package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import aima.core.agent.Action; import aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle.BidirectionalEightPuzzleProblem; import aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleBoard; import aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle.ManhattanHeuristicFunction; import aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle.MisplacedTilleHeuristicFunction; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import aima.core.util.CancelableThread; import aima.gui.fx.framework.IntegrableApplication; import aima.gui.fx.framework.Parameter; import aima.gui.fx.framework.SimulationPaneBuilder; import aima.gui.fx.framework.SimulationPaneCtrl; import aima.gui.fx.views.EightPuzzleViewCtrl; import javafx.application.Platform; import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane; import javafx.scene.layout.Pane; import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane; /** * Integrable application which demonstrates how different search strategies * solve the Eight Puzzle problem. * * @author Ruediger Lunde * */ public class EightPuzzleApp extends IntegrableApplication { public static void main(String[] args) { launch(args); } /** List of supported search algorithm names. */ protected static List<String> SEARCH_NAMES = new ArrayList<>(); /** List of supported search algorithms. */ protected static List<SearchForActions> SEARCH_ALGOS = new ArrayList<>(); private EightPuzzleBoard board; /** Adds a new item to the list of supported search algorithms. */ public static void addSearchAlgorithm(String name, SearchForActions algo) { SEARCH_NAMES.add(name); SEARCH_ALGOS.add(algo); } static { addSearchAlgorithm("Breadth First Search (Graph Search)", new BreadthFirstSearch(new GraphSearch())); addSearchAlgorithm("Breadth First Search (Bidirectional Search)", new BreadthFirstSearch(new BidirectionalSearch())); addSearchAlgorithm("Depth Limited Search (9)", new DepthLimitedSearch(9)); addSearchAlgorithm("Iterative Deepening Search", new IterativeDeepeningSearch()); addSearchAlgorithm("Greedy Best First Search (MisplacedTileHeuristic)", new GreedyBestFirstSearch(new GraphSearch(), new MisplacedTilleHeuristicFunction())); addSearchAlgorithm("Greedy Best First Search (ManhattanHeuristic)", new GreedyBestFirstSearch(new GraphSearch(), new ManhattanHeuristicFunction())); addSearchAlgorithm("AStar Search (MisplacedTileHeuristic)", new AStarSearch(new GraphSearch(), new MisplacedTilleHeuristicFunction())); addSearchAlgorithm("AStar Search (ManhattanHeuristic)", new AStarSearch(new GraphSearch(), new ManhattanHeuristicFunction())); addSearchAlgorithm("Simulated Annealing Search (ManhattanHeuristic)", new SimulatedAnnealingSearch(new ManhattanHeuristicFunction(), new Scheduler(20, 0.05, 200))); } public final static String PARAM_INIT_CONF = "initConf"; public final static String PARAM_STRATEGY = "strategy"; private EightPuzzleViewCtrl stateViewCtrl; private SimulationPaneCtrl simPaneCtrl; public EightPuzzleApp() { } @Override public String getTitle() { return "Eight Puzzle App"; } /** * Defines state view, parameters, and call-back functions and calls the * simulation pane builder to create layout and controller objects. */ @Override public Pane createRootPane() { BorderPane root = new BorderPane(); StackPane stateView = new StackPane(); stateViewCtrl = new EightPuzzleViewCtrl(stateView); List<Parameter> params = createParameters(); SimulationPaneBuilder builder = new SimulationPaneBuilder(); builder.defineParameters(params); builder.defineStateView(stateView); builder.defineInitMethod(this::initialize); builder.defineSimMethod(this::simulate); simPaneCtrl = builder.getResultFor(root); return root; } protected List<Parameter> createParameters() { Parameter p1 = new Parameter(PARAM_INIT_CONF, "Three Moves", "Medium", "Extreme", "Random"); Parameter p2 = new Parameter(PARAM_STRATEGY, (Object[]) SEARCH_NAMES.toArray()); return Arrays.asList(p1, p2); } /** Displays the initialized board on the state view. */ @Override public void initialize() { board = null; switch (simPaneCtrl.getParamValueIndex(PARAM_INIT_CONF)) { case 0: // three moves board = new EightPuzzleBoard(new int[] { 1, 2, 5, 3, 4, 0, 6, 7, 8 }); break; case 1: // medium board = new EightPuzzleBoard(new int[] { 1, 4, 2, 7, 5, 8, 3, 0, 6 }); break; case 2: // extreme board = new EightPuzzleBoard(new int[] { 0, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 }); break; case 3: // random board = new EightPuzzleBoard(new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }); Random r = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { switch (r.nextInt(4)) { case 0: board.moveGapUp(); break; case 1: board.moveGapDown(); break; case 2: board.moveGapLeft(); break; case 3: board.moveGapRight(); break; } } } stateViewCtrl.initialize(board); } @Override public void cleanup() { simPaneCtrl.cancelSimulation(); } /** Starts the experiment. */ public void simulate() { int strategyIdx = simPaneCtrl.getParamValueIndex(PARAM_STRATEGY); Problem problem = new BidirectionalEightPuzzleProblem(board); SearchForActions search = SEARCH_ALGOS.get(strategyIdx); List<Action> actions = search.findActions(problem); for (Action action : actions) { if (action == EightPuzzleBoard.UP) board.moveGapUp(); else if (action == EightPuzzleBoard.DOWN) board.moveGapDown(); else if (action == EightPuzzleBoard.LEFT) board.moveGapLeft(); else if (action == EightPuzzleBoard.RIGHT) board.moveGapRight(); Metrics m = new Metrics(); m.set("manhattanHeuristic", new ManhattanHeuristicFunction().h(board)); updateStateView(m); if (CancelableThread.currIsCanceled()) break; simPaneCtrl.waitAfterStep(); } updateStateView(search.getMetrics()); } /** * Caution: While the background thread should be slowed down, updates of * the GUI have to be done in the GUI thread! */ private void updateStateView(Metrics metrics) { Platform.runLater(() -> updateStateViewLater(metrics)); simPaneCtrl.waitAfterStep(); } /** * Must be called by the GUI thread! */ private void updateStateViewLater(Metrics metrics) { stateViewCtrl.update(); if (metrics != null) simPaneCtrl.setStatus(metrics.toString()); } }