package net.techreadiness.plugin.action.reports; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import; /** * Wrapper class around the Google Visualization GeoChart. * * For this Bean to be used, you must include the following in the <head> tag on your page: * {@code <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>} * * You will also need to add a div to the page where the chart will go, like * this: <div id='mapDiv'></div> * * There is an option onSelect event that can be captured. You can set the * onSelectMethodName in this bean. Then you would define that method on the * page. Use code similar to this to view the selection: var selection = * geoChart.getSelection(); alert('You selected ' + * geoData.getRowProperty(selection[0].row, 'stateCode')); * * geoChart is the variable name of the chart object and geoData is the name of * the DataTable used in the chart. * */ public class GeoChartBean { private static final String GOOGLE_URL = ""; protected String chartDiv; protected int width; protected int height; protected String hoverLabel; protected String backgroundColor; protected List<String> colors; protected String datalessRegionColor; protected List<Data> data; protected String onSelectMethodName; protected boolean legend; private static final List<String> ST_WHITE_LIST = Lists.newArrayList("AL", "AK", "AZ", "AR", "CA", "CO", "CT", "DE", "FL", "GA", "HI", "ID", "IL", "IN", "IA", "KS", "KY", "LA", "ME", "MD", "MA", "MI", "MN", "MS", "MO", "MT", "NE", "NV", "NH", "NJ", "NM", "NY", "NC", "ND", "OH", "OK", "OR", "PA", "RI", "SC", "SD", "TN", "TX", "UT", "VT", "VA", "WA", "WV", "WI", "WY"); public GeoChartBean() { width = 1060; height = 650; chartDiv = "mapDiv"; backgroundColor = "#FFFFFF"; colors = new ArrayList<>(); addColor("#b81f4b", "#f6851f", "#fcb913", "#00a15e", "#9a9a9a"); datalessRegionColor = "#E5E5E5"; data = new ArrayList<>(); onSelectMethodName = "geoChartSelectHandler"; } public String getChartDiv() { return chartDiv; } /** * This is the id of the element the chart will be placed in. Defaults to * "mapDiv" * * @param chartDiv * HTML id attribute of the element the map should be created in. * */ public void setChartDiv(String chartDiv) { this.chartDiv = chartDiv; } public int getWidth() { return width; } /** * The width of the chart in px * * @param width * Width of the chart in pixels. * */ public void setWidth(int width) { this.width = width; } public int getHeight() { return height; } /** * The height of the chart in px * * @param height * Height of the chart in pixels. * */ public void setHeight(int height) { this.height = height; } public String getBackgroundColor() { return backgroundColor; } /** * The background color for the chart. Must be in the format "#RRGGBB" * Defaults to "#FFFFFF" * * @param backgroundColor * Hex value of the background color. * */ public void setBackgroundColor(String backgroundColor) { this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor; } public List<String> getColors() { return colors; } /** * Adds colors to be used in the gradient. Calling this method also resets * old color assignment. Colors must be in the format "#RRGGBB" * * @param colors * Hex color values to be used for the chart. * */ public void addColor(String... colors) { this.colors = new ArrayList<>(); for (String color : colors) { this.colors.add(color); } } public void setColors(List<String> colors) { this.colors = colors; } public String getDatalessRegionColor() { return datalessRegionColor; } public String getHoverLabel() { return hoverLabel; } /** * Used to set the label on the hover-over * * @param hoverLabel * Label the chart should display. * */ public void setHoverLabel(String hoverLabel) { this.hoverLabel = hoverLabel; } /** * The color that the chart assigns to the regions not specified in the * data. Must be in the format "#RRGGBB" Defaults to "#E5E5E5" * * @param datalessRegionColor * Hex color value for regions that do not have data. * */ public void setDatalessRegionColor(String datalessRegionColor) { this.datalessRegionColor = datalessRegionColor; } public List<Data> getData() { return data; } public void addData(String id, String state, String code, int data) { Data d = new Data(); = id; d.state = state; d.code = code; = data;; } public void addBooleanData(String id, String state, String code, String label) { Data d = new Data(); = id; d.state = state; d.code = code; = 1; d.formattedValue = label; data.add(d); } /** * Adds data to be used in the chart. * * @param id * Identifier for the piece of data. * * @param state * Name of the state, ex. Iowa, Ohio, Texas * @param code * Name of the state's code, ex. IA, OH, TX * @param data * The data that you are trying to plot */ public void addPercentData(String id, String state, String code, String data) { try { Data d = new Data(); = id; d.code = code; d.state = state; if ("TBD".equalsIgnoreCase(data)) { = getData(-1); d.formattedValue = "TBD"; } else { if ("".equalsIgnoreCase(data)) { = getData(-1); d.formattedValue = ""; } else { = getData(Long .valueOf(StringUtils.remove(data, '%'))); d.formattedValue = data; } }; } catch (Exception e) { // Ignore error } } /** * Adds data to be used in the chart. * * @param id * Id of the organization for the data * @param state * Name of the state, ex. Iowa, Ohio, Texas * @param code * Name of the state's code, ex. IA, OH, TX * @param data * The data that you are trying to plot */ public void addSurveyData(String id, String state, String code, String data) { try { Data d = new Data(); = id; d.code = code; d.state = state; if ("TBD".equals(data)) { = -1; d.formattedValue = "TBD"; } else if ("(missing)".equals(data)) { = getSurveyData(11); d.formattedValue = "(missing)"; } else { = getSurveyData(Double.parseDouble(data)); d.formattedValue = data; }; } catch (Exception e) { // Ignore error } } public void setData(List<Data> data) { = data; } public String getOnSelectMethodName() { return onSelectMethodName; } /** * The name of the function called when a region is selected. To disable * this functionality call onSelectMethodName(null). This method name * defaults to "geoChartSelectHandler" * @param onSelectMethodName JavaScript function name that will be called when a region is clicked. * */ public void setOnSelectMethodName(String onSelectMethodName) { this.onSelectMethodName = onSelectMethodName; } public boolean isLegend() { return legend; } /** * If true a legend is rendered with the chart. Default is true. * * @param legend * New value for the legend property. */ public void setLegend(boolean legend) { this.legend = legend; } /** * You will call this method on the page. It builds the JavaScript needed * for the chart. It will create its own <script> tags. * * @return JavaScript that loads the Google GeoChart. */ public String getChart() { final String LB = "\r\n"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(512); sb.append("var geoChart, geoData;").append(LB); sb.append( "google.load('visualization', '1', {'packages': ['geochart']});") .append(LB); sb.append("google.setOnLoadCallback(drawMap);").append(LB).append(LB); sb.append("function drawMap() {").append(LB); sb.append("geoData = new google.visualization.DataTable();").append(LB); sb.append("geoData.addRows(").append(data.size()).append(");") .append(LB); sb.append("geoData.addColumn('string', 'State');").append(LB); sb.append( "geoData.addColumn('number', '" + (hoverLabel == null ? "Percent" : hoverLabel) + "');") .append(LB); int count = 0; for (Data data : { sb.append("geoData.setValue(").append(count).append(", 0, '") .append(data.state).append("');").append(LB); sb.append("geoData.setValue(").append(count).append(", 1, ") .append(");").append(LB); sb.append("geoData.setFormattedValue(").append(count) .append(", 1, '").append(data.formattedValue).append("');") .append(LB); sb.append("geoData.setRowProperty(").append(count) .append(", 'stateCode', '").append("');") .append(LB); count++; } sb.append("var options = {};").append(LB); sb.append("options['region'] = 'US';").append(LB); sb.append("options['resolution'] = 'provinces';").append(LB); sb.append("options['colorAxis'] = { minValue : 0, maxValue : ") .append(colors.size() - 1).append(", colors : ["); for (String color : colors) { sb.append("'").append(color).append("',"); } if (colors.size() > 0) { sb.setLength(sb.length() - 1); } sb.append("]};").append(LB); sb.append("options['backgroundColor'] = '").append(backgroundColor) .append("';").append(LB); sb.append("options['datalessRegionColor'] = '") .append(datalessRegionColor).append("';").append(LB); sb.append("options['width'] = ").append(width).append(";").append(LB); sb.append("options['height'] = ").append(height).append(";").append(LB); if (!legend) { sb.append("options['legend'] = 'none';").append(LB); } sb.append( "geoChart = new google.visualization.GeoChart(document.getElementById('") .append(chartDiv).append("'));").append(LB); sb.append("geoChart.draw(geoData, options);").append(LB); if (onSelectMethodName != null && !onSelectMethodName.equals("")) { sb.append( ", 'select', ") .append(onSelectMethodName).append("); ").append(LB); } sb.append("}"); return sb.toString(); } public String getUrl() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(GOOGLE_URL); // append size sb.append("chs=").append(350).append("x").append(215); sb.append("&cht=t"); // append colors if (colors != null && !colors.isEmpty()) { sb.append("&chco=") .append(datalessRegionColor.startsWith("#") ? datalessRegionColor .substring(1) : datalessRegionColor).append(","); for (String color : colors) { sb.append(color.startsWith("#") ? color.substring(1) : color) .append(","); } sb.setLength(sb.length() - 1); } // append data if (data != null && !data.isEmpty()) { sb.append("&chld="); for (Data data : { if (ST_WHITE_LIST.contains(data.code)) { sb.append(data.code); } } sb.append("&chd=t:"); for (Data data : { if (ST_WHITE_LIST.contains(data.code)) { sb.append(","); } } sb.setLength(sb.length() - 1); if (colors.size() > 1) { sb.append("&chds=0,").append(colors.size() - 1); } } sb.append("&chtm=usa"); return sb.toString(); } public String getDCUrl() { String color = getDatalessRegionColor(); for (Data d : data) { if ("DC")) { color = colors.get(getData(; break; } } return GOOGLE_URL + "cht=map&chld=US-DC&chs=75x75&chco=FFFFFF|" + (color.startsWith("#") ? color.substring(1) : color); } private static int getData(double data) { if (data < 0) { return 4; } if (data < 26) { return 0; } if (data < 51) { return 1; } if (data < 76) { return 2; } return 3; } private static int getSurveyData(double data) { if (data < 0) { return 4; } if (data <= 3) { return 3; } if (data <= 5) { return 2; } if (data <= 7) { return 1; } return 0; } private class Data { public String id; public String state; public String code; public int data; public String formattedValue; } }