package net.techreadiness.persistence.dao; import java.util.List; import javax.persistence.Query; import javax.persistence.TypedQuery; import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder; import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery; import javax.persistence.criteria.Join; import javax.persistence.criteria.Predicate; import javax.persistence.criteria.Root; import net.techreadiness.persistence.domain.OrgDO; import net.techreadiness.persistence.domain.OrgDO_; import net.techreadiness.persistence.domain.OrgPartDO; import net.techreadiness.persistence.domain.OrgPartDO_; import net.techreadiness.persistence.domain.ScopeDO; import net.techreadiness.persistence.domain.ScopeDO_; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; @Repository public class OrgPartDAOImpl extends BaseDAOImpl<OrgPartDO> implements OrgPartDAO { @Override public OrgPartDO findOrgPart(Long orgId, Long scopeId) { CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery<OrgPartDO> cq = cb.createQuery(OrgPartDO.class); Root<OrgPartDO> root = cq.from(OrgPartDO.class); Join<OrgPartDO, OrgDO> j = root.join(; Predicate orgClause = cb.equal(j.get(OrgDO_.orgId), orgId); Join<OrgPartDO, ScopeDO> joinScope = root.join(OrgPartDO_.scope); Predicate scopeClause = cb.equal(joinScope.get(ScopeDO_.scopeId), scopeId); cq.where(orgClause, scopeClause); return getSingleResult(em.createQuery(cq)); } @Override public List<OrgDO> findOrgsPartForScope(Long scopeId, Long orgId) { String query = " select org from OrgDO org " + " join org.orgParts orgPart " + " join org.orgTrees tree " + " where orgPart.scope.scopeId = :scopeId " + " and tree.ancestorOrg.orgId = :orgId " + " order by asc , org.code asc "; return em.createQuery(query, OrgDO.class).setParameter("scopeId", scopeId).setParameter("orgId", orgId) .getResultList(); } @Override public List<OrgPartDO> findOrgPartsByScope(Long scopeId) { CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery<OrgPartDO> cq = cb.createQuery(OrgPartDO.class); Root<OrgPartDO> root = cq.from(OrgPartDO.class); Join<OrgPartDO, ScopeDO> joinScope = root.join(OrgPartDO_.scope); Predicate scopeClause = cb.equal(joinScope.get(ScopeDO_.scopeId), scopeId); cq.where(scopeClause); cq.orderBy(cb.asc(root.get(, cb.asc(root.get(; return getResultList(em.createQuery(cq)); // return em.createQuery(cq).getResultList(); } @Override public List<OrgPartDO> findOrgPartsForOrg(Long orgId) { CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery<OrgPartDO> criteria = cb.createQuery(OrgPartDO.class); Root<OrgPartDO> root = criteria.from(OrgPartDO.class); criteria.where(cb.equal(root.get(, orgId)); return em.createQuery(criteria).getResultList(); } @Override public List<OrgDO> findOrgPartsForScope(Long scopeId, Long orgId, String term) { String query = " select org from OrgDO org " + " join org.orgParts orgPart " + " join org.orgTrees tree " + " where orgPart.scope.scopeId = :scopeId " + " and tree.ancestorOrg.orgId = :orgId " + " and ( like :term " + " or org.code like :term) " + " order by asc , org.code asc "; return em.createQuery(query, OrgDO.class).setParameter("scopeId", scopeId).setParameter("orgId", orgId) .setParameter("term", "%" + term + "%").getResultList(); } @Override public void createOrgPartsForDescendants(Long scopeId, Long orgId) { String sql = "insert into OrgPartDO (org, scope) " + " select, ( select s from ScopeDO s where s.scopeId = :scopeId) from OrgTreeDO ot " + " where ancestorOrg.orgId = :orgId and distance > 0 and " + " not in " + "(select from OrgPartDO op, OrgTreeDO tree where " + " = and op.scope.scopeId = :scopeId and " + "tree.ancestorOrg.orgId = :orgId and tree.distance > 0 )"; Query query = em.createQuery(sql); query.setParameter("scopeId", scopeId); query.setParameter("orgId", orgId); query.executeUpdate(); } @Override public List<OrgPartDO> findParticipatingChildOrgParts(Long scopeId, Long orgId) { TypedQuery<OrgPartDO> query = em.createQuery("select orgPart from OrgPartDO orgPart join org " + "where org.parentOrg.orgId = :orgId and orgPart.scope.scopeId = :scopeId", OrgPartDO.class); query.setParameter("orgId", orgId); query.setParameter("scopeId", scopeId); return getResultList(query); } @Override public List<OrgPartDO> findParticipatingDescendantOrgParts(Long scopeId, Long orgId) { TypedQuery<OrgPartDO> query = em.createQuery("select op from OrgPartDO op, OrgTreeDO ot " + "where ot.ancestorOrg.orgId =:orgId and and op.scope.scopeId=:scopeId", OrgPartDO.class); query.setParameter("orgId", orgId); query.setParameter("scopeId", scopeId); return getResultList(query); } @Override public void deleteOrgParts(List<Long> orgPartIds) { Query query = em.createQuery("delete from OrgPartDO op where op.orgPartId in (:orgPartIds)"); query.setParameter("orgPartIds", orgPartIds); query.executeUpdate(); } }