package com.opticalcobra.storybear.db; import java.awt.Point; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.hsqldb.server.Server; import org.hsqldb.types.Types; import com.opticalcobra.storybear.editor.Story; import com.opticalcobra.storybear.editor.StoryInfo; import com.opticalcobra.storybear.main.User; import com.opticalcobra.storybear.res.Ressources; /** * * @author Tobias * */ public class Database { private static Server DBinstance; private static Connection conn; public static int requestnum; /** * @author Tobias */ public Database() { if(DBinstance == null){ DBinstance = Server.start(new String[0]); } if(conn == null){ try { Class.forName("org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver"); conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/", "sa",""); } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println("Could not establish database connection"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.err.println("Could not load jdbc driver"); e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * @author Tobias * @throws SQLException */ public void shutdown() throws SQLException{ Statement st = conn.createStatement(); st.execute("SHUTDOWN"); conn.close(); } /** * @author Tobias & Martika * @param ba * @param tableName * @throws SQLException */ private void insertBlob(byte[] ba, String tableName) throws SQLException{ java.sql.Blob obj = conn.createBlob(); obj.setBytes(1, ba); PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO " + tableName + " (OBJECT, LENGTH) VALUES(?,"+ba.length+")"); pstmt.setBlob(1, obj); pstmt.execute(); } /** * @author Tobias & Martika * @param id * @param tableName * @return * @throws SQLException */ private byte[] getBlob(int id, String tableName) throws SQLException{ ResultSet rs = query("SELECT OBJECT, LENGTH FROM " + tableName + " WHERE ID = "+id+";");; java.sql.Blob obj = rs.getBlob("OBJECT"); return obj.getBytes(1, rs.getInt("LENGTH")); } /** * @Martika * @param currentStory */ public void insertStoryToDatabase(Story currentStory){ byte[] ba = Blob.create(currentStory); try { insertBlob(ba, "STORY"); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * @author Martika * @param id * @return */ public Story getStoryFromDatabase(int id){ byte[] currentBlob = null; try { currentBlob = getBlob(id, "STORY"); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return ((Story); } public void updateStory(Story currentStory) { try { conn.createStatement().execute("DELETE FROM story WHERE id=" + currentStory.getId() + ";"); insertStoryToDatabase(currentStory); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public ArrayList<StoryInfo> getAllLevelssFromDatabase(){ ArrayList<StoryInfo> result = new ArrayList<StoryInfo>(); try { ResultSet rs = query("Select Object, length, ID from levels"); while({ java.sql.Blob obj = rs.getBlob("OBJECT"); byte[] ba = obj.getBytes(1, rs.getInt("LENGTH")); StoryInfo si = (StoryInfo)(; si.setId(rs.getInt("ID")); result.add(si); } } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return result; } public ArrayList<Story> getAllStoriesFromDatabase(){ ArrayList<Story> result = new ArrayList<Story>(); try { ResultSet rs = query("Select Object, length, ID from story"); while({ java.sql.Blob obj = rs.getBlob("OBJECT"); byte[] ba = obj.getBytes(1, rs.getInt("LENGTH")); Story si = (Story)(; si.setId(rs.getInt("ID")); result.add(si); } } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return result; } public ArrayList<StoryInfo> getAllStorysFromDatabaseWithIds(){ ArrayList<StoryInfo> result = new ArrayList<StoryInfo>(); try { ResultSet rs = query("Select * from levels"); while({ java.sql.Blob obj = rs.getBlob("OBJECT"); byte[] ba = obj.getBytes(1, rs.getInt("LENGTH")); StoryInfo si = (StoryInfo)(; si.setId(rs.getInt("ID")); result.add(si); } } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return result; } /** * @Martika * @param currentStory */ public void insertStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryInfo currentStoryInfo){ byte[] ba = Blob.create(currentStoryInfo); try { insertBlob(ba, "LEVELS"); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * @author Martika * @param id * @return */ public StoryInfo getStoryInfoFromDatabase(int id){ byte[] currentBlob = null; try { currentBlob = getBlob(id, "LEVELS"); } catch (SQLException e) { } return ((StoryInfo); } /** * @author Martika * @return */ public TileResult getTileInfo(int tileType){ ResultSet rs; int height = 0; boolean walkable = false; try { rs = query("SELECT height_level, walkable from foreground_type where id = '" + tileType + "';");; height = (int) (rs.getObject("HEIGHT_LEVEL")); height = (int) (height / Ressources.SCALE); walkable = rs.getBoolean("WALKABLE"); rs.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return new TileResult(tileType, height, walkable, null); } /** * @author Martika * @param tileTypeId * @param containerTypeId * @return */ public Point getObjectPosForeground(int tileTypeId, int containerTypeId){ ResultSet rs; Point position = new Point(0, 0); try { rs = query("SELECT x, y FROM foreground_container WHERE type_id = " +tileTypeId+ " AND " + "container_type = " + containerTypeId + ";");; position.x = (int) rs.getObject("X"); position.y = (int) rs.getObject("Y"); position.x = (int) (position.x / Ressources.SCALE); position.y = (int) (position.y / Ressources.SCALE); rs.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return position; } /** * @author Martika * @param tileTypeId * @param containerTypeId * @return */ public int getRandomCollectableNumber(){ ResultSet rs; ResultSet rsCounter; int range=0; int returnImageID = 0; try { rsCounter = query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM collectable_object");; range = (int) rsCounter.getInt(1); range = (int) (Math.random()*range); rsCounter.close(); rs = query("SELECT image_id FROM collectable_object where id = "+range+";");; returnImageID = range = (int) rs.getObject(1); rs.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return returnImageID; } public Point getObjectPosMiddleground(int tileTypeId, int containerTypeId){ ResultSet rs; Point position = new Point(0, 0); try { rs = query("SELECT x, y FROM middleground_container WHERE type_id = " +tileTypeId+ " AND " + "container_id = " + containerTypeId + ";"); while({ position.x = (int) rs.getObject("X"); position.y = (int) rs.getObject("Y"); position.x = (int) (position.x / Ressources.SCALE); position.y = (int) (position.y / Ressources.SCALE); } rs.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return position; } public synchronized ResultSet query(String expression) throws SQLException { requestnum++; Statement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; st = conn.createStatement(); rs = st.executeQuery(expression); st.close(); return rs; } /** * Returns current Server status * DBConstants.SERVER_SHUTDOWN * DBConstants.SERVER_OPENING * DBConstants.SERVER_RUNNING * DBConstants.SERVER_CLOSEING * @return Constant for Server Status * @author Tobias */ public int getState(){ return DBinstance.getState(); } /** * Starts the Database for Development purpose */ public static void main(String[] args){ Database DB = new Database(); try { DB.query("SELECT * FROM category;"); DB.shutdown(); } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println("SQL Error"); } } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) private ArrayList[] toArrayList(ResultSet rs){ int colmax = 0; ResultSetMetaData meta = null; ArrayList[] result = null; //Array initialisieren try { meta = rs.getMetaData(); colmax = meta.getColumnCount(); result = new ArrayList[colmax]; for (int i = 0; i < colmax; i++) { switch (meta.getColumnType(i + 1)) { case Types.INTEGER: result[i] = new ArrayList<Integer>(); break; case Types.BOOLEAN: result[i] = new ArrayList<Boolean>(); break; default: result[i] = new ArrayList<String>(); //to String is working always break; } } } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println("Error identifying metadata from query result"); } //Daten in ArrayList laden Object o; try { while ( { for (int i = 0; i < colmax; ++i) { o = rs.getObject(i + 1); result[i].add(o); } } } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println("Error while reading SQL results data"); } return result; } /** * Returns all information about an Image stored in the DB * @param query * @return * @throws SQLException */ public ImageResult queryImagedata(int id) throws SQLException{ String query = "SELECT * FROM IMAGES WHERE ID = "+id; ResultSet rs = query(query); int x; int y; int width; int height; String url;; url =(String) rs.getObject("URL"); x =(Integer) rs.getObject("X"); y =(Integer) rs.getObject("Y"); height =(Integer) rs.getObject("HEIGHT"); width =(Integer) rs.getObject("WIDTH"); rs.close(); return new ImageResult(id, x, y, height, width, url); } public Integer[] queryNumberResultOnly(String query) throws SQLException{ ResultSet rs = query(query); ResultSetMetaData meta = rs.getMetaData(); ArrayList<Integer> result = new ArrayList<Integer>(); while({ result.add((int) rs.getObject(1)); } rs.close(); return (Integer[])result.toArray(new Integer[0]); } /** * Returns an 0,1,2 or -1 weather we'ye got an image for the word as a collectable, character or landscape * * @author Martika * * @param word * @return int 0,1,2 or -1 as Constants * @throws SQLException */ public WordResult queryWordType(String word) throws SQLException{ WordResult result = null; int typeId = DBConstants.WORD_OBJECT_TYPE_NO_IMAGE; ResultSet rsCollectable; ResultSet rsIllustrationBig; ResultSet rsIllustrationSmall; ResultSet rsCharacter; ResultSet rsMiddleground; ArrayList<String>[] arrayRS; //needed for the ArrayList of the ResultSet rsFexione String query = "SELECT DISTINCT t2.word FROM term t " + "LEFT JOIN synset s ON t.synset_id " + "LEFT JOIN term t2 ON t2.synset_id = " + "LEFT JOIN category_link cl ON t2.synset_id = cl.synset_id " + "LEFT JOIN category c ON = cl.category_id " + "LEFT JOIN term_level tl ON t2.level_id = " + "WHERE t.word in (SELECT basic FROM morph where reflexive= '" +word+ "' ) " + "OR t.word like '" +word+ "' OR t.normalized_word like '" +word+ "' " + "OR t.normalized_word in (SELECT basic FROM morph where reflexive= '" +word+ "' )"; arrayRS = this.toArrayList(query(query)); arrayRS[0].add(0, word); for(String flexiom:arrayRS[0]){ rsCollectable = query("SELECT DISTINCT IMAGE_ID FROM Collectable_Object WHERE word = '"+word+"';"); rsIllustrationBig = query("SELECT DISTINCT IMAGE_ID FROM Illustration_Object WHERE word = '"+word+"' AND big = 'true';"); rsIllustrationSmall = query("SELECT DISTINCT IMAGE_ID FROM Illustration_Object WHERE word = '"+word+"' AND big = 'false';"); rsCharacter = query("SELECT DISTINCT IMAGE_ID FROM Character_Object WHERE word = '"+word+"';"); rsMiddleground= query("SELECT DISTINCT IMAGE_ID FROM Middleground_Object WHERE word = '"+word+"';"); if ({ result = new WordResult(DBConstants.WORD_OBJECT_TYPE_CHARACTER,rsCharacter.getInt("IMAGE_ID"),arrayRS); } else if ({ result = new WordResult(DBConstants.WORD_OBJECT_TYPE_COLLECTABLE, rsCollectable.getInt("IMAGE_ID"),arrayRS); } else if ({ result = new WordResult(DBConstants.WORD_OBJECT_TYPE_MIDDLEGROUND, rsMiddleground.getInt("IMAGE_ID"),arrayRS); } else if ({ result = new WordResult(DBConstants.WORD_OBJECT_TYPE_ILLUSTRATION_BIG, rsIllustrationBig.getInt("IMAGE_ID"),arrayRS); } else if ({ result = new WordResult(DBConstants.WORD_OBJECT_TYPE_ILLUSTRATION_SMALL, rsIllustrationSmall.getInt("IMAGE_ID"),arrayRS); } else{ result = new WordResult(DBConstants.WORD_OBJECT_TYPE_NO_IMAGE, getRandomCollectableNumber(),arrayRS); } rsCollectable.close(); rsIllustrationBig.close(); rsIllustrationSmall.close(); rsCharacter.close(); rsMiddleground.close(); if(result.getType() != DBConstants.WORD_OBJECT_TYPE_NO_IMAGE){ return result; } } return result; } /** * Returns list of all users * @return list of users * @throws SQLException */ public List<User> queryUserList() throws SQLException { List<User> resultList = new ArrayList<User>(); ResultSet rs = query("SELECT * FROM user;"); while( resultList.add(new User((Integer) rs.getObject("ID"), (String) rs.getObject("NAME"))); rs.close(); return resultList; } /** * Delete user * @param id UserId * @return true if user was deleted successfully * @throws SQLException */ public boolean deleteUserById(int id) throws SQLException { return conn.createStatement().execute("DELETE FROM user WHERE id=" + id + ";"); } /** * Add new User to DB * @param user User-Object * @return true if insert was successful * @throws SQLException */ public boolean addUser(User user) throws SQLException { return conn.createStatement().execute("INSERT INTO user(name) VALUES ('" + user.getName() + "')"); } /* * @author Miriam */ public String getUserName(int id) throws SQLException{ ResultSet rs = query("SELECT NAME FROM user WHERE id = " + id + ";"); String result = ""; while( result = rs.getString("NAME"); rs.close(); //return rs.getString("NAME"); return result; } /* * @author Miriam * inserts the highscore data in the highscore table */ public void addHighscore(int user_id, int level_id, int score) throws SQLException{ ResultSet rs = query("INSERT INTO highscore (user_id,level_id,score) values ("+ user_id +", "+ level_id +", " + score +");"); } public ArrayList<HighscoreResult> getHighscoreForLevel(int level) throws SQLException{ ArrayList<HighscoreResult> hr = new ArrayList(); ResultSet rs = query("SELECT * FROM highscore WHERE level_id = " + level + ";"); while({ hr.add(new HighscoreResult((int)(rs.getObject("user_id")), level, (int)(rs.getObject("score")))); } rs.close(); return hr; } public List<SuggestionWord> getRandomSuggestioWord(int numberOfWords) { ArrayList<SuggestionWord> words = new ArrayList<SuggestionWord>(); try { ResultSet res = query("SELECT IMAGE_ID, WORD, BIG FROM Illustration_Object ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT "+numberOfWords+";"); while( { SuggestionWord s = new SuggestionWord(); s.setImageId((Integer) res.getObject("IMAGE_ID")); s.setWord((String) res.getObject("WORD")); s.setBig((Boolean) res.getObject("BIG")); words.add(s); } return words; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /* * @author Miriam * gets the points of a chosen collectable with the mentioned id from the input */ public int getPointsOfCollectable(int id) throws SQLException{ int result = 0; ResultSet rs = query("SELECT POINTS FROM collectable_object WHERE id = " + id + ";"); while({ result = rs.getInt("POINTS"); } rs.close(); return result; } public void dump(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { // ResultSetMetaData meta = rs.getMetaData(); // TODO print metadata // int colmax = meta.getColumnCount(); // Object o = null; // // while( ) { // for (int i = 0; i < colmax; ++i) { // o = rs.getObject(i + 1); // System.out.print(o + " "); // } // // System.out.println(" "); // } System.out.println(toArrayList(rs)); } }