package net.techreadiness.persistence.dao; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import javax.persistence.TypedQuery; import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder; import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery; import javax.persistence.criteria.Join; import javax.persistence.criteria.Predicate; import javax.persistence.criteria.Root; import net.techreadiness.persistence.domain.OrgDO; import net.techreadiness.persistence.domain.OrgDO_; import net.techreadiness.persistence.domain.OrgTypeDO_; import net.techreadiness.persistence.domain.ScopeDO; import net.techreadiness.persistence.domain.ScopeDO_; import net.techreadiness.persistence.domain.ScopeTreeDO; import net.techreadiness.persistence.domain.ScopeTreeDO_; import net.techreadiness.persistence.domain.ScopeTypeDO; import net.techreadiness.persistence.domain.ScopeTypeDO_; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import; @Repository public class OrgDAOImpl extends BaseDAOImpl<OrgDO> implements OrgDAO { @Override public List<OrgDO> findByScopeId(Long scopeId, Long orgId, int maxResults) { TypedQuery<OrgDO> query = em.createQuery("select distinct o from OrgDO o join o.orgTrees tree " + "where o.scope.scopeId = :scopeId and tree.ancestorOrg.orgId = :orgId", OrgDO.class); query.setParameter("scopeId", scopeId); query.setParameter("orgId", orgId); if (maxResults > 0) { query.setMaxResults(maxResults); } return getResultList(query); } @Override public List<OrgDO> findOrgsThatCanHaveChildren(Long scopeId, Long orgId, int maxResults) { TypedQuery<OrgDO> query = em.createQuery("select distinct o " + "from OrgDO o join o.orgTrees tree, OrgTypeDO ot, ScopeTreeDO st, ScopeDO s, ScopeTypeDO stype " + "where o.orgType.orgTypeId = ot.parentOrgType.orgTypeId " + "and ot.scope.scopeId = st.ancestorScope.scopeId " + "and s.scopeId = st.ancestorScope.scopeId " + "and s.scopeType.scopeTypeId = stype.scopeTypeId " + "and stype.allowOrg = 1 and st.scope.scopeId = :scopeId " + "and tree.ancestorOrg.orgId = :orgId", OrgDO.class); query.setParameter("scopeId", scopeId); query.setParameter("orgId", orgId); if (maxResults > 0) { query.setMaxResults(maxResults); } return query.getResultList(); } @Override public List<OrgDO> findOrgsThatCanHaveChildrenBySearchTerm(Long scopeId, Long orgId, String term, int maxResults) { TypedQuery<OrgDO> query = em.createQuery("select distinct o " + "from OrgDO o join o.orgTrees tree, OrgTypeDO ot, ScopeTreeDO st, ScopeDO s, ScopeTypeDO stype " + "where o.orgType.orgTypeId = ot.parentOrgType.orgTypeId " + "and (o.code LIKE :term " + "or LIKE :term) " + "and ot.scope.scopeId = st.ancestorScope.scopeId " + "and s.scopeId = st.ancestorScope.scopeId " + "and s.scopeType.scopeTypeId = stype.scopeTypeId " + "and stype.allowOrg = 1 and st.scope.scopeId = :scopeId " + "and tree.ancestorOrg.orgId = :orgId", OrgDO.class); query.setParameter("scopeId", scopeId); query.setParameter("orgId", orgId); query.setParameter("term", "%%"); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(term)) { query.setParameter("term", "%" + term + "%"); } if (maxResults > 0) { query.setMaxResults(maxResults); } return query.getResultList(); } @Override public OrgDO getParent(Long orgId) { TypedQuery<OrgDO> query = em.createQuery("select o from OrgDO o, OrgTreeDO ot " + "where o.orgId = ot.ancestorOrg.orgId " + "and = :orgId " + "and ot.distance = 1", OrgDO.class); query.setParameter("orgId", orgId); return getSingleResult(query); } @Override public List<OrgDO> findOrgsBySearchTerm(Long scopeId, Long orgId, String term, int maxResults) { TypedQuery<OrgDO> query = em.createQuery("select o from OrgDO o join o.orgTrees tree " + "where o.scope.scopeId =:scopeId " + "and tree.ancestorOrg.orgId = :orgId " + "AND (o.code LIKE :term " + "OR LIKE :term) " + "order by, o.code ", OrgDO.class); query.setParameter("term", "%%"); query.setParameter("scopeId", scopeId); query.setParameter("orgId", orgId); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(term)) { query.setParameter("term", "%" + term + "%"); } if (maxResults > 0) { query.setMaxResults(maxResults); } return getResultList(query); } @Override public List<OrgDO> findById(Collection<Long> orgIds) { if (orgIds.isEmpty()) { return Lists.<OrgDO> newArrayList(); } TypedQuery<OrgDO> query = em.createQuery("select org from OrgDO org where org.orgId in (:orgIds)", OrgDO.class); query.setParameter("orgIds", orgIds); return query.getResultList(); } @Override public List<OrgDO> findOrgsParticipatingInScopeThatAllowGroups(Long scopeId, Long orgId) { TypedQuery<OrgDO> query = em.createQuery(" select org from OrgDO org " + " join org.orgParts orgPart " + " join org.orgTrees orgTree " + " where orgTree.ancestorOrg.orgId = :orgId " + " and orgPart.scope.scopeId = :scopeId " + " and orgPart.scope.scopeType.allowGroup = true " + " and org.orgType.allowGroup = true " + " order by, org.code ", OrgDO.class); query.setParameter("scopeId", scopeId); query.setParameter("orgId", orgId); return query.getResultList(); } @Override public List<OrgDO> findOrgsParticipatingInScopeThatAllowGroups(Long scopeId, Long orgId, String term) { TypedQuery<OrgDO> query = em.createQuery(" select org from OrgDO org " + " join org.orgParts orgPart " + " join org.orgTrees orgTree " + " where orgTree.ancestorOrg.orgId = :orgId " + " and orgPart.scope.scopeId = :scopeId " + " and orgPart.scope.scopeType.allowGroup = true " + " and org.orgType.allowGroup = true " + " and ( like :term or org.code like :term) " + " order by, org.code ", OrgDO.class); query.setParameter("scopeId", scopeId); query.setParameter("orgId", orgId); query.setParameter("term", "%" + term + "%"); return query.getResultList(); } @Override public List<OrgDO> findOrgsParticipatingInScopeThatAllowEnrollments(Long scopeId, Long orgId) { TypedQuery<OrgDO> query = em.createQuery(" select org from OrgDO org " + " join org.orgParts orgPart " + " join org.orgTrees tree " + " where orgPart.scope.scopeId = :scopeId " + " and orgPart.scope.scopeType.allowStudentEnroll = true " + " and tree.ancestorOrg.orgId = :orgId " + " order by, org.code ", OrgDO.class); query.setParameter("scopeId", scopeId); query.setParameter("orgId", orgId); return query.getResultList(); } @Override public List<OrgDO> findOrgsParticipatingInScopeThatAllowEnrollments(Long scopeId, Long orgId, String term) { TypedQuery<OrgDO> query = em.createQuery(" select org from OrgDO org " + " join org.orgParts orgPart " + " join org.orgTrees tree " + " where orgPart.scope.scopeId = :scopeId " + " and tree.ancestorOrg.orgId = :orgId " + " and orgPart.scope.scopeType.allowStudentEnroll = true " + " and ( like :term or org.code like :term) " + " order by, org.code ", OrgDO.class); query.setParameter("scopeId", scopeId); query.setParameter("orgId", orgId); query.setParameter("term", "%" + term + "%"); return query.getResultList(); } @Override public OrgDO getOrg(String code, Long scopeId) { CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery<OrgDO> criteria = cb.createQuery(OrgDO.class); Root<OrgDO> org = criteria.from(OrgDO.class); Join<OrgDO, ScopeDO> scope = org.join(OrgDO_.scope); Join<ScopeDO, ScopeTypeDO> scopeType = scope.join(ScopeDO_.scopeType); Join<ScopeDO, ScopeTreeDO> scopeTree = scope.join(ScopeDO_.ancestorScopeTrees); Predicate typeClause = cb.equal(scopeType.get(ScopeTypeDO_.allowOrg), Short.valueOf("1")); Predicate pathClause = cb.equal(scopeTree.get(ScopeTreeDO_.scope).get(ScopeDO_.scopeId), scopeId); Predicate orgCode = cb.equal(org.get(OrgDO_.code), code); criteria.where(orgCode, typeClause, pathClause); return getSingleResult(em.createQuery(criteria)); } @Override public List<OrgDO> findOrgsByType(Long orgTypeId, Long scopeId) { CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery<OrgDO> criteria = cb.createQuery(OrgDO.class); Root<OrgDO> org = criteria.from(OrgDO.class); Predicate p = cb.equal(org.get(OrgDO_.orgType).get(OrgTypeDO_.orgTypeId), orgTypeId); Join<OrgDO, ScopeDO> scope = org.join(OrgDO_.scope); Join<ScopeDO, ScopeTypeDO> scopeType = scope.join(ScopeDO_.scopeType); Join<ScopeDO, ScopeTreeDO> scopeTree = scope.join(ScopeDO_.ancestorScopeTrees); Predicate typeClause = cb.equal(scopeType.get(ScopeTypeDO_.allowOrg), Short.valueOf("1")); Predicate pathClause = cb.equal(scopeTree.get(ScopeTreeDO_.scope).get(ScopeDO_.scopeId), scopeId); criteria.where(p, typeClause, pathClause); return em.createQuery(criteria).getResultList(); } @Override public List<OrgDO> findParticipatingChildOrgs(Long scopeId, Long orgId) { TypedQuery<OrgDO> query = em .createQuery( "select org from OrgPartDO orgPart join org where org.parentOrg.orgId = :orgId and orgPart.scope.scopeId = :scopeId", OrgDO.class); query.setParameter("orgId", orgId); query.setParameter("scopeId", scopeId); return getResultList(query); } @Override public OrgDO getHighestOrgForUser(Long scopeId, Long userId) { TypedQuery<OrgDO> query = em.createQuery("select o from OrgDO o, OrgTreeDO ot, UserOrgDO uo " + "where o.orgId = " + "and = " + "and o.scope.scopeId = :scopeId " + "and uo.user.userId = :userId " + "and ot.distance = 0 " + "order by ot.depth", OrgDO.class); query.setParameter("scopeId", scopeId); query.setParameter("userId", userId); query.setMaxResults(1); return getSingleResult(query); } @Override public List<OrgDO> findOrgsForUser(Long scopeId, Long userId) { TypedQuery<OrgDO> query = em.createQuery("select o from OrgDO o join o.orgTrees ot, UserOrgDO uo " + "where ot.ancestorOrg.orgId = " + "and ot.ancestorOrg.scope.scopeId = :scopeId " + "and uo.user.userId = :userId ", OrgDO.class); query.setParameter("scopeId", scopeId); query.setParameter("userId", userId); return getResultList(query); } @Override public List<OrgDO> findByCodes(Long scopeId, List<String> codes) { if (codes == null || codes.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } TypedQuery<OrgDO> query = em.createQuery( "select o from OrgDO o where o.scope.scopeId = :scopeId and o.code in (:codes)", OrgDO.class); query.setParameter("scopeId", scopeId); query.setParameter("codes", codes); return getResultList(query); } @Override public boolean isChildOf(List<Long> orgIds, Long childOrgId) { if (orgIds == null || orgIds.isEmpty()) { return false; } TypedQuery<OrgDO> query = em.createQuery( "select from OrgTreeDO ot where ot.ancestorOrg.orgId in (:orgIds) and = :orgId", OrgDO.class); query.setParameter("orgIds", orgIds); query.setParameter("orgId", childOrgId); return !getResultList(query).isEmpty(); } @Override public List<OrgDO> findChildOrgsThatAllowDevices(Long orgId) { TypedQuery<OrgDO> query = em.createQuery(" select org from OrgDO org " + " join org.orgTrees tree " + " where tree.ancestorOrg.orgId = :orgId " + " and org.orgType.allowDevice = true " + " order by, org.code ", OrgDO.class); query.setParameter("orgId", orgId); return query.getResultList(); } @Override public List<OrgDO> findChildOrgsThatAllowDevices(Long orgId, String term, int limit) { TypedQuery<OrgDO> query = em.createQuery(" select org from OrgDO org " + " join org.orgTrees tree " + " where tree.ancestorOrg.orgId = :orgId " + " and org.orgType.allowDevice = true " + " and ( like :term or org.code like :term) " + " order by, org.code ", OrgDO.class); query.setParameter("orgId", orgId); query.setParameter("term", "%" + term + "%"); query.setMaxResults(limit); return query.getResultList(); } @Override public List<OrgDO> findOrgsThatCanHaveChildrenByType(Long scopeId, Long orgId, Long orgTypeId) { TypedQuery<OrgDO> query = em.createQuery("select distinct o " + "from OrgDO o join o.orgTrees tree, OrgTypeDO ot, ScopeTreeDO st, ScopeDO s, ScopeTypeDO stype " + "where o.orgType.orgTypeId = ot.parentOrgType.orgTypeId " + "and o.orgType.orgTypeId = :orgTypeId " + "and ot.scope.scopeId = st.ancestorScope.scopeId " + "and s.scopeId = st.ancestorScope.scopeId " + "and s.scopeType.scopeTypeId = stype.scopeTypeId " + "and stype.allowOrg = 1 and st.scope.scopeId = :scopeId " + "and tree.ancestorOrg.orgId = :orgId", OrgDO.class); query.setParameter("scopeId", scopeId); query.setParameter("orgId", orgId); query.setParameter("orgTypeId", orgTypeId); return query.getResultList(); } @Override public List<OrgDO> findOrgsThatCanHaveChildrenBySearchTermByType(Long scopeId, Long orgId, String term, Long orgTypeId) { TypedQuery<OrgDO> query = em.createQuery("select distinct o " + "from OrgDO o join o.orgTrees tree, OrgTypeDO ot, ScopeTreeDO st, ScopeDO s, ScopeTypeDO stype " + "where o.orgType.orgTypeId = ot.parentOrgType.orgTypeId " + "and o.orgType.orgTypeId = :orgTypeId " + "and (o.code LIKE :term " + "or LIKE :term) " + "and ot.scope.scopeId = st.ancestorScope.scopeId " + "and s.scopeId = st.ancestorScope.scopeId " + "and s.scopeType.scopeTypeId = stype.scopeTypeId " + "and stype.allowOrg = 1 and st.scope.scopeId = :scopeId " + "and tree.ancestorOrg.orgId = :orgId", OrgDO.class); query.setParameter("scopeId", scopeId); query.setParameter("orgId", orgId); query.setParameter("orgTypeId", orgTypeId); query.setParameter("term", "%%"); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(term)) { query.setParameter("term", "%" + term + "%"); } return query.getResultList(); } @Override public boolean hasUsers(Long orgId) { TypedQuery<Long> query = em.createQuery("select count(uo.userOrgId) from UserOrgDO uo where = :orgId", Long.class); query.setParameter("orgId", orgId); Long count = query.getSingleResult(); return count.compareTo(Long.valueOf(0)) > 0; } @Override public List<OrgDO> findDescendantOrgsParticipatingInScope(Long scopeId, Long orgId, boolean allDescendants) { TypedQuery<OrgDO> query = em.createQuery(" select org from OrgDO org " + " join org.orgParts orgPart " + " join org.orgTrees tree " + " where orgPart.scope.scopeId = :scopeId " + (allDescendants ? " and tree.distance > 0 " : " and tree.distance = 1 ") + " and tree.ancestorOrg.orgId = :orgId ", OrgDO.class); query.setParameter("scopeId", scopeId); query.setParameter("orgId", orgId); return query.getResultList(); } @Override public List<OrgDO> findParents(Long orgId) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("select ot.ancestorOrg from OrgTreeDO ot "); sb.append("where = :orgId and ot.distance != 0"); TypedQuery<OrgDO> query = em.createQuery(sb.toString(), OrgDO.class); query.setParameter("orgId", orgId); return getResultList(query); } @Override public OrgDO getOrgOfType(Long orgId, String typeCode) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("select ot.ancestorOrg from OrgTreeDO ot "); sb.append("where = :orgId and ot.ancestorOrg.orgType.code = :typeCode"); TypedQuery<OrgDO> query = em.createQuery(sb.toString(), OrgDO.class); query.setParameter("orgId", orgId); query.setParameter("typeCode", typeCode); return getSingleResult(query); } @Override public Collection<OrgDO> findDescendantOrgs(Long orgId) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("select org from OrgDO org "); sb.append("join org.orgTrees tree "); sb.append("where tree.distance > 0 "); sb.append("and tree.ancestorOrg.orgId = :orgId"); TypedQuery<OrgDO> query = em.createQuery(sb.toString(), OrgDO.class); query.setParameter("orgId", orgId); return query.getResultList(); } }