/* Copyright (c) 2001-2014, The HSQL Development Group * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the HSQL Development Group nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL HSQL DEVELOPMENT GROUP, HSQLDB.ORG, * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package org.hsqldb.persist; import org.hsqldb.error.Error; import org.hsqldb.error.ErrorCode; import org.hsqldb.lib.ArraySort; import org.hsqldb.lib.Iterator; import org.hsqldb.lib.ObjectComparator; import org.hsqldb.lib.StopWatch; import org.hsqldb.map.BaseHashMap; /** * New implementation of row caching for CACHED tables.<p> * * Manages memory for the cache map and its contents based on least recently * used clearup.<p> * Also provides services for selecting rows to be saved and passing them * to DataFileCache.<p> * * @author Fred Toussi (fredt@users dot sourceforge.net) * @version 2.3.0 * @since 1.8.0 */ public class Cache extends BaseHashMap { final DataFileCache dataFileCache; private int capacity; // number of Rows private long bytesCapacity; // number of bytes private final CachedObjectComparator rowComparator; private final BaseHashMap.BaseHashIterator objectIterator; private boolean updateAccess; private long maxPositionOnCleanup; // private CachedObject[] rowTable; long cacheBytesLength; // for testing StopWatch saveAllTimer = new StopWatch(false); StopWatch sortTimer = new StopWatch(false); int saveRowCount = 0; Cache(DataFileCache dfc) { super(dfc.capacity(), BaseHashMap.objectKeyOrValue, BaseHashMap.noKeyOrValue, true); maxCapacity = dfc.capacity(); dataFileCache = dfc; capacity = dfc.capacity(); bytesCapacity = dfc.bytesCapacity(); rowComparator = new CachedObjectComparator(); rowTable = new CachedObject[capacity]; cacheBytesLength = 0; objectIterator = new BaseHashIterator(true); updateAccess = true; comparator = rowComparator; } /** * Structural initialisations take place here. This allows the Cache to * be resized while the database is in operation. */ void resize(int capacity, long bytesCapacity) {} long getTotalCachedBlockSize() { return cacheBytesLength; } /** * Returns a row if in memory cache. */ public CachedObject get(long pos) { if (accessCount > ACCESS_MAX && updateAccess) { updateAccessCounts(); resetAccessCount(); updateObjectAccessCounts(); } int lookup = getObjectLookup(pos); if (lookup == -1) { return null; } accessTable[lookup] = ++accessCount; CachedObject object = (CachedObject) objectKeyTable[lookup]; return object; } /** * Adds a row to the cache. */ void put(CachedObject row) { int storageSize = row.getStorageSize(); if (size() >= capacity || storageSize + cacheBytesLength > bytesCapacity) { cleanUp(false); if (size() >= capacity) { clearUnchanged(); } if (size() >= capacity) { cleanUp(true); } if (size() >= capacity) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.DATA_CACHE_IS_FULL, String.valueOf(capacity)); } } if (accessCount > ACCESS_MAX && updateAccess) { updateAccessCounts(); resetAccessCount(); updateObjectAccessCounts(); } super.addOrRemoveObject(row, row.getPos(), false); row.setInMemory(true); cacheBytesLength += storageSize; } /** * Removes an object from memory cache. Does not release the file storage. */ CachedObject release(long pos) { CachedObject r = (CachedObject) super.addOrRemoveObject(null, pos, true); if (r == null) { return null; } cacheBytesLength -= r.getStorageSize(); r.setInMemory(false); return r; } /** * Replace a row in the cache. */ void replace(long key, CachedObject row) { int lookup = super.getLookup(key); objectKeyTable[lookup] = row; } private void updateAccessCounts() { CachedObject r; int count; for (int i = 0; i < objectKeyTable.length; i++) { r = (CachedObject) objectKeyTable[i]; if (r != null) { count = r.getAccessCount(); if (count > accessTable[i]) { accessTable[i] = count; } } } } private void updateObjectAccessCounts() { CachedObject r; int count; for (int i = 0; i < objectKeyTable.length; i++) { r = (CachedObject) objectKeyTable[i]; if (r != null) { count = accessTable[i]; r.updateAccessCount(count); } } } /** * Reduces the number of rows held in this Cache object. <p> * * Cleanup is done by checking the accessCount of the Rows and removing * the rows with the lowest access count. * * Index operations require that up to 5 recently accessed rows remain * in the cache. This is ensured by prior calling keepInMemory(). * */ private void cleanUp(boolean all) { if (updateAccess) { updateAccessCounts(); } int removeCount = size() / 2; int accessTarget = getAccessCountCeiling(removeCount, removeCount / 8); int savecount = 0; if (all) { accessTarget = accessCount + 1; } objectIterator.reset(); for (; objectIterator.hasNext(); ) { CachedObject row = (CachedObject) objectIterator.next(); int currentAccessCount = objectIterator.getAccessCount(); boolean oldRow = currentAccessCount < accessTarget; boolean newRow = row.isNew() && row.getStorageSize() >= DataFileCache.initIOBufferSize; if (!oldRow && !newRow) { continue; } objectIterator.setAccessCount(accessTarget); synchronized (row) { if (row.isKeepInMemory()) { continue; } if (row.hasChanged()) { rowTable[savecount++] = row; } if (oldRow) { row.setInMemory(false); objectIterator.remove(); cacheBytesLength -= row.getStorageSize(); } } if (savecount == rowTable.length) { saveRows(savecount); savecount = 0; } } super.setAccessCountFloor(accessTarget); saveRows(savecount); this.maxPositionOnCleanup = dataFileCache.fileFreePosition / dataFileCache.dataFileScale; } void clearUnchanged() { objectIterator.reset(); for (; objectIterator.hasNext(); ) { CachedObject row = (CachedObject) objectIterator.next(); synchronized (row) { if (!row.isKeepInMemory() && !row.hasChanged()) { row.setInMemory(false); objectIterator.remove(); cacheBytesLength -= row.getStorageSize(); } } } } private synchronized void saveRows(int count) { if (count == 0) { return; } long startTime = saveAllTimer.elapsedTime(); rowComparator.setType(CachedObjectComparator.COMPARE_POSITION); sortTimer.zero(); sortTimer.start(); ArraySort.sort(rowTable, 0, count, rowComparator); sortTimer.stop(); saveAllTimer.start(); dataFileCache.saveRows(rowTable, 0, count); saveRowCount += count; saveAllTimer.stop(); logSaveRowsEvent(count, startTime); } /** * Writes out all modified cached Rows. */ void saveAll() { int savecount = 0; objectIterator.reset(); for (; objectIterator.hasNext(); ) { if (savecount == rowTable.length) { saveRows(savecount); savecount = 0; } CachedObject r = (CachedObject) objectIterator.next(); if (r.hasChanged()) { rowTable[savecount] = r; savecount++; } } saveRows(savecount); } void logSaveRowsEvent(int saveCount, long startTime) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("cache save rows [count,time] totals "); sb.append(saveRowCount); sb.append(',').append(saveAllTimer.elapsedTime()).append(' '); sb.append("operation ").append(saveCount).append(','); sb.append(saveAllTimer.elapsedTime() - startTime).append(' '); // sb.append("txts "); sb.append(dataFileCache.database.txManager.getGlobalChangeTimestamp()); // dataFileCache.logDetailEvent(sb.toString()); } /** * clears out the memory cache */ public void clear() { super.clear(); cacheBytesLength = 0; } public Iterator getIterator() { objectIterator.reset(); return objectIterator; } static final class CachedObjectComparator implements ObjectComparator { static final int COMPARE_LAST_ACCESS = 0; static final int COMPARE_POSITION = 1; static final int COMPARE_SIZE = 2; private int compareType = COMPARE_POSITION; CachedObjectComparator() {} void setType(int type) { compareType = type; } public int compare(Object a, Object b) { long diff; switch (compareType) { case COMPARE_POSITION : diff = ((CachedObject) a).getPos() - ((CachedObject) b).getPos(); break; case COMPARE_SIZE : diff = ((CachedObject) a).getStorageSize() - ((CachedObject) b).getStorageSize(); break; default : return 0; } return diff == 0 ? 0 : diff > 0 ? 1 : -1; } public int hashCode(Object o) { return o.hashCode(); } public long longKey(Object o) { return ((CachedObject) o).getPos(); } } }