package org.aksw.sparqlify.core.algorithms; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.UnaryOperator; import org.aksw.sparqlify.algebra.sql.exprs2.SqlExpr; import org.aksw.sparqlify.algebra.sql.exprs2.SqlExprFunction; import; public class SqlExprSubstitutor2 { public static List<Collection<SqlExpr>> substitute(List<Collection<SqlExpr>> nf, UnaryOperator<SqlExpr> postTraversalTransformer) { List<Collection<SqlExpr>> result = new ArrayList<Collection<SqlExpr>>(); for(Collection<SqlExpr> clause : nf) { Collection<SqlExpr> newClause = substitute(clause, postTraversalTransformer); result.add(newClause); } return result; } public static List<SqlExpr> substitute(Collection<SqlExpr> exprs, UnaryOperator<SqlExpr> postTraversalTransformer) { List<SqlExpr> result = new ArrayList<SqlExpr>(exprs.size()); for(SqlExpr expr : exprs) { SqlExpr newExpr = substitute(expr, postTraversalTransformer); result.add(newExpr); } return result; } public static SqlExpr substitute(SqlExpr expr, UnaryOperator<SqlExpr> postTraversalTransformer) { if(expr == null) { System.out.println("Null expr"); } assert expr != null : "Expr must not be null"; assert expr.getType() != null : "Type of exprs must not be null"; SqlExpr result; switch(expr.getType()) { case Constant: { //result = expr; result = postTraversalTransformer.apply(expr); break; } case Function: { SqlExprFunction fn = expr.asFunction(); List<SqlExpr> args = fn.getArgs(); assert !Iterables.contains(args, null) : "Null argument in expr: " + fn; List<SqlExpr> newArgs = substitute(args, postTraversalTransformer); SqlExpr tmp = fn.copy(newArgs); result = postTraversalTransformer.apply(tmp); break; } case Variable: { //S_ColumnRef columnRef = (S_ColumnRef)expr; //SqlExprVar var = expr.asVariable(); //String name = var.getVarName(); result = postTraversalTransformer.apply(expr);//map.get(name); /* if(substitute != null) { result = substitute; } else { result = expr; } )*/ // // The datatype of the substituted expression must be an equal-or-sub-type of the current one. //result = null; //if(true) { throw new RuntimeException("todo"); } break; } default: { throw new RuntimeException("Should not happen"); } } return result; } }