/* * Part of the CCNx Java Library. * * Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Palo Alto Research Center, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received * a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; * if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ package org.ccnx.ccn.impl.support; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.ObjectInputStream; import java.io.ObjectOutputStream; import java.io.Serializable; import java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException; import java.rmi.Remote; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.rmi.server.RemoteObject; import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.logging.Level; import org.ccnx.ccn.config.SystemConfiguration; import org.ccnx.ccn.config.SystemConfiguration.DEBUGGING_FLAGS; import org.ccnx.ccn.impl.CCNNetworkManager; /** * Implements command line daemon functionality. In the normal case a daemon is started up and then runs in * the background after the starting process exits. An RMI file is created to allow outside processes to * communicate with the daemon to "signal" it or stop it.<p> * * Daemons have several modes as seen below: * * <pre> * MODE_START - used to start a daemon which will be run in the background * MODE_STOP - used to stop a daemon currently running in the background * MODE_INTERACTIVE - used to run a daemon interactively rather than in the background * MODE_DAEMON - a daemon started up by a "starter" is started in MODE_DAEMON. * MODE_SIGNAL - used to signal a daemon from outside to get the daemon to perform implementation defined * services * </pre> */ public class Daemon { protected enum Mode {MODE_UNKNOWN, MODE_START, MODE_STOP, MODE_INTERACTIVE, MODE_DAEMON, MODE_SIGNAL}; protected static Daemon _daemon; protected String _daemonName = null; protected static DaemonListenerClass _daemonListener = null; protected boolean _interactive = false; protected String _pid; // TODO maybe this doesn't belong here public static final String PROP_JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH ="java.library.path"; public static final String PROP_DAEMON_MEMORY = "ccn.daemon.memory"; public static final String PROP_DAEMON_DEBUG_PORT = "ccn.daemon.debug"; public static final String PROP_DAEMON_OUTPUT = "ccn.daemon.output"; public static final String PROP_DAEMON_PROFILE = "ccn.daemon.profile"; public static final String PROP_DAEMON_DEBUG_SUSPEND = "ccn.daemon.debug.suspend"; public static final String PROP_DAEMON_DEBUG_NOSHARE = "ccn.daemon.debug.noshare"; public static final String PROP_DAEMON_CHECK_JNI = "ccn.daemon.check.jni"; public static final String DEFAULT_OUTPUT_STREAM = "/dev/null"; /** * Interface describing the RMI server object sitting inside * the daemon */ public interface DaemonListener extends Remote { public String startLoop() throws RemoteException; // returns pid public void shutDown() throws RemoteException; public boolean signal(String name) throws RemoteException; public Object status(String name) throws RemoteException; } public class StopTimer extends TimerTask { private String _daemonName; private String _pid; private StopTimer(String daemonName, String pid) { _daemonName = daemonName; _pid = pid; } @Override public void run() { System.out.println("Attempt to contact daemon " + _daemonName + " timed out"); Log.info("Attempt to contact daemon " + _daemonName + " timed out"); try { cleanupDaemon(_daemonName, _pid); } catch (IOException e) { Log.logStackTrace(Level.WARNING, e); } System.exit(1); } } /** * Stop ccnd on exit from daemon */ protected class ShutdownHook extends Thread { public void run() { try { _daemon.rmRMIFile(SystemConfiguration.getPID()); } catch (IOException e) {} } } /** * The thread that runs inside the daemon, doing work */ protected static class WorkerThread extends Thread implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -4969812722104756329L; boolean _keepGoing; String _daemonName; protected WorkerThread(String daemonName) { _daemonName = daemonName; } public void run() { _keepGoing = true; System.out.println("Initializing daemon thread " + new Date().toString() +"."); Log.info("Initializing daemon thread " + new Date().toString() +"."); initialize(); System.out.println("Daemon thread started " + new Date().toString() +"."); Log.info("Daemon thread started " + new Date().toString() +"."); do { try { work(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.warning("Error in daemon thread: " + e.getMessage()); Log.warningStackTrace(e); } if (_keepGoing) { try { Thread.sleep(10000); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} } } while (_keepGoing); // ok, we were asked to shut down System.out.println("Shutting down the daemon."); Log.info("Shutting down the daemon."); try { UnicastRemoteObject.unexportObject(_daemonListener, true); } catch (NoSuchObjectException e) { } getRMIFile(_daemonName, SystemConfiguration.getPID()).delete(); System.exit(0); } public void shutDown() { _keepGoing = false; finish(); interrupt(); } /** * Specialized by subclasses, called by worker thread. * */ public void work() { Log.info("Should not be here, in WorkerThread.work()."); } public void initialize() { Log.info("Should not be here, in WorkerThread.initialize()."); } public void finish() { Log.info("Should not be here, in WorkerThread.finish()."); } public boolean signal(String name) { Log.info("Should not be here, in WorkerThread.signal()."); return false; } public Object status(String name) { return null; // We don't require implementers to implement this } } protected static class DaemonListenerClass extends UnicastRemoteObject implements DaemonListener { private static final long serialVersionUID = -9217344397211709762L; protected WorkerThread _daemonThread; public DaemonListenerClass(WorkerThread daemonThread) throws RemoteException { _daemonThread = daemonThread; } public void shutDown() throws RemoteException { _daemonThread.shutDown(); } public String startLoop() throws RemoteException { System.out.println("Starting the daemon loop."); Log.info("Starting the daemon loop."); try { _daemonThread.start(); String pid = SystemConfiguration.getPID(); if (null != SystemConfiguration.getPID()) { // PID is available on this platform and we have the startLoop() // invocation so we can rename our RMI file and send PID back to controller. renameRMIFile(_daemonThread._daemonName, pid); } return pid; } catch(Exception e) { throw new RemoteException(e.getMessage(), e); } } public boolean signal(String name) throws RemoteException { Log.info("Signal " + name); try { return _daemonThread.signal(name); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException(e.getMessage(), e); } } public Object status(String name) throws RemoteException { Log.info("Status " + name); try { return _daemonThread.status(name); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException(e.getMessage(), e); } } } public Daemon() {_daemonName = "namelessDaemon";} public String daemonName() { return _daemonName; } public void setPid(String pid) { _pid = pid; } public String getPid() { return _pid; } /** * Overridden by subclasses. * */ protected void usage() { try { System.out.println("usage: " + this.getClass().getName() + " -start | -stop <pid> | -interactive | -signal <name> <pid>"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.exit(0); } /** * Overridden by subclasses */ protected void initialize(String[] args, Daemon daemon) { System.out.println("Unknown option " + args[1]); daemon.usage(); } /** * overridden by subclasses to make right type of thread. * @return */ protected WorkerThread createWorkerThread() { return new WorkerThread(daemonName()); } protected static void setupRemoteAccess(Daemon daemon, WorkerThread wt) throws IOException { if (wt == null) wt = daemon.createWorkerThread(); _daemonListener = new DaemonListenerClass(wt); Remote stub = RemoteObject.toStub(_daemonListener); File tempFile = getRMITempFile(daemon.daemonName()); ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tempFile)); try { out.writeObject(stub); out.flush(); } finally { out.close(); } // always use name without PID at first, will rename // when startloop() message comes along. This allows // the controlling starter process to communicate // without needing the pid of the child, though it // does limit the spawn rate // this is atomic tempFile.renameTo(getRMIFile(daemon.daemonName(), null)); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(daemon.new ShutdownHook()); } private static void startDaemon(String daemonName, String daemonClass, String args[]) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { String mypid = SystemConfiguration.getPID(); if (null == mypid) { // PID unavailable on this platform so we are restricted // to a single instance per daemon name if (getRMIFile(daemonName, null).exists()) { System.out.println("Daemon already running. Use '" + daemonName + " -stop' to kill the daemon."); return; } } // else it doesn't matter if one is running we may start another ArrayList<String> argList = new ArrayList<String>(); argList.add("java"); String classPath = System.getProperty("java.class.path"); String [] directories = null; String sep = null; if (classPath.contains(":")) { sep = ":"; directories = classPath.split(":"); } else if (classPath.contains(";")) { sep = ";"; // do we need to escape? directories = classPath.split(";"); } StringBuffer cp = new StringBuffer( ((null != directories) && (directories.length > 0)) ? directories[0] : ""); if (null != directories) { for (int i=1; i < directories.length; ++i) { cp.append(sep); cp.append(directories[i]); } } /** * Add properties * TODO - we might want to add them all but for now these are * the critical ones */ String libPath = System.getProperty(PROP_JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH); if (libPath != null) { argList.add("-D" + PROP_JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH + "=" + libPath); } String portval = System.getProperty(CCNNetworkManager.PROP_AGENT_PORT); if (portval != null) { argList.add("-D" + CCNNetworkManager.PROP_AGENT_PORT + "=" + portval); } String memval = System.getProperty(PROP_DAEMON_MEMORY); if (memval != null) argList.add("-Xmx" + memval); String debugFlagVal = System.getProperty(SystemConfiguration.DEBUG_FLAG_PROPERTY); if (debugFlagVal != null) argList.add("-D" + SystemConfiguration.DEBUG_FLAG_PROPERTY + "=" + debugFlagVal); String debugDirVal = System.getProperty(SystemConfiguration.DEBUG_DATA_DIRECTORY_PROPERTY); if (debugDirVal != null) argList.add("-D" + SystemConfiguration.DEBUG_DATA_DIRECTORY_PROPERTY + "=" + debugDirVal); String suspend = System.getProperty(PROP_DAEMON_DEBUG_SUSPEND); String doSuspend = suspend == null ? "n" : "y"; String debugPort = System.getProperty(PROP_DAEMON_DEBUG_PORT); if (debugPort != null) { argList.add("-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=" + debugPort + ",server=y,suspend=" + doSuspend); } else if (doSuspend.equals("y")) Log.info("Suspend requested without debug attach"); String unshared = System.getProperty(PROP_DAEMON_DEBUG_NOSHARE); if (null != unshared) argList.add("-Xshare:off"); String checkJNI = System.getProperty(PROP_DAEMON_CHECK_JNI); if (null != checkJNI) argList.add("-Xcheck:jni"); String profileInfo = System.getProperty(PROP_DAEMON_PROFILE); if (profileInfo != null) { argList.add(profileInfo); } argList.add("-cp"); argList.add(cp.toString()); argList.add(daemonClass); argList.add("-daemon"); for (int i=1; i < args.length; ++i) { argList.add(args[i]); } String cmd = ""; for (String arg : argList) { cmd += arg + " "; } if (SystemConfiguration.checkDebugFlag(DEBUGGING_FLAGS.DUMP_DAEMONCMD)) { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("daemon_cmd.txt"); try { fos.write(cmd.getBytes()); fos.flush(); } finally { fos.close(); } } // Now actually start the daemon String outputFile = System.getProperty(PROP_DAEMON_OUTPUT); boolean doAppend = true; DaemonOutput output = null; Log.info("Starting daemon with command line: " + cmd); ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(argList); pb.redirectErrorStream(true); if (null != outputFile) { doAppend = false; } Process child = pb.start(); if (null != outputFile) { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(outputFile, doAppend); output = new DaemonOutput(child.getInputStream(), fos); } // Initial RMI file never named with PID to permit // us to read it without knowing PID. After // daemon operation is started below the file // will be renamed with PID if possible // TODO - does this loop really make sense? Shouldn't the name change happen quickly or not at all? while (!getRMIFile(daemonName, null).exists()) { InputStream childMsgs = null; try { Thread.sleep(1000); try { if (null == outputFile) { childMsgs = child.getInputStream(); } else childMsgs = new FileInputStream(outputFile); // The following should throw an IllegalThreadStateException in child.exitValue() // If it doesn't then the startup failed int exitValue = child.exitValue(); // if we get here, the child has exited // Read and output to the console any messages from the child to help diagnose the problem Log.warning("Could not launch daemon " + daemonName + ". Daemon exit value is " + exitValue + "."); System.err.println("Could not launch daemon " + daemonName + ". Daemon exit value is " + exitValue + "."); byte[] childMsgBytes = new byte[childMsgs.available()]; childMsgs.read(childMsgBytes);; String childOutput = new String(childMsgBytes); System.err.println("Messages from the child were: \"" + childOutput + "\""); return; } catch (IllegalThreadStateException e) {} // The daemon successfully started finally { if (null != childMsgs) childMsgs.close(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) {} } // The daemon has started running - now start its operation ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(getRMIFile(daemonName, null))); DaemonListener l; try { l = (DaemonListener)in.readObject(); } finally { in.close(); } String childpid = null; childpid = l.startLoop(); System.out.println("Started daemon " + daemonName + "." + (null == childpid ? "" : " PID " + childpid)); Log.info("Started daemon " + daemonName + "." + (null == childpid ? "" : " PID " + childpid)); // To log output at this level we have to keep running until the daemon exits if (outputFile != null) { boolean interrupted = false; do { try { child.waitFor(); } catch (InterruptedException e) {interrupted = true;} } while (!interrupted); } if (null != output) output.close(); } protected static void stopDaemon(Daemon daemon, String pid) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException { String daemonName = daemon.daemonName(); if (!getRMIFile(daemonName, pid).exists()) { System.out.println("Daemon " + daemonName + " does not appear to be running."); Log.info("Daemon " + daemonName + " does not appear to be running."); return; } Timer stopTimer = new Timer(false); stopTimer.schedule(daemon.new StopTimer(daemonName, pid), SystemConfiguration.SYSTEM_STOP_TIMEOUT); ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(getRMIFile(daemonName, pid))); DaemonListener l; try { l = (DaemonListener)in.readObject(); } finally { in.close(); } try { l.shutDown(); System.out.println("Daemon " + daemonName + " is shut down."); Log.info("Daemon " + daemonName + " is shut down."); } catch(RemoteException e) { cleanupDaemon(daemonName, pid); } } protected static void cleanupDaemon(String daemonName, String pid) throws IOException { // looks like the RMI file is still here, but the daemon is gone. let's delete the file, then, System.out.println("Daemon " + daemonName + " seems to have died some other way, cleaning up state..."); Log.info("Daemon " + daemonName + " seems to have died some other way, cleaning up state..."); _daemon.rmRMIFile(pid); } protected static void signalDaemon(String daemonName, String sigName, String pid) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException { if (!getRMIFile(daemonName, pid).exists()) { System.out.println("Daemon " + daemonName + " does not appear to be running."); Log.info("Daemon " + daemonName + " does not appear to be running."); return; } ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(getRMIFile(daemonName, pid))); DaemonListener l; try { l = (DaemonListener)in.readObject(); } finally { in.close(); } try { if (l.signal(sigName)) { System.out.println("Signal " + sigName + " delivered."); Log.info("Signal " + sigName + " delivered."); } else { System.out.println("Signal " + sigName + " not delivered: unrecognized or signal failed"); Log.info("Daemon " + daemonName + " not delivered: unrecognized or signal failed."); } } catch(RemoteException e) { // looks like the RMI file is still here, but the daemon is gone. We won't clean up on signal. System.out.println("Daemon " + daemonName + " seems to have died somehow."); Log.info("Daemon " + daemonName + " seems to have died somehow."); } } protected static File getRMIFile(String daemonName, String pid) { String name = ".rmi-server-" + daemonName + (null == pid ? "" : "-" + pid) + ".obj"; return new File(System.getProperty("user.home"), name); } /** * Rename RMI file to add PID if available, otherwise do nothing. * @param daemonName the name of this daemon * @param pid the PID to add to the RMI file name or null if unavailable */ protected static void renameRMIFile(String daemonName, String pid) { if (null != pid) { getRMIFile(daemonName, null).renameTo(getRMIFile(daemonName, pid)); } } protected static File getRMITempFile(String daemonName) throws IOException { String prefix = ".rmi-server-" + daemonName; return File.createTempFile(prefix, null, new File(System.getProperty("user.home"))); } /** * Remove the RMIFile when you don't know the PID * @throws IOException */ protected void rmRMIFile(String pid) throws IOException { getRMIFile(_daemonName, pid).delete(); } protected static void runDaemon(Daemon daemon, String args[]) throws IOException { _daemon = daemon; Mode mode = Mode.MODE_UNKNOWN; String sigName = null; String targetPID = null; // Argument parsing ONLY here: don't do any execution yet if (0 == args.length) { mode = Mode.MODE_INTERACTIVE; } else if (args[0].equals("-start")) { mode = Mode.MODE_START; } else if (args[0].equals("-stop")) { mode = Mode.MODE_STOP; if (args.length < 2) { daemon.usage(); } targetPID = args[1]; } else if (args[0].equals("-daemon")) { mode = Mode.MODE_DAEMON; } else if (args[0].equals("-interactive")) { mode = Mode.MODE_INTERACTIVE; } else if (args[0].equals("-signal")) { mode = Mode.MODE_SIGNAL; if (args.length < 3) { daemon.usage(); } sigName = args[1]; targetPID = args[2]; } if ("0".equals(targetPID)) { // This is request to apply to the single instance on platforms where // PIDs are not available targetPID = null; } // Now proceed based on mode, catching all exceptions try { switch (mode) { case MODE_INTERACTIVE: String pid = SystemConfiguration.getPID(); daemon.setPid(pid); daemon.initialize(args, daemon); Log.info("Running " + daemon.daemonName() + " in the foreground." + (null == pid ? "" : " PID " + pid)); WorkerThread wt = daemon.createWorkerThread(); // Set up remote access when interactive also to enable signals setupRemoteAccess(daemon, wt); // In Interactive mode there is no startLoop() invocation to separate daemon // process, so just rename our RMI file immediately renameRMIFile(daemon.daemonName(), pid); wt.start(); wt.join(); System.exit(0); case MODE_START: // Don't initialize since this process will not become // the daemon: this will start a new process startDaemon(daemon.daemonName(), daemon.getClass().getName(), args); System.exit(0); case MODE_STOP: // Don't initialize since this process will never be the daemon // This will signal daemon to terminate stopDaemon(daemon, targetPID); System.exit(0); case MODE_DAEMON: daemon.initialize(args, daemon); Log.info(daemon.daemonName() + " started in background " + new Date()); // This will create daemon thread and RMI server to receive startLoop command // from controller process that launched this process setupRemoteAccess(daemon, null); break; case MODE_SIGNAL: // This will signal daemon to do something specifically named assert(null != sigName); signalDaemon(daemon.daemonName(), sigName, targetPID); break; default: daemon.usage(); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.warning(e.getClass().getName() + " in daemon startup: " + e.getMessage()); Log.warningStackTrace(e); if (mode == Mode.MODE_DAEMON) { // Make sure to terminate if there is an uncaught // exception trying to run as daemon so that // it is obvious that something failed because // process will have gone away despite whatever // threads may have got started. System.exit(1); } } Log.info("Daemon runner finished."); } public void setInteractive() { _interactive = true; } /** * Main entry point for command line invocation. * @param args Arguments passed in from command line. */ public static void main(String[] args) { // Need to override in each subclass to make proper class. Daemon daemon = null; try { daemon = new Daemon(); runDaemon(daemon, args); } catch (Exception e) { Log.warning("Error attempting to start daemon."); Log.warningStackTrace(e); System.err.println("Error attempting to start daemon."); } } public Object getStatus(String daemonName, String type) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException { if (!getRMIFile(daemonName, _pid).exists()) { System.out.println("Daemon " + daemonName + " does not appear to be running."); Log.info("Daemon " + daemonName + " does not appear to be running."); return null; } ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(getRMIFile(daemonName, _pid))); DaemonListener l; try { l = (DaemonListener)in.readObject(); } finally { in.close(); } return l.status(type); } }