package aima.core.environment.wumpusworld; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import aima.core.agent.Action; import aima.core.agent.Percept; import aima.core.agent.impl.AbstractAgent; import aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.action.Climb; import aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.action.Forward; import aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.action.Grab; import aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.action.Shoot; import aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.action.TurnLeft; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import aima.core.util.SetOps; /** * Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 270.<br> * <br> * * <pre> * <code> * function HYBRID-WUMPUS-AGENT(percept) returns an action * inputs: percept, a list, [stench, breeze, glitter, bump, scream] * persistent: KB, a knowledge base, initially the atemporal "wumpus physics" * t, a counter, initially 0, indicating time * plan, an action sequence, initially empty * * TELL(KB, MAKE-PERCEPT-SENTENCE(percept, t)) * TELL the KB the temporal "physics" sentences for time t * safe <- {[x, y] : ASK(KB, OK<sup>t</sup><sub>x,y</sub>) = true} * if ASK(KB, Glitter<sup>t</sup>) = true then * plan <- [Grab] + PLAN-ROUTE(current, {[1,1]}, safe) + [Climb] * if plan is empty then * unvisited <- {[x, y] : ASK(KB, L<sup>t'</sup><sub>x,y</sub>) = false for all t' ≤ t} * plan <- PLAN-ROUTE(current, unvisited ∩ safe, safe) * if plan is empty and ASK(KB, HaveArrow<sup>t</sup>) = true then * possible_wumpus <- {[x, y] : ASK(KB, ~W<sub>x,y</sub>) = false} * plan <- PLAN-SHOT(current, possible_wumpus, safe) * if plan is empty then //no choice but to take a risk * not_unsafe <- {[x, y] : ASK(KB, ~OK<sup>t</sup><sub>x,y</sub>) = false} * plan <- PLAN-ROUTE(current, unvisited ∩ not_unsafe, safe) * if plan is empty then * plan <- PLAN-ROUTE(current, {[1,1]}, safe) + [Climb] * action <- POP(plan) * TELL(KB, MAKE-ACTION-SENTENCE(action, t)) * t <- t+1 * return action * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * function PLAN-ROUTE(current, goals, allowed) returns an action sequence * inputs: current, the agent's current position * goals, a set of squares; try to plan a route to one of them * allowed, a set of squares that can form part of the route * * problem <- ROUTE-PROBLEM(current, goals, allowed) * return A*-GRAPH-SEARCH(problem) * </code> * </pre> * * Figure 7.20 A hybrid agent program for the wumpus world. It uses a * propositional knowledge base to infer the state of the world, and a * combination of problem-solving search and domain-specific code to decide what * actions to take * * @author Federico Baron * @author Alessandro Daniele * @author Ciaran O'Reilly */ public class HybridWumpusAgent extends AbstractAgent { // persistent: KB, a knowledge base, initially the atemporal // "wumpus physics" private WumpusKnowledgeBase kb = null; // t, a counter, initially 0, indicating time private int t = 0; // plan, an action sequence, initially empty private Queue<Action> plan = new LinkedList<Action>(); // FIFOQueue /** * function HYBRID-WUMPUS-AGENT(percept) returns an action<br> * * @param percept * a list, [stench, breeze, glitter, bump, scream] * * @return an action the agent should take. */ @Override public Action execute(Percept percept) { // TELL(KB, MAKE-PERCEPT-SENTENCE(percept, t)) kb.makePerceptSentence((AgentPercept) percept, t); // TELL the KB the temporal "physics" sentences for time t kb.tellTemporalPhysicsSentences(t); AgentPosition current = kb.askCurrentPosition(t); // safe <- {[x, y] : ASK(KB, OK<sup>t</sup><sub>x,y</sub>) = true} Set<Room> safe = kb.askSafeRooms(t); // if ASK(KB, Glitter<sup>t</sup>) = true then if (kb.askGlitter(t)) { // plan <- [Grab] + PLAN-ROUTE(current, {[1,1]}, safe) + [Climb] Set<Room> goals = new LinkedHashSet<Room>(); goals.add(new Room(1, 1)); plan.add(new Grab()); plan.addAll(planRoute(current, goals, safe)); plan.add(new Climb()); } // if plan is empty then // unvisited <- {[x, y] : ASK(KB, L<sup>t'</sup><sub>x,y</sub>) = false // for all t' ≤ t} Set<Room> unvisited = kb.askUnvisitedRooms(t); if (plan.isEmpty()) { // plan <- PLAN-ROUTE(current, unvisited ∩ safe, safe) plan.addAll(planRoute(current, SetOps.intersection(unvisited, safe), safe)); } // if plan is empty and ASK(KB, HaveArrow<sup>t</sup>) = true then if (plan.isEmpty() && kb.askHaveArrow(t)) { // possible_wumpus <- {[x, y] : ASK(KB, ~W<sub>x,y</sub>) = false} Set<Room> possibleWumpus = kb.askPossibleWumpusRooms(t); // plan <- PLAN-SHOT(current, possible_wumpus, safe) plan.addAll(planShot(current, possibleWumpus, safe)); } // if plan is empty then //no choice but to take a risk if (plan.isEmpty()) { // not_unsafe <- {[x, y] : ASK(KB, ~OK<sup>t</sup><sub>x,y</sub>) = // false} Set<Room> notUnsafe = kb.askNotUnsafeRooms(t); // plan <- PLAN-ROUTE(current, unvisited ∩ not_unsafe, safe) plan.addAll(planRoute(current, SetOps.intersection(unvisited, notUnsafe), safe)); } // if plan is empty then if (plan.isEmpty()) { // plan PLAN-ROUTE(current, {[1,1]}, safe) + [Climb] Set<Room> start = new LinkedHashSet<Room>(); start.add(new Room(1, 1)); plan.addAll(planRoute(current, start, safe)); plan.add(new Climb()); } // action <- POP(plan) Action action = plan.remove(); // TELL(KB, MAKE-ACTION-SENTENCE(action, t)) kb.makeActionSentence(action, t); // t <- t+1 t = t + 1; // return action return action; } /** * Returns a sequence of actions using A* Search. * * @param current * the agent's current position * @param goals * a set of squares; try to plan a route to one of them * @param allowed * a set of squares that can form part of the route * * @return the best sequence of actions that the agent have to do to reach a * goal from the current position. */ public List<Action> planRoute(AgentPosition current, Set<Room> goals, Set<Room> allowed) { // Every square represent 4 possible positions for the agent, it could // be in different orientations. For every square in allowed and goals // sets we add 4 squares. Set<AgentPosition> allowedPositions = new LinkedHashSet<AgentPosition>(); for (Room allowedRoom : allowed) { int x = allowedRoom.getX(); int y = allowedRoom.getY(); allowedPositions.add(new AgentPosition(x, y, AgentPosition.Orientation.FACING_WEST)); allowedPositions.add(new AgentPosition(x, y, AgentPosition.Orientation.FACING_EAST)); allowedPositions.add(new AgentPosition(x, y, AgentPosition.Orientation.FACING_NORTH)); allowedPositions.add(new AgentPosition(x, y, AgentPosition.Orientation.FACING_SOUTH)); } final Set<AgentPosition> goalPositions = new LinkedHashSet<AgentPosition>(); for (Room goalRoom : goals) { int x = goalRoom.getX(); int y = goalRoom.getY(); goalPositions.add(new AgentPosition(x, y, AgentPosition.Orientation.FACING_WEST)); goalPositions.add(new AgentPosition(x, y, AgentPosition.Orientation.FACING_EAST)); goalPositions.add(new AgentPosition(x, y, AgentPosition.Orientation.FACING_NORTH)); goalPositions.add(new AgentPosition(x, y, AgentPosition.Orientation.FACING_SOUTH)); } WumpusCave cave = new WumpusCave(kb.getCaveXDimension(), kb.getCaveYDimension(), allowedPositions); GoalTest goalTest = new GoalTest() { @Override public boolean isGoalState(Object state) { if (goalPositions.contains(state)) { return true; } else { return false; } } }; Problem problem = new Problem(current, WumpusFunctionFactory.getActionsFunction(cave), WumpusFunctionFactory.getResultFunction(), goalTest); HeuristicFunction hf = new ManhattanHeuristicFunction(goals); SearchForActions search = new AStarSearch(new GraphSearch(), hf); SearchAgent agent = null; List<Action> actions = null; try { agent = new SearchAgent(problem, search); actions = agent.getActions(); // Search agent can return a NoOp if already at goal, // in the context of this agent we will just return // no actions. if (actions.size() == 1 && actions.get(0).isNoOp()) { actions = new ArrayList<Action>(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return actions; } /** * * @param current * the agent's current position * @param possibleWumpus * a set of squares where we don't know that there isn't the * wumpus. * @param allowed * a set of squares that can form part of the route * * @return the sequence of actions to reach the nearest square that is in * line with a possible wumpus position. The last action is a shot. */ public List<Action> planShot(AgentPosition current, Set<Room> possibleWumpus, Set<Room> allowed) { Set<AgentPosition> shootingPositions = new LinkedHashSet<AgentPosition>(); for (Room p : possibleWumpus) { int x = p.getX(); int y = p.getY(); for (int i = 1; i <= kb.getCaveXDimension(); i++) { if (i < x) { shootingPositions.add(new AgentPosition(i, y, AgentPosition.Orientation.FACING_EAST)); } if (i > x) { shootingPositions.add(new AgentPosition(i, y, AgentPosition.Orientation.FACING_WEST)); } if (i < y) { shootingPositions.add(new AgentPosition(x, i, AgentPosition.Orientation.FACING_NORTH)); } if (i > y) { shootingPositions.add(new AgentPosition(x, i, AgentPosition.Orientation.FACING_SOUTH)); } } } // Can't have a shooting position from any of the rooms the wumpus could // reside for (Room p : possibleWumpus) { for (AgentPosition.Orientation orientation : AgentPosition.Orientation.values()) { shootingPositions.remove(new AgentPosition(p.getX(), p.getY(), orientation)); } } Iterator<AgentPosition> it = shootingPositions.iterator(); Set<Room> shootingPositionsArray = new LinkedHashSet<Room>(); while (it.hasNext()) { AgentPosition tmp =; shootingPositionsArray.add(new Room(tmp.getX(), tmp.getY())); } List<Action> actions = planRoute(current, shootingPositionsArray, allowed); AgentPosition newPos = current; if (actions.size() > 0) { newPos = ((Forward) actions.get(actions.size() - 1)).getToPosition(); } while (!shootingPositions.contains(newPos)) { TurnLeft tLeft = new TurnLeft(newPos.getOrientation()); newPos = new AgentPosition(newPos.getX(), newPos.getY(), tLeft.getToOrientation()); actions.add(tLeft); } actions.add(new Shoot()); return actions; } // // SUPPORTING CODE // public HybridWumpusAgent() { // i.e. default is a 4x4 world as depicted in figure 7.2 this(4); } public HybridWumpusAgent(int caveXandYDimensions) { kb = new WumpusKnowledgeBase(caveXandYDimensions); } }