Copyright 2015 Tim Engler, Rareventure LLC
This file is part of Tiny Travel Tracker.
Tiny Travel Tracker is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Tiny Travel Tracker is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Tiny Travel Tracker. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.rareventure.gps2.database.cachecreator;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.util.Log;
import com.rareventure.android.AndroidPreferenceSet.AndroidPreferences;
import com.rareventure.android.DbUtil;
import com.rareventure.android.Util;
import com.rareventure.gps2.CacheException;
import com.rareventure.gps2.GTG;
import com.rareventure.gps2.GTG.GTGEvent;
import com.rareventure.gps2.GpsTrailerCrypt;
import com.rareventure.gps2.database.GpsLocationRow;
import com.rareventure.gps2.database.TAssert;
import com.rareventure.gps2.database.cache.AreaPanel;
import com.rareventure.gps2.database.cache.AreaPanelSpaceTimeBox;
import com.rareventure.gps2.database.cache.TimeTree;
import com.rareventure.gps2.database.cachecreator.ViewNode.VNStatus;
import com.rareventure.gps2.reviewer.map.GpsTrailerOverlay;
import com.rareventure.gps2.reviewer.map.OsmMapGpsTrailerReviewerMapActivity;
import com.rareventure.gps2.reviewer.map.ViewLine;
import com.rareventure.util.ReadWriteThreadManager;
//TODO 3: 3d view with time being z (or id)
* Creates the cache which is used to display the ui map in GpsTrailerOverlayDrawer.
* Note, this is a thread because it takes a long time to commit, and we really can't
* block the drawer thread while this is going on. Even though the user shouldn't be too
* far out of sync, it can take quite awhile even to process a few days worth of points,
* so we need this.
* It uses GTG.rwtm for locking purposes. Anytime a thread wants to read from
* apCache or viewNode it must lock itself through GTG.rwtm. In addition, when
* a thread is waiting on the lock, this thread will quit processing as soon as possible
public class GpsTrailerCacheCreator extends Thread {
private static final int SOFT_COMMITS_PER_ROUND = 25;
* Number of gps points to process before giving a progress update
private static final int NUM_GPS_PROCESSING_PER_PROGRESS_UPDATE = 250;
* bit flag for calcViewNodes. Indicates all the nodes haven't finished
* being calculated
public static final int CALC_VIEW_NODES_STILL_MORE_NODES_TO_CALC = 1;
* bit flag for calcViewNodes. Indicates some view nodes have been altered
* in a way for them to require lines to/from them to be recalculated
public static final int CALC_VIEW_NODES_LINES_NEED_RECALC = 2;
* Amount of distance in meters used as a constant to determine how much of
* the average vs the current point to use
private static final int GPS_JITTER_METERS = 99;
private static final double AVERAGE_DECAY_PERC = 0.1;
public static Preferences prefs = new Preferences();
private ViewNode headVn;
//note that we don't use a SparseIntArray because it is inefficient when adding or deleting,
// in fact I don't see why its so hyped at all??
//not that hashmap is that great either, but if we really want to improve efficiency we should
//make an integer hashmap
//note that we put these in cache creator because headVn is in cache creator. If we put these
// in classes related to the main screen, and the user leaves and reenters the screen,
//then the view nodes would still be present, but the view lines would not
//TODO 2.5 possibly fix the above???
public HashMap<Integer,ViewLine> startTimeToViewLine = new HashMap<Integer,ViewLine>();
public HashMap<Integer,ViewLine> endTimeToViewLine = new HashMap<Integer,ViewLine>();
public ReadWriteThreadManager viewNodeThreadManager = new ReadWriteThreadManager();
//we use the drawer of this to alert the map view that its viewnodes have changed
//after we load some stuff in our cache
//whether the medialoctimemap is up to date with the gallery
private boolean mediaDirty = true;
public int minTimeSec;
public int maxTimeSec;
public OsmMapGpsTrailerReviewerMapActivity gtum;
public boolean isShutdown;
public GpsTrailerCacheCreator() {
// Log.d(GTG.TAG, "GpsTrailerCacheCreator: created! "+this);
headVn = ViewNode.createHeadViewNode();
//we never really die, just pause or unpause.
AreaPanel ap = GTG.apCache.getTopRow();
minTimeSec = ap.getTimeTree().getMinTimeSecs();
maxTimeSec = ap.getTimeTree().getMaxTimeSecs();
minTimeSec = maxTimeSec = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis()/1000);
// create top area panel
AreaPanel topAreaPanel = GTG.apCache.newRow();
topAreaPanel.setData(0, 0, AreaPanel.DEPTH_TO_WIDTH.length - 1);
try {
//we clear the dirty rows only after the transaction is committed so we
//don't attempt to read an updated or inserted row while the commit is
//being done, which is unsupported
catch(IOException e)
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
public void setGtum(OsmMapGpsTrailerReviewerMapActivity gtum)
this.gtum = gtum;
public static double calcTrDist(int startTime, int endTime, ReadWriteThreadManager writingRwtm) {
try {
//now we need to find the biggest ap with a start time equal to the best start time,
// and an end time that is less or equal to the minimum of the tr end time and the
// stb end time, unless the lowest level ap's time tree extends beyond the end time,
// in which case we use that
// (which indicates that its dist is the distance of the travel to the ap plus the distance
// within the time range and the ap itself and also within the stb.... because time ranges
// can extend beyond the ends of the stb... However, at the lowest level, the time tree might
// extend beyond the stb edge (because tt's overlap to the next ap), and if so, we must use
// that, since the distance of that tt is always dist from prev point to current ap, so it
// would be correct to use that.
//the tt of the largest ap with a start time that is closest to startTime without exceeding it.
//note that at there should be many ap's with the same start time that encapsulate each other.
// We want the largest one so we can advance the time as fast as possible
//note also that this won't always be start time in the case that a time range is cut off by the start of the stb
int bestStartTime = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
TimeTree bestTtInPath = null;
AreaPanel bestApInPath = null;
double dist = 0;
AreaPanel ap = GTG.apCache.getTopRow();
if(ap == null || ap.getTimeTree() == null)
return 0;
//we limit the range to the area actually calculated so that we have conitinous
//coverage over all times (to avoid triggering some sanity checks)
startTime = Math.max(ap.getStartTimeSec(), startTime);
endTime = Math.min(ap.getEndTimeSec(), endTime);
if(startTime >= endTime)
return 0;
//the ap used in the last time range calculation
//we use this so that we don't need to go down all the way to zero
//depth to determine the biggest ap that is entered at the start time
//(if the ap doesn't overlap the lastTimeAp, then we know it will be the
// ap the current start time first entered)
AreaPanel lastTimeAp = null;
for (;;) {
int i;
//note, we need the following because when we are determining the initial
//area panel in the time range, we may hit either the prior ap or the next
//ap (since the time ranges overlap). We are only interested in the next
//ap after the startTime, so we traverse all of them.
TimeTree bestCurrLevelChildTt = null;
int bestCurrLevelStartTime = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
AreaPanel bestCurrLevelChildAp = null;
//find the child that has a bottom level tt that encompasses the startTime (there should be only one)
for (i = AreaPanel.NUM_SUB_PANELS-1; i >= 0; i--) {
AreaPanel childAp = ap.getSubAreaPanel(i);
if (childAp == null)
if(writingRwtm != null)
if (writingRwtm.isWritingHoldingUpWritingThreads()) {
return -1;
TimeTree childTt = childAp.getTimeTree()
if(childTt != null && childTt.getMinTimeSecs() >= bestStartTime &&
childTt.getMinTimeSecs() > bestCurrLevelStartTime)
bestCurrLevelChildAp = childAp;
bestCurrLevelChildTt = childTt;
bestCurrLevelStartTime = childTt.getMinTimeSecs();
//if we know the ap just prior to the start time, then
//we can be sure we have hit the next tt rather than the prior one
if(lastTimeAp != null && !childAp.overlaps(lastTimeAp))
//note that there should always be an encompassing child because startTime is taken from a time range
//which means that we have already determined that this time is within some ap somewhere
if (bestCurrLevelChildTt == null)
throw new CacheException(
"Couldn't find a child ap encompassing time "
+ startTime);
//note, if at the lowest level, the distance won't be anything greater than the distance from the
//prev ap to the current ap, so we don't have to worry about end time at that point
//(note that the reason we care about end time is we don't want an ap that extends beyond
// the requested end time, since that would have a distance that includes a time that is after
// the requested time.
if (bestCurrLevelChildTt != null
&& bestCurrLevelChildTt.getMinTimeSecs() >= bestStartTime) {
//notice we are only including child tt's that have a later start time and still
//are valid, > vs the >= in the above if
if (bestCurrLevelChildTt.getMinTimeSecs() > bestStartTime
&& (bestCurrLevelChildTt.getMaxTimeSecs() <= endTime || bestCurrLevelChildAp
.getDepth() == 0)) {
bestStartTime = bestCurrLevelChildTt.getMinTimeSecs();
bestTtInPath = bestCurrLevelChildTt;
bestApInPath = bestCurrLevelChildAp;
//we need to go to depth zero on the first try, because we need to subtract the distance between
//the prior ap and the current one. After that, we add the distances between the ap's together
//so we only need to find an ap that exists outside of the last one we visited
if(bestCurrLevelChildAp.getDepth() == 0 || bestCurrLevelChildAp == bestApInPath
&& lastTimeAp != null && !lastTimeAp.overlaps(bestCurrLevelChildAp))
dist += bestTtInPath.getPrevAndCurrDistM();
if(lastTimeAp == null)
//considering that the best ap may not be zero level and getPrevAndCurrDistM returns
//the distance within the area panel added to the distance from the prior ap
//to the current ap, we need to remove this first part.
//in order to do so, we find the bottom level ap, whos getPrevAndCurrDistM will
//return just the distance from the prior ap to the current ap and is contained
//within the ap
dist -= bestCurrLevelChildTt.getPrevAndCurrDistM();
//if we've reached the end of the tr
if (bestTtInPath.getMaxTimeSecs() >= endTime)
return dist; //we're finished, so return the distance
lastTimeAp = bestApInPath;
ap = GTG.apCache.getTopRow();
startTime = bestTtInPath.getMaxTimeSecs();
//note, we need to reset bestStartTime even though we are on to
//the next start time which is after the current area panel.
//This is because a large ap that encompasses both the previous
//ap and the next one will have an encompassing tt with a start
//time that may be less then the prior ap
bestStartTime = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
bestTtInPath = null;
bestApInPath = null;
else //otherwise, we need to go to the child that encompasses the start time, recursively,
//until we find one that has an encompassing time range that doesn't extend beyond the
//end time
ap = bestCurrLevelChildAp;
} // end for(;;) while we haven't reached end time
} finally {
public void run()
try {
long nextTimeToLoadPointsMs = 0;
long nextTimeToLoadMediaMs = 0;
//make sure we aren't running out of room
long currTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
//look for new gps points to be cached
if(nextTimeToLoadPointsMs < currTime )
nextTimeToLoadPointsMs = System.currentTimeMillis() + prefs.areaPanelUpdateGpsLocSpinLockMs;
//update the media (images and videos) r-tree based on the media
// urls
if(this.mediaDirty && gtum != null)
//if we finished updating all the images
if(GTG.mediaLocTimeMap.updateFromGallery(this, gtum.getContentResolver()))
this.mediaDirty = false;
//there are two things to wait for. First, for gps service to collect more points,
// and second, for the drawer thread to finish calculating its view nodes so they are
// no longer dirty (to make it easy we don't update view nodes until they are all clean)
//TODO 3: we should use a push mechanism for gps updates.
//TODO 3: we are using the fact that this always runs to clear out deleted mlts
// periodically. we should probably have a notification mechanism
//we wait until we think there may be more points if we're fully updated, or
// for a short while if we were not fully finished since last time
long waitTime = ((mediaDirty && gtum != null) ? 0 : nextTimeToLoadPointsMs - System.currentTimeMillis());
// Log.d(GTG.TAG, "Sleeping for "+waitTime);
if(waitTime > 0)
//wait for more gps data. the gps service will notify us if it processes
//a point
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// we should never be interrupted
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
catch(RuntimeException e)
throw e;
catch(Error e)
throw e;
// public static void createFakeDataHack(int hackStop) {
// int lastGpsLocId = prefs.lastPointCachedId;
// if(lastGpsLocId >= hackStop)
// {
// Log.e("HACK","Already reached hackStop, "+hackStop);
// return;
// }
// throw new
// IllegalStateException("you don't want to use the real database, I think");
// int startId = 9604;
// int repeats = 300;
// Random r = new Random(1000);
// SQLiteDatabase db = GTG.db;
// //first we load the data in memory.
// ArrayList<GpsLocationRow> rows = new ArrayList<GpsLocationRow>();
// GpsLocationRow currGpsLocRow = GpsTrailerCrypt.allocateGpsLocationRow();
// SQLiteCursor c = (SQLiteCursor) currGpsLocRow.query(db,
// GpsLocationRow.TABLE_NAME, "_id >= ?", "_id",
// new String [] { String.valueOf(startId) });
// //CTODO 2: keeps drawing overlay over and over when the bubble is up in a
// busy loop
// //try for closing the cursor in a finally
// try {
// //while processing this query
// while(c.moveToNext())
// {
// currGpsLocRow = GpsTrailerCrypt.allocateGpsLocationRow();
// currGpsLocRow.readRow(c);
// rows.add(currGpsLocRow);
// }
// }
// finally {
// DbUtil.closeCursors(c);
// }
// Log.i(GpsTrailer.TAG,
// "creating cache HACK for "+startId+" to "+currGpsLocRow.id+" repeats "+repeats);
// GpsLocationRow lastGpsLocRow = GpsTrailerCrypt.allocateGpsLocationRow();
// currGpsLocRow = GpsTrailerCrypt.allocateGpsLocationRow();
// long time = 0;
// boolean firstTime = true;
// int lastIndex = 0;
// int currGpsLocId = rows.get(rows.size()-1).id;
// while(repeats-- >= 0)
// {
// Log.i(GpsTrailer.TAG, "repeats "+repeats);
// db.beginTransaction();
// try {
// Log.i(GpsTrailer.TAG, "fake id is "+currGpsLocId);
// int i = rows.size()-1;
// boolean forwards = false;
// while(i < rows.size())
// {
// if(!firstTime)
// {
// lastGpsLocRow.copyRow2(currGpsLocRow);
// lastGpsLocRow.id = currGpsLocRow.id;
// currGpsLocRow.copyRow2(rows.get(i));
// currGpsLocRow.id = rows.get(i).id;
// time = currGpsLocRow.hackRandomize(r, time,
// time + Math.abs(currGpsLocRow.getTime() - rows.get(lastIndex).getTime()),
// 120 * 60 * 1000, 500, 3, 3);
// currGpsLocRow.id = currGpsLocId;
// if(currGpsLocId % 50 == 0)
// {
// GTG.turnOnMethodTracing = true;
// }
// if(currGpsLocId <= lastGpsLocId)
// Log.d("GTG","Skipping "+currGpsLocId);
// else
// processGpsPoint(lastGpsLocRow, currGpsLocRow);
// if(currGpsLocId % 50 == 0)
// {
// GTG.turnOnMethodTracing = false;
// }
// }
// else
// {
// currGpsLocRow.copyRow2(rows.get(i));
// currGpsLocRow.id = rows.get(i).id;
// time = rows.get(i).getTime();
// firstTime = false;
// }
// lastIndex = i;
// i += forwards ? 1 : -1;
// if(i < 0)
// {
// i = 0;
// forwards = true;
// }
// if(currGpsLocId >= GTG.HACK_STOP)
// break;
// currGpsLocId++;
// } // while going through the rows in both directions
// prefs.lastPointCachedId = currGpsLocRow.id;
// //save the position we've gotten to in androidprefs
// GTG.prefSet.saveIndividualPrefToDatabase( db, prefs,
// "lastPointCachedId");
// GTG.apCache.commitDirtyRows();
// db.setTransactionSuccessful();
// }
// finally
// {
// db.endTransaction();
// }
// Log.i(GpsTrailer.TAG, "finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
// }
// }
public static void clearOutDbHack(boolean force) {
if (GTG.CLEAR_OUT || force) {
try {
//TODO 3: WARNING!!!!!!! not sure if open works right after a close and delete
catch(IOException e)
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
Log.i("GTG", "Done clearing database");
public synchronized void notifyMediaDirty()
/* ttt_installer:remove_line */Log.d(GTG.TAG,"notifying media dirty");
mediaDirty = true;
* @return true if all points have been calculated for the current set of gps points
public boolean loadNextPoints() {
if(GTG.timmyDb.getProperty("lastPointReadId") == null)
try {
catch(IOException e)
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
* The last gps row we read from the database for caching purposes,
* regardless if it was successful or not.
* Note, the reason for this is because if we try processing a whole
* block of points and for some reason they all failed, we would not
* want to start back at the last successful one, because then we'd get
* into an infinite loop.
int origLastPointReadId, lastPointReadId;
origLastPointReadId = lastPointReadId = Integer.parseInt(GTG.timmyDb.getProperty("lastPointReadId"));
* The last point gps row we successfully processed
int origLastPointCachedId, lastPointCachedId;
origLastPointCachedId = lastPointCachedId = Integer.parseInt(GTG.timmyDb.getProperty("lastPointCachedId"));
int lastAdjLatm = Integer.parseInt(GTG.timmyDb.getProperty("lastAdjLatm"));
int lastAdjLonm = Integer.parseInt(GTG.timmyDb.getProperty("lastAdjLonm"));
//note these have to be hex rather than just the printed representation because
// some floating point numbers cannot be represented exactly accurately using the printed notation
double avgLatm = Util.hexToDouble(GTG.timmyDb.getProperty("avgLatm"));
double avgLonm = Util.hexToDouble(GTG.timmyDb.getProperty("avgLonm"));
//true if this is the very first point were processing
//TODO 2.5 hack, we should probably not have a top row at all if there are no points
boolean isVeryFirst = GTG.apCache.getTopRow() == null || GTG.apCache.getTopRow().getTimeTree() == null;
int count = 0;
//note that we set the limit so that we will read past all the points that we failed on
//plus the cache loading step. This way we guarantee we will make progress and not
//get stuck in an infinite loop ... we could skip the ones we tried to read before and
//failed, but that would be kind of complicated
//note, we multiply the difference times three over two, so for long stretches of corrupted points,
//we will eventually get past them
int limit = prefs.gpsCacheLoadingStep;
GpsLocationRow currGpsLocRow = GpsTrailerCrypt.allocateGpsLocationRow();
GpsLocationRow lastGpsLocRow = null;
Cursor c = null;
boolean atLeastOneToProcess = false;
long [] currDateMsToLatestDateMs = new long[2];
// this try is to close the transaction with a finally
//and for removing the rwtm locks
try {
/* ttt_installer:remove_line */Log.d(GTG.TAG,"Started apCaching...");
for(int softCommitCounter = 0; softCommitCounter < SOFT_COMMITS_PER_ROUND; softCommitCounter++)
//for the first time, we need to load the previous item because we don't have one
if(lastGpsLocRow == null)
c = GTG.gpsLocDbAccessor.query( "_id = ? or _id > ?", "_id limit " +
new String[] { String.valueOf(lastPointCachedId), String.valueOf(lastPointReadId) });
c = GTG.gpsLocDbAccessor.query( "_id > ?", "_id limit " +
new String[] { String.valueOf(lastPointReadId) });
// Log.d(GTG.TAG, "Getting next batch of rows, lastPointReadId="+lastPointReadId
// +", lastPointCachedId="+lastPointCachedId+" total limit="+limit+
// ", lastAdjLonm="+lastAdjLonm+", lastAdjLatm="+lastAdjLatm
// +", avgLonm="+avgLonm+", avgLatm="+avgLatm);
int currGpsLocId = lastPointReadId;;
break; //break out of the soft commit loop
// while processing this query
while (c.moveToNext() && !GTG.HACK_TURN_OFF_APCACHE_LOADING) {
currGpsLocId = c.getInt(0);
try {
GTG.gpsLocDbAccessor.readRow(currGpsLocRow, c);
} catch (Exception e) {
// sometimes the encryption fails to work (not often)
// TODO 3: figure out how to fail gracefully in these
// situations
Log.e("GTG", "Error reading row " + c.getInt(0)
+ ", skipping", e);
if (lastGpsLocRow == null) {
lastGpsLocRow = currGpsLocRow;
currGpsLocRow = GpsTrailerCrypt.allocateGpsLocationRow();
//if this is the very first processable row
if(lastAdjLatm == 0 && lastAdjLonm == 0)
lastAdjLonm = lastGpsLocRow.getLonm();
lastAdjLatm = lastGpsLocRow.getLatm();
avgLonm = lastAdjLonm;
avgLatm = lastAdjLatm;
currDateMsToLatestDateMs[0] = currGpsLocRow.getTime();
GTG.alert(GTGEvent.PROCESSING_GPS_POINTS, true, currDateMsToLatestDateMs);
//if there are threads waiting to run, now is a good time to do it, since
//we're at a discrete point of creating the apcaches
//Note that the drawer thread won't give up its reading lock until the view
//is completely up to date, so we don't have to worry about the viewnodes
//being half updated
//note, we can use the headVn stbox because all vn's should be clean by this point
//this is used strictly to populate the viewnode tree
int minDepth = headVn.stBox == null ? 0 : GpsTrailerOverlay.getMinDepth(headVn.stBox);
int latm = currGpsLocRow.getLatm();
int lonm = currGpsLocRow.getLonm();
double distFromAvg = Util.calcDistFromLonmLatm(lonm, latm, avgLonm, avgLatm);
double k = GPS_JITTER_METERS / (Math.abs(distFromAvg + GPS_JITTER_METERS) + distFromAvg);
int adjLonm = (int) (lonm*(1-k) + avgLonm * k);
int adjLatm = (int) (latm*(1-k) + avgLatm * k);
// //find out if we are too far away from the current location
// double distToLpf = Util.calcDistFromLonmLatm(currGpsLocRow.getLonm(), currGpsLocRow.getLatm(),
// lonm, latm);
// {
// //adjust to the current location
// lonm = (int) (currGpsLocRow.getLonm() + (currGpsLocRow.getLonm() - lonm) * MAX_LOW_PASS_FILTER_AFFECT_METERS / distToLpf);
// latm = (int) (currGpsLocRow.getLatm() + (currGpsLocRow.getLatm() - latm) * MAX_LOW_PASS_FILTER_AFFECT_METERS / distToLpf);
// }
double dist = Util.calcDistFromLonmLatm(lastAdjLonm, lastAdjLatm, adjLonm,
//xODO 2 HACK... note this messes up GpsTrailerService, since it affects the cache... caused a unique key exception, not sure why
// currGpsLocRow.setData(currGpsLocRow.getTime(),(int) lpfLatm, (int)lpfLonm, currGpsLocRow.getAltitude());
boolean wasSuccessful = processGpsPoint(dist, lastAdjLonm, lastAdjLatm, lastGpsLocRow, adjLonm, adjLatm,
currGpsLocRow, minDepth, isVeryFirst);
isVeryFirst = false;
// Log.d(GpsTrailer.TAG, "apcache misses: " + GTG.apCache.misses
// + ", hits: " + GTG.apCache.hits + ", dirtyRows " + GTG.apCache.getDirtyRowCount());
// Log.d(GpsTrailer.TAG, "Gps loc " + currGpsLocRow+" adjLonm= "+adjLonm+" adjLatm= "+adjLatm+" lastAdjLonm= "+lastAdjLonm+" lastAdjLatm= "+lastAdjLatm
// + " added " + count + " successful? "+wasSuccessful);
if (wasSuccessful) {
atLeastOneToProcess = true;
GpsLocationRow temp = lastGpsLocRow;
lastGpsLocRow = currGpsLocRow;
currGpsLocRow = temp;
lastAdjLonm = adjLonm;
lastAdjLatm = adjLatm;
//note that we use the adjusted values here, which are partially based on the average
//This creates a feedback loop so that if the phone is stationary, the noise will affect
// it less and less
//note also we use "k" which is shared by our calculation for adjustment. This makes the average
// move more or less based on whether the movement was big enough
//note also that we don't move the avg if we did not save the gps point. This is because we aren't moving
// the lastGpsLocRow either, which would change where we started next time in the condition that we
//moved through the entire cursor *this* time. If we did change the averge for every reading, we'd
//then be changing it again for the same points when we restarted, which would mean that we wouldn't
//have consistent results depending on where we stopped in the data.
avgLonm = k * avgLonm + (1-k) * adjLonm;
avgLatm = k * avgLatm + (1-k) * adjLatm;
// else
// Log.d(GpsTrailer.TAG,
// "Not switching last and current because we failed to process");
if (lastGpsLocRow.id >= GTG.HACK_FAIL_STOP)
TAssert.fail("failing cause you want me to, you know you do");
} // while we are moving through the cursor
//we save the last *successful* gps row. This is because we need to know
// the time between the last and the current row
if(lastGpsLocRow != null)
lastPointCachedId = lastGpsLocRow.id;
lastPointReadId = currGpsLocId;
if(count > 0)
minTimeSec = GTG.apCache.getTopRow().getStartTimeSec();
maxTimeSec = GTG.apCache.getTopRow().getEndTimeSec();
final OsmMapGpsTrailerReviewerMapActivity localGtum = gtum;
//notify the listeners (sort of) that the data has changed
//note, localizing incase drawer is changed between check for null and call
if(localGtum != null)
localGtum.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}// while doing soft commits
} catch (IOException e)
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
finally {
/* ttt_installer:remove_line */Log.d(GTG.TAG,"loadNextPoints, count is "+count);
//co: the flickering is very annoying caused by turning the
// processing gps points message on and off, so we just leave it on unless we are really
// going to sleep
// GTG.alert(GTGEvent.PROCESSING_GPS_POINTS, false);
//note that we can commit to the db while reading from the cache without problems
if(origLastPointCachedId != lastPointCachedId ||
origLastPointReadId != lastPointReadId)
GTG.timmyDb.setProperty("lastPointCachedId", lastPointCachedId);
GTG.timmyDb.setProperty("lastPointReadId", lastPointReadId);
GTG.timmyDb.setProperty("lastAdjLatm", lastAdjLatm);
GTG.timmyDb.setProperty("lastAdjLonm", lastAdjLonm);
GTG.timmyDb.setProperty("avgLatm", Util.doubleToHex(avgLatm));
GTG.timmyDb.setProperty("avgLonm", Util.doubleToHex(avgLonm));
else if(GTG.timmyDb.inTransaction())
} catch (IOException e)
/* ttt_installer:remove_line */Log.e(GTG.TAG,"Exception",e);
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
finally {
//if we updated any gps locs at all, we may have affected the
//location of some of the images and video
if(count != 0)
// note that we don't use GTG.rwtm for this because mediaLocTimeMap
// doesn't use GTG.rwtm at all
return !atLeastOneToProcess;
* Adds one gps point to the apcache and ttcache.
* @param lpfLatm
* @param lpfLonm
* @param lastLpfLatm
* @param lastLpfLonm
private boolean processGpsPoint(double dist, int lastLpfLonm, int lastLpfLatm, GpsLocationRow lastGpsLocRow,
int lpfLonm, int lpfLatm, GpsLocationRow currGpsLocRow, int minDepth, boolean isVeryFirst) {
int lastTimeSec = (int) (lastGpsLocRow.getTime() / 1000);
int timeSec = (int) (currGpsLocRow.getTime() / 1000);
// AreaPanels only keep time to the second, therefore we compare seconds
// to check for equal times
// In addition, I believe that the way that line calculations work, each
// areapanel must overlap its time with the next area panel. Because so
// we need at least 2 seconds of separation between them. In addition,
// strangely (TODO 3) the code is only extending the previous ap to timeSec -1,
// rather than timeSec, and I'm not sure why, but I don't want to tweak
// it now. So I'm making them have to be at least 3 seconds apart for this
// TODO 3: do we want to change that we store time as ints in AreaPanel?
if (lastTimeSec >= timeSec -2) {
// Log.d(GpsTrailer.TAG, "Skipping gps loc row " + currGpsLocRow.id
// + " since it has the same time as previous measurement");
return false;
if (currGpsLocRow.getTime() < lastGpsLocRow.getTime()) {
// TODO 3: What do we really want to do for this? It can be tricky
// if the time is set to something far in
// the future.. will we have to delete points? Maybe check them for
// sanity beforehand? But how can we do that
// if it's an on the fly thing?
// Log.d(GpsTrailer.TAG,
// "Skipping gps loc row "
// + currGpsLocRow.id
// + " since it has a previous time than that of the last successful row");
return false;
// Log.d(GpsTrailer.TAG, "Processing gps loc row " + currGpsLocRow
// + " last row time " + lastGpsLocRow.getTime());
// we load the data in chunks to save memory (also if loading more than
// 4000 rows, an i/o exception is thrown by
// sqlite)
int lastX = AreaPanel.convertLonmToX(lastLpfLonm);
int lastY = AreaPanel.convertLatmToY(lastLpfLatm);
int x = AreaPanel.convertLonmToX(lpfLonm);
int y = AreaPanel.convertLatmToY(lpfLatm);
if (lastX == x && lastY == y) {
// Log.d(GpsTrailer.TAG, "Skipping gps loc row " + currGpsLocRow.id
// + " since it has the same location as previous measurement");
return false;
// Log.d(GpsTrailer.TAG, "processing row lastX "+lastX+" "+"lastY "+lastY+" x "+x+" y "+y);
// this will handle processing the item
isVeryFirst ? null : GTG.apCache.getTopRow(), lastX, lastY, x, y, lastTimeSec, timeSec,
//if head is unknown, we'll just let calcViewableNodes handle it
if(headVn.status != null)
//add to the view node, so we can update the current view
headVn.addPointToHead(x, y, lastTimeSec, timeSec, minDepth);
return true;
* Calculate viewable nodes for a given space time box
* @param newLocalStBox
* @param minDepth
* @param earliestOnScreenPoint
* @param latestOnScreenPoint
* @return
public int calcViewableNodes(AreaPanelSpaceTimeBox newLocalStBox,
int minDepth, int earliestOnScreenPoint, int latestOnScreenPoint) {
// Log.d("GPS", "calcViewableNodes start");
try {
if (newLocalStBox != headVn.stBox) {
/* ttt_installer:remove_line */Log.d("GPS", "Turning on all dirty flags");
//if not dirty and kids aren't dirty
if (headVn.dirtyDescendents == 0) {
/* ttt_installer:remove_line */Log.d("GPS", "Finished because there are no more unkNodes in head");
return 0;
if(headVn.dirtyDescendents < 0)
TAssert.fail("why is dirtyDescendents below zero? " +headVn);
ViewNode vn = headVn;
// path from head node to current node
ArrayList<ViewNode> parentsAndCurrent = new ArrayList<ViewNode>(
boolean linesRecalcNeeded = false;
// find an unknown guy with the smallest density (to work on next),
// unless the stBox has changed since the
// last time the vn has been visited, in which case, we check it
// immediately.
// PERF: it doesnt make sense to do only one child if its siblings also
// are viewable in the display
// area, since we can't really display it without knowing whether its
// siblings are set or not
while (!vn.needsProcessing(newLocalStBox)) {
// note, we know the vn has children, because a leaf node which is
// not unk,
// would have a zero dirtyDescendents
// wouldn't be
// chosen (ie, below selfOrDescendentsNeedProcessing() would return
// false
// for one its parents)
int minDensity = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
ViewNode bestChild = null;
if (vn.ap().getDepth() == minDepth)
TAssert.fail("Why does node say its dirty but doesn't need processing and is "
+ " at the lowest level? " + vn+" min depth "+minDepth);
// find child with fewest "on" dots with unknown descendents
// remaining to process
// (this allows us not work too hard on a big blob with a huge
// number of points,
// and concentrate on distinct features of small sets of points
// first)
for (ViewNode child : vn.children) {
if(child == null)
// in order to display one child of a parent, all the other
// children
// of the same parent must not be unknown, so before we work on
// any
// of the children of the children of this node, we have to
// process
// all the children of the current parent
if (child.needsProcessing(newLocalStBox)) {
bestChild = child;
int childDensity;
if (child.dirtyDescendents > 0
&& (childDensity = child.getDensity(newLocalStBox)) < minDensity) {
minDensity = childDensity;
bestChild = child;
// if we couldn't find any child to do work on
if (bestChild == null) {
TAssert.fail("why is parent dirty without a child: "
+ parentsAndCurrent+" children "+Arrays.toString(vn.children));
vn = bestChild;
// now that we know which one we're going to work on, process it
// Log.d("GPS","Handling "+parentsAndCurrent);
if (vn.stBox == newLocalStBox) // if the view hasn't changed at all
TAssert.fail("Why are we trying to update a view node when the stBox hasn't changed???");
boolean onStatus;
int [] overlappingTimeRange = null;
AreaPanel ap = vn.ap();;
//note that vn.stBox can be null for new empty databases
if (vn.status == null || vn.stBox == null ||
vn.stBox.isPathsChanged(newLocalStBox)) {
onStatus = ap.overlapsStbXY(newLocalStBox)
&& (overlappingTimeRange = vn.checkTimeInterval(newLocalStBox)) != null;
else // we have a previous calculation to start from
if (vn.status == ViewNode.VNStatus.SET) {
if (ap.outsideOfXY(newLocalStBox)) {
onStatus = false;
//if the time hasn't decreased, we know the point is still displayed. However,
//if we are the tail or head point, the overlapping range might expand if
// the time range has expanded in the appropriate direction, so we fall through
// in that case
else if (!vn.timeDecreasedMeaningfully(newLocalStBox, ap)
&& vn.overlappingRange[1] != latestOnScreenPoint
&& vn.overlappingRange[0] != earliestOnScreenPoint)
onStatus = true;
overlappingTimeRange = vn.overlappingRange;
else {
// check the time interval and check if it overlaps
onStatus = (overlappingTimeRange = vn.checkTimeInterval(newLocalStBox)) != null;
// vn.status is EMPTY
else {
if (ap.outsideOfXY(newLocalStBox))
onStatus = false;
// if we would have turned on based on position last time, (but
// were empty), then the
// only way we can be on is if the time range increased
// meaningfully relative to the areapanel
else if(vn.stBox != null && !vn.outsideOfXY(vn.stBox, ap) &&
!(vn.timeIncreasedMeaningfully(newLocalStBox, ap)))
onStatus = false;
else {
onStatus = (overlappingTimeRange = vn.checkTimeInterval(newLocalStBox)) != null;
if (onStatus) {
vn.overlappingRange = overlappingTimeRange;
boolean childrenDirty;
//if we were not set, the point is mute, because there aren't any children
//but there is no need to check as well
if(vn.status != VNStatus.SET||
childrenDirty = true;
linesRecalcNeeded = true;
else if(vn.timeChangedMeaningfullyWithRegardsToChildren(newLocalStBox))
childrenDirty = true;
linesRecalcNeeded = true;
else if(vn.xyChangedMeaningfullyWithRegardsToChildren(newLocalStBox))
childrenDirty = true;
else childrenDirty = false;
vn.setSetStatus(parentsAndCurrent, newLocalStBox, childrenDirty,
} else
vn.setEmptyStatus(parentsAndCurrent, newLocalStBox);
//note, we don't have to worry about clearing the line views for nodes where the chidren are
//being changed from unknown to set for it, because the timesToLines will be the same
//and will overwrite the line views that share the same timesToLines
// we did some work
finally {
public Iterator<ViewNode> getViewNodeIter() {
return new Iterator<ViewNode>() {
private ArrayList<ViewNode> path = new ArrayList<ViewNode>();
private ViewNode nextNode = doNext();
public boolean hasNext()
return nextNode != null;
public ViewNode next()
ViewNode localNextNode = nextNode;
nextNode = doNext();
return localNextNode;
public ViewNode doNext() {
ViewNode previousSibling = null;
boolean currentViewNodeWasDisplayed;
if (path.size() == 0) {
if (//headVn.needsProcessing(stBox) ||
headVn.status != VNStatus.SET)
return null;
// start it off so we look at headVn's children
currentViewNodeWasDisplayed = false;
} else {
// we displayed the last element of path already for the
// previous call
// and are now tasked to find the next one to display
// (contrast this with moving up the path to the parent
// nodes and
// then drilling back downwards)
currentViewNodeWasDisplayed = true;
// find the next node that has unknown children, which
// represents the
// best information we have so far (which we are continually
// updating by reading the db)
while (path.size() > 0) {
ViewNode vn = path.get(path.size() - 1);
if (currentViewNodeWasDisplayed) {
// set the previous sibling, so we will display the next
// one
// next time and go downwards once again
previousSibling = path.remove(path.size() - 1);
currentViewNodeWasDisplayed = false;
//co because if we only display points that are not dirty, we get random flickering
// and large points (also, we commented out the needsProcessing below
// } else if (!vn.needsProcessing(stBox) && vn.status == ViewNode.VNStatus.SET) {
// // if we haven't explored vn's children yet
// if (vn.hasUnknownChildren(stBox))
// return vn;
} else {
if(vn.children == null)
return vn;
// find the next "set" ViewNode
int i = 0;
// if we already returned an area panel from this group
// of children
// and we need to go to the next one
if (previousSibling != null) {
boolean foundSibling = false;
// search for the one we previously returned
for (i = 0; i < AreaPanel.NUM_SUB_PANELS; i++) {
if (vn.children[i] == previousSibling) {
foundSibling = true;
if (!foundSibling)
TAssert.fail("couldn't find the previous sibling: "
+ i + ", " + vn + " " + previousSibling);
// find the next set child and continue
for (; i < AreaPanel.NUM_SUB_PANELS; i++) {
if (vn.children[i] != null //&& !vn.children[i].needsProcessing(stBox)
&& vn.children[i].status == ViewNode.VNStatus.SET) {
vn = vn.children[i];
// if there are no more children to go down to, we go up
// and try the next one
if (i == AreaPanel.NUM_SUB_PANELS)
previousSibling = path.remove(path.size() - 1);
previousSibling = null;
return null;
public void remove() {
throw new IllegalStateException("not implemented");
public static class Preferences implements AndroidPreferences {
* The amount of points to add each time before commiting
public int gpsCacheLoadingStep = 500;
* The number of points within an area panel to search for matches
* before giving up when combining points together
public int numPointsToSearchForMatching = 50;
* Number of milliseconds before we check the gps location table to see if it
* has points added. If points have been added, area panel cache is then updated.
public long areaPanelUpdateGpsLocSpinLockMs = 300*1000;
* @param x1
* @param y1
* @param x2
* @param y2
* @return true if any current viewable nodes overlap the given rectangle of ap units
public boolean doViewNodesIntersect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
try {
ArrayList<ViewNode> path = new ArrayList<ViewNode>();
ViewNode previousSibling = null;
if (headVn.status != VNStatus.SET)
return false;
boolean currentViewNodeWasChecked = false;
// find the next node that has unknown children, which
// represents the
// best information we have so far (which we are continually
// updating by reading the db)
while (path.size() > 0) {
ViewNode vn = path.get(path.size() - 1);
if (currentViewNodeWasChecked) {
// set the previous sibling, so we will display the next
// one
// next time and go downwards once again
previousSibling = path.remove(path.size() - 1);
currentViewNodeWasChecked = false;
//co because if we only display points that are not dirty, we get random flickering
// and large points (also, we commented out the needsProcessing below
// } else if (!vn.needsProcessing(stBox) && vn.status == ViewNode.VNStatus.SET) {
// // if we haven't explored vn's children yet
// if (vn.hasUnknownChildren(stBox))
// return vn;
} else {
AreaPanel ap = vn.ap();
if(ap.overlapsArea(x1, y1, x2, y2))
//if there are no children, then a visible node overlaps with area
if(vn.children == null)
return true;
// find the next "set" ViewNode
int i = 0;
// if we already checked an area panel from this group
// of children
// and we need to go to the next one
if (previousSibling != null) {
boolean foundSibling = false;
// search for the one we previously returned
for (i = 0; i < AreaPanel.NUM_SUB_PANELS; i++) {
if (vn.children[i] == previousSibling) {
foundSibling = true;
if (!foundSibling)
TAssert.fail("couldn't find the previous sibling: "
+ i + ", " + vn + " " + previousSibling);
// find the next set child and continue
for (; i < AreaPanel.NUM_SUB_PANELS; i++) {
if (vn.children[i] != null //&& !vn.children[i].needsProcessing(stBox)
&& vn.children[i].status == ViewNode.VNStatus.SET) {
vn = vn.children[i];
// if there are no more children to go down to, we go up
// and try the next one
if (i == AreaPanel.NUM_SUB_PANELS)
previousSibling = path.remove(path.size() - 1);
previousSibling = null;
else //if the vn doesn't overlap the area, so we go up
previousSibling = path.remove(path.size() - 1);
return false;
* Shuts down the cache creator but does not join. Note that this may take awhile
* to finish.
public void shutdown() {
synchronized (GTG.cacheCreator)
GTG.cacheCreator.isShutdown = true;