boolean area) { int x = 0; int y = 0; int max = debugMode ? 1 : (area ? xPoints.length : 2); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { x += xPoints[i]; y += yPoints[i]; } info.x = x / max; info.y = y / max; if (debugMode) info.y += defaultFontSize * displayFactorSym; } /** Prints a point of interest. */ protected void printPoint(UnifiedImageBuilder<?> imageBdr, MapNode node, DefaultEntityViewInfo pInfo, UColor nameColor) { int x = transformer.x(node.getLon()); int y = transformer.y(node.getLat()); int width = 0; if (pInfo.icon != null) { width = Math.round(pInfo.icon.size * displayFactorSym); pInfo.icon.draw(imageBdr, x, y, displayFactor); } if (nameColor != null) { String name = (debugMode) ? "P" + Long.toString(node.getId()) : node.getName(); if (name != null) { NameInfo info = new NameInfo(name, nameColor, pInfo.printOrder); info.x = x + width; info.y = y + width / 4; nameInfoBuffer.add(info); } } } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // some inner classes... /** * Stores color and position information for a name to be printed out. */ protected static class NameInfo implements Comparable<NameInfo> { public String name; public UColor color; public int x; public int y; /** Print order value of the corresponding entity. */ public int printOrder; protected NameInfo(String name, UColor color, int printOrder) { = name; this.color = color; this.printOrder = printOrder; } @Override public int compareTo(NameInfo arg0) { if (printOrder < arg0.printOrder) return -1; else if (printOrder > arg0.printOrder) return 1; else return 0; } } /** Compares entity print informations with respect to print order. */ protected static class MapEntityComparator implements Comparator<MapEntity> { @Override public int compare(MapEntity arg0, MapEntity arg1) { DefaultEntityViewInfo info0 = (DefaultEntityViewInfo) arg0 .getViewInfo(); DefaultEntityViewInfo info1 = (DefaultEntityViewInfo) arg1 .getViewInfo(); if (info0.printOrder < info1.printOrder) return 1; else if (info0.printOrder > info1.printOrder) return -1; else return 0; } } /** Compares ways with respect to the size of their bounding box. */ protected static class MapAreaComparator implements Comparator<MapWay> { @Override public int compare(MapWay arg0, MapWay arg1) { return, arg1.getBoundingBoxSize()); } } }