/* * A CCNx library test. * * Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Palo Alto Research Center, Inc. * * This work is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package org.ccnx.ccn.test.repo; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.ccnx.ccn.CCNHandle; import org.ccnx.ccn.config.ConfigurationException; import org.ccnx.ccn.impl.support.Log; import org.ccnx.ccn.io.RepositoryOutputStream; import org.ccnx.ccn.profiles.nameenum.BasicNameEnumeratorListener; import org.ccnx.ccn.profiles.nameenum.CCNNameEnumerator; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.ContentName; import org.ccnx.ccn.test.CCNTestHelper; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; /** * Test to verify the library handles multiple responders for name enumeration properly. * */ public class MultiResponderNameEnumerationTest implements BasicNameEnumeratorListener { CCNNameEnumerator getne; CCNNameEnumerator putne; CCNHandle _putHandle; CCNHandle _getHandle; CCNHandle _fileHandle; CCNTestHelper helper; ContentName _prefix; ContentName _class2; ContentName _class; ContentName _repo; boolean updated; ArrayList<ContentName> names; @Before public void setUp() { try { names = new ArrayList<ContentName>(); _putHandle = CCNHandle.open(); _getHandle = CCNHandle.open(); _fileHandle = CCNHandle.open(); getne = new CCNNameEnumerator(_getHandle, this); putne = new CCNNameEnumerator(_putHandle, this); helper = new CCNTestHelper(this.getClass().getName()); _prefix = helper.getClassNamespace(); _class = ContentName.fromNative(_prefix, "classResponder"); _class2 = ContentName.fromNative(_prefix, "classResponder2"); _repo = ContentName.fromNative(_prefix, "repoResponder"); updated = false; putne.registerNameSpace(_prefix); Log.info("registering namespace prefix: {0} count: {1}", _prefix, _prefix.count()); putNERegisterName(_class); addContentToRepo(_repo); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { Assert.fail("Configuration Exception when setting up test. "+e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { Assert.fail("IOException when setting up test. "+e.getMessage()); } } @After public void cleanup() { _putHandle.close(); _getHandle.close(); _fileHandle.close(); } private void putNERegisterName(ContentName n) { try { putne.registerNameForResponses(n); for (int i = 0 ; i < 100; i++) { if (!putne.containsRegisteredName(n)) Thread.sleep(50); else break; } Assert.assertTrue(putne.containsRegisteredName(n)); //the names are registered... Log.info("the names are now registered: {0}", n); } catch(InterruptedException e){ System.err.println("error waiting for names to be registered by name enumeration responder"); Assert.fail(); } } private void addContentToRepo(ContentName name){ try{ RepositoryOutputStream ros = new RepositoryOutputStream(name, _fileHandle); ros.setTimeout(5000); byte [] data = "Testing 1 2 3".getBytes(); ros.write(data, 0, data.length); ros.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail("could not put the content into the repo ("+name+"); " + ex.getMessage()); } } public int handleNameEnumerator(ContentName prefix, ArrayList<ContentName> returnedNames) { Log.info("got a response for: {0}", prefix); synchronized(names) { for(ContentName n: returnedNames) { ContentName name = new ContentName(_prefix, n.components()); Log.info("adding: {0}", name); if(!names.contains(name)) names.add(name); } if(names.size() == 2 && !updated) { putNERegisterName(_class2); updated = true; } } return 0; } @Test public void multiResponderNameEnumerationTest() { Log.info("Now checking for responses."); try { getne.registerPrefix(_prefix); } catch (IOException e) { Assert.fail("Could not register name for responses."); } testGetResponses(); } public void testGetResponses(){ try { int i = 0; while (i < 500) { Thread.sleep(50); i++; //break out early if possible synchronized(names) { Log.info("checking names: {0}", names.size()); if (names.size() == 3) { Log.info("we got all three responses!"); break; } } } Assert.assertTrue(names.size() == 3); Assert.assertTrue(names.contains(_repo)); Assert.assertTrue(names.contains(_class)); Assert.assertTrue(names.contains(_class2)); //cleanup - cancel our enumerations getne.cancelEnumerationsWithPrefix(_prefix); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Assert.fail("Error while waiting for results to come in. "+e.getMessage()); } } }