/* Copyright (c) 2001-2014, The HSQL Development Group * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the HSQL Development Group nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL HSQL DEVELOPMENT GROUP, HSQLDB.ORG, * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package org.hsqldb.persist; import java.io.EOFException; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.LineNumberReader; import java.security.AccessController; import java.security.PrivilegedAction; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock; import java.util.zip.DataFormatException; import java.util.zip.Deflater; import java.util.zip.Inflater; import org.hsqldb.Database; import org.hsqldb.DatabaseURL; import org.hsqldb.HsqlException; import org.hsqldb.HsqlNameManager.HsqlName; import org.hsqldb.Session; import org.hsqldb.SessionInterface; import org.hsqldb.Statement; import org.hsqldb.Table; import org.hsqldb.error.Error; import org.hsqldb.error.ErrorCode; import org.hsqldb.lib.ArrayUtil; import org.hsqldb.lib.HashMappedList; import org.hsqldb.lib.HsqlByteArrayInputStream; import org.hsqldb.lib.LineGroupReader; import org.hsqldb.map.ValuePool; import org.hsqldb.navigator.RowSetNavigator; import org.hsqldb.result.Result; import org.hsqldb.result.ResultLob; import org.hsqldb.result.ResultMetaData; import org.hsqldb.types.BinaryData; import org.hsqldb.types.BlobData; import org.hsqldb.types.BlobDataID; import org.hsqldb.types.ClobData; import org.hsqldb.types.ClobDataID; import org.hsqldb.types.Collation; import org.hsqldb.types.Types; /** * @author Fred Toussi (fredt@users dot sourceforge.net) * @version 2.3.0 * @since 1.9.0 */ public class LobManager { static final String resourceFileName = "/org/hsqldb/resources/lob-schema.sql"; static final String[] starters = new String[]{ "/*" }; // Database database; LobStore lobStore; Session sysLobSession; volatile boolean storeModified; byte[] byteBuffer; // Inflater inflater; Deflater deflater; byte[] dataBuffer; // boolean cryptLobs; boolean compressLobs; int lobBlockSize; int largeLobBlockSize = SessionInterface.lobStreamBlockSize; int totalBlockLimitCount = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // Statement getLob; Statement getSpanningBlocks; Statement deleteLobCall; Statement deleteLobPartCall; Statement divideLobPartCall; Statement createLob; Statement createLobPartCall; Statement createSingleLobPartCall; Statement updateLobLength; Statement updateLobUsage; Statement getNextLobId; Statement deleteUnusedLobs; Statement mergeUnusedSpace; Statement getLobUseLimit; Statement getLobCount; Statement getSpanningParts; Statement getLastPart; Statement createPart; // boolean usageChanged; // ReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); Lock writeLock = lock.writeLock(); // LOBS columns private interface LOBS { int BLOCK_ADDR = 0; int BLOCK_COUNT = 1; int BLOCK_OFFSET = 2; int LOB_ID = 3; } private interface LOB_IDS { int LOB_ID = 0; int LOB_LENGTH = 1; int LOB_USAGE_COUNT = 2; int LOB_TYPE = 3; } private interface GET_LOB_PART { int LOB_ID = 0; int BLOCK_OFFSET = 1; int BLOCK_LIMIT = 2; } private interface DIVIDE_BLOCK { int BLOCK_OFFSET = 0; int LOB_ID = 1; } private interface DELETE_BLOCKS { int LOB_ID = 0; int BLOCK_OFFSET = 1; int BLOCK_LIMIT = 2; int TX_ID = 3; } private interface ALLOC_BLOCKS { int BLOCK_COUNT = 0; int BLOCK_OFFSET = 1; int LOB_ID = 2; } private interface UPDATE_USAGE { int BLOCK_COUNT = 0; int LOB_ID = 1; } private interface UPDATE_LENGTH { int LOB_LENGTH = 0; int LOB_ID = 1; } private interface ALLOC_PART { int BLOCK_COUNT = 0; int BLOCK_OFFSET = 1; int PART_OFFSET = 2; int PART_LENGTH = 3; int PART_BYTES = 4; int LOB_ID = 5; } private static final String existsBlocksSQL = "SELECT * FROM SYSTEM_LOBS.BLOCKS LIMIT 1"; private static final String initialiseBlocksSQL = "INSERT INTO SYSTEM_LOBS.BLOCKS VALUES(?,?,?)"; private static final String getLobSQL = "SELECT * FROM SYSTEM_LOBS.LOB_IDS WHERE LOB_IDS.LOB_ID = ?"; private static final String getLobPartSQL = "SELECT * FROM SYSTEM_LOBS.LOBS WHERE LOBS.LOB_ID = ? AND BLOCK_OFFSET + BLOCK_COUNT > ? AND BLOCK_OFFSET < ? ORDER BY BLOCK_OFFSET"; private static final String deleteLobPartCallSQL = "CALL SYSTEM_LOBS.DELETE_BLOCKS(?,?,?,?)"; private static final String createLobSQL = "INSERT INTO SYSTEM_LOBS.LOB_IDS VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)"; private static final String updateLobLengthSQL = "UPDATE SYSTEM_LOBS.LOB_IDS SET LOB_LENGTH = ? WHERE LOB_IDS.LOB_ID = ?"; private static final String createLobPartCallSQL = "CALL SYSTEM_LOBS.ALLOC_BLOCKS(?, ?, ?)"; private static final String createSingleLobPartCallSQL = "CALL SYSTEM_LOBS.ALLOC_SINGLE_BLOCK(?, ?, ?)"; private static final String divideLobPartCallSQL = "CALL SYSTEM_LOBS.DIVIDE_BLOCK(?, ?)"; private static final String updateLobUsageSQL = "UPDATE SYSTEM_LOBS.LOB_IDS SET LOB_USAGE_COUNT = LOB_USAGE_COUNT + ? WHERE LOB_IDS.LOB_ID = ?"; private static final String getNextLobIdSQL = "VALUES NEXT VALUE FOR SYSTEM_LOBS.LOB_ID"; private static final String deleteLobCallSQL = "CALL SYSTEM_LOBS.DELETE_LOB(?, ?)"; private static final String deleteUnusedCallSQL = "CALL SYSTEM_LOBS.DELETE_UNUSED_LOBS(?)"; private static final String mergeUnusedSpaceSQL = "CALL SYSTEM_LOBS.MERGE_EMPTY_BLOCKS()"; private static final String getLobUseLimitSQL = "SELECT * FROM SYSTEM_LOBS.LOBS WHERE BLOCK_ADDR = (SELECT MAX(BLOCK_ADDR) FROM SYSTEM_LOBS.LOBS)"; private static final String getLobCountSQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SYSTEM_LOBS.LOB_IDS"; // //BLOCK_COUNT INT NOT NULL, BLOCK_OFFSET INT, PART_OFFSET BIGINT NOT NULL, PART_LENGTH BIGINT NOT NULL, PART_BYTES BIGINT NOT NULL, LOB_ID BIGINT, private static final String getPartsSQL = "SELECT BLOCK_COUNT, BLOCK_OFFSET, PART_OFFSET, PART_LENGTH, PART_BYTES, LOB_ID " + "FROM SYSTEM_LOBS.PARTS " + "WHERE LOB_ID = ? AND PART_OFFSET + PART_LENGTH > ? AND PART_OFFSET < ? ORDER BY BLOCK_OFFSET"; private static final String getLastPartSQL = "SELECT BLOCK_COUNT, BLOCK_OFFSET, PART_OFFSET, PART_LENGTH, PART_BYTES, LOB_ID " + "FROM SYSTEM_LOBS.PARTS " + "WHERE LOB_ID = ? ORDER BY LOB_ID DESC, BLOCK_OFFSET DESC LIMIT 1"; private static final String createPartSQL = "INSERT INTO SYSTEM_LOBS.PARTS VALUES ?,?,?,?,?,?"; public LobManager(Database database) { this.database = database; } public void lock() { writeLock.lock(); } public void unlock() { writeLock.unlock(); } public void createSchema() { sysLobSession = database.sessionManager.getSysLobSession(); InputStream fis = (InputStream) AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedAction() { public InputStream run() { return getClass().getResourceAsStream(resourceFileName); } }); InputStreamReader reader = null; try { reader = new InputStreamReader(fis, "ISO-8859-1"); } catch (Exception e) {} LineNumberReader lineReader = new LineNumberReader(reader); LineGroupReader lg = new LineGroupReader(lineReader, starters); HashMappedList map = lg.getAsMap(); lg.close(); String sql = (String) map.get("/*lob_schema_definition*/"); Statement statement = sysLobSession.compileStatement(sql); Result result = statement.execute(sysLobSession); if (result.isError()) { throw result.getException(); } HsqlName name = database.schemaManager.getSchemaHsqlName("SYSTEM_LOBS"); Table table = database.schemaManager.getTable(sysLobSession, "BLOCKS", "SYSTEM_LOBS"); compileStatements(); } public void compileStatements() { writeLock.lock(); try { getLob = sysLobSession.compileStatement(getLobSQL); getSpanningBlocks = sysLobSession.compileStatement(getLobPartSQL); createLob = sysLobSession.compileStatement(createLobSQL); createLobPartCall = sysLobSession.compileStatement(createLobPartCallSQL); createSingleLobPartCall = sysLobSession.compileStatement(createSingleLobPartCallSQL); divideLobPartCall = sysLobSession.compileStatement(divideLobPartCallSQL); deleteLobCall = sysLobSession.compileStatement(deleteLobCallSQL); deleteLobPartCall = sysLobSession.compileStatement(deleteLobPartCallSQL); updateLobLength = sysLobSession.compileStatement(updateLobLengthSQL); updateLobUsage = sysLobSession.compileStatement(updateLobUsageSQL); getNextLobId = sysLobSession.compileStatement(getNextLobIdSQL); deleteUnusedLobs = sysLobSession.compileStatement(deleteUnusedCallSQL); mergeUnusedSpace = sysLobSession.compileStatement(mergeUnusedSpaceSQL); getLobUseLimit = sysLobSession.compileStatement(getLobUseLimitSQL); getLobCount = sysLobSession.compileStatement(getLobCountSQL); // getSpanningParts = sysLobSession.compileStatement(getPartsSQL); getLastPart = sysLobSession.compileStatement(getLastPartSQL); createPart = sysLobSession.compileStatement(createPartSQL); } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } private void initialiseLobSpace() { Statement statement = sysLobSession.compileStatement(existsBlocksSQL); Result result = statement.execute(sysLobSession); if (result.isError()) { throw result.getException(); } RowSetNavigator navigator = result.getNavigator(); int size = navigator.getSize(); if (size > 0) { return; } statement = sysLobSession.compileStatement(initialiseBlocksSQL); Object[] params = new Object[3]; params[0] = ValuePool.INTEGER_0; params[1] = ValuePool.getInt(totalBlockLimitCount); params[2] = ValuePool.getLong(0); sysLobSession.executeCompiledStatement(statement, params, 0); } public void open() { lobBlockSize = database.logger.getLobBlockSize(); cryptLobs = database.logger.cryptLobs; compressLobs = database.logger.propCompressLobs; if (compressLobs || cryptLobs) { int largeBufferBlockSize = largeLobBlockSize + 4 * 1024; inflater = new Inflater(); deflater = new Deflater(Deflater.BEST_SPEED); dataBuffer = new byte[largeBufferBlockSize]; } if (database.getType() == DatabaseURL.S_RES) { lobStore = new LobStoreInJar(database, lobBlockSize); } else if (database.getType() == DatabaseURL.S_FILE) { lobStore = new LobStoreRAFile(database, lobBlockSize); if (!database.isFilesReadOnly()) { byteBuffer = new byte[lobBlockSize]; initialiseLobSpace(); } } else { lobStore = new LobStoreMem(lobBlockSize); byteBuffer = new byte[lobBlockSize]; initialiseLobSpace(); } } public void close() { if (lobStore != null) { lobStore.close(); } lobStore = null; } public LobStore getLobStore() { if (lobStore == null) { open(); } return lobStore; } // private Long getNewLobID() { Result result = getNextLobId.execute(sysLobSession); if (result.isError()) { return Long.valueOf(0); } RowSetNavigator navigator = result.getNavigator(); boolean next = navigator.next(); if (!next) { navigator.release(); return Long.valueOf(0); } Object[] data = navigator.getCurrent(); navigator.release(); return (Long) data[0]; } private Object[] getLobHeader(long lobID) { ResultMetaData meta = getLob.getParametersMetaData(); Object params[] = new Object[meta.getColumnCount()]; params[0] = ValuePool.getLong(lobID); sysLobSession.sessionContext.pushDynamicArguments(params); Result result = getLob.execute(sysLobSession); sysLobSession.sessionContext.pop(); if (result.isError()) { throw result.getException(); } RowSetNavigator navigator = result.getNavigator(); boolean next = navigator.next(); Object[] data = null; if (next) { data = navigator.getCurrent(); } navigator.release(); return data; } public BlobData getBlob(long lobID) { writeLock.lock(); try { Object[] data = getLobHeader(lobID); if (data == null) { return null; } BlobData blob = new BlobDataID(lobID); return blob; } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } public ClobData getClob(long lobID) { writeLock.lock(); try { Object[] data = getLobHeader(lobID); if (data == null) { return null; } ClobData clob = new ClobDataID(lobID); return clob; } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } public long createBlob(Session session, long length) { writeLock.lock(); try { Long lobID = getNewLobID(); ResultMetaData meta = createLob.getParametersMetaData(); Object params[] = new Object[meta.getColumnCount()]; params[LOB_IDS.LOB_ID] = lobID; params[LOB_IDS.LOB_LENGTH] = ValuePool.getLong(length); params[LOB_IDS.LOB_USAGE_COUNT] = ValuePool.INTEGER_0; params[LOB_IDS.LOB_TYPE] = ValuePool.getInt(Types.SQL_BLOB); Result result = sysLobSession.executeCompiledStatement(createLob, params, 0); usageChanged = true; return lobID.longValue(); } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } public long createClob(Session session, long length) { writeLock.lock(); try { Long lobID = getNewLobID(); ResultMetaData meta = createLob.getParametersMetaData(); Object params[] = new Object[meta.getColumnCount()]; params[LOB_IDS.LOB_ID] = lobID; params[LOB_IDS.LOB_LENGTH] = ValuePool.getLong(length); params[LOB_IDS.LOB_USAGE_COUNT] = ValuePool.INTEGER_0; params[LOB_IDS.LOB_TYPE] = ValuePool.getInt(Types.SQL_CLOB); Result result = sysLobSession.executeCompiledStatement(createLob, params, 0); usageChanged = true; return lobID.longValue(); } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } public Result deleteLob(long lobID) { writeLock.lock(); try { ResultMetaData meta = deleteLobCall.getParametersMetaData(); Object params[] = new Object[meta.getColumnCount()]; params[0] = ValuePool.getLong(lobID); params[1] = ValuePool.getLong(0); Result result = sysLobSession.executeCompiledStatement(deleteLobCall, params, 0); usageChanged = true; return result; } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } public Result deleteUnusedLobs() { writeLock.lock(); try { if (lobStore == null || byteBuffer == null || !usageChanged) { return Result.updateZeroResult; } Session[] sessions = database.sessionManager.getAllSessions(); long firstLobID = Long.MAX_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < sessions.length; i++) { if (sessions[i].isClosed()) { continue; } long sessionLobID = sessions[i].sessionData.getFirstLobID(); if (sessionLobID != 0 && sessionLobID < firstLobID) { firstLobID = sessionLobID; } } Object params[] = new Object[1]; params[0] = new Long(firstLobID); Result result = sysLobSession.executeCompiledStatement(deleteUnusedLobs, params, 0); if (result.isError()) { return result; } result = sysLobSession.executeCompiledStatement(mergeUnusedSpace, ValuePool.emptyObjectArray, 0); if (result.isError()) { return result; } result = sysLobSession.executeCompiledStatement(getLobUseLimit, ValuePool.emptyObjectArray, 0); if (result.isError()) { return result; } usageChanged = false; RowSetNavigator navigator = result.getNavigator(); boolean next = navigator.next(); if (!next) { navigator.release(); return Result.updateOneResult; } Object[] data = navigator.getCurrent(); if (data[LOBS.BLOCK_ADDR] == null || data[LOBS.BLOCK_COUNT] == null) { return Result.updateOneResult; } long sizeLimit = ((Integer) data[LOBS.BLOCK_ADDR]).intValue() + ((Integer) data[LOBS.BLOCK_COUNT]).intValue(); sizeLimit *= lobBlockSize; long currentLength = lobStore.getLength(); if (currentLength > sizeLimit) { database.logger.logInfoEvent("lob file truncated to usage"); lobStore.setLength(sizeLimit); try { lobStore.synch(); } catch (Throwable t) {} } else if (currentLength < sizeLimit) { database.logger.logInfoEvent( "lob file reported smaller than usage"); } return Result.updateOneResult; } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } public Result getLength(long lobID) { writeLock.lock(); try { Object[] data = getLobHeader(lobID); if (data == null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_0F502); } long length = ((Long) data[LOB_IDS.LOB_LENGTH]).longValue(); int type = ((Integer) data[LOB_IDS.LOB_TYPE]).intValue(); return ResultLob.newLobSetResponse(lobID, length); } catch (HsqlException e) { return Result.newErrorResult(e); } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } public int compare(BlobData a, byte[] b) { writeLock.lock(); try { Object[] data = getLobHeader(a.getId()); long aLength = ((Long) data[LOB_IDS.LOB_LENGTH]).longValue(); int[][] aAddresses = getBlockAddresses(a.getId(), 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); int aIndex = 0; int bOffset = 0; int aOffset = 0; if (aLength == 0) { return b.length == 0 ? 0 : -1; } if (b.length == 0) { return 1; } while (true) { int aBlockOffset = aAddresses[aIndex][LOBS.BLOCK_ADDR] + aOffset; byte[] aBytes = getLobStore().getBlockBytes(aBlockOffset, 1); for (int i = 0; i < aBytes.length; i++) { if (bOffset + i >= b.length) { if (aLength == b.length) { return 0; } return 1; } if (aBytes[i] == b[bOffset + i]) { continue; } return (((int) aBytes[i]) & 0xff) > (((int) b[bOffset + i]) & 0xff) ? 1 : -1; } aOffset++; bOffset += lobBlockSize; if (aOffset == aAddresses[aIndex][LOBS.BLOCK_COUNT]) { aOffset = 0; aIndex++; } if (aIndex == aAddresses.length) { break; } if (bOffset >= b.length) { break; } } if (aLength == b.length) { return 0; } return aLength > b.length ? 1 : -1; } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } public int compare(BlobData a, BlobData b) { if (a.getId() == b.getId()) { return 0; } writeLock.lock(); try { if (compressLobs || cryptLobs) { return compareBytesCompressed(a.getId(), b.getId()); } else { return compareBytesNormal(a.getId(), b.getId()); } } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } /** @todo - implement as compareText() */ public int compare(Collation collation, ClobData a, String b) { writeLock.lock(); try { Object[] data = getLobHeader(a.getId()); long aLength = ((Long) data[LOB_IDS.LOB_LENGTH]).longValue(); int[][] aAddresses = getBlockAddresses(a.getId(), 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); int aIndex = 0; int bOffset = 0; int aOffset = 0; if (aLength == 0) { return b.length() == 0 ? 0 : -1; } if (b.length() == 0) { return 1; } while (true) { int aBlockOffset = aAddresses[aIndex][LOBS.BLOCK_ADDR] + aOffset; byte[] aBytes = getLobStore().getBlockBytes(aBlockOffset, 1); long aLimit = aLength - ((long) aAddresses[aIndex][LOBS.BLOCK_OFFSET] + aOffset) * lobBlockSize / 2; if (aLimit > lobBlockSize / 2) { aLimit = lobBlockSize / 2; } String aString = new String(ArrayUtil.byteArrayToChars(aBytes), 0, (int) aLimit); int bLimit = b.length() - bOffset; if (bLimit > lobBlockSize / 2) { bLimit = lobBlockSize / 2; } String bString = b.substring(bOffset, bOffset + bLimit); int diff = collation.compare(aString, bString); if (diff != 0) { return diff; } aOffset++; bOffset += lobBlockSize / 2; if (aOffset == aAddresses[aIndex][LOBS.BLOCK_COUNT]) { aOffset = 0; aIndex++; } if (aIndex == aAddresses.length) { break; } if (bOffset >= b.length()) { break; } } if (aLength == b.length()) { return 0; } return aLength > b.length() ? 1 : -1; } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } public int compare(Collation collation, ClobData a, ClobData b) { if (a.getId() == b.getId()) { return 0; } writeLock.lock(); try { if (compressLobs || cryptLobs) { return compareTextCompressed(collation, a.getId(), b.getId()); } else { return compareTextNormal(collation, a.getId(), b.getId()); } } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } private int compareBytesNormal(long aID, long bID) { Object[] data = getLobHeader(aID); long aLength = ((Long) data[LOB_IDS.LOB_LENGTH]).longValue(); data = getLobHeader(bID); long bLength = ((Long) data[LOB_IDS.LOB_LENGTH]).longValue(); int[][] aAddresses = getBlockAddresses(aID, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); int[][] bAddresses = getBlockAddresses(bID, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); int aIndex = 0; int bIndex = 0; int aOffset = 0; int bOffset = 0; if (aLength == 0) { return bLength == 0 ? 0 : -1; } if (bLength == 0) { return 1; } while (true) { int aBlockOffset = aAddresses[aIndex][LOBS.BLOCK_ADDR] + aOffset; int bBlockOffset = bAddresses[bIndex][LOBS.BLOCK_ADDR] + bOffset; byte[] aBytes = getLobStore().getBlockBytes(aBlockOffset, 1); byte[] bBytes = getLobStore().getBlockBytes(bBlockOffset, 1); int result = ArrayUtil.compare(aBytes, bBytes); if (result != 0) { return result; } aOffset++; bOffset++; if (aOffset == aAddresses[aIndex][LOBS.BLOCK_COUNT]) { aOffset = 0; aIndex++; } if (bOffset == bAddresses[bIndex][LOBS.BLOCK_COUNT]) { bOffset = 0; bIndex++; } if (aIndex == aAddresses.length) { break; } if (bIndex == bAddresses.length) { break; } } if (aLength == bLength) { return 0; } return aLength > bLength ? 1 : -1; } /** @todo - word-separator and end block zero issues */ private int compareTextNormal(Collation collation, long aID, long bID) { Object[] data = getLobHeader(aID); long aLength = ((Long) data[LOB_IDS.LOB_LENGTH]).longValue(); data = getLobHeader(bID); long bLength = ((Long) data[LOB_IDS.LOB_LENGTH]).longValue(); int[][] aAddresses = getBlockAddresses(aID, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); int[][] bAddresses = getBlockAddresses(bID, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); int aIndex = 0; int bIndex = 0; int aOffset = 0; int bOffset = 0; if (aLength == 0) { return bLength == 0 ? 0 : -1; } if (bLength == 0) { return 1; } while (true) { int aBlockOffset = aAddresses[aIndex][LOBS.BLOCK_ADDR] + aOffset; int bBlockOffset = bAddresses[bIndex][LOBS.BLOCK_ADDR] + bOffset; byte[] aBytes = getLobStore().getBlockBytes(aBlockOffset, 1); byte[] bBytes = getLobStore().getBlockBytes(bBlockOffset, 1); long aLimit = aLength - ((long) aAddresses[aIndex][LOBS.BLOCK_OFFSET] + aOffset) * lobBlockSize / 2; if (aLimit > lobBlockSize / 2) { aLimit = lobBlockSize / 2; } long bLimit = bLength - ((long) bAddresses[bIndex][LOBS.BLOCK_OFFSET] + bOffset) * lobBlockSize / 2; if (bLimit > lobBlockSize / 2) { bLimit = lobBlockSize / 2; } String aString = new String(ArrayUtil.byteArrayToChars(aBytes), 0, (int) aLimit); String bString = new String(ArrayUtil.byteArrayToChars(bBytes), 0, (int) bLimit); int diff = collation.compare(aString, bString); if (diff != 0) { return diff; } aOffset++; bOffset++; if (aOffset == aAddresses[aIndex][LOBS.BLOCK_COUNT]) { aOffset = 0; aIndex++; } if (bOffset == bAddresses[bIndex][LOBS.BLOCK_COUNT]) { bOffset = 0; bIndex++; } if (aIndex == aAddresses.length) { break; } if (bIndex == bAddresses.length) { break; } } if (aLength == bLength) { return 0; } return aLength > bLength ? 1 : -1; } /** * Used for SUBSTRING */ public Result getLob(long lobID, long offset, long length) { if (offset == 0) { return createDuplicateLob(lobID, length); } throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "LobManager"); } public Result createDuplicateLob(long lobID) { Result result = getLength(lobID); if (result.isError()) { return result; } return createDuplicateLob(lobID, ((ResultLob) result).getBlockLength()); } public Result createDuplicateLob(long lobID, long newLength) { if (byteBuffer == null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.DATA_IS_READONLY); } writeLock.lock(); try { Object[] data = getLobHeader(lobID); if (data == null) { return Result.newErrorResult(Error.error(ErrorCode.X_0F502)); } Long newLobID = getNewLobID(); Object params[] = new Object[data.length]; params[LOB_IDS.LOB_ID] = newLobID; params[LOB_IDS.LOB_LENGTH] = Long.valueOf(newLength); params[LOB_IDS.LOB_USAGE_COUNT] = ValuePool.INTEGER_0; params[LOB_IDS.LOB_TYPE] = data[LOB_IDS.LOB_TYPE]; Result result = sysLobSession.executeCompiledStatement(createLob, params, 0); if (result.isError()) { return result; } usageChanged = true; if (newLength == 0) { return ResultLob.newLobSetResponse(newLobID.longValue(), newLength); } long byteLength = newLength; int lobType = ((Integer) data[LOB_IDS.LOB_TYPE]).intValue(); if (lobType == Types.SQL_CLOB) { byteLength *= 2; } int newBlockCount = (int) (byteLength / lobBlockSize); if (byteLength % lobBlockSize != 0) { newBlockCount++; } createBlockAddresses(newLobID.longValue(), 0, newBlockCount); // copy the contents int[][] sourceBlocks = getBlockAddresses(lobID, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); int[][] targetBlocks = getBlockAddresses(newLobID.longValue(), 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); try { copyBlockSet(sourceBlocks, targetBlocks); } catch (HsqlException e) { return Result.newErrorResult(e); } // clear the end block unused space int endOffset = (int) (byteLength % lobBlockSize); if (endOffset != 0) { int[] block = targetBlocks[targetBlocks.length - 1]; int blockOffset = block[LOBS.BLOCK_ADDR] + block[LOBS.BLOCK_COUNT] - 1; byte[] bytes = getLobStore().getBlockBytes(blockOffset, 1); ArrayUtil.fillArray(bytes, endOffset, (byte) 0); getLobStore().setBlockBytes(bytes, blockOffset, 1); } return ResultLob.newLobSetResponse(newLobID.longValue(), newLength); } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } /** @todo - currently unused and returns whole length */ public Result getTruncateLength(long lobID) { writeLock.lock(); try { Object[] data = getLobHeader(lobID); if (data == null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_0F502); } long length = ((Long) data[LOB_IDS.LOB_LENGTH]).longValue(); int type = ((Integer) data[LOB_IDS.LOB_TYPE]).intValue(); return ResultLob.newLobSetResponse(lobID, length); } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } private void copyBlockSet(int[][] source, int[][] target) { int sourceIndex = 0; int targetIndex = 0; int sourceOffset = 0; int targetOffset = 0; while (true) { byte[] bytes = getLobStore().getBlockBytes( source[sourceIndex][LOBS.BLOCK_ADDR] + sourceOffset, 1); getLobStore().setBlockBytes(bytes, target[targetIndex][LOBS.BLOCK_ADDR] + targetOffset, 1); sourceOffset++; targetOffset++; if (sourceOffset == source[sourceIndex][LOBS.BLOCK_COUNT]) { sourceOffset = 0; sourceIndex++; } if (targetOffset == target[targetIndex][LOBS.BLOCK_COUNT]) { targetOffset = 0; targetIndex++; } if (sourceIndex == source.length) { break; } if (targetIndex == target.length) { break; } } storeModified = true; } public Result getChars(long lobID, long offset, int length) { Result result; writeLock.lock(); try { if (compressLobs || cryptLobs) { result = getBytesCompressed(lobID, offset * 2, length * 2, true); } else { result = getBytesNormal(lobID, offset * 2, length * 2); } } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } if (result.isError()) { return result; } byte[] bytes = ((ResultLob) result).getByteArray(); char[] chars = ArrayUtil.byteArrayToChars(bytes); return ResultLob.newLobGetCharsResponse(lobID, offset, chars); } public Result getBytes(long lobID, long offset, int length) { writeLock.lock(); try { if (compressLobs || cryptLobs) { return getBytesCompressed(lobID, offset, length, false); } else { return getBytesNormal(lobID, offset, length); } } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } private Result getBytesNormal(long lobID, long offset, int length) { int blockOffset = (int) (offset / lobBlockSize); int byteBlockOffset = (int) (offset % lobBlockSize); int blockLimit = (int) ((offset + length) / lobBlockSize); int byteLimitOffset = (int) ((offset + length) % lobBlockSize); if (byteLimitOffset == 0) { byteLimitOffset = lobBlockSize; } else { blockLimit++; } if (length == 0) { return ResultLob.newLobGetBytesResponse(lobID, offset, BinaryData.zeroLengthBytes); } int dataBytesPosition = 0; byte[] dataBytes = new byte[length]; int[][] blockAddresses = getBlockAddresses(lobID, blockOffset, blockLimit); if (blockAddresses.length == 0) { return Result.newErrorResult(Error.error(ErrorCode.X_0F502)); } // int i = 0; int blockCount = blockAddresses[i][LOBS.BLOCK_COUNT] + blockAddresses[i][LOBS.BLOCK_OFFSET] - blockOffset; if (blockAddresses[i][LOBS.BLOCK_COUNT] + blockAddresses[i][LOBS.BLOCK_OFFSET] > blockLimit) { blockCount -= (blockAddresses[i][LOBS.BLOCK_COUNT] + blockAddresses[i][LOBS.BLOCK_OFFSET] - blockLimit); } byte[] bytes; try { bytes = getLobStore().getBlockBytes( blockAddresses[i][LOBS.BLOCK_ADDR] - blockAddresses[i][LOBS.BLOCK_OFFSET] + blockOffset, blockCount); } catch (HsqlException e) { return Result.newErrorResult(e); } int subLength = lobBlockSize * blockCount - byteBlockOffset; if (subLength > length) { subLength = length; } System.arraycopy(bytes, byteBlockOffset, dataBytes, dataBytesPosition, subLength); dataBytesPosition += subLength; i++; for (; i < blockAddresses.length && dataBytesPosition < length; i++) { blockCount = blockAddresses[i][LOBS.BLOCK_COUNT]; if (blockAddresses[i][LOBS.BLOCK_COUNT] + blockAddresses[i][LOBS.BLOCK_OFFSET] > blockLimit) { blockCount -= (blockAddresses[i][LOBS.BLOCK_COUNT] + blockAddresses[i][LOBS.BLOCK_OFFSET] - blockLimit); } try { bytes = getLobStore().getBlockBytes( blockAddresses[i][LOBS.BLOCK_ADDR], blockCount); } catch (HsqlException e) { return Result.newErrorResult(e); } subLength = lobBlockSize * blockCount; if (subLength > length - dataBytesPosition) { subLength = length - dataBytesPosition; } System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, dataBytes, dataBytesPosition, subLength); dataBytesPosition += subLength; } return ResultLob.newLobGetBytesResponse(lobID, offset, dataBytes); } private Result setBytesBA(long lobID, long offset, byte[] dataBytes, int dataLength, boolean isClob) { if (dataLength == 0) { return ResultLob.newLobSetResponse(lobID, 0); } writeLock.lock(); try { if (compressLobs || cryptLobs) { return setBytesBACompressed(lobID, offset, dataBytes, dataLength, isClob); } else { return setBytesBANormal(lobID, offset, dataBytes, dataLength); } } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } private Result setBytesBANormal(long lobID, long offset, byte[] dataBytes, int dataLength) { boolean newBlocks = false; int blockOffset = (int) (offset / lobBlockSize); int byteBlockOffset = (int) (offset % lobBlockSize); int blockLimit = (int) ((offset + dataLength) / lobBlockSize); int byteLimitOffset = (int) ((offset + dataLength) % lobBlockSize); if (byteLimitOffset == 0) { byteLimitOffset = lobBlockSize; } else { blockLimit++; } int[][] blockAddresses = getBlockAddresses(lobID, blockOffset, blockLimit); int existingLimit = blockOffset; if (blockAddresses.length > 0) { existingLimit = blockAddresses[blockAddresses.length - 1][LOBS.BLOCK_OFFSET] + blockAddresses[blockAddresses.length - 1][LOBS.BLOCK_COUNT]; } if (existingLimit < blockLimit) { createBlockAddresses(lobID, existingLimit, blockLimit - existingLimit); blockAddresses = getBlockAddresses(lobID, blockOffset, blockLimit); newBlocks = true; } int currentDataOffset = 0; int currentDataLength = dataLength; try { for (int i = 0; i < blockAddresses.length; i++) { long currentBlockOffset = (long) blockAddresses[i][LOBS.BLOCK_OFFSET] * lobBlockSize; long currentBlockLength = (long) blockAddresses[i][LOBS.BLOCK_COUNT] * lobBlockSize; long currentBlockPosition = (long) blockAddresses[i][LOBS.BLOCK_ADDR] * lobBlockSize; int padding = 0; if (offset > currentBlockOffset) { currentBlockLength -= (offset - currentBlockOffset); currentBlockPosition += (offset - currentBlockOffset); } if (currentDataLength < currentBlockLength) { if (newBlocks) { padding = (int) ((currentBlockLength - currentDataLength) % lobBlockSize); } currentBlockLength = currentDataLength; } getLobStore().setBlockBytes(dataBytes, currentBlockPosition, currentDataOffset, (int) currentBlockLength); if (padding != 0) { ArrayUtil.fillArray(byteBuffer, 0, (byte) 0); getLobStore().setBlockBytes(byteBuffer, currentBlockPosition + currentBlockLength, 0, padding); } currentDataOffset += currentBlockLength; currentDataLength -= currentBlockLength; } } catch (HsqlException e) { return Result.newErrorResult(e); } storeModified = true; return ResultLob.newLobSetResponse(lobID, dataLength); } private Result setBytesIS(long lobID, InputStream inputStream, long length, boolean isClob) { if (length == 0) { return ResultLob.newLobSetResponse(lobID, 0); } if (compressLobs || cryptLobs) { return setBytesISCompressed(lobID, inputStream, length, isClob); } else { return setBytesISNormal(lobID, inputStream, length); } } private Result setBytesISNormal(long lobID, InputStream inputStream, long length) { long writeLength = 0; int blockLimit = (int) (length / lobBlockSize); int byteLimitOffset = (int) (length % lobBlockSize); if (byteLimitOffset == 0) { byteLimitOffset = lobBlockSize; } else { blockLimit++; } createBlockAddresses(lobID, 0, blockLimit); int[][] blockAddresses = getBlockAddresses(lobID, 0, blockLimit); for (int i = 0; i < blockAddresses.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < blockAddresses[i][LOBS.BLOCK_COUNT]; j++) { int localLength = lobBlockSize; ArrayUtil.fillArray(byteBuffer, 0, (byte) 0); if (i == blockAddresses.length - 1 && j == blockAddresses[i][LOBS.BLOCK_COUNT] - 1) { localLength = byteLimitOffset; } try { int count = 0; while (localLength > 0) { int read = inputStream.read(byteBuffer, count, localLength); if (read == -1) { return Result.newErrorResult(new EOFException()); } localLength -= read; count += read; } writeLength += count; // read more } catch (IOException e) { // deallocate return Result.newErrorResult(e); } try { getLobStore().setBlockBytes( byteBuffer, blockAddresses[i][LOBS.BLOCK_ADDR] + j, 1); } catch (HsqlException e) { return Result.newErrorResult(e); } } } storeModified = true; return ResultLob.newLobSetResponse(lobID, writeLength); } /** * returns new LOB length */ public Result setBytes(long lobID, long offset, byte[] dataBytes, int dataLength) { if (byteBuffer == null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.DATA_IS_READONLY); } writeLock.lock(); try { Object[] data = getLobHeader(lobID); if (data == null) { return Result.newErrorResult(Error.error(ErrorCode.X_0F502)); } long length = ((Long) data[LOB_IDS.LOB_LENGTH]).longValue(); if (dataLength == 0) { return ResultLob.newLobSetResponse(lobID, length); } Result result = setBytesBA(lobID, offset, dataBytes, dataLength, false); if (result.isError()) { return result; } if (offset + dataLength > length) { length = offset + dataLength; result = setLength(lobID, length); if (result.isError()) { return result; } } return ResultLob.newLobSetResponse(lobID, length); } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } public Result setBytesForNewBlob(long lobID, InputStream inputStream, long length) { if (length == 0) { return ResultLob.newLobSetResponse(lobID, 0); } if (byteBuffer == null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.DATA_IS_READONLY); } writeLock.lock(); try { Result result = setBytesIS(lobID, inputStream, length, false); return result; } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } /** * returns new full length of Clob */ public Result setChars(long lobID, long offset, char[] chars, int dataLength) { if (byteBuffer == null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.DATA_IS_READONLY); } writeLock.lock(); try { Object[] data = getLobHeader(lobID); if (data == null) { return Result.newErrorResult(Error.error(ErrorCode.X_0F502)); } long length = ((Long) data[LOB_IDS.LOB_LENGTH]).longValue(); if (dataLength == 0) { return ResultLob.newLobSetResponse(lobID, length); } byte[] bytes = ArrayUtil.charArrayToBytes(chars, dataLength); Result result = setBytesBA(lobID, offset * 2, bytes, dataLength * 2, true); if (result.isError()) { return result; } if (offset + dataLength > length) { length = offset + dataLength; result = setLength(lobID, length); if (result.isError()) { return result; } } return ResultLob.newLobSetResponse(lobID, length); } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } public Result setCharsForNewClob(long lobID, InputStream inputStream, long length) { if (length == 0) { return ResultLob.newLobSetResponse(lobID, 0); } if (byteBuffer == null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.DATA_IS_READONLY); } writeLock.lock(); try { Result result = setBytesIS(lobID, inputStream, length * 2, false); if (result.isError()) { return result; } long newLength = ((ResultLob) result).getBlockLength(); if (newLength < length) { Result trunc = truncate(lobID, newLength); } return result; } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } public Result truncate(long lobID, long offset) { if (byteBuffer == null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.DATA_IS_READONLY); } writeLock.lock(); try { Object[] data = getLobHeader(lobID); if (data == null) { return Result.newErrorResult(Error.error(ErrorCode.X_0F502)); } long length = ((Long) data[LOB_IDS.LOB_LENGTH]).longValue(); long byteLength = offset; if (((Integer) data[LOB_IDS.LOB_TYPE]).intValue() == Types.SQL_CLOB) { byteLength *= 2; } int blockOffset = (int) ((byteLength + lobBlockSize - 1) / lobBlockSize); ResultMetaData meta = deleteLobPartCall.getParametersMetaData(); Object params[] = new Object[meta.getColumnCount()]; params[DELETE_BLOCKS.LOB_ID] = ValuePool.getLong(lobID); params[DELETE_BLOCKS.BLOCK_OFFSET] = Integer.valueOf(blockOffset); params[DELETE_BLOCKS.BLOCK_LIMIT] = ValuePool.INTEGER_MAX; params[DELETE_BLOCKS.TX_ID] = ValuePool.getLong(sysLobSession.getTransactionTimestamp()); Result result = sysLobSession.executeCompiledStatement(deleteLobPartCall, params, 0); setLength(lobID, offset); return ResultLob.newLobTruncateResponse(lobID, offset); } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } private Result setLength(long lobID, long length) { ResultMetaData meta = updateLobLength.getParametersMetaData(); Object params[] = new Object[meta.getColumnCount()]; params[UPDATE_LENGTH.LOB_LENGTH] = ValuePool.getLong(length); params[UPDATE_LENGTH.LOB_ID] = ValuePool.getLong(lobID); Result result = sysLobSession.executeCompiledStatement(updateLobLength, params, 0); return result; } /** * Executes in user session. No lock */ public Result adjustUsageCount(Session session, long lobID, int delta) { ResultMetaData meta = updateLobUsage.getParametersMetaData(); Object params[] = new Object[meta.getColumnCount()]; params[UPDATE_USAGE.BLOCK_COUNT] = ValuePool.getInt(delta); params[UPDATE_USAGE.LOB_ID] = ValuePool.getLong(lobID); session.sessionContext.pushDynamicArguments(params); Result result = updateLobUsage.execute(session); session.sessionContext.pop(); return result; } private int[][] getBlockAddresses(long lobID, int offset, int limit) { ResultMetaData meta = getSpanningBlocks.getParametersMetaData(); Object params[] = new Object[meta.getColumnCount()]; params[GET_LOB_PART.LOB_ID] = ValuePool.getLong(lobID); params[GET_LOB_PART.BLOCK_OFFSET] = ValuePool.getInt(offset); params[GET_LOB_PART.BLOCK_LIMIT] = ValuePool.getInt(limit); sysLobSession.sessionContext.pushDynamicArguments(params); Result result = getSpanningBlocks.execute(sysLobSession); sysLobSession.sessionContext.pop(); RowSetNavigator navigator = result.getNavigator(); int size = navigator.getSize(); int[][] blocks = new int[size][3]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { navigator.absolute(i); Object[] data = navigator.getCurrent(); blocks[i][LOBS.BLOCK_ADDR] = ((Integer) data[LOBS.BLOCK_ADDR]).intValue(); blocks[i][LOBS.BLOCK_COUNT] = ((Integer) data[LOBS.BLOCK_COUNT]).intValue(); blocks[i][LOBS.BLOCK_OFFSET] = ((Integer) data[LOBS.BLOCK_OFFSET]).intValue(); } navigator.release(); return blocks; } private void deleteBlockAddresses(long lobID, int offset, int limit) { ResultMetaData meta = deleteLobPartCall.getParametersMetaData(); Object params[] = new Object[meta.getColumnCount()]; params[DELETE_BLOCKS.LOB_ID] = ValuePool.getLong(lobID); params[DELETE_BLOCKS.BLOCK_OFFSET] = ValuePool.getInt(offset); params[DELETE_BLOCKS.BLOCK_LIMIT] = ValuePool.getInt(limit); params[DELETE_BLOCKS.TX_ID] = ValuePool.getLong(sysLobSession.getTransactionTimestamp()); Result result = sysLobSession.executeCompiledStatement(deleteLobPartCall, params, 0); } private void divideBlockAddresses(long lobID, int offset) { ResultMetaData meta = divideLobPartCall.getParametersMetaData(); Object params[] = new Object[meta.getColumnCount()]; params[DIVIDE_BLOCK.BLOCK_OFFSET] = ValuePool.getInt(offset); params[DIVIDE_BLOCK.LOB_ID] = ValuePool.getLong(lobID); Result result = sysLobSession.executeCompiledStatement(divideLobPartCall, params, 0); } private Result createBlockAddresses(long lobID, int offset, int count) { ResultMetaData meta = createLobPartCall.getParametersMetaData(); Object params[] = new Object[meta.getColumnCount()]; params[ALLOC_BLOCKS.BLOCK_COUNT] = ValuePool.getInt(count); params[ALLOC_BLOCKS.BLOCK_OFFSET] = ValuePool.getInt(offset); params[ALLOC_BLOCKS.LOB_ID] = ValuePool.getLong(lobID); Result result = sysLobSession.executeCompiledStatement(createLobPartCall, params, 0); return result; } private Result createFullBlockAddresses(long lobID, int offset, int count) { ResultMetaData meta = createSingleLobPartCall.getParametersMetaData(); Object params[] = new Object[meta.getColumnCount()]; params[ALLOC_BLOCKS.BLOCK_COUNT] = ValuePool.getInt(count); params[ALLOC_BLOCKS.BLOCK_OFFSET] = ValuePool.getInt(offset); params[ALLOC_BLOCKS.LOB_ID] = ValuePool.getLong(lobID); Result result = sysLobSession.executeCompiledStatement(createSingleLobPartCall, params, 0); return result; } private Result createPart(long lobID, long partOffset, int dataLength, int byteLength, int blockOffset, int blockCount) { ResultMetaData meta = createPart.getParametersMetaData(); Object params[] = new Object[meta.getColumnCount()]; params[ALLOC_PART.BLOCK_COUNT] = ValuePool.getInt(blockCount); params[ALLOC_PART.BLOCK_OFFSET] = ValuePool.getInt(blockOffset); params[ALLOC_PART.PART_OFFSET] = ValuePool.getLong(partOffset); params[ALLOC_PART.PART_LENGTH] = ValuePool.getLong(dataLength); params[ALLOC_PART.PART_BYTES] = ValuePool.getLong(byteLength); params[ALLOC_PART.LOB_ID] = ValuePool.getLong(lobID); Result result = sysLobSession.executeCompiledStatement(createPart, params, 0); return result; } private int getBlockAddress(int[][] blockAddresses, int blockOffset) { for (int i = 0; i < blockAddresses.length; i++) { if (blockAddresses[i][LOBS.BLOCK_OFFSET] + blockAddresses[i][LOBS.BLOCK_COUNT] > blockOffset) { return blockAddresses[i][LOBS.BLOCK_ADDR] - blockAddresses[i][LOBS.BLOCK_OFFSET] + blockOffset; } } return -1; } public int getLobCount() { writeLock.lock(); try { sysLobSession.sessionContext.pushDynamicArguments(new Object[]{}); Result result = getLobCount.execute(sysLobSession); sysLobSession.sessionContext.pop(); RowSetNavigator navigator = result.getNavigator(); boolean next = navigator.next(); if (!next) { navigator.release(); return 0; } Object[] data = navigator.getCurrent(); return ((Number) data[0]).intValue(); } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } public void synch() { if (storeModified) { if (lobStore != null) { writeLock.lock(); try { try { lobStore.synch(); } catch (Throwable t) {} storeModified = false; } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } } } private long[][] getParts(long lobID, long offset, long limit) { ResultMetaData meta = getSpanningParts.getParametersMetaData(); Object params[] = new Object[meta.getColumnCount()]; params[GET_LOB_PART.LOB_ID] = ValuePool.getLong(lobID); params[GET_LOB_PART.BLOCK_OFFSET] = ValuePool.getLong(offset); params[GET_LOB_PART.BLOCK_LIMIT] = ValuePool.getLong(limit); sysLobSession.sessionContext.pushDynamicArguments(params); Result result = getSpanningParts.execute(sysLobSession); sysLobSession.sessionContext.pop(); RowSetNavigator navigator = result.getNavigator(); int size = navigator.getSize(); long[][] blocks = new long[size][6]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { navigator.absolute(i); Object[] data = navigator.getCurrent(); for (int j = 0; j < blocks[i].length; j++) { blocks[i][j] = ((Number) data[j]).longValue(); } } navigator.release(); return blocks; } void inflate(byte[] data, int length, boolean isClob) { if (cryptLobs) { length = database.logger.getCrypto().decode(data, 0, length, data, 0); } try { inflater.setInput(data, 0, length); length = inflater.inflate(dataBuffer); inflater.reset(); } catch (DataFormatException e) { // } catch (Throwable e) {} int limit = (int) ArrayUtil.getBinaryMultipleCeiling(length, lobBlockSize); for (int i = length; i < limit; i++) { dataBuffer[i] = 0; } } int deflate(byte[] data, int offset, int length, boolean isClob) { deflater.setInput(data, offset, length); deflater.finish(); length = deflater.deflate(dataBuffer); deflater.reset(); if (cryptLobs) { length = database.logger.getCrypto().encode(dataBuffer, 0, length, dataBuffer, 0); } int limit = (int) ArrayUtil.getBinaryMultipleCeiling(length, lobBlockSize); for (int i = length; i < limit; i++) { dataBuffer[i] = 0; } return length; } private int compareBytesCompressed(long aID, long bID) { long[][] aParts = getParts(aID, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE); long[][] bParts = getParts(bID, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE); for (int i = 0; i < aParts.length && i < bParts.length; i++) { int aPartLength = (int) aParts[i][ALLOC_PART.PART_LENGTH]; getPartBytesCompressedInBuffer(aID, aParts[i], false); byte[] aPartBytes = new byte[aPartLength]; System.arraycopy(dataBuffer, 0, aPartBytes, 0, aPartLength); int bPartLength = (int) bParts[i][ALLOC_PART.PART_LENGTH]; getPartBytesCompressedInBuffer(aID, bParts[i], false); int result = ArrayUtil.compare(aPartBytes, 0, aPartLength, byteBuffer, bPartLength); if (result != 0) { return result; } } if (aParts.length == bParts.length) { return 0; } return aParts.length > bParts.length ? 1 : -1; } private int compareTextCompressed(Collation collation, long aID, long bID) { long[][] aParts = getParts(aID, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE); long[][] bParts = getParts(bID, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE); for (int i = 0; i < aParts.length && i < bParts.length; i++) { int aPartLength = (int) aParts[i][ALLOC_PART.PART_LENGTH]; getPartBytesCompressedInBuffer(aID, aParts[i], true); String aString = new String(ArrayUtil.byteArrayToChars(dataBuffer, aPartLength)); int bPartLength = (int) bParts[i][ALLOC_PART.PART_LENGTH]; getPartBytesCompressedInBuffer(bID, bParts[i], true); String bString = new String(ArrayUtil.byteArrayToChars(dataBuffer, bPartLength)); int diff = collation.compare(aString, bString); if (diff != 0) { return diff; } } if (aParts.length == bParts.length) { return 0; } return aParts.length > bParts.length ? 1 : -1; } private Result setBytesISCompressed(long lobID, InputStream inputStream, long length, boolean isClob) { long offset = 0; byte[] tempBuffer; if (length < largeLobBlockSize) { tempBuffer = new byte[(int) length]; } else { tempBuffer = new byte[largeLobBlockSize]; } while (true) { int localLength = tempBuffer.length; if (localLength > length - offset) { localLength = (int) (length - offset); } int count = 0; try { while (localLength > 0) { int read = inputStream.read(tempBuffer, count, localLength); if (read == -1) { return Result.newErrorResult(new EOFException()); } localLength -= read; count += read; } // read more } catch (IOException e) { // deallocate return Result.newErrorResult(e); } Result result = setBytesBACompressedPart(lobID, offset, tempBuffer, count, isClob); if (result.isError()) { return result; } offset += count; if (offset == length) { break; } } storeModified = true; return ResultLob.newLobSetResponse(lobID, length); } private Result setBytesBACompressed(long lobID, long offset, byte[] dataBytes, int dataLength, boolean isClob) { if (dataLength == 0) { return ResultLob.newLobSetResponse(lobID, 0); } if (dataLength <= largeLobBlockSize) { return setBytesBACompressedPart(lobID, offset, dataBytes, dataLength, isClob); } HsqlByteArrayInputStream is = new HsqlByteArrayInputStream(dataBytes, 0, dataLength); return setBytesISCompressed(lobID, is, dataLength, isClob); } private Result setBytesBACompressedPart(long lobID, long offset, byte[] dataBytes, int dataLength, boolean isClob) { // get block offset after existing blocks and conmpressed block int byteLength = deflate(dataBytes, 0, dataLength, isClob); long[] lastPart = getLastPart(lobID); int blockOffset = (int) lastPart[ALLOC_PART.BLOCK_OFFSET] + (int) lastPart[ALLOC_PART.BLOCK_COUNT]; int blockCount = (byteLength + lobBlockSize - 1) / lobBlockSize; // check position long limit = lastPart[ALLOC_PART.PART_OFFSET] + lastPart[ALLOC_PART.PART_LENGTH]; if (limit != offset || limit % largeLobBlockSize != 0) { return Result.newErrorResult(Error.error(ErrorCode.X_0F502)); } Result result = createFullBlockAddresses(lobID, blockOffset, blockCount); if (result.isError()) { return result; } result = createPart(lobID, offset, dataLength, byteLength, blockOffset, blockCount); if (result.isError()) { return result; } long blockByteOffset = blockOffset * lobBlockSize; int blockByteLength = (int) ArrayUtil.getBinaryMultipleCeiling(byteLength, lobBlockSize); setBytesBANormal(lobID, blockByteOffset, dataBuffer, blockByteLength); storeModified = true; return ResultLob.newLobSetResponse(lobID, dataLength); } private Result getBytesCompressed(long lobID, long offset, int length, boolean isClob) { byte[] dataBytes = new byte[length]; long[][] parts = getParts(lobID, offset, offset + length); for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { long[] part = parts[i]; long partOffset = part[ALLOC_PART.PART_OFFSET]; int partLength = (int) part[ALLOC_PART.PART_LENGTH]; Result result = getPartBytesCompressedInBuffer(lobID, part, isClob); if (result.isError()) { return result; } ArrayUtil.copyBytes(partOffset, dataBuffer, 0, partLength, offset, dataBytes, length); } return ResultLob.newLobGetBytesResponse(lobID, offset, dataBytes); } private Result getPartBytesCompressedInBuffer(long lobID, long[] part, boolean isClob) { int blockOffset = (int) part[ALLOC_PART.BLOCK_OFFSET]; long partOffset = part[ALLOC_PART.PART_OFFSET]; int partLength = (int) part[ALLOC_PART.PART_LENGTH]; int partBytesLength = (int) part[ALLOC_PART.PART_BYTES]; long blockByteOffset = blockOffset * lobBlockSize; Result result = getBytesNormal(lobID, blockByteOffset, partBytesLength); if (result.isError()) { return result; } byte[] byteBlock = ((ResultLob) result).getByteArray(); inflate(byteBlock, partBytesLength, isClob); return ResultLob.newLobSetResponse(lobID, partLength); } private long[] getLastPart(long lobID) { ResultMetaData meta = getLastPart.getParametersMetaData(); Object params[] = new Object[meta.getColumnCount()]; params[GET_LOB_PART.LOB_ID] = ValuePool.getLong(lobID); sysLobSession.sessionContext.pushDynamicArguments(params); Result result = getLastPart.execute(sysLobSession); sysLobSession.sessionContext.pop(); RowSetNavigator navigator = result.getNavigator(); int size = navigator.getSize(); long[] blocks = new long[6]; if (size == 0) { blocks[ALLOC_PART.LOB_ID] = lobID; } else { navigator.absolute(0); Object[] data = navigator.getCurrent(); for (int j = 0; j < blocks.length; j++) { blocks[j] = ((Number) data[j]).longValue(); } } navigator.release(); return blocks; } }