/* * Part of the CCNx Java Library. * * Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010 Palo Alto Research Center, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received * a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; * if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ package org.ccnx.ccn.impl.repo; import java.io.File; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.ccnx.ccn.CCNHandle; import org.ccnx.ccn.KeyManager; import org.ccnx.ccn.impl.repo.RepositoryInfo.RepositoryInfoObject; import org.ccnx.ccn.profiles.nameenum.NameEnumerationResponse; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.ContentName; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.ContentObject; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.Interest; /** * A RepositoryStore stores ContentObjects for later retrieval * by Interest and supports enumeration of names. * A variety of different implementations are possible; typically * RepositoryStores will provide persistence of * content through use of an external stable store like * a filesystem. A RepositoryStore is the lower half of * a full persistent Repository, the part that handles * the storage, as opposed to the Repository Protocol which * is implemented by a RepositoryServer. * */ public interface RepositoryStore { public static final String REPO_POLICY = "policy.xml"; public static final String REPO_NAMESPACE = "/ccn/repository"; public static final String REPO_DATA = "data"; public static final String REPO_LOGGING = "repo"; public static final String REPO_SIMPLE_STATUS_REQUEST = "simpleStatus"; /** * Initialize the repository * @param repositoryRoot * @param policyFile policy file to use or null * @param localName may be null * @param globalPrefix may be null * @param nameSpace initial namespace for repository * @param handle optional CCNHandle if caller wants to override the * default connection/identity behavior of the repository -- this * provides a KeyManager and handle for the repository to use to * obtain its keys and communicate with ccnd. If null, the repository * will configure its own based on policy, or if none, create one * using the executing user's defaults. * @throws RepositoryException */ public void initialize(String repositoryRoot, File policyFile, String localName, String globalPrefix, String nameSpace, CCNHandle handle) throws RepositoryException; /** * Get the handle the repository is using to communicate with ccnd. * This encapsulates the repository's KeyManager, which determines * the identity (set of keys) the repository uses to sign messages * it generates. That handle couuld be created by the repository * or provided in a constructor. * * @return may return null if initialize() has not yet been called. */ public CCNHandle getHandle(); /** * Save the specified content in the repository. If content is added to a name that has * been the subject of a name enumeration request without a newer version at that time, * the save will trigger a response to avoid forcing the enumerating node to wait for an * Interest timeout to ask again. * @param content * @return NameEnumerationResponse */ public NameEnumerationResponse saveContent(ContentObject content) throws RepositoryException; /** * Return the matching content if it exists * @param interest Interest to match * @return */ public ContentObject getContent(Interest interest) throws RepositoryException; /** * Check for content matching the given name, without retrieving the content itself. * @param name ContentName to match exactly, including digest as final explicit component * @return true if there is a ContentObject with exactly the given name, false otherwise */ public boolean hasContent(ContentName name) throws RepositoryException; /** * Bulk import of data from a file. Data must be in a format compatible with the * repository store. This would normally mean wire format * @param fileName the name of the file to import data from. * @return false if reexpression for import in progress * @throws RepositoryException */ public boolean bulkImport(String name) throws RepositoryException; /** * Get namespace interest * @return */ public ArrayList<ContentName> getNamespace(); /** * Set the policy with XML based policy * @param policy */ public void setPolicy(Policy policy); /** * Get the current policy * @return */ public Policy getPolicy(); /** * Get information about repository to return to write * requestor, possibly with confirmation filename for sync * @param name ContentName of netobject to write back out * @param info arbitrary String info to be returned * @param names Names of acked data for Ack protocol (currently unused) * * @return */ RepositoryInfoObject getRepoInfo(ContentName name, String info, ArrayList<ContentName> names); /** * Get names to respond to name enumeration requests. Returns null if there * is nothing after the prefix or if there is nothing new after the prefix if * there is a version on the incoming interest * @param i NameEnumeration Interest defining which names to get * @param responseName * @return NameEnumerationResponse */ public NameEnumerationResponse getNamesWithPrefix(Interest i, ContentName responseName); /** * Hook to shutdown the store (close files for example) */ public void shutDown(); /** * Get the global prefix for this repository */ public ContentName getGlobalPrefix(); /** * Get the local name for this repository */ public String getLocalName(); /** * Execute diagnostic operation. The diagnostic operations are * particular to the implementation and are intended for testing * and debugging only. * @param name the name of the implementation-specific diagnostic operation to perform * @return true if diagnostic operation is supported and was performed, false otherwise */ public boolean diagnostic(String name); /** * Get the repo's key manager. We should sign all repo data using this keymanager * @return the KeyManager */ public KeyManager getKeyManager(); /** * Get implementation defined status */ public Object getStatus(String type); }