package org.aksw.sparqlify.core.algorithms; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import org.aksw.commons.collections.CartesianProduct; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.restriction.RestrictionSetImpl; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.utils.ExprUtils; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.views.E_RdfTerm; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.views.ExprCopy; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.views.NodeExprSubstitutor; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.views.RestrictedExpr; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.views.SparqlifyConstants; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.views.SqlTranslationUtils; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.views.VarDefinition; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.views.ViewInstance; import org.aksw.sparqlify.algebra.sql.exprs2.S_Agg; import org.aksw.sparqlify.algebra.sql.exprs2.S_AggCount; import org.aksw.sparqlify.algebra.sql.exprs2.S_Case; import org.aksw.sparqlify.algebra.sql.exprs2.S_Coalesce; import org.aksw.sparqlify.algebra.sql.exprs2.S_ColumnRef; import org.aksw.sparqlify.algebra.sql.exprs2.S_Constant; import org.aksw.sparqlify.algebra.sql.exprs2.S_IsNotNull; import org.aksw.sparqlify.algebra.sql.exprs2.S_When; import org.aksw.sparqlify.algebra.sql.exprs2.SqlExpr; import org.aksw.sparqlify.algebra.sql.nodes.Projection; import org.aksw.sparqlify.algebra.sql.nodes.SqlOp; import org.aksw.sparqlify.algebra.sql.nodes.SqlOpDistinct; import org.aksw.sparqlify.algebra.sql.nodes.SqlOpEmpty; import org.aksw.sparqlify.algebra.sql.nodes.SqlOpExtend; import org.aksw.sparqlify.algebra.sql.nodes.SqlOpFilter; import org.aksw.sparqlify.algebra.sql.nodes.SqlOpJoin; import org.aksw.sparqlify.algebra.sql.nodes.SqlOpOrder; import org.aksw.sparqlify.algebra.sql.nodes.SqlOpProject; import org.aksw.sparqlify.algebra.sql.nodes.SqlOpRename; import org.aksw.sparqlify.algebra.sql.nodes.SqlOpSlice; import org.aksw.sparqlify.algebra.sql.nodes.SqlOpUnionN; import org.aksw.sparqlify.algebra.sql.nodes.SqlSortCondition; import org.aksw.sparqlify.core.ArgExpr; import org.aksw.sparqlify.core.TypeToken; import org.aksw.sparqlify.core.cast.SqlValue; import org.aksw.sparqlify.core.cast.TypeSystem; import org.aksw.sparqlify.core.cast.TypedExprTransformerImpl; import org.aksw.sparqlify.core.domain.input.Mapping; import org.aksw.sparqlify.core.domain.input.MappingUnion; import org.aksw.sparqlify.core.domain.input.ViewDefinition; import org.aksw.sparqlify.core.interfaces.MappingOps; import org.aksw.sparqlify.core.interfaces.SqlTranslator; import org.aksw.sparqlify.core.sparql.algebra.transform.SqlExprUtils; import org.aksw.sparqlify.expr.util.NodeValueUtilsSparqlify; import org.aksw.sparqlify.trash.ExprCommonFactor; import org.aksw.sparqlify.type_system.CandidateMethod; import org.aksw.sparqlify.type_system.FunctionModel; import org.aksw.sparqlify.type_system.MethodEntry; import org.aksw.sparqlify.type_system.TypeSystemUtils; import org.aksw.sparqlify.util.SqlTranslatorImpl2; import org.apache.jena.graph.Node; import org.apache.jena.query.SortCondition; import org.apache.jena.sdb.core.Generator; import org.apache.jena.sdb.core.Gensym; import org.apache.jena.sdb.core.JoinType; import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Var; import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.VarExprList; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.E_Function; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.E_LogicalNot; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.Expr; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.ExprAggregator; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.ExprFunction; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.ExprList; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.ExprVar; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.NodeValue; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.aggregate.AggCount; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.aggregate.Aggregator; import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.XSD; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; class AggCandidate { private List<SqlExprContext> contexts; private List<SqlExpr> args; private List<TypeToken> argTypes; public AggCandidate(List<SqlExprContext> contexts, List<SqlExpr> args, List<TypeToken> argTypes) { super(); this.contexts = contexts; this.args = args; this.argTypes = argTypes; } public List<SqlExprContext> getContexts() { return contexts; } public List<SqlExpr> getArgs() { return args; } public List<TypeToken> getArgTypes() { return argTypes; } public static AggCandidate create(List<SqlExprContext> contexts) { List<SqlExpr> args = new ArrayList<SqlExpr>(contexts.size()); for(SqlExprContext context : contexts) { args.add(context.getSqlExpr()); } List<TypeToken> argTypes = SqlExprUtils.getTypes(args); AggCandidate result = new AggCandidate(contexts, args, argTypes); return result; } @Override public String toString() { return "AggCandidate [contexts=" + contexts + ", args=" + args + ", argTypes=" + argTypes + "]"; } } //class SqlExprContext { // private Map<Var, Expr> assignment; // //private SqlExpr sqlExpr; // private ExprSqlRewrite exprRewrite; // // public SqlExprContext(Map<Var, Expr> assignment, SqlExpr sqlExpr) { // super(); // this.assignment = assignment; // this.sqlExpr = sqlExpr; // } // public Map<Var, Expr> getAssignment() { // return assignment; // } // // public SqlExpr getSqlExpr() { // return sqlExpr; // } // // @Override // public String toString() { // return "SqlExprContext [assignment=" + assignment + ", sqlExpr=" // + sqlExpr + "]"; // } //} /** * This class represents a rewrite under a certain variable assignment * * @author raven * */ class SqlExprContext { private Map<Var, Expr> assignment; private ExprSqlRewrite exprRewrite; public SqlExprContext(Map<Var, Expr> assignment, ExprSqlRewrite exprRewrite) { super(); this.assignment = assignment; this.exprRewrite = exprRewrite; } public Map<Var, Expr> getAssignment() { return assignment; } /** * Convenience function that return the value field of the rewrite * @return */ public SqlExpr getSqlExpr() { SqlExpr sqlExpr = SqlTranslatorImpl2.asSqlExpr(exprRewrite); return sqlExpr; } public ExprSqlRewrite getRewrite() { return exprRewrite; } @Override public String toString() { return "SqlExprContext [assignment=" + assignment + ", sqlExpr=" + exprRewrite + "]"; } } /** * Maybe at some point we want to externalize some state of the rewriting, * such as column names generators. * * I leave this class here for now as a reminder to myself. * * * @author Claus Stadler <> * */ class RewriteContext { } // Helper class class VarDefKey { Set<SqlExpr> constraintExpr = new HashSet<SqlExpr>(); Set<RestrictedExpr> definitionExprs = new HashSet<RestrictedExpr>(); VarDefKey() { } @Override public String toString() { return "VarDefKey [constraintExpr=" + constraintExpr + ", definitionExprs=" + definitionExprs + "]"; } /* VarDefKey(Set<Expr> constraintExpr, Set<RestrictedExpr> definitionExprs) { this.constraintExpr = constraintExpr; this.definitionExprs = definitionExprs; }*/ } /* * Some thoughts: * * The original SqlNode was (sparqlVarToExpr, aliasToColumn, [args]) * * Now we have the new mapping opject which is (sparqlVarToExpr, sqlNode) whereas sparqLVarToExpr is now referred to as varDefinition * * So we are missing the aliasToColumn mapping. * * The question is, whether this should be realized with the injection of SQL projections operators. * I think my conclusion is yes: The rename operation injects an appropriate SQL projection (which should optimize away * later - such as multiple subsequent projections) * * */ public class MappingOpsImpl implements MappingOps { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MappingOpsImpl.class); /** * The exprEvaluator contains an transformer that rewrites expressions in a way that they can be converted to SQL. * Specifically, it tries to get rid of RDF term constructors. * * TODO Better separate rewrite and partial evaluation. */ //private ExprEvaluator exprTransformer; /** * After the transformation, the translater actually converts the expression to SQL. */ private SqlTranslator sqlTranslator; //private DatatypeSystem datatypeSystem; private ExprDatatypeNorm exprNormalizer; public MappingOpsImpl(SqlTranslator sqlTranslator, ExprDatatypeNorm exprNormalizer) {//DatatypeAssigner datatypeAssigner) { //this.exprTransformer = exprTransformer; this.sqlTranslator = sqlTranslator; this.exprNormalizer = exprNormalizer; //this.exprNormalizer = new ExprDatatypeNorm(datatypeSystem) } public SqlTranslator getSqlTranslator() { return this.sqlTranslator; } public ExprDatatypeNorm exprNormalizer() { return this.exprNormalizer; } /* public MappingOpsImpl(ExprDatatypeNorm exprNormalizer) { this.exprNormalizer = exprNormalizer; } */ public Mapping rename(Mapping a, Map<String, String> rename) { //SqlNode // Return the original mapping if there is nothing to rename //a.getSqlNode().get if(rename.isEmpty()) { return a; } VarDefinition renamedVarDef = VarDefinition.copyRename(a.getVarDefinition(), rename); SqlOpRename sqlOpRename = SqlOpRename.create(a.getSqlOp(), rename); Mapping result = new Mapping(renamedVarDef, sqlOpRename); return result; } public static SqlExpr translateSql(RestrictedExpr restExpr, Map<String, TypeToken> typeMap, SqlTranslator sqlTranslator) { if(restExpr.getRestrictions().isUnsatisfiable()) { //return SqlExprValue.FALSE; return S_Constant.FALSE; } Expr expr = restExpr.getExpr(); SqlExpr result = translateSql(expr, typeMap, sqlTranslator); return result; } public static SqlExpr translateSql(Expr expr, Map<String, TypeToken> typeMap, SqlTranslator sqlTranslator) { // // Expr transformed; // if(exprTransformer != null && expr.isFunction()) { // transformed = exprTransformer.eval(expr.getFunction(), null); // } else { // transformed = expr; // } // // System.out.println("Transformed: " + transformed); ExprSqlRewrite exprRewrite = sqlTranslator.translate(expr, null, typeMap); SqlExpr result = SqlTranslatorImpl2.asSqlExpr(exprRewrite); return result; } /* public static Expr createSqlCondidion(Expr sparqlCondition, VarDefinition defExpr) { }*/ // public static SqlExpr createSqlExpr(Expr expr, Map<String, TypeToken> typeMap, SqlTranslator sqlTranslator) { // ExprSqlRewrite exprRewrite = sqlTranslator.translate(expr, null, typeMap); // SqlExpr sqlExpr = SqlTranslatorImpl2.asSqlExpr(exprRewrite); // // return sqlExpr; // } /** * Creates an SQL condidion given a (SPARQL query filter) condition and a set of variable definitions. * * The resulting expression takes alternatives into account: * * Given for example: * ?s -> {sa1, ..., san} * ?o -> {so1} * * ?o must hold independently of ?s * * */ /** * Expand an expression based on a set of assignments * * * @param expr * @param assignments * @return */ /* public List<> getExpandedExprs(Expr expr, Multimap<Var, Expr> assignments) { VarDefinition } */ /** * Returns a list of Binding-Sql Expr pairs. * * List<{Map<Var, RestExpr>, SqlExpr} * * IMPORTANT NOTE: Negation is dealt with once the result of this method is obtained * I.e. if expr is of type E_LogicalNot, the result needs to be ANDified, otherwise ORified * * @param condition * @param varDef * @param typeMap * @param sqlTranslator * @return */ public static List<SqlExprContext> createExprSqlRewrites(Expr condition, VarDefinition varDef, Map<String, TypeToken> typeMap, SqlTranslator sqlTranslator) { List<SqlExprContext> result = new ArrayList<SqlExprContext>(); Set<Var> conditionVars = condition.getVarsMentioned(); // Common variables of the condition and the varDef Set<Var> cVars = conditionVars; cVars.retainAll(varDef.getMap().keySet()); List<Var> commonVars = new ArrayList<Var>(cVars); // If the condition and the varDef have no variables in common, // we still need to consider the constants, such as FALSE and TRUE. if(commonVars.isEmpty()) { //SqlExpr sqlExpr = sqlTranslator.translate(condition, null, typeMap); ExprSqlRewrite exprRewrite = sqlTranslator.translate(condition, null, typeMap); ///////SqlExpr sqlExpr = SqlTranslatorImpl2.asSqlExpr(exprRewrite); Map<Var, Expr> assignment = new HashMap<Var, Expr>(); ///////SqlExprContext tmp = new SqlExprContext(assignment, sqlExpr); SqlExprContext tmp = new SqlExprContext(assignment, exprRewrite); result.add(tmp); return result; } // Sort the variable definitions by number of alternatives // FIXME We might be able to use an optimization similar to the candidate lookup here: // If an expression evaluates to false, we could skip all successive assignments final Map<Var, Collection<RestrictedExpr>> map = varDef.getMap().asMap(); Collections.sort(commonVars, new Comparator<Var>() { @Override public int compare(Var a, Var b) { return map.get(a).size() - map.get(b).size(); } }); // Evaluate the expression for all possible combinations of variable assignments List<Collection<RestrictedExpr>> assignments = new ArrayList<Collection<RestrictedExpr>>(commonVars.size()); for(Var var : commonVars) { assignments.add(map.get(var)); } CartesianProduct<RestrictedExpr> cart = CartesianProduct.create(assignments); //List<SqlExpr> ors = new ArrayList<SqlExpr>(); for(List<RestrictedExpr> item : cart) { Map<Var, Expr> assignment = new HashMap<Var, Expr>(commonVars.size()); for(int i = 0; i < commonVars.size(); ++i) { Var var = commonVars.get(i); // if(var.equals(Var.alloc("var_2"))) { // System.out.println("here"); // } Expr expr = item.get(i).getExpr(); assignment.put(var, expr); } //Expr expr = exprTransformer.eval(condition, assignment); //SqlExpr sqlExpr = sqlTranslator.translate(expr, null, typeMap); ExprSqlRewrite exprRewrite = sqlTranslator.translate(condition, assignment, typeMap); ///////SqlExpr sqlExpr = SqlTranslatorImpl2.asSqlExpr(exprRewrite); SqlExprContext tmp = new SqlExprContext(assignment, exprRewrite); result.add(tmp); } return result; } public static List<SqlExprContext> createExprSqlRewrites(Expr condition, Mapping m, SqlTranslator sqlTranslator) { List<SqlExprContext> result = createExprSqlRewrites(condition, m.getVarDefinition(), m.getSqlOp().getSchema().getTypeMap(), sqlTranslator); return result; } public static List<SqlExpr> createSqlConditionItems(Expr condition, VarDefinition varDef, Map<String, TypeToken> typeMap, SqlTranslator sqlTranslator) { List<SqlExprContext> items = createExprSqlRewrites(condition, varDef, typeMap, sqlTranslator); List<SqlExpr> result = new ArrayList<SqlExpr>(); for(SqlExprContext item : items) { SqlExpr sqlExpr = item.getSqlExpr(); // if(sqlExpr.equals(S_Constant.TRUE)) { // return S_Constant.TRUE; // } // // if(sqlExpr.equals(S_Constant.FALSE)) { // continue; // } result.add(sqlExpr); } return result; } public static SqlExpr createSqlCondition(Expr condition, VarDefinition varDef, Map<String, TypeToken> typeMap, SqlTranslator sqlTranslator) { List<SqlExpr> combines = createSqlConditionItems(condition, varDef, typeMap, sqlTranslator); boolean isNegated = condition instanceof E_LogicalNot; SqlExpr result; if(isNegated) { result = SqlExprUtils.andifyBalanced(combines); } else { result = SqlExprUtils.orifyBalanced(combines); } if(result == null) { //throw new NullPointerException(); result = S_Constant.FALSE; } assert result != null : "Null Pointer Exception"; return result; } @Deprecated // The new method is more nicely structured public static SqlExpr createSqlConditionOld(Expr condition, VarDefinition varDef, Map<String, TypeToken> typeMap, SqlTranslator sqlTranslator) { Set<Var> conditionVars = condition.getVarsMentioned(); // Common variables of the condition and the varDef Set<Var> cVars = conditionVars; cVars.retainAll(varDef.getMap().keySet()); List<Var> commonVars = new ArrayList<Var>(cVars); // If the condition and the varDef have no variables in common, // we still need to consider the constants, such as FALSE and TRUE. if(commonVars.isEmpty()) { //SqlExpr sqlExpr = sqlTranslator.translate(condition, null, typeMap); ExprSqlRewrite exprRewrite = sqlTranslator.translate(condition, null, typeMap); SqlExpr sqlExpr = SqlTranslatorImpl2.asSqlExpr(exprRewrite); //return S_Constant.TRUE; return sqlExpr; } // Sort the variable definitions by number of alternatives final Map<Var, Collection<RestrictedExpr>> map = varDef.getMap().asMap(); Collections.sort(commonVars, new Comparator<Var>() { @Override public int compare(Var a, Var b) { return map.get(a).size() - map.get(b).size(); } }); // Evaluate the expression for all possible combinations of variable assignments List<Collection<RestrictedExpr>> assignments = new ArrayList<Collection<RestrictedExpr>>(commonVars.size()); for(Var var : commonVars) { assignments.add(map.get(var)); } CartesianProduct<RestrictedExpr> cart = CartesianProduct.create(assignments); List<SqlExpr> ors = new ArrayList<SqlExpr>(); Map<Var, Expr> assignment = new HashMap<Var, Expr>(commonVars.size()); for(List<RestrictedExpr> item : cart) { for(int i = 0; i < commonVars.size(); ++i) { Var var = commonVars.get(i); // if(var.equals(Var.alloc("var_2"))) { // System.out.println("here"); // } Expr expr = item.get(i).getExpr(); assignment.put(var, expr); } //Expr expr = exprTransformer.eval(condition, assignment); //SqlExpr sqlExpr = sqlTranslator.translate(expr, null, typeMap); ExprSqlRewrite exprRewrite = sqlTranslator.translate(condition, assignment, typeMap); SqlExpr sqlExpr = SqlTranslatorImpl2.asSqlExpr(exprRewrite); if(sqlExpr.equals(S_Constant.TRUE)) { return S_Constant.TRUE; } if(sqlExpr.equals(S_Constant.FALSE)) { continue; } ors.add(sqlExpr); } /* if(ors.isEmpty()) { }*/ SqlExpr result = SqlExprUtils.orifyBalanced(ors); if(result == null) { //throw new NullPointerException(); result = S_Constant.FALSE; } assert result != null : "Null Pointer Exception"; return result; } /** * Joins two var definitions on the given queryVar. * * @param queryVar * @param a * @param b * @param sqlTranslator * @return */ public static VarDefKey joinDefinitionsOnEquals( Collection<RestrictedExpr> a, Collection<RestrictedExpr> b, Map<String, TypeToken> typeMap, //ExprEvaluator exprTransformer, SqlTranslator sqlTranslator ) { VarDefKey result = new VarDefKey(); result.definitionExprs.addAll(a); //boolean isPickDefSatisfiable = defs.isEmpty(); Set<RestrictedExpr> newRexprsA = new HashSet<RestrictedExpr>(); for(RestrictedExpr rexprA : result.definitionExprs) { // The restrictions that apply to the picked variable. // initialized only if there are no defs (init means true, i.e. no restriction) RestrictionSetImpl varRestrictions = b.isEmpty() ? new RestrictionSetImpl() : null; for(RestrictedExpr rexprB : b) { RestrictedExpr vdEquals = VariableDefinitionOps.equals(rexprA, rexprB); SqlExpr sqlExpr = translateSql(vdEquals, typeMap, sqlTranslator); if(sqlExpr.equals(S_Constant.FALSE)) { continue; } if(varRestrictions == null) { varRestrictions = new RestrictionSetImpl(); } varRestrictions.addAlternatives(vdEquals.getRestrictions()); result.constraintExpr.add(sqlExpr); } // Only if there is a non-unsatisfiable restriction... if(varRestrictions != null) { RestrictedExpr newRestrictedExpr = new RestrictedExpr(rexprA.getExpr(), varRestrictions); newRexprsA.add(newRestrictedExpr); } } result.definitionExprs = newRexprsA; if(result.definitionExprs.isEmpty()) { // All defining expressions resulted in unsatisfiable joins - return null to indicate this return null; //result.constraintExpr = null; } else { return result; } } /** * Returns a set of equals expressions, * created from equating all pickDefs to the given varDefs * * The set is intended to be interpreted as a disjunction between the elements. * Empty set therefore indicates "no constraint" * null indicates "unsatisfiable constraint" * * * @param queryVar * @param viewInstance * @return */ public static VarDefKey joinDefinitionsOnEquals( Var queryVar, ViewInstance<ViewDefinition> viewInstance, //ExprEvaluator exprTransformer, SqlTranslator sqlTranslator ) { Map<String, TypeToken> typeMap = viewInstance.getViewDefinition().getMapping().getSqlOp().getSchema().getTypeMap(); //Set<Expr> result = new HashSet<Expr>(); VarDefKey result = new VarDefKey(); Set<Var> viewVars = viewInstance.getBinding().getViewVars(queryVar); // If the variable is unconstrained, then logically there is nothing todo if(viewVars.isEmpty()) { return result; } VarDefinition varDefinition = viewInstance.getVarDefinition(); // Pick one of the view variables Var pickViewVar = viewVars.iterator().next(); //Collection<RestrictedExpr> pickDefs = viewInstance.getDefinitionsForViewVariable(pickViewVar); // The pick-Restrictions may get further constrained with each additional variable //Collection<RestrictedExpr> nextPickDefs = new HashSet<RestrictedExpr>(); result.definitionExprs.addAll(viewInstance.getDefinitionsForViewVariable(pickViewVar)); for(Var viewVar : viewVars) { if(viewVar.equals(pickViewVar)) { continue; } Collection<RestrictedExpr> defs = varDefinition.getDefinitions(viewVar); // Intermediate result VarDefKey tmp = joinDefinitionsOnEquals(result.definitionExprs, defs, typeMap, sqlTranslator); //if(ExprEval.Type.FALSE == ExprEval.getDisjunctionType(tmp)) if(tmp == null) { return null; } result.definitionExprs = tmp.definitionExprs; result.constraintExpr.addAll(tmp.constraintExpr); } if(result.definitionExprs.isEmpty()) { // All defining expressions resulted in unsatisfiable joins - return null to indicate this return null; //result.constraintExpr = null; } else { return result; } /* if(result.isEmpty() && gotFalse) { // If we got no non-false expression, return null return null; } else { return result; } */ } /* public static SqlExpr pushDown(ExprList exprs) { SqlExprList result = new SqlExprList(); for() } public static SqlExpr pushDown(Expr expr) { Expr pushed = PushDown.pushDownMM(expr); if(!(pushed instanceof ExprSqlBridge)) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to push down '" + expr + "'"); } SqlExpr result = ((ExprSqlBridge)pushed).getSqlExpr(); return result; } */ /* public static SqlExpr translateSqlCnf(Set<Set<RestrictedExpr<Expr>>> cnf) { } */ public static Mapping createEmptyMapping() { SqlOp empty = SqlOpEmpty.create(); Mapping result = new Mapping(empty); return result; } public static Mapping createEmptyMapping(ViewInstance<ViewDefinition> viewInstance) { SqlOp empty = SqlOpEmpty.create(viewInstance.getViewDefinition().getMapping().getSqlOp().getSchema()); Mapping result = new Mapping(empty); return result; } /** * Creates a mapping from a view instance: * - For every binding variable, that maps to multiple things (contants + variables), * we need to equate all these things being mapped to * * Schematically, we need to transform the binding to variable definitions from the original structure * (query view definition) * q v d * * / dx1 * ?x * / \ dxn * ?s * \ / dy1 * ?y * \ dyn * * to conceptually a CNF: * * (dx1 = dy1 OR ... OR dx1 = dyn) AND ... AND (dxn = dy1 OR ... OR dxn = dyn) * * However, as equals is transitive and symmetric, it is sufficient to just pick * the set of definitions for one view variable. * * * * * @param generator * @param viewInstance * @return */ public Mapping createMapping(ViewInstance<ViewDefinition> viewInstance) { Set<Var> queryVars = viewInstance.getBinding().getQueryVars(); Multimap<Var, RestrictedExpr> newVarDefMap = HashMultimap.create(); List<SqlExpr> ands = null; for(Var queryVar : queryVars) { Node constant = viewInstance.getBinding().getConstant(queryVar); if(constant != null) { NodeValue nv = NodeValue.makeNode(constant); newVarDefMap.put(queryVar, new RestrictedExpr(nv)); continue; } VarDefKey ors = joinDefinitionsOnEquals(queryVar, viewInstance, sqlTranslator); if(ors == null) { return createEmptyMapping(viewInstance); } newVarDefMap.putAll(queryVar, ors.definitionExprs); SqlExpr or = SqlExprUtils.orifyBalanced(ors.constraintExpr); if(or == null || or.equals(S_Constant.TRUE)) { continue; } // If ands is not null, it already indicates that it is not unconstrained if(ands == null) { ands = new ArrayList<SqlExpr>(); } if(or.equals(S_Constant.FALSE)) { continue; } else { ands.add(or); } } VarDefinition tmpVarDefinition = new VarDefinition(newVarDefMap); VarDefinition varDefinition = tmpVarDefinition.copyExpandConstants(); Mapping result = null; SqlOp op = viewInstance.getViewDefinition().getMapping().getSqlOp(); if(ands == null) { // Unconstrained result = new Mapping(varDefinition, op); } else if(ands.isEmpty()) { // Unsatisfiable result = createEmptyMapping(viewInstance); } else { // Constrained. SqlOp filterOp = SqlOpFilter.create(op, ands); result = new Mapping(varDefinition, filterOp); } return result; } /** * Returns a new mapping for b: * * All column names that a and b have in commons are renamed in b. * * @param a * @param b * @return */ public Mapping doJoinRename(Mapping a, Mapping b, Generator gen) { List<String> namesA = a.getSqlOp().getSchema().getColumnNames(); List<String> namesB = b.getSqlOp().getSchema().getColumnNames(); List<String> commonNames = new ArrayList<String>(namesB); commonNames.retainAll(namesA); //GeneratorBlacklist genbl = GeneratorBlacklist.create(gen, blacklist); if(commonNames.isEmpty()) { return b; } Map<String, String> rename = new HashMap<String, String>(); for(String oldName : commonNames) { String newName = null; for(;;) { newName =; if(namesA.contains(newName) || namesB.contains(newName)) { logger.warn("FIXME Have to generate another column name - should be prevented"); continue; } break; } rename.put(oldName, newName); } VarDefinition renamedVarDef = VarDefinition.copyRename(b.getVarDefinition(), rename); SqlOpRename renamedOp = SqlOpRename.create(b.getSqlOp(), rename); Mapping result = new Mapping(renamedVarDef, renamedOp); return result; } public Mapping join(Mapping a, Mapping b) { Mapping result = joinCommon(a, b, false, null); return result; } public Mapping leftJoin(Mapping a, Mapping b, ExprList exprs) { Mapping result = joinCommon(a, b, true, exprs); return result; } static Generator genSymJoin = Gensym.create("h"); /** * * * @param a * @param initB * @param isLeftJoin * @param joinExprs Only for left joins, leave null otherwise. Extra join conditions to add for the left join. * @return */ public Mapping joinCommon(Mapping a, Mapping initB, boolean isLeftJoin, ExprList joinExprs) { // TODO Make the generator global as to avoid creating conflicting names all the time Mapping b = doJoinRename(a, initB, genSymJoin); JoinType joinType = isLeftJoin ? JoinType.LEFT : JoinType.INNER; // if(joinType.equals(JoinType.LEFT)) { // logger.debug("Left Join encountered"); // } SqlOpJoin opJoin = SqlOpJoin.create(joinType, a.getSqlOp(), b.getSqlOp()); Map<String, TypeToken> typeMap = opJoin.getSchema().getTypeMap(); SqlOp opResult = opJoin; if(opJoin.getLeft().isEmpty() || (joinType.equals(JoinType.INNER) && opJoin.getRight().isEmpty())) { opResult = SqlOpEmpty.create(opJoin.getSchema()); } VarDefinition vdA = a.getVarDefinition(); VarDefinition vdB = b.getVarDefinition(); Set<Var> varsA = vdA.getMap().keySet(); Set<Var> varsB = vdB.getMap().keySet(); // Create the join condidition for all common variables. // This is the reason calling this operation the "natural join" Set<Var> commonVars = new HashSet<Var>(varsA); commonVars.retainAll(varsB); Set<Var> varsAOnly = Sets.difference(varsA, commonVars); Set<Var> varsBOnly = Sets.difference(varsB, commonVars); Set<Var> varsAll = Sets.union(varsA, varsB); Multimap<Var, RestrictedExpr> commonVarDef = HashMultimap.create(); // Try to collect join conditions - this may 'fail' if a condition is unsatisifiable Set<SqlExpr> joinCondition = new HashSet<SqlExpr>(); boolean isJoinConditionSatisfiable = true; for(Var commonVar : commonVars) { Collection<RestrictedExpr> defsA = a.getVarDefinition().getDefinitions(commonVar); Collection<RestrictedExpr> defsB = b.getVarDefinition().getDefinitions(commonVar); VarDefKey ors = joinDefinitionsOnEquals(defsA, defsB, typeMap, sqlTranslator); if(ors == null) { // Bail out on unsatisfiable join condition isJoinConditionSatisfiable = false; break; } commonVarDef.putAll(commonVar, ors.definitionExprs); // Don't bother adding TRUE conditions SqlExpr or = SqlExprUtils.orifyBalanced(ors.constraintExpr); if(or == null || or.equals(S_Constant.TRUE)) { continue; } //joinCondition.addAll(ors.constraintExpr); joinCondition.add(or); } /// Process the variable definitions Multimap<Var, RestrictedExpr> newVarDef = HashMultimap.create(); VarDefinition newVarDefinition = new VarDefinition(newVarDef); List<SqlExpr> jc = new ArrayList<SqlExpr>(joinCondition); // Add the var defs of the left hand side if(isLeftJoin) { // Add all vardefs of the left hand side for(Var varA : varsA) { Collection<RestrictedExpr> exprs = vdA.getMap().get(varA); newVarDef.putAll(varA, exprs); } if(isJoinConditionSatisfiable) { for(Var varB : varsBOnly) { Collection<RestrictedExpr> exprs = vdB.getMap().get(varB); newVarDef.putAll(varB, exprs); } } else { // Add definitions of B only for(Var varB : varsBOnly) { newVarDef.put(varB, new RestrictedExpr(E_RdfTerm.TYPE_ERROR)); } } } else { if(isJoinConditionSatisfiable) { // Add common definitions newVarDef.putAll(commonVarDef); for(Var varA : varsAOnly) { Collection<RestrictedExpr> exprs = vdA.getMap().get(varA); newVarDef.putAll(varA, exprs); } // Add definitions of B only for(Var varB : varsBOnly) { Collection<RestrictedExpr> exprs = vdB.getMap().get(varB); newVarDef.putAll(varB, exprs); } } else { for(Var var : varsAll) { newVarDef.put(var, new RestrictedExpr(E_RdfTerm.TYPE_ERROR)); } } } // For left join, process remaining join conditions if(isLeftJoin && isJoinConditionSatisfiable) { for(Expr expr : joinExprs) { //List<SqlExpr> sqlExprs = new ArrayList<SqlExpr>(); // Replace any variables in the expression with the variable definitions SqlExpr sqlExpr = createSqlCondition(expr, newVarDefinition, typeMap, sqlTranslator); if(sqlExpr.equals(S_Constant.TRUE)) { continue; } else if(sqlExpr.equals(S_Constant.TRUE)) { isJoinConditionSatisfiable = false; break; } jc.add(sqlExpr); } } /// Create the result SqlOp resultSqlOp; // Add the var defs of the left hand side if(isLeftJoin) { if(isJoinConditionSatisfiable) { opJoin.getConditions().addAll(jc); resultSqlOp = opResult; } else { resultSqlOp = a.getSqlOp(); } } else { if(isJoinConditionSatisfiable) { resultSqlOp = SqlOpFilter.create(opResult, jc); } else { resultSqlOp = SqlOpEmpty.create(opJoin.getSchema()); } } // TODO Minimize the schema to only the referenced columns //List<String> refs = newVarDefinition.getReferencedNames(); Mapping result = new Mapping(newVarDefinition, resultSqlOp); return result; } @Override public Mapping slice(Mapping a, Long limit, Long offset) { SqlOpSlice opSlice = SqlOpSlice.create(a.getSqlOp(), offset, limit); Mapping result = new Mapping(a.getVarDefinition(), opSlice); return result; } public Mapping distinct(Mapping a) { SqlOp newOp = SqlOpDistinct.create(a.getSqlOp()); Mapping result = new Mapping(a.getVarDefinition(), newOp); return result; } /** * Removes variables from the definitions. * Also projects away unreferenced columns in the sqlOp. * */ @Override public Mapping project(Mapping a, List<Var> vars) { //List<String> referencedColumns = new ArrayList<String>(); //List<String> referencedColumns = getReferencedColumns(a, vars); List<String> referencedColumns = a.getVarDefinition().getReferencedVarNames(new ArrayList<String>(), vars); // Track all columns that contribute to the construction of SQL variables // for(Var var : vars) { // for(RestrictedExpr def : a.getVarDefinition().getDefinitions(var)) { // for(Var item : def.getExpr().getVarsMentioned()) { // // String itemName = item.getName(); // if(!referencedColumns.contains(itemName)) { // referencedColumns.add(itemName); // } // } // } // } // SqlOpProject sqlOp = SqlOpProject.create(a.getSqlOp(), referencedColumns); VarDefinition newVarDef = a.getVarDefinition().copyProject(vars); Mapping result = new Mapping(newVarDef, sqlOp); return result; } public ExprList compactConjuction(ExprList exprs) { ExprList result = new ExprList(); for(Expr expr : exprs) { if(expr.isConstant()) { NodeValue nv = expr.getConstant(); if(NodeValue.FALSE.equals(nv)) { // FIXME Optimize away the creation of a new list result = new ExprList(); result.add(NodeValue.FALSE); return result; } else if(NodeValue.TRUE.equals(nv)) { continue; } result.add(expr); } } return result; } @Override public Mapping filter(Mapping a, ExprList exprs) { Map<String, TypeToken> typeMap = a.getSqlOp().getSchema().getTypeMap(); List<SqlExpr> sqlExprs = new ArrayList<SqlExpr>(); for(Expr expr : exprs) { // Replace any variables in the expression with the variable definitions SqlExpr sqlExpr = createSqlCondition(expr, a.getVarDefinition(), typeMap, sqlTranslator); if(sqlExpr.equals(S_Constant.TRUE)) { continue; } sqlExprs.add(sqlExpr); } SqlOp op = SqlOpFilter.createIfNeeded(a.getSqlOp(), sqlExprs); Mapping result = new Mapping(a.getVarDefinition(), op); return result; } // /* // * Two helper functions used for grouping: one assign blocking keys, // * the other // */ // // FIXME Above is not used yet // Transformer<RestrictedExpr, Integer> blockingKeyTransformer = new Transformer<RestrictedExpr, Integer>() { // @Override // public Integer transform(RestrictedExpr input) { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return 0; // } // }; public Mapping unionIfNeeded(List<Mapping> members) { Mapping result; if(members.size() == 1) { result = members.iterator().next(); } else { result = union(members); } return result; } public static List<Mapping> removeEmptyMembers(List<Mapping> mappings) { List<Mapping> result = new ArrayList<Mapping>(mappings.size()); for(Mapping mapping : mappings) { if(!mapping.isEmpty()) { result.add(mapping); } } return result; } public static List<Mapping> pushConstants(List<Mapping> mappings) { List<Mapping> result = new ArrayList<Mapping>(mappings.size()); for(Mapping mapping : mappings) { Mapping newMapping = pushConstants(mapping); result.add(newMapping); } return result; } /** * Pushes all constants of a given mapping's varDefinition into the SQL. * Used for creating union's of mappings: By pushing variables into the SQL we do not * have to deal with disjoint unions (i.e. unions with discriminator columns) in order to * know which union member yields the constant. * * * @param mapping The mapping to process. * @return A new mapping with all constants pushed. */ public static Mapping pushConstants(Mapping mapping) { VarDefinition varDef = mapping.getVarDefinition(); //Multimap<Var, RestrictedExpr> map = varDef.getMap(); Set<String> columnNameBlacklist = new HashSet<String>(mapping.getSqlOp().getSchema().getColumnNames()); Generator aliasGen = GeneratorBlacklist.create("C", columnNameBlacklist); Projection projection = new Projection(); VarDefinition newVarDef = new VarDefinition(); for(Entry<Var, Collection<RestrictedExpr>> entry : varDef.getMap().asMap().entrySet()) { Var var = entry.getKey(); Collection<RestrictedExpr> restExprs = entry.getValue(); for(RestrictedExpr restExpr : restExprs) { Expr newExpr; Expr expr = restExpr.getExpr(); // The intention here is to obtain the quadruple representation of RDF terms. // Independent of whether it is a direct constant or a function that can be // evaluated to one. // The following distinguishes between e.g. // <> and // E_RdfTerm(1, "", "", "") // Note: We expand to constant, and then replace the "value" field E_RdfTerm rdfTerm; if(expr.isConstant()) { rdfTerm = SqlTranslationUtils.expandConstant(expr); } else { rdfTerm = SqlTranslationUtils.expandRdfTerm(expr); // Does not expand constants, hence the if statement } boolean isConstantArgsOnly = ExprUtils.isConstantArgsOnly(rdfTerm); if(isConstantArgsOnly) { // Obtain the node value of the constant NodeValue constant = expr.eval(null, null); //expr.getConstant(); String alias =; // TODO Get the proper SQL literal for the constant String str = "" + NodeValueUtilsSparqlify.getValue(constant); S_Constant sqlExpr = new S_Constant(new SqlValue(TypeToken.String, str)); projection.put(alias, sqlExpr); ExprVar exprVar = new ExprVar(alias); ExprList exprs = new ExprList(); List<Expr> args = rdfTerm.getArgs(); for(int j = 0; j < args.size(); ++j) { Expr e; if(j == 1) { e = exprVar; } else { e = args.get(j); } exprs.add(e); } //newExpr = ExprCopy.getInstance().copy(expr, exprs); newExpr = ExprCopy.getInstance().copy(rdfTerm, exprs); // TODO If the constant was a URI, we could retain the PrefixSet constraint } else { newExpr = expr; } RestrictedExpr newRestExpr = new RestrictedExpr(newExpr, restExpr.getRestrictions()); newVarDef.getMap().put(var, newRestExpr); } } Mapping result; if(projection.isEmpty()) { result = mapping; } else { SqlOp sqlOp = mapping.getSqlOp(); SqlOp newSqlOp = SqlOpExtend.create(sqlOp, projection); result = new Mapping(newVarDef, newSqlOp); } return result; } /* public static Multimap<String, ArgExpr> clusterExprs(Collection<Expr> exprs) { Multimap<String, ArgExpr> result = ArrayListMultimap.create(); Map<String, TypeToken> typeMap = member.getSqlOp().getSchema().getTypeMap(); //SqlNodeUtil.getColumnToDatatype(sqlNode); //Integer hash = ExprStructuralHash.hash(def.getExpr(), columnToDatatype); Expr expr = def.getExpr(); if(!(expr instanceof E_RdfTerm)) { throw new RuntimeException("Type E_RdfTerm expected, but got: " + expr); } E_RdfTerm e = (E_RdfTerm)expr; // New approach: We change the clustering so that we do not push the rdf term signature into the SQL Expr valueType = exprNormalizer.normalize(e.getLexicalValue(), typeMap); String hash = "" + e.getType() + valueType + e.getDatatype(); return result; } */ public static Set<String> getReferencedColumnNames(List<Mapping> mappings) { Set<String> result = new HashSet<String>(); for(Mapping member : mappings) { List<String> memberColumnNames = member.getSqlOp().getSchema().getColumnNames(); result.addAll(memberColumnNames); } return result; } /** * * [ null, h: int, i: string, null ] * * * [ a: int null, null, x: geo ] * * ?s = uri(concat("http://...", ?c1, ?c2)); * * * ?s -> [c1: string, c2: int] with expr foo and restriction bar. * */ public Mapping union(List<Mapping> members) { //Remove all members that do not yield results members = removeEmptyMembers(members); if(members.isEmpty()) { //if(true) { throw new RuntimeException("Should not happen"); } Mapping result = createEmptyMapping(); return result; } // Make any constants part of the sql table members = pushConstants(members); // Create a column blacklist so that we do not end up extending member projections with column // names that they already have Set<String> columnNameBlacklist = getReferencedColumnNames(members); //List<Mapping> members = rawMembers; /* TODO The alias generator must be configurable * Example: * PostgreSQL works fine with lower case aliases, * H2 fails with them */ //Generator aliasGen = Gensym.create("C"); Generator aliasGenUnion = GeneratorBlacklist.create("C", columnNameBlacklist); if(members.size() == 1) { logger.warn("Single member union - should be avoided"); Mapping result = members.get(0); return result; } //public Mapping union(List<Mapping> members) { // Prepare the data structures from which the // result node will be created Multimap<Var, RestrictedExpr> unionVarDefs = HashMultimap.create(); // For each union member, prepare a datastructe for its new projection List<Map<String, SqlExpr>> unionMemberProjections = new ArrayList<Map<String, SqlExpr>>(); for (int i = 0; i < members.size(); ++i) { //Multimap<Var, Expr> tmp = HashMultimap.create(); Map<String, SqlExpr> tmp = new HashMap<String, SqlExpr>(); unionMemberProjections.add(tmp); } // Now we can start with the actual work // Map each variable to the set of corresponding members Multimap<Var, Integer> varToMembers = HashMultimap.create(); for (int i = 0; i < members.size(); ++i) { Mapping mapping = members.get(i); for (Var var : mapping.getVarDefinition().getMap().keySet()) { varToMembers.put(var, i); } } //Map<Var, RestrictedExpr> varToConstant = new HashMap<Var, RestrictedExpr>(); Set<Var> constantVars = new HashSet<Var>(); for(Entry<Var, Collection<Integer>> entry : varToMembers.asMap().entrySet()) { Var var = entry.getKey(); for (int index : entry.getValue()) { Mapping member = members.get(index); Collection<RestrictedExpr> exprsForVar = member.getVarDefinition().getDefinitions(var); for(RestrictedExpr def : exprsForVar) { if(def.getExpr().isConstant()) { //varConstant.add(var); //varToConstant.put(var, def); constantVars.add(var); } } } } // If a variable maps to a constant, than the mapping does not apply to any union member // that does not define the constant. // This means we have to introduce a column for discrimination, which contains NULL for // all union members where to constraint is not applicable ExprCommonFactor factorizer = new ExprCommonFactor(aliasGenUnion); Map<String, TypeToken> unionTypeMap = new HashMap<String, TypeToken>(); // For each variable, cluster the corresponding expressions for(Entry<Var, Collection<Integer>> entry : varToMembers.asMap().entrySet()) { Var var = entry.getKey(); Collection<Integer> memberIndexes = entry.getValue(); // TODO Just clustering by hash may result in clashes!!! // For each hash we have to keep a list and explicitly compare for structural equivalence Multimap<String, ArgExpr> cluster = ArrayListMultimap.create(); //IBiSetMultimap<Integer, Integer> exprToOrigin = new BiHashMultimap<Integer, Integer>(); //Multimap<Integer, Integer> exprToOrigin = HashMultimap.create(); for (int index : memberIndexes) { Mapping member = members.get(index); // // if(exprsForVar.isEmpty()) { // // If a variable is not defined in a member, make sure that it is not a constant // if(constantVars.contains(var)) { // exprsForVar.add(new RestrictedExpr(nullNode)); // } // } Collection<RestrictedExpr> exprsForVar = member.getVarDefinition().getDefinitions(var); boolean singleSizeCluster = false; if(exprsForVar.size() > 1) { singleSizeCluster = true; } int j = 0; for(RestrictedExpr def : exprsForVar) { Map<String, TypeToken> typeMap = member.getSqlOp().getSchema().getTypeMap(); //SqlNodeUtil.getColumnToDatatype(sqlNode); //Integer hash = ExprStructuralHash.hash(def.getExpr(), columnToDatatype); Expr expr = def.getExpr(); if(!(expr instanceof E_RdfTerm)) { throw new RuntimeException("Type E_RdfTerm expected, but got: " + expr); } E_RdfTerm e = (E_RdfTerm)expr; // New approach: We change the clustering so that we do not push the rdf term signature into the SQL Expr valueType = exprNormalizer.normalize(e.getLexicalValue(), typeMap); String hash = "" + e.getType() + valueType + e.getDatatype(); //Expr datatypeNorm = exprNormalizer.normalize(expr, typeMap); //String hash = datatypeNorm.toString(); if(singleSizeCluster) { hash = "m" + index + "e" + j + hash; } logger.trace("Cluster for [" + expr + "] is [" + hash + "]"); // if(expr.isConstant()) { // // } cluster.put(hash, new ArgExpr(expr, index)); ++j; } } /* * Process the entries of the clusters we just created */ for(Entry<String, Collection<ArgExpr>> clusterEntry : cluster.asMap().entrySet()) { Collection<ArgExpr> argExprs = clusterEntry.getValue(); // System.out.println("Clustered: " + clusterEntry.getKey()); // for(ArgExpr argExpr : clusterEntry.getValue()) { // System.out.println(" " + argExpr); // } // First, we build a list of exprs of the cluster and // a map for mapping the clustered exprs back to their ops List<Expr> exprs = new ArrayList<Expr>(); Map<Integer, Integer> exprToOp = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); int i = 0; for(ArgExpr argExpr : argExprs) { Expr expr = argExpr.getExpr(); // // FIXME Constant expansion should probably already be done in the var definition! //Expr expanded = ConstantExpander.transform(expr); exprs.add(expr); exprToOp.put(i, argExpr.getIndex()); ++i; } // Now we can finally factor the cluster // Legacy code - it takes variables rather than column references List<Map<Var, Expr>> tmpPartialProjections = new ArrayList<Map<Var, Expr>>(); // TODO: I did not think about the case, where several alternatives may come from the same member... Expr common = factorizer.transform(exprs, tmpPartialProjections); // [{?C_17=?C_8, ?C_16=?C_7}, {?C_17=?C_6, ?C_16=?C_5}] // FIXME Get rid of this conversion List<Map<String, SqlExpr>> partialProjections = new ArrayList<Map<String, SqlExpr>>(); for(int j = 0; j < tmpPartialProjections.size(); ++j) { int memberIndex = exprToOp.get(j); Mapping member = members.get(memberIndex); Map<String, TypeToken> typeMap = member.getSqlOp().getSchema().getTypeMap(); Map<Var, Expr> tmpMap = tmpPartialProjections.get(j); Map<String, SqlExpr> map = new HashMap<String, SqlExpr>(); for(Entry<Var, Expr> e : tmpMap.entrySet()) { String columnName = e.getKey().getVarName(); Expr expr = e.getValue(); //SqlExpr sqlExpr = sqlTranslator.translate(expr, null, typeMap); ExprSqlRewrite exprRewrite = sqlTranslator.translate(expr, null, typeMap); SqlExpr sqlExpr = SqlTranslatorImpl2.asSqlExpr(exprRewrite); //map.put(e.getKey().getVarName(), expr); map.put(columnName, sqlExpr); // if(columnName.equals("c_4")) { // System.out.println("Debug c_4"); // } unionTypeMap.put(columnName, sqlExpr.getDatatype()); // System.out.println("Union type map: " + unionTypeMap); } // CRITICAL TODO: Here we might override entries // {C_16=C_7(string), C_17=C_8(string)}.add( {C_16=C_5(string), C_17=C_6(string)} ) partialProjections.add(map); } // For our current variable, we can set up the projection of the result... // TODO: We do not want to lose any restrictions! unionVarDefs.put(var, new RestrictedExpr(common)); // ... and now we adjust the projections of the children accordingly for (int j = 0; j < partialProjections.size(); ++j) { int originalIndex = exprToOp.get(j); //SqlNode tmp = sqlNodes.get(originalIndex); Map<String, SqlExpr> projection = unionMemberProjections.get(originalIndex); Map<String, SqlExpr> partialProjection = partialProjections.get(j); for(Entry<String, SqlExpr> ppEntry : partialProjection.entrySet()) { projection.put(ppEntry.getKey(), ppEntry.getValue()); } } } } /* * Compute the global type map based on all unionMemberProjections */ /* for (int i = 0; i < unionMemberProjections.size(); ++i) { Map<String, SqlExpr> projection = unionMemberProjections.get(i); for(Entry<String, SqlExpr> entry : projection.entrySet()) { String columnName = entry.getKey(); SqlExpr expr = entry.getValue(); assert !unionTypeMap.containsKey(columnName) : "Column already mapped - attempted reassing of " + columnName; unionTypeMap.put(entry.getKey(), expr.getDatatype()); } } */ // The order of the column for the union List<String> unionColumnOrder = new ArrayList<String>(unionTypeMap.keySet()); // System.out.println("unionTypeMap: " + unionTypeMap); /* * For each member, fill it appropriately up with nulls in order to make it * match the schema of the union */ List<SqlOp> extended = new ArrayList<SqlOp>(); for(int i = 0; i < members.size(); ++i) { Mapping member = members.get(i); Map<String, SqlExpr> unionMemberProjection = unionMemberProjections.get(i); Set<String> names = new HashSet<String>(unionMemberProjection.keySet());//member.getSqlOp().getSchema().getColumnNames()); Set<String> unboundColumns = Sets.difference(unionTypeMap.keySet(), names); for(String columnName : unboundColumns) { TypeToken datatype = unionTypeMap.get(columnName); //NodeValue nullValue = new E_SqlNodeValue(NodeValue.nvNothing, datatype); S_Constant nullValue = new S_Constant(datatype); unionMemberProjection.put(columnName, nullValue); } // We first extend the original projection with the new expressions and renames Projection finalMemberProjection = new Projection(unionColumnOrder, unionMemberProjection); SqlOpExtend extend = SqlOpExtend.create(member.getSqlOp(), finalMemberProjection); // And afterwards limit the columns of each member to only those of the union SqlOpProject opProject = SqlOpProject.create(extend, unionColumnOrder); extended.add(opProject); } //System.out.println("ColumnOrder: " + unionColumnOrder); /* * Create a mapping based on the new vardef an the new SQL union. */ SqlOpUnionN newUnion = SqlOpUnionN.create(extended); // for(SqlOp m : newUnion.getSubOps()) { // System.out.println("SubOp schema: " + m.getSchema().getColumnNames()); // } VarDefinition varDefinition = new VarDefinition(unionVarDefs); Mapping result = new Mapping(varDefinition, newUnion);"Union of mappings:\n" + result); return result; } public static List<Map<Var, Expr>> createBindingProduct(VarDefinition varDef, Collection<Var> vars) { Multimap<Var, RestrictedExpr> map = varDef.getMap(); List<Collection<RestrictedExpr>> assignments = new ArrayList<Collection<RestrictedExpr>>(vars.size()); for(Var var : vars) { assignments.add(map.get(var)); } CartesianProduct<RestrictedExpr> cart = CartesianProduct.create(assignments); List<Map<Var, Expr>> result = new ArrayList<Map<Var, Expr>>(); for(List<RestrictedExpr> item : cart) { Iterator<Var> itVar = vars.iterator(); Iterator<RestrictedExpr> itRestExpr = item.iterator(); //BindingMap binding = new BindingHashMap(); Map<Var, Expr> binding = new HashMap<Var, Expr>(); for(int i = 0; i < vars.size(); ++i) { Var var =; RestrictedExpr restExpr =; Expr expr = restExpr.getExpr(); binding.put(var, expr); //binding.add(var, expr); //assignment.put(var, expr); result.add(binding); } } return result; } /** * Extends a mapping with additional variable definitions. * * * Ignore below for now. * * FIXME We need to introduce var orders in the var definitions, if extending may refer to other variables. * * Example: * extend(?c = ?x) * group (?s) (?x=(count)) * * */ @Override public Mapping extend(Mapping a, VarDefinition varDef) { // TODO Replace variables in the definition with the SQL definitions Multimap<Var, RestrictedExpr> newMap = HashMultimap.create(); Multimap<Var, RestrictedExpr> map = varDef.getMap(); for(Entry<Var, Collection<RestrictedExpr>> entry : map.asMap().entrySet()) { Var var = entry.getKey(); Collection<RestrictedExpr> restExprs = entry.getValue(); for(RestrictedExpr restExpr : restExprs) { Expr expr = restExpr.getExpr(); Set<Var> vars = expr.getVarsMentioned(); if(vars.isEmpty()) { newMap.put(var, restExpr); } else { List<Map<Var, Expr>> bindings = createBindingProduct(a.getVarDefinition(), vars); for(Map<Var, Expr> binding : bindings) { NodeExprSubstitutor substitutor = new NodeExprSubstitutor(binding); Expr newExpr = substitutor.transformMM(expr); newMap.put(var, new RestrictedExpr(newExpr, restExpr.getRestrictions())); } } } } VarDefinition tmpVarDef = new VarDefinition(newMap); VarDefinition newVarDef = a.getVarDefinition().extend(tmpVarDef); Mapping result = new Mapping(newVarDef, a.getSqlOp()); return result; } /** * GroupBy * * * */ @Override public Mapping groupBy(Mapping a, VarExprList groupVars, List<ExprAggregator> aggregators) { MappingUnion mu = MappingRefactor.groupBy(a, groupVars, aggregators, sqlTranslator, getTypeSystem(), exprNormalizer); List<Mapping> mappings = mu.getMappings(); Mapping result = unionIfNeeded(mappings); return result; } // // //@Override // public Mapping groupByOld(Mapping a, VarExprList groupVars, // List<ExprAggregator> aggregators) { // // // // TODO Add variables mentioned in aggregators aswell? // List<Var> vars = new ArrayList<Var>(groupVars.getVars()); // // // // // List<Mapping> ms = MappingRefactor.refactorToUnion(a, vars); // // // // // ListMultimap<String, Mapping> groups = MappingRefactor.groupByOld(exprNormalizer, ms, vars); // // // List<Mapping> gg = new ArrayList<Mapping>(); // for(Collection<Mapping> group : groups.asMap().values()) { // List<Mapping> list = new ArrayList<Mapping>(group); // // Mapping u = union(list); // // Get the SQL column references // // // // Collect all column names we have to group by // List<String> columnNames = new ArrayList<String>(); // for(Var var : vars) { // // Collection<RestrictedExpr> defs = u.getVarDefinition().getDefinitions(var); // if(defs.size() > 1) { // throw new RuntimeException("Should not happen"); // } // else if(defs.isEmpty()) { // continue; // } else { // RestrictedExpr restExpr = defs.iterator().next(); // Expr expr = restExpr.getExpr(); // Set<Var> mentionedVars = expr.getVarsMentioned(); // // for(Var mv : mentionedVars) { // String varName = mv.getVarName(); // if(!columnNames.contains(varName)) { // columnNames.add(varName); // } // } // } // } // // // Map<String, TypeToken> typeMap = u.getSqlOp().getSchema().getTypeMap(); // List<SqlExpr> columnRefs = new ArrayList<SqlExpr>(); // for(String columnName : columnNames) { // TypeToken type = typeMap.get(columnName); // // SqlExpr expr = new S_ColumnRef(type, columnName); // columnRefs.add(expr); // } // // List<SqlExprAggregator> sqlAggregators = new ArrayList<SqlExprAggregator>(); // // SqlOpGroupBy sqlOpGroupBy = SqlOpGroupBy.create(u.getSqlOp(), columnRefs, sqlAggregators); // // // Mapping tmp = new Mapping(u.getVarDefinition(), sqlOpGroupBy); // // gg.add(tmp); // } // // Mapping result = unionIfNeeded(gg); // // // // // Gensym for SPARQL variables // Gensym varsym = Gensym.create("v"); // // // Gensym for SQL columns // Gensym aggSym = Gensym.create("G"); // // // HACK // for(ExprAggregator ea : aggregators) { // // Aggregator agg = ea.getAggregator(); // ExprSqlRewrite rewrite = rewrite(a, agg, aggSym, getTypeSystem(), sqlTranslator); // // // Projection ex = new Projection(); // ex.add(rewrite.getProjection()); // //ex.put("dummy", new S_Constant(TypeToken.Int, null)); // // SqlOp newOp = SqlOpExtend.create(result.getSqlOp(), ex); // // /* // ExprList args = new ExprList(); // ExprVar dummyCol = new ExprVar(Var.alloc("dummy")); // args.add(dummyCol); // args.add(NodeValue.makeString(XSD.xlong.getURI())); // Expr t = new E_Function(SparqlifyConstants.typedLiteralLabel, args); // // logger.warn("Using hack, no aggregator will be present - implement this properly"); // Var var = ea.getVar(); // */ // // Var var = ea.getVar(); //Var.alloc(; // // Multimap<Var, RestrictedExpr> map = HashMultimap.create(result.getVarDefinition().getMap()); // map.put(var, new RestrictedExpr(rewrite.getExpr())); // // VarDefinition newVd = new VarDefinition(map); // // result = new Mapping(newVd, newOp); // } // // return result; // } /** * Convert an aggregator to a function object. * By this we can use the same infrastructure * as being used for all other types of functions. * * @param agg * @return */ public static E_Function aggregatorToFunction(Aggregator agg) { ExprList args = agg.getExprList(); /* Expr arg = agg.getExpr(); ExprList args = new ExprList(); if(arg != null) { args.add(arg); }*/ if(args == null) { args = new ExprList(); } String fnName = agg.getClass().getSimpleName(); E_Function result = new E_Function(fnName, args); return result; } /** * TODO HACK Hacky function, get rid of it * * * */ public TypeSystem getTypeSystem() { SqlTranslatorImpl2 tmp = (SqlTranslatorImpl2)sqlTranslator; TypedExprTransformerImpl tet = (TypedExprTransformerImpl)tmp.getTypedExprTransformer(); TypeSystem result = tet.getTypeSystem(); return result; } /** * * * TODO: Without the toDouble coercion, SUM(int) will be discarded * even after already been found out as a candidate. However, an error should be raised. * * TODO: If there are no candidates (e.g. sum(?s) where ?s can only be resources), * we get an incorrect error telling us that no candidate could be decided upon. * However, there simple was no candidate to decide from. * * @param mapping * @param agg * @param generator * @return */ public static ExprSqlRewrite rewrite(Mapping mapping, Aggregator agg, Generator generator, TypeSystem typeSystem, SqlTranslator sqlTranslator) { // Unwrapping of transMap // TODO Hacky, tidy this up somehow // SqlTranslatorImpl2 sqlTranslatorImpl = (SqlTranslatorImpl2)sqlTranslator; // RdfTermEliminator rdfTermEliminator = sqlTranslatorImpl.getRdfTermEliminator(); // RdfTermEliminatorImpl rdfTermEliminatorImpl = (RdfTermEliminatorImpl)rdfTermEliminator; // Map<String, ExprTransformer> transMap = rdfTermEliminatorImpl.getTransformerMap(); ExprFunction fn = aggregatorToFunction(agg); String sparqlFnName = ExprUtils.getFunctionId(fn); List<Expr> args = fn.getArgs(); Map<String, TypeToken> typeMap = mapping.getSqlOp().getSchema().getTypeMap(); VarDefinition varDef = mapping.getVarDefinition(); // HACK MappingOps should be independent of the typeSystem // TODO Move this code to an appropriate location when its working //TypeSystem typeSystem = getTypeSystem(); FunctionModel<TypeToken> functionModel = typeSystem.getSqlFunctionModel(); Multimap<String, String> sparqlSqlDecls = typeSystem.getSparqlSqlDecls(); SqlExpr sqlCoalesce; if(!args.isEmpty()) { // We need to translate all arguments of the aggregate to SQL // Afterwards, find the one overload of the aggregate that accepts the argument types // argContext is column wise List<List<SqlExprContext>> argContexts = new ArrayList<List<SqlExprContext>>(args.size()); for(Expr arg : args) { List<SqlExprContext> contexts = createExprSqlRewrites(arg, varDef, typeMap, sqlTranslator); argContexts.add(contexts); } CartesianProduct<SqlExprContext> cartContexts = CartesianProduct.create(argContexts); // AggCandidate provides convenient access to the paramter lists List<AggCandidate> aggCandidates = new ArrayList<AggCandidate>(cartContexts.size()); for(List<SqlExprContext> cartContext : cartContexts) { // TODO Get rid of this once the cartesian product hase been updates cartContext = new ArrayList<SqlExprContext>(cartContext); AggCandidate aggCandidate = AggCandidate.create(cartContext); aggCandidates.add(aggCandidate); } // First, Retrieve all overloads of the aggregate function and // filter out all candidates that have no accepting overload // Then, among the remaining candidates and their respecitve overloads // find the *single* best matching overload. // Example: // Declarations: sum([int, double]) // Arguments: [int, float, text] // Best match: sum(double) (note: the argument of type text is discarded, because there is no matching signature) // Note, that this implies the assumption that only one such overload exists. // The assumption is reasonable, as the only way to break it is to have // overloads of an aggregate for unrelated types, such as: // myAggFn(string) myAggFn(int) // Goal is to have something like this: // SUM( WHEN foo::type THEN bar::type ELSE null::type ) // survivors is the set of arguments candidates for which an overload of the aggregate function was found List<AggCandidate> survivors = new ArrayList<AggCandidate>(aggCandidates.size()); Set<MethodEntry<TypeToken>> overloads = new HashSet<MethodEntry<TypeToken>>(); for(AggCandidate cand : aggCandidates) { List<TypeToken> argTypes = cand.getArgTypes(); CandidateMethod<TypeToken> overload = TypeSystemUtils.lookupSqlCandidate(functionModel, sparqlSqlDecls, sparqlFnName, argTypes); if(overload != null) { survivors.add(cand); overloads.add(overload.getMethod()); } } // Find the single best match item among the found overloads // TODO: Actually, maybe we are only looking for the one overload that can be used by all survivors? // So we don't have to take distances into account. MethodEntry<TypeToken> bestMatch = null; // For each candidate we keep the best method because we might need its coercions List<CandidateMethod<TypeToken>> bestMethods = new ArrayList<CandidateMethod<TypeToken>>(survivors.size()); for(MethodEntry<TypeToken> overload : overloads) { boolean isBestMatch = true; for(AggCandidate survivor : survivors) { List<TypeToken> argTypes = survivor.getArgTypes(); CandidateMethod<TypeToken> methodCand = TypeSystemUtils.lookupSqlCandidate(functionModel, overload, argTypes, "Candidates for SPARQL aggregate " + sparqlFnName); if(methodCand == null) { isBestMatch = false; bestMethods.clear(); break; } bestMethods.add(methodCand); } if(isBestMatch) { if(bestMatch != null) { throw new RuntimeException("Multiple matches for aggregate function"); } else { bestMatch = overload; } } } if(bestMatch == null) { // TODO We must not throw an exception, as it may happen that there are no candidates: // Select (Sum(?t) As ?sum) { ?s a ?t } -> If all types ?t are URIs, then there is no candidate throw new RuntimeException("Could not decide on a best match from a set of candidates: " + overloads); } // Coalesce together all the survivors for each argument of the orginal function int n = survivors.size(); // coalesceArgss is columnWise List<List<SqlExpr>> coalesceArgss = new ArrayList<List<SqlExpr>>(args.size()); for(int i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) { coalesceArgss.add(new ArrayList<SqlExpr>(n)); } for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { AggCandidate survivor = survivors.get(i); CandidateMethod<TypeToken> method = bestMethods.get(i); //List<SqlExpr> coalesceArgs = new ArrayList<SqlExpr>(args.size()); List<SqlExpr> sqlArgs = survivor.getArgs(); List<CandidateMethod<TypeToken>> coercions = method.getCoercions(); for(int j = 0; j < sqlArgs.size(); ++j) { SqlExpr sqlArg = sqlArgs.get(j); CandidateMethod<TypeToken> coercion = coercions.get(j); SqlExpr sqlExpr; if(coercion != null) { sqlExpr = TypedExprTransformerImpl.createSqlExpr(coercion, sqlArg); } else { sqlExpr = sqlArg; } List<SqlExpr> coalesceArgs = coalesceArgss.get(j); coalesceArgs.add(sqlExpr); } } List<SqlExpr> finalArgs = new ArrayList<SqlExpr>(args.size()); for(int i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) { List<SqlExpr> coalesceArgs = coalesceArgss.get(i); SqlExpr finalArg = S_Coalesce.create(coalesceArgs); finalArgs.add(finalArg); } CandidateMethod<TypeToken> cm = new CandidateMethod<TypeToken>(bestMatch, null, null); //SqlExpr sqlExpr sqlCoalesce = TypedExprTransformerImpl.createSqlExpr(cm, finalArgs); } else { List<TypeToken> noArgTypes = Collections.emptyList(); CandidateMethod<TypeToken> overload = TypeSystemUtils.lookupSqlCandidate(functionModel, sparqlSqlDecls, sparqlFnName, noArgTypes); List<SqlExpr> noArgs = Collections.emptyList(); sqlCoalesce = TypedExprTransformerImpl.createSqlExpr(overload, noArgs); } String columnAlias =; //SqlExprFunction sqlFn = S_Function.create(bestMatch.getSignature().getReturnType(), bestMatch.getDeclaration().getName(), sqlCoalesce); //SqlAggFunction aggFn = new SqlAggFunction(sqlFn); //S_Agg sagg = new S_Agg(aggFn); Projection p = new Projection(); //p.put(columnAlias, sagg); //p.put(columnAlias, sqlFn); p.put(columnAlias, sqlCoalesce); ExprVar columnRef = new ExprVar(columnAlias); // ExprList newArgs = new ExprList(); // newArgs.add(columnRef); // newArgs.add(NodeValue.makeString(XSD.xdouble.getURI())); // String functionId = ExprUtils.getFunctionId(fn); // ExprTransformer exprTransformer = transMap.get(functionId); //typeSystem.getSparqlTypeModel().g // TODO We need to map the SQL datatype to the sparql datatype //E_RdfTerm colExpr = E_RdfTerm.createTypedLiteral(columnRef, datatype); List<E_RdfTerm> rdfTermExprs = new ArrayList<E_RdfTerm>(); // E_RdfTerm signature = exprTransformer.transform(fn, rdfTermExprs); // E_RdfTerm e = new E_RdfTerm(signature.getType(), columnRef, signature.getLanguageTag(), signature.getDatatype()); //Expr e = new E_Function(SparqlifyConstants.typedLiteralLabel, newArgs); //E_RdfTerm e = E_RdfTerm.createTypedLiteral(columnRef, NodeValue.makeString(XSD.xdouble.getURI())); String sqlTypeName = sqlCoalesce.getDatatype().getName(); String typeUri = typeSystem.getNormSqlTypeToUri().get(sqlTypeName); if(typeUri == null) { throw new RuntimeException("No mapping from sql type " + sqlTypeName + " to a uri for an RDF literal"); } E_RdfTerm e = E_RdfTerm.createTypedLiteral(columnRef, NodeValue.makeString(typeUri)); ExprSqlRewrite result = new ExprSqlRewrite(e, p); return result; } /** * Returns a pair comprised of: * - A SPARQL expression that references the SQL column of the aggregater * - A projection * // Ignore: the typeMap is implied by the projection - A type map * * * * * @param agg */ public ExprSqlRewrite rewriteOld(Gensym gensym, Aggregator agg) { ExprSqlRewrite result; if(agg instanceof AggCount) { result = rewrite(gensym, (AggCount)agg); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported aggregator: " + agg); } return result; } public ExprSqlRewrite rewrite(Gensym gensym, AggCount agg) { String columnAlias =; S_AggCount count = new S_AggCount(); S_Agg sagg = new S_Agg(count); Projection p = new Projection(); p.put(columnAlias, sagg); ExprVar columnRef = new ExprVar(columnAlias); ExprList args = new ExprList(); args.add(columnRef); args.add(NodeValue.makeString(XSD.integer.getURI())); Expr e = new E_Function(SparqlifyConstants.typedLiteralLabel, args); ExprSqlRewrite result = new ExprSqlRewrite(e, p); return result; } public List<SqlExprContext> createExprContexts(Expr e, Mapping source) { Map<String, TypeToken> typeMap = source.getSqlOp().getSchema().getTypeMap(); VarDefinition varDef = source.getVarDefinition(); // If a variable is not bound, skip the evaluation of the expression // We assume this case only occurs if // - no view candidates matched and therefore the variable is undefined // - a variable not elsewhere part of the query was used in the sorting expression // TODO: Can we reference variables that were defined in the projection for sorting??? Set<Var> refVars = e.getVarsMentioned(); Set<Var> definedVars = source.getVarDefinition().getMap().keySet(); boolean allDefined = definedVars.containsAll(refVars); if(!allDefined) { return null; } List<SqlExprContext> result = createExprSqlRewrites(e, varDef, typeMap, sqlTranslator); return result; } /** * Two variants: * - create a case-block for each expression * - create a union - but with the union we would eval the expression over and over again * - so we go with the case block * * * * @param var * @param target * @param source */ public ExprSqlRewrite unifyAlternatives(Expr e, Mapping source) { //Collection<RestrictedExpr> restExprs = source.getVarDefinition().getDefinitions(var); //Set<Var> varsMentioned = e.getVarsMentioned(); //SqlOp sqlOp = source.getSqlOp(); List<SqlExprContext> contexts = createExprContexts(e, source); if(contexts == null) { return null; } // List<ExprSqlRewrite> rewrites = new ArrayList<ExprSqlRewrite>(contexts.size()); // for(SqlExprContext context : contexts) { // rewrites.add(context.getRewrite()); // } // for(RestrictedExpr restExpr : restExprs) { // Expr expr = restExpr.getExpr(); // // // We assume that we can expand the expression to an RDF term // E_RdfTerm rt = SqlTranslationUtils.expandAnyToTerm(expr); // // // We want to convert the second argument to string // Expr orig = rt.getLexicalValue(); // // Expr repl = new E_Str(orig); // E_RdfTerm rdfTerm = new E_RdfTerm(rt.getType(), repl, rt.getLanguageTag(), rt.getDatatype()); // // // Fake an expression + binding with just the variable //// ExprVar exprVar = new ExprVar(var); //// Map<Var, Expr> binding = new HashMap<Var, Expr>(); //// binding.put(var, rdfTerm); // // // TODO Convert // // // TODO Pass a generator the the translator so we get unique column names // ExprSqlRewrite rewrite = sqlTranslator.translate(rdfTerm, null, typeMap); // // rewrites.add(rewrite); // } // TODO IMPORTANT Sort rewrites by number of references columns List<List<S_When>> whens = new ArrayList<List<S_When>>(4); for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { whens.add(new ArrayList<S_When>()); } for(SqlExprContext context : contexts) { ExprSqlRewrite rewrite = context.getRewrite(); E_RdfTerm rdfTerm = rewrite.getRdfTermExpr(); Set<S_ColumnRef> colRefs = rewrite.getInvolvedColumns(); //Set<Var> colRefs = rdfTerm.getVarsMentioned(); // Create the case condition // TODO: Actually we would have to add the NOT NULL (bound) // condition to the expression of the assignment (and push this constraint down as much as possbile) // rather than the // column - but I guess in 99% of the cases this is equivalent // In other words: if this breaks, I will spend hours looking for the problem List<SqlExpr> conditionParts = new ArrayList<SqlExpr>(); for(S_ColumnRef colRef : colRefs) { SqlExpr expr = new S_IsNotNull(colRef); conditionParts.add(expr); } // TODO If there is no condition, what then? //if(conditionPa) SqlExpr condition = SqlExprUtils.andifyBalanced(conditionParts); // ExprSqlRewrite tmp = sqlTranslator.translate(condition, null, typeMap); // E_RdfTerm t = tmp.getRdfTermExpr(); // String tv = t.getLexicalValue().getVarName(); // SqlExpr sqlCond = tmp.getProjection().getNameToExpr().get(tv); for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { List<S_When> cs = whens.get(i); Expr field = rdfTerm.getArg(i + 1); // RAH Jena is really one-based here SqlExpr sqlExpr; if(field.isVariable()) { String varName = field.getVarName(); SqlExpr tmp = rewrite.getProjection().getNameToExpr().get(varName); // if(i == 0) { // sqlExpr = tmp; // } else { // sqlExpr = S_Cast.create(TypeToken.String, tmp); // } sqlExpr = tmp; } else { throw new RuntimeException("Should not happen"); } S_When caze = new S_When(sqlExpr.getDatatype(), condition, sqlExpr); cs.add(caze); } } //S_Constant sqlNullString = S_Constant.create(new SqlValue(TypeToken.String, null)); //S_Constant sqlNullInt = S_Constant.create(new SqlValue(TypeToken.Int, null)); Generator generator = Gensym.create("o"); List<Expr> resultVars = new ArrayList<Expr>(4); Projection resultProjection = new Projection(); for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { List<S_When> cs = whens.get(i); // Group the different whens by their datatype Multimap<TypeToken, S_When> typeToWhen = HashMultimap.create(); for(S_When c : cs) { typeToWhen.put(c.getDatatype(), c); } // For each datatype group... for(Entry<TypeToken, Collection<S_When>> group : typeToWhen.asMap().entrySet()) { TypeToken groupType = group.getKey(); if(groupType.getName().equals("object")) { throw new RuntimeException("Should not happen"); } List<S_When> groupWhens = new ArrayList<S_When>(group.getValue()); String varName =; Var v = Var.alloc(varName); ExprVar exprVar = new ExprVar(v); // Create the 'when' statement // If there is just a single when entry, we can skip the when // If all cazes map to the same expression, we can also skip the case Set<SqlExpr> resultExprs = new HashSet<SqlExpr>(); for(S_When when : groupWhens) { resultExprs.add(when.getRight()); } SqlExpr expr; if(resultExprs.size() == 1) { expr = resultExprs.iterator().next(); } else { // S_Case caze; // if(i == 0) { // caze = S_Case.create(TypeToken.Int, cs, sqlNullInt); // } else { // caze = S_Case.create(TypeToken.String, cs, sqlNullString); // } // // expr = caze; SqlExpr nullExpr = S_Constant.create(new SqlValue(groupType, null)); expr = S_Case.create(groupType, groupWhens, nullExpr); } resultVars.add(exprVar); resultProjection.put(varName, expr); } } E_RdfTerm resultTerm = new E_RdfTerm(resultVars); ExprSqlRewrite result = new ExprSqlRewrite(resultTerm, resultProjection); return result; // Expand the SQL projection with these now columns //SqlOpExtend opExtend = SqlOpExtend.create(sqlOp, rewrite.getProjection()); } // NodeValue nullNode = NodeValue.makeString("should not appear anywhere"); // // // // For each var that maps to a constant, add a NULL mapping for // // every union member which does not define the variable as a constant // for(Entry<Var, TermDef> entry : varToConstant.entrySet()) { // Var var = entry.getKey(); // TermDef baseTermDef = entry.getValue(); // // for (int i = 0; i < sqlNodes.size(); ++i) { // SqlNode sqlNode = sqlNodes.get(i); // // Multimap<Var, TermDef> varDefs = sqlNode.getSparqlVarToExprs(); // // boolean hasConstant = false; // for(TermDef termDef : varDefs.get(var)) { // if(termDef.getExpr().isConstant()) { // hasConstant = true; // continue; // } // } // // if(!hasConstant) { // ExprList exprs = new ExprList(); // List<Expr> args = baseTermDef.getExpr().getFunction().getArgs(); // //System.out.println("Args: " + args.size()); // for(int j = 0; j < args.size(); ++j) { // Expr expr = j == 1 ? NodeValue.makeString(""): args.get(j); // // exprs.add(expr); // } // // Expr newExpr = ExprCopy.getInstance().copy(baseTermDef.getExpr(), exprs); // // varToSqlNode.put((Var)var, i); // varDefs.put(var, new TermDef(newExpr)); // } // } // } /** * Merge all possible combinations of sparql vars into a single expression * This conversion is lossy: All datatypes are converted to string (TODO actually, to_string(columnName), and this function can be defined as one likes * * ?a = { * rdfTerm(1, exprX, "", "") * rdfTerm(2, exprY, "", "") * } * * IDEA: Can't we just take each expression, and rewrite it to sql? * This gives RdfTerm objects for each expression. * Then we only need to convert each of the value expressions to string * * * * @param node */ // public static void unifyAlternatives(Var var, Mapping target, Mapping old, Generator generator) { // Collection<VarDef> tmp = node.getSparqlVarToExprs().get(var); // // // We need to group even if there is just a single expression for the var // // WRONG: If there is just a single expression, we can do a soft grouping // // (i.e. ignore conversions to string (such as uris build from id int columns) // // if(tmp.size() <= 1) { // return; // } // // // // // Create a copy of the exprs and sort by number of variables // List<VarDef> defs = new ArrayList<VarDef>(tmp); // Collections.sort(defs, new Comparator<VarDef>(){ // @Override // public int compare(VarDef arg0, VarDef arg1) { // return arg1.getExpr().getVarsMentioned().size() - arg1.getExpr().getVarsMentioned().size(); // }}); // // // NodeExprSubstitutor substitutor = SqlNodeBinding.createSubstitutor(node.getAliasToColumn()); // // Now for each component of the E_RdfTerm, create the projection // // // /* // if(defs.isEmpty()) { // System.out.println("debug"); // }*/ // // // // /* // // Rearrange exprs by args // List<Map<Set<Var>, Expr>> argToExprs = new ArrayList<Map<Set<Var>, Expr>>(); // for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { // Set<Expr> newExprs = new HashSet<Expr>(); // argToExprs.add(newExprs); // // for(Expr expr : exprs) { // E_RdfTerm term = (E_RdfTerm)expr; // // newExprs.add(term.getArgs().get(i)); // } // }*/ // // List<Expr> newArgs = new ArrayList<Expr>(); // // // String datatype; // for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { // // // Dependency on the columns // List<SqlExpr> columnDeps = new ArrayList<SqlExpr>(); // // // datatype = (i == 0) // ? "::int" //DatatypeSystemDefault._INTEGER // : "::text"; //DatatypeSystemDefault._STRING; // // // //Factory1<String> caster = castFactory.formatString(sqlExpr.getDatatype()); // // // List<String> exprStrs = new ArrayList<String>(); // for(VarDef def : defs) { // // Expr e = def.getExpr(); // // E_RdfTerm args = (E_RdfTerm)e; // Expr arg = args.getArgs().get(i); // // //SqlExpr sqlExpr = SqlNodeBinding.forcePushDown(arg, substitutor);//(arg, node); // SqlExpr sqlExpr = SqlNodeBinding.forcePushDown(arg, substitutor); // // Factory1<String> formatter = castFactory.formatString(sqlExpr.getDatatype()); // // String exprStr = sqlExprSerializer.serialize(sqlExpr); // // exprStr = formatter.create(exprStr); // // // exprStrs.add(exprStr); // } // // // String replacement = ""; // /* TODO We need the dependencies to any column (see a few lines below) // if(exprs.size() == 1) { // replacement = exprStrs.get(0); // // } else*/ { // // String caseStr = "CASE\n"; // String elseStr = "NULL" + datatype; // // for(int j = 0; j < defs.size(); ++j) { // VarDef def = defs.get(j); // Expr expr = def.getExpr(); // // String exprStr = exprStrs.get(j); // // if(expr.getVarsMentioned().isEmpty()) { // elseStr = exprStr; // } else { // // List<String> columnNames = new ArrayList<String>(); // for(Var v : expr.getVarsMentioned()) { // // // // Keep the dependency to the original columns // // If an expression does not depend on other columns, it will be treated as a constant. // if(true) { // String depName = v.getName(); // SqlExpr depSqlExpr = node.getAliasToColumn().get(depName); // SqlDatatype depDatatype = depSqlExpr.getDatatype(); // // columnDeps.add(new SqlExprColumn(target.getAliasName(), depName, depDatatype)); // } // // // // //columnNames.add(v.getName() + " IS NOT NULL"); // columnNames.add(target.getAliasName() + "." + v.getName() + " IS NOT NULL"); // } // // caseStr += " WHEN (" + Joiner.on(" AND ").join(columnNames) + ") THEN " + "(" + exprStr + ")" + datatype + "\n"; // } // } // // // caseStr += " ELSE " + elseStr + "\n"; // caseStr += "END "; // // replacement = caseStr; // } // // // String columnAlias =; // newArgs.add(new ExprVar(columnAlias)); // // // S_String c = new S_String(replacement, DatatypeSystemDefault._STRING, columnDeps); // target.getAliasToColumn().put(columnAlias, c); // //node.getAliasToColumn().put(columnAlias, c); // // // /* // System.out.println("Group By " + var); // System.out.println(SqlAlgebraToString.makeString(node));//asString(node, new IndentedWriter(System.out)); // System.out.println("-----------------------------"); // */ // } // // // E_RdfTerm replacement = new E_RdfTerm(newArgs); // // // // Replace the projection // target.getSparqlVarToExprs().removeAll(var); // target.getSparqlVarToExprs().put(var, new VarDef(replacement)); // } // /** * FIXME The var definitions should not be lists rather than sets in order * to ensure deterministic behaviour! * * * * 1. Expand mappings according to their var definitions, * so that each mapping relates a variable only to a single expression. * * ?a = {uri(?name), plainLiteral(?id) * -> Two mappings with ?a = uri(?name) and ?a = plainLiteral(?id) * * 2. Because we know that rdf terms are sorted by * (blank node, uri, plain literals, typed literals) * we can ensure this by * * * Examples * Order By ?p ?o * Order By !Bound(?p) */ @Override public Mapping order(Mapping a, List<SortCondition> sortConditions) { boolean disableOrderBy = false; if(disableOrderBy) { return a; } List<SqlSortCondition> sqlConds = new ArrayList<SqlSortCondition>(sortConditions.size() * 4); for(SortCondition sc : sortConditions) { Expr expr = sc.getExpression(); ExprSqlRewrite rewrite = unifyAlternatives(expr, a); if(rewrite == null) { continue; } List<SqlExpr> sqlExprs = rewrite.getSqlExprs(); for(SqlExpr sqlExpr : sqlExprs) { if(sqlExpr.isConstant()) { // No need to sort by constants continue; } SqlSortCondition sqlCond = new SqlSortCondition(sqlExpr, sc.getDirection()); sqlConds.add(sqlCond); } } SqlOp subOp = a.getSqlOp(); SqlOpOrder sqlOp = SqlOpOrder.create(subOp, sqlConds); VarDefinition varDef = a.getVarDefinition(); Mapping result = new Mapping(varDef, sqlOp); return result; /* VarDefinition varDef = a.getVarDefinition(); SqlOp sqlOp = a.getSqlOp(); Map<String, TypeToken> typeMap = sqlOp.getSchema().getTypeMap(); // Get all variables referenced by the sort conditions Set<Var> tmpVars = new HashSet<Var>(); for(SortCondition sortCondition : sortConditions) { Expr expr = sortCondition.getExpression(); //translateSql(expr, typeMap, sqlTranslator) List<SqlExprContext> exprContexts = createSqlExprs(expr, varDef, typeMap, sqlTranslator); //rdfTerm.getArg(i) for(SqlExprContext exprContext : exprContexts) { System.out.println("ExprContext: " + exprContext); } //SqlExpr = translateSql(expr, typeMap, sqlTranslator) //E_RdfTerm rdfTerm = SqlTranslationUtils.expandRdfTerm(expr); //List<Expr> args = rdfTerm.getArgs(); // for(Expr arg : args) { // } // If the expressions have different datatypes, cast them to string Set<Var> tmp = expr.getVarsMentioned(); tmpVars.addAll(tmp); } return a; // List<Var> vars = new ArrayList<Var>(tmpVars); // // List<Mapping> ms = MappingRefactor.refactorToUnion(a, vars); // // ListMultimap<String, Mapping> groups = MappingRefactor.groupBy(exprNormalizer, ms, vars); // // // for(SortCondition sortCondition : sortConditions) { // Expr expr = sortCondition.getExpression(); // // Set<Var> sortVars = expr.getVarsMentioned(); // // // // // // groupBy(var, groupByNode, tmp, genG); //generator.forColumn()); // */ // } // /* if(true) { return groupByNode; }*/ // TODO Somewhere in the below code it happens, that the projection gets messed up (resulting in e.g. <1> being returned as a property) // Now we have created the "group by projection" // However, now we need to wrap it with another projection, in which we can add any expressions appearing in the order by // SqlProjection orderByNode = new SqlProjection(generator.nextRelation(), groupByNode); // SqlNodeOld tmp2 = createNewAlias(orderByNode.getAliasName(), groupByNode, generator); // SqlSelectBlockCollector.copyProjection(orderByNode, tmp2); // // // // order by ... str(?o) // // with ?o = uri(concat()) // // // // Create a new projection // // /* // String orderAlias = generator.nextRelation(); // SqlProjection orderNode = new SqlProjection(orderAlias, projection); // createNewAlias(projection.getAliasName(), orderNode, projection); // */ // //SqlSelectBlockCollector.copyProjection(orderNode, projection); // // // // //SqlNode orderNode = wrapWithProjection(projection, generator); //new SqlProjection(projection.getAliasName(), projection); // // // SqlNodeOld result = new SqlNodeOrder(orderByNode.getAliasName(), orderByNode, sqlConditions); // // // Generator gen = Gensym.create("o"); // // // Build the sort conditions for our current node // for(SortCondition condition : conditions) { // // SqlExprList pushed = shallowPushX(condition.getExpression(), orderByNode.getSparqlVarToExprs(), orderByNode.getAliasToColumn()); // // if(pushed == null) { // continue; // } // // //SqlExprList pushed = forcePushDown(new ExprList(condition.getExpression()), a); // // for(SqlExpr sqlExpr : pushed) { // // Don't sort by constant expression // Set<SqlExprColumn> columnsMentioned = SqlExprBase.getColumnsMentioned(sqlExpr); // if(columnsMentioned.isEmpty()) { // continue; // } // // boolean allowExprsInOrderByClause = false; // // Sql cannot order by columns that are not selected; // // Therefore, any order expression becomes part of the projection // // TODO Implement this properly!!! // if(allowExprsInOrderByClause) { // sqlConditions.add(new SqlSortCondition(sqlExpr, condition.getDirection())); // } else { // String dummyColumn =; //generator.nextColumn(); // // orderByNode.getAliasToColumn().put(dummyColumn, sqlExpr); // // sqlConditions.add(new SqlSortCondition(new SqlExprColumn(null, dummyColumn, sqlExpr.getDatatype()), condition.getDirection())); // // //result.getAliasToColumn().put(dummyColumn, new SqlExprColumn(projection.getAliasName(), dummyColumn, sqlExpr.getDatatype())); // } // } // } // // /* // for(Var var : condition.getExpression().getVarsMentioned()) { // for(Expr expr : a.getSparqlVarToExprs().asMap().get(var)) { // for(Var columnName : expr.getVarsMentioned()) { // // // // // SqlExpr sqlExpr = a.getAliasToColumn().get(columnName.getName()); // // // // String exprStr = sqlExprSerializer.serialize(sqlExpr); // // if(dirStr != null) { // //exprStr = dirStr + "(" + exprStr + ")"; // exprStr = exprStr + " " + dirStr; // } // // sortColumnExprStrs.add(exprStr); // } // } // } // } // */ // // /* // result.getAliasToColumn().putAll(a.getAliasToColumn()); // result.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(a.getSparqlVarToExprs()); // */ // // // //SqlProjection r2 = new SqlProjection(aliasName, orderNode); // //createNewAlias(aliasName, r2, orderNode); // // result.getAliasToColumn().putAll(orderByNode.getAliasToColumn()); // result.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(orderByNode.getSparqlVarToExprs()); // return result; // // // // return a; } /** * Merge all possible combinations of sparql vars into a single column * * @param node */ // public static Mapping groupBy(Var var, Mapping mapping) {// SqlNodeOld target, SqlNodeOld node, Generator generator) { // Collection<RestrictedExpr> restExprs = mapping.getVarDefinition().getMap().get(var); // // // We need to group even if there is just a single expression for the var // // WRONG: If there is just a single expression, we can do a soft grouping // // (i.e. ignore conversions to string (such as uris build from id int columns) // // if(restExprs.size() <= 1) { // return mapping; // } // // // // // Create a copy of the exprs and sort by number of variables // List<RestrictedExpr> defs = new ArrayList<RestrictedExpr>(restExprs); // Collections.sort(defs, new Comparator<RestrictedExpr>(){ // @Override // public int compare(RestrictedExpr arg0, RestrictedExpr arg1) { // return arg1.getExpr().getVarsMentioned().size() - arg1.getExpr().getVarsMentioned().size(); // }}); // // // NodeExprSubstitutor substitutor = SqlNodeBinding.createSubstitutor(node.getAliasToColumn()); // // Now for each component of the E_RdfTerm, create the projection // // // /* // if(defs.isEmpty()) { // System.out.println("debug"); // }*/ // // // // /* // // Rearrange exprs by args // List<Map<Set<Var>, Expr>> argToExprs = new ArrayList<Map<Set<Var>, Expr>>(); // for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { // Set<Expr> newExprs = new HashSet<Expr>(); // argToExprs.add(newExprs); // // for(Expr expr : exprs) { // E_RdfTerm term = (E_RdfTerm)expr; // // newExprs.add(term.getArgs().get(i)); // } // }*/ // // List<Expr> newArgs = new ArrayList<Expr>(); // // Projection projection = new Projection(); // // SqlOp sqlNode = mapping.getSqlOp(); // // String datatype; // for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { // // // Dependency on the columns // List<SqlExpr> columnDeps = new ArrayList<SqlExpr>(); // // // datatype = (i == 0) // ? "::int" //DatatypeSystemDefault._INTEGER // : "::text"; //DatatypeSystemDefault._STRING; // // // //Factory1<String> caster = castFactory.formatString(sqlExpr.getDatatype()); // // // List<String> exprStrs = new ArrayList<String>(); // for(RestrictedExpr restExpr : restExprs) { // // Expr e = restExpr.getExpr(); // // E_RdfTerm args = (E_RdfTerm)e; // Expr arg = args.getArgs().get(i); // // //SqlExpr sqlExpr = SqlNodeBinding.forcePushDown(arg, substitutor);//(arg, node); // //SqlExpr sqlExpr = SqlNodeBinding.forcePushDown(arg, substitutor); // SqlExpr sqlExpr = createSqlCondition(condition, varDef, typeMap, sqlTranslator); // // Factory1<String> formatter = castFactory.formatString(sqlExpr.getDatatype()); // // String exprStr = sqlExprSerializer.serialize(sqlExpr); // // exprStr = formatter.create(exprStr); // // // exprStrs.add(exprStr); // } // // // String replacement = ""; // /* TODO We need the dependencies to any column (see a few lines below) // if(exprs.size() == 1) { // replacement = exprStrs.get(0); // // } else*/ { // // String caseStr = "CASE\n"; // String elseStr = "NULL" + datatype; // // for(int j = 0; j < defs.size(); ++j) { // RestrictedExpr def = defs.get(j); // Expr expr = def.getExpr(); // // String exprStr = exprStrs.get(j); // // if(expr.getVarsMentioned().isEmpty()) { // elseStr = exprStr; // } else { // // List<String> columnNames = new ArrayList<String>(); // for(Var v : expr.getVarsMentioned()) { // // // // Keep the dependency to the original columns // // If an expression does not depend on other columns, it will be treated as a constant. // if(true) { // String depName = v.getName(); // //x SqlExpr depSqlExpr = sqlNode.getAliasToColumn().get(depName); // //x SqlDatatype depDatatype = depSqlExpr.getDatatype(); // //sqlNode. // TypeToken depDatatype = sqlNode.getSchema().getTypeMap().get(depName); // // columnDeps.add(new S_ColumnRef(depDatatype, depName)); // } // // // // //columnNames.add(v.getName() + " IS NOT NULL"); // //x columnNames.add(target.getAliasName() + "." + v.getName() + " IS NOT NULL"); // columnNames.add(v.getName() + " IS NOT NULL"); // //projection.put(v.getName(), new expr) // } // // caseStr += " WHEN (" + Joiner.on(" AND ").join(columnNames) + ") THEN " + "(" + exprStr + ")" + datatype + "\n"; // } // } // // // caseStr += " ELSE " + elseStr + "\n"; // caseStr += "END "; // // replacement = caseStr; // } // // // String columnAlias =; // newArgs.add(new ExprVar(columnAlias)); // // // S_String c = new S_String(replacement, TypeToken.String, columnDeps); // //target.getAliasToColumn().put(columnAlias, c); // //node.getAliasToColumn().put(columnAlias, c); // // // /* // System.out.println("Group By " + var); // System.out.println(SqlAlgebraToString.makeString(node));//asString(node, new IndentedWriter(System.out)); // System.out.println("-----------------------------"); // */ // } // // // E_RdfTerm replacement = new E_RdfTerm(newArgs); // // SqlOp tmp = SqlOpExtend.create(sqlNode, projection); // // // Mapping result = new Mapping(mapping.getVarDefinition(), tmp); // // return result; // } } // // // Pushes down an Expr object that should be interpreted as an SQL expression // public static SqlExpr forcePushDown(Expr expr, NodeExprSubstitutor substitutor) { // Expr substituted = substitutor.transformMM(expr); // // // Expr x = PushDown.pushDownMM(substituted); // if(!(x instanceof ExprSqlBridge)) { // throw new RuntimeException("Failed to push down '" + expr + "'"); // } // SqlExpr result = ((ExprSqlBridge)x).getSqlExpr(); // // return result; // } // // public static SqlExprList forcePushDown(ExprList exprs, SqlNodeOld node) { // SqlExprList result = new SqlExprList(); // for(Expr expr : exprs) { // SqlExpr sqlExpr = forcePushDown(expr, node.getAliasToColumn()); // result.add(sqlExpr); // } // // return result; // } // // // // public static SqlExpr forcePushDown(Expr expr, Map<String, SqlExpr> aliasToColumn) { // NodeExprSubstitutor substitutor = createSubstitutor(aliasToColumn); // // return forcePushDown(expr, substitutor); // } // // public static SqlExpr forceShallowPushDown(Expr expr, Map<String, SqlExpr> aliasToColumn) { // // Map<String, SqlExpr> shallow = createShallowAliasToColumn(aliasToColumn); // // NodeExprSubstitutor substitutor = createSubstitutor(shallow); // // return forcePushDown(expr, substitutor); // } // // // // // /** // * Replace all occurrences of variables within expr with those of the // * binding // * // * @param a // * @param expr // * @return // */ // public static SqlExpr rewriteExpr(MappingOpsImpl a, Expr expr) { // // Expr tmp = expr.applyNodeTransform(new Renamer()) // // // Expr tmp = new E_Equals(a.getSparqlVarToExpr().get(var), // // b.getSparqlVarToExpr().get(var)); // // tmp = SqlExprTranslator.optimizeMM(tmp); // // // SqlExpr joinExpr = SqlExprTranslator.translateMM(tmp); // // return null; // } // // // public static String generateNextFreeId(String base, Set<String> used) { // if(!used.contains(base)) { // return base; // } // // for(int i = 1; ; ++i) { // String id = base + i; // if(!used.contains(id)) { // return id; // } // } // } // // // /** // * Calculates the projection for the given join by renaming // * columns with same names on both sides of the join. // * // * @param generator // * @param left // * @param right // * @return // */ // public static SqlNodeOld doJoinRename(ColRelGenerator generator, SqlNodeOld left, String leftAlias, SqlNodeOld right, String rightAlias) // { // SqlNodeOld result = new SqlNodeEmpty(); // // if(leftAlias != null && leftAlias.equals(rightAlias)) { // throw new RuntimeException("Two aliases equal - should not happen"); // } // // Set<String> colsA = left.getAliasToColumn().keySet(); // Set<String> colsB = right.getAliasToColumn().keySet(); // // Set<String> intersection = new HashSet<String>(Sets.intersection(colsA, colsB)); // Set<String> union = Sets.union(colsA, colsB); // // Map<String, String> colRefRenames = new HashMap<String, String>(); // // for(String common : intersection) { // SqlExpr sqlExpr = right.getAliasToColumn().get(common); // // String idBase = rightAlias + "_" + common; // String id = generateNextFreeId(idBase, union); // // colRefRenames.put(common, id); // } // // Map<String, SqlExpr> newBMap = new HashMap<String, SqlExpr>(); // for(String colB : colsB) { // String rename = colRefRenames.get(colB); // if(rename == null) { // rename = colB; // } // // SqlExpr sqlExpr = right.getAliasToColumn().get(colB); // // newBMap.put(rename, sqlExpr); // } // //b.getAliasToColumn().clear(); // //b.getAliasToColumn().putAll(newBMap); // result.getAliasToColumn().putAll(newBMap); // // // Map<Node, Expr> exprMap = new HashMap<Node, Expr>(); // for(Entry<String, String> entry : colRefRenames.entrySet()) { // exprMap.put(Var.alloc(entry.getKey()), new ExprVar(entry.getValue())); // } // // // Substitute the column references in b // NodeExprSubstitutor substitutor = new NodeExprSubstitutor(exprMap); // // Multimap<Var, VarDef> newSparqlMap = HashMultimap.create(); // for(Entry<Var, VarDef> entry : right.getSparqlVarToExprs().entries()) { // VarDef before = entry.getValue(); // VarDef after = new VarDef(substitutor.transformMM(before.getExpr()), before.getRestrictions()); // // newSparqlMap.put(entry.getKey(), after); // } // //b.getSparqlVarToExprs().clear(); // //b.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(newSparqlMap); // result.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(newSparqlMap); // // return result; // } // // // /** // * Creates a substitutor object, that can replace the sparql variables // * with their their expression // * // * TODO Does not work that way with the datatype support // * // * @param node // * @return // */ ///* // public static NodeExprSubstitutor createSparqlVarExpander(SqlNode node) { // Map<Var, Expr> expanderMap = new HashMap<Var, Expr>(); // for(Entry<Node, Expr> entry : node.getSparqlVarToExprs().entrySet()) { // expanderMap.put(Var.alloc(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue()); // } // // NodeExprSubstitutor result = new NodeExprSubstitutor(expanderMap); // // return result; // } //*/ // // /** // * Create an object that can replace column references // * with their expression. // * // * Example: // * concat('prefix', id) AS col1 // * // * The substitutor can replace sparql var references to col1 with an // * SqlBridge to the concat expression. // * // * // * @param node // * @return // */ // public static NodeExprSubstitutor createSubstitutor(Map<String, SqlExpr> aliasToColumn) { // Map<Var, Expr> sqlSubstitutionMap = new HashMap<Var, Expr>(); // for(Entry<String, SqlExpr> entry : aliasToColumn.entrySet()) { // sqlSubstitutionMap.put(Var.alloc(entry.getKey()), new ExprSqlBridge(entry.getValue())); // } // // NodeExprSubstitutor result = new NodeExprSubstitutor(sqlSubstitutionMap); // // return result; // } // // // // // public static NodeExprSubstitutor createSubstitutor(SqlNodeOld node) { // return createSubstitutor(node.getAliasToColumn()); // } // // // public static Pair<SqlNodeOld, SqlNodeOld> createJoinAlias(SqlNodeOld node, ColRelGenerator generator) { // if(node instanceof SqlJoin || node.getAliasName() != null) { // // If the node is a join, then all the components already // // have aliases // return Pair.create(node, node); // } else { // // Deal with cases where the join argument does not yet // // have an alias, e.g. Join(a, Filter(...)) // // In this case, the second argument will eventually become a sub-select. // // So we need to assign a new alias (subselect AS x), and update the projection // // accordingly: aliasToColumn must refer to columns of x // // // // The projection must reference the columns via the old alias // // However, the join result must refer to them with the new alias // // String newAlias = generator.nextRelation(); // /* // SqlNode result = new SqlProjection(newAlias, node); // result.getAliasToColumn().putAll(node.getAliasToColumn()); // result.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(node.getSparqlVarToExprs()); // */ // // SqlNodeOld proj = createNewAlias(newAlias, node, generator); // // return Pair.create(node, proj); // // // /* // SqlNode newProj = createNewAlias(newAlias, node, generator); // SqlNode result= new SqlProjection(newAlias, node); // result.getAliasToColumn().putAll(newProj.getAliasToColumn()); // result.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(newProj.getSparqlVarToExprs()); // */ // } // } // // /* // public static SqlNode createJoinProj(SqlNode node, ColRelGenerator generator) { // // }*/ // // public static SqlNodeOld join(ColRelGenerator generator, SqlNodeOld _a, SqlNodeOld _b, // JoinType joinType) { // // /* // if(joinType == JoinType.LEFT) { // System.out.println("debug"); // }*/ // // // // Generate fresh aliases for the members of the join // // (If any of the join members does not have an alias yet, it will become a // // sub expression) // // (SqlNode) JOIN (SqlNode) --> (SqlNode) r1 JOIN (SqlNode) r2 // /* // Pair<SqlNode, SqlNode> pairA = createJoinAlias(_a, generator); // Pair<SqlNode, SqlNode> pairB = createJoinAlias(_b, generator); // // // SqlNode a = pairA.getValue(); // SqlNode b = pairB.getValue(); // // _a = pairA.getKey(); // _b = pairB.getKey(); // // String leftAlias = a.getAliasName(); // String rightAlias = b.getAliasName(); // */ // // SqlNodeOld a = _a; // SqlNodeOld b = _b; // // // //if(a.getAliasName() == null && !(a instanceof SqlJoin) || a instanceof SqlUnionN) { // if(!(a instanceof SqlJoin || a instanceof SqlTable || a instanceof SqlQuery) || a instanceof SqlUnionN) { // a = createNewAlias(generator.nextRelation(), a, generator); // // // // /* // a.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(_a.getSparqlVarToExprs()); // a.getAliasToColumn().putAll(_a.getAliasToColumn()); // */ // } // // //if(b.getAliasName() == null && !(b instanceof SqlJoin) || b instanceof SqlUnionN) { // if(!(b instanceof SqlJoin || b instanceof SqlTable || b instanceof SqlQuery) || b instanceof SqlUnionN) { // b = createNewAlias(generator.nextRelation(), b, generator); // // /* // b = new SqlAlias(generator.nextRelation(), _b); // b.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(_b.getSparqlVarToExprs()); // b.getAliasToColumn().putAll(_b.getAliasToColumn()); // */ // } // // // // // // // // SqlNodeOld c = doJoinRename(generator, a, a.getAliasName(), b, b.getAliasName()); // // /* // if(a instanceof SqlUnionN || b instanceof SqlUnionN) { // System.out.println("debug"); // } // // if(!c.getAliasToColumn().equals(b.getAliasToColumn())) { // System.out.println("debug"); // }*/ // // /* // if(a instanceof SqlTable && b instanceof SqlTable) { // SqlTable x = (SqlTable)a; // SqlTable y = (SqlTable)b; // // // if(x.getTableName().equals(y.getTableName())) { // System.out.println("Same table"); // System.out.println(a.getSparqlVarToExprs()); // System.out.println(b.getSparqlVarToExprs()); // } // } // */ // // // SqlJoin result = SqlJoin.create(joinType, a, b); // // // result.getAliasToColumn().putAll(a.getAliasToColumn()); // result.getAliasToColumn().putAll(c.getAliasToColumn()); // // // TODO Take filters into account for further join conditions // // // // Check if there is an overlap in the columns being used for the join // // if that is the case, rename the columns // // e.g. A(id, name) Join B(id, name) will result in // // as a_id, as b_id // // // // // Do we need an alias? // // // Update the projection: // // First use all variables from a, then use those that are exclusive to b // Set<Var> cVars = Sets.difference(c.getSparqlVarsMentioned(), // a.getSparqlVarsMentioned()); // // result.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(a.getSparqlVarToExprs()); // //result.getSqlVarToExpr().putAll(a.getSqlVarToExpr()); // // // TODO // // Given Join(A(id, name), B(id, name)), and the bindingis // // ?o = Literal(name) ?t = Literal(name) // // In that case we need to rename 'name': // // Select as renamed1, as renamed2 // for (Var var : cVars) { // Collection<VarDef> exprC = c.getSparqlVarToExprs().get(var); // result.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(var, exprC); // } // // // // Determine join conditions based on variables common to both join // // arguments // Set<Var> commons = Sets.intersection(a.getSparqlVarsMentioned(), // c.getSparqlVarsMentioned()); // // // // /** // * Build a map var -> sql expr // */ // /* // Map<Var, Expr> sqlSubstitutionMap = new HashMap<Var, Expr>(); // for(Entry<String, SqlExpr> entry : result.getColumnToSqlExpr().entrySet()) { // sqlSubstitutionMap.put(Var.alloc(entry.getKey()), new ExprSqlBridge(entry.getValue())); // } // // NodeExprSubstitutor substitutor = new NodeExprSubstitutor(sqlSubstitutionMap); // */ // // // /* // Map<String, SqlExpr> joinSub = new HashMap<String, SqlExpr>(); // joinSub.putAll(result.getAliasToColumn()); // // for(Entry<String, SqlExpr> entry : b.getAliasToColumn().entrySet()) { // // joinSub.put(entry.getKey(), new SqlExprColumn(b.getAliasName(), entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().getDatatype())); // } // NodeExprSubstitutor substitutor = createSubstitutor(joinSub); // */ // // //throw new RuntimeException("Fix me"); // // NodeExprSubstitutor substitutor = createSubstitutor(result); // // // // Outerloop: For each variable in common // // Innerloop: For each of the variables associated expression // //List<SqlExpr> ands = new ArrayList<SqlExpr>(); // for (Var var : commons) { // List<SqlExpr> ors = new ArrayList<SqlExpr>(); // // // // For each combination of expressions derive the join condition // // The outer loop or-ifies, the inner one and-ifies // // a1 - b1 // // a2 - b1 // Collection<VarDef> newTermDefs = new ArrayList<VarDef>(); // Collection<VarDef> ebs = c.getSparqlVarToExprs().get(var); // boolean foundSatisfiableJoinCondition = false; //ebs.isEmpty(); // RestrictionSet ras = new RestrictionSet(false); // // for(VarDef ea : a.getSparqlVarToExprs().get(var)) { // // // // If there are no expressions to join on, then we retain the variable // RestrictionSet ra = ea.getRestrictions(); // // //Restriction ra = (Restriction)ea.getRestriction().clone(); // // for(VarDef eb : ebs) { // // // Check if the constraints associated with the termDefs are unsatisfiable // RestrictionSet rc = ra.clone(); // RestrictionSet rb = eb.getRestrictions(); // // rc.stateRestriction(rb); // // if(rc.isUnsatisfiable()) { // continue; // } // // ras.addAlternatives(rc); // // // TODO Update restriction // //result.getSparqlVarToExprs().put(var, new TermDef(ea.getExpr(), ra)); // // // // substitute renamed variables in exprb // // // For common variables we need to chose one expression for the // // projection. // // Here we always use the first // Expr tmp = new E_Equals(ea.getExpr(), eb.getExpr()); // // // // Essentially add ... AND(EQUALS(ea.getDiscriminatorColumnName(), ea.getDCValue()) // //if(true) { throw new RuntimeException("Add support for discriminator column"); } // // // // /* // Expr functionExpand = FunctionExpander.transform(tmp); // Expr constantExpand = ConstantExpander.transform(functionExpand); // Expr expand = expander.transformMM(constantExpand); // Expr optimized = SqlExprOptimizer.optimizeMM(constantExpand); // */ // // // // Substitute all variables with sql bridges // // TODO Do the variable transformation // // Then push down // // //Expr tmp = sub.transformMM(expr); // Expr optimized = SqlExprOptimizer.optimizeMM(tmp); // Expr substituted = substitutor.transformMM(optimized); // Expr pushedExpr = PushDown.pushDownMM(substituted); // // SqlExpr sqlExpr = null; // if(pushedExpr instanceof ExprSqlBridge) { // sqlExpr = ((ExprSqlBridge) pushedExpr).getSqlExpr(); // } else { // throw new RuntimeException("Could not push an expression"); // } // // if(isSatisfiable(sqlExpr)) { // ors.add(sqlExpr); // foundSatisfiableJoinCondition = true; // } // } // // newTermDefs.add(new VarDef(ea.getExpr(), ras)); // } // // result.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(var, newTermDefs); // // // For the given variable there is no satisfiable join // // so the join is empty // if(!foundSatisfiableJoinCondition) { // SqlNodeOld x = new SqlNodeEmpty(); // x.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(result.getSparqlVarToExprs()); // x.getAliasToColumn().putAll(result.getAliasToColumn()); // return x; // } // // // // Or-ify the expressions // if(!ors.isEmpty()) { // SqlExpr joinExpr = SqlExprUtils.orifyBalanced(ors); // // result.addCondition(joinExpr); // } // } // // // Check for unsatisfiable node // // TODO We need to consider the join condition and the filters // // as a unit (andify them); Example: // // join ... on(a = b) where (a != b) // // Treating the filter and the join condition separately causes us // // to miss the unsatisfiability in this case // if(!isSatisfiable(result.getConditions())) { // SqlNodeOld x = new SqlNodeEmpty(); // x.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(result.getSparqlVarToExprs()); // x.getAliasToColumn().putAll(result.getAliasToColumn()); // return x; // } // // // Of the helper variables, only copy those over, which are still // // referenced // // return result; // } // // public static SqlNodeOld distinct(SqlNodeOld a) { // SqlDistinct result = new SqlDistinct(a.getAliasName(), a); // // result.getAliasToColumn().putAll(a.getAliasToColumn()); // result.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(a.getSparqlVarToExprs()); // // return result; // } // // public static SqlNodeOld slice(SqlNodeOld a, ColRelGenerator generator, long start, long length) { // // SqlSlice result = new SqlSlice(a, start, length); // result.getAliasToColumn().putAll(a.getAliasToColumn()); // result.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(a.getSparqlVarToExprs()); // // /* // String aliasName = a.getAliasName() != null // ? a.getAliasName() // :; // // SqlSlice result = new SqlSlice(aliasName, a, start, length); // // if(a.getAliasName() == null) { // SqlNode newProj = createNewAlias(aliasName, a, generator); // result.getAliasToColumn().putAll(newProj.getAliasToColumn()); // result.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(newProj.getSparqlVarToExprs()); // // } else { // result.getAliasToColumn().putAll(a.getAliasToColumn()); // result.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(a.getSparqlVarToExprs()); // } // */ // // // return result; // } // // // // // /** // * // * Select b.i i, b.j j From ( // * Select a.i i, a.j j From ( ... ) a // * ) b // * // * // * Updates all references in the target node. // * The sparqlVarsToExpr map just needs to be copied // * For the // * // * @param alias // * @param target // * @param source // */ // public static void createNewAlias(String alias, SqlNodeOld target, SqlNodeOld source) { // // target.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(source.getSparqlVarToExprs()); // // // for(Entry<String, SqlExpr> entry : source.getAliasToColumn().entrySet()) { // target.getAliasToColumn().put(entry.getKey(), new SqlExprColumn(source.getAliasName(), entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().getDatatype())); // } // } // // // // public static void replaceAlias(String alias, SqlNodeOld node, ColRelGenerator columnNameColRelGenerator) { // SqlNodeOld tmp = createNewAlias(alias, node, columnNameColRelGenerator); // // node.getAliasToColumn().clear(); // node.getSparqlVarToExprs().clear(); // // node.getAliasToColumn().putAll(tmp.getAliasToColumn()); // node.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(tmp.getSparqlVarToExprs()); // } // // // public static SqlAlias createNewAlias(String alias, SqlNodeOld node, ColRelGenerator generator) { // SqlAlias result = new SqlAlias(alias, node); // // Map<Var, Expr> varRename = new HashMap<Var, Expr>(); // for(Entry<String, SqlExpr> col : node.getAliasToColumn().entrySet()) { // String newColumnName = col.getKey();//generator.nextColumn(); // // varRename.put(Var.alloc(col.getKey()), new ExprVar(newColumnName)); // result.getAliasToColumn().put(newColumnName, new SqlExprColumn(alias, col.getKey(), col.getValue().getDatatype())); // } // // NodeExprSubstitutor substitutor = new NodeExprSubstitutor(varRename); // // for(Entry<Var, VarDef> entry : node.getSparqlVarToExprs().entries()) { // Expr newExpr = substitutor.transformMM(entry.getValue().getExpr()); // // result.getSparqlVarToExprs().put(entry.getKey(), new VarDef(newExpr, entry.getValue().getRestrictions())); // } // // // return result; // } // // // public static SqlProjection wrapWithProjection(String newAlias, SqlNodeOld tmp, ColRelGenerator generator) { // // SqlProjection node = new SqlProjection(newAlias, tmp); // node.getAliasToColumn().putAll(tmp.getAliasToColumn()); // node.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(tmp.getSparqlVarToExprs()); // // SqlProjection result = new SqlProjection(newAlias, node); // // SqlAlias newProj = createNewAlias(newAlias, node, generator); // // result.getAliasToColumn().putAll(newProj.getAliasToColumn()); // result.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(newProj.getSparqlVarToExprs()); // // /* // Map<Var, Expr> varRename = new HashMap<Var, Expr>(); // for(Entry<String, SqlExpr> col : node.getAliasToColumn().entrySet()) { // String newColumnName =; // // varRename.put(Var.alloc(col.getKey()), new ExprVar(newColumnName)); // result.getAliasToColumn().put(newColumnName, new SqlExprColumn(newAlias, col.getKey(), col.getValue().getDatatype())); // } // // NodeExprSubstitutor substitutor = new NodeExprSubstitutor(varRename); // // for(Entry<Var, TermDef> entry : node.getSparqlVarToExprs().entries()) { // Expr newExpr = substitutor.transformMM(entry.getValue().getExpr()); // // result.getSparqlVarToExprs().put(entry.getKey(), new TermDef(newExpr, entry.getValue().getRestrictions())); // } // */ // // // return result; // } // // // public static SqlNodeOld extend(SqlNodeOld node, VarExprList varExprList) { // // // for(Entry<Var, Expr> entry : varExprList.getExprs().entrySet()) { // // Var var = entry.getKey(); // Expr expr = entry.getValue(); // // if(expr.isVariable()) { // Var otherVar = expr.asVar(); // node.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(var, node.getSparqlVarToExprs().get(otherVar)); // } else { // throw new RuntimeException("Implement me"); // } // // //SqlExprList sqlExprs = shallowPushX(entry.getValue(), node.getSparqlVarToExprs(), node.getAliasToColumn()); // //node.getAliasToColumn() // // // } // return node; // } // // // public static SqlExprList shallowPushX(Expr expr, Multimap<Var, VarDef> sparqlVarToExprs, Map<String, SqlExpr> aliasToColumn) { // SqlExprList result = new SqlExprList(); // if(expr.isVariable()) { // Var v = expr.asVar(); // // Collection<VarDef> defs = sparqlVarToExprs.get(v); // // // if(defs.isEmpty()) { // logger.warn("Variable does not exist for sorting"); // //continue; // return null; // } else if(defs.size() > 1) { // throw new RuntimeException("Should not happen"); // because we grouped by the var // } // // VarDef def = defs.iterator().next(); // // Expr e = def.getExpr(); // if(e instanceof E_RdfTerm) { // E_RdfTerm term = (E_RdfTerm)e; // // result = new SqlExprList(); // for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { // Expr arg = term.getArgs().get(i); // SqlExpr sqlExpr = forceShallowPushDown(arg, aliasToColumn); // //SqlExpr sqlExpr = fullPush(arg, a); // // //SqlExpr sqlExpr = shallowPush(arg, a); // // result.add(sqlExpr); // } // } else { // throw new RuntimeException("Should not happen"); // } // } // else { // result = shallowPush(new ExprList(expr), sparqlVarToExprs, aliasToColumn); // //pushed = fullPush(new ExprList(condition.getExpression()), a); // } // // return result; // } // // /** // * Ordering requires some wrapping: // * // * Given Order(subNode), we transform to SqlAlias(SqlProjection(Order(Alias(subNode))) // * // * // * // * // * // * // * First, we add a projection to whatever node we have // * Then, in this projection we group by the variables we are sorting // * Then we wrap this projection // * Finally, we create an SqlOrderBy node with the order by expressions // * // * // * // * // * // * @param a // * @param conditions // * @param generator // * @return // */ // public static SqlNodeOld order(SqlNodeOld a, List<SortCondition> conditions, ColRelGenerator generator) { // List<SqlSortCondition> sqlConditions = new ArrayList<SqlSortCondition>(); // // // /* // if(a.getAliasName() == null) { // //a = wrapWithProjection(, a, generator); // String newAlias = generator.nextRelation(); // SqlNode newProj = createNewAlias(newAlias, a, generator); // a = new SqlProjection(newAlias, a); // a.getAliasToColumn().putAll(newProj.getAliasToColumn()); // a.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(newProj.getSparqlVarToExprs()); // // }*/ // // // // If the node does not have an alias yet, create one // //if(a.getAliasName() == null) { // //} // // // SqlNodeOld subSelect = createNewAlias(generator.nextRelation(), a, generator); // // // Wrap whatever we have with a new projection (-> sub select) // // This new projection is the basis for the group by // /* // SqlProjection groupByNode = new SqlProjection(generator.nextRelation(), projection); // SqlSelectBlockCollector.copyProjection(groupByNode, tmp); // */ // SqlNodeOld groupByNode = subSelect; // // //SqlNode projection = subSelect; // // SqlNodeOld tmp = createNewAlias(groupByNode.getAliasName(), subSelect, generator); // // // // Transform the conditions // Generator genG = Gensym.create("s"); // for(SortCondition condition : conditions) { // // // // SOMEWHAT HACKY: We need to avoid name clashes when grouping // // A really hard to find bug was, the when e.g. grouping c_{5-10}, it might have // // redefined e.g. c_1 // // Group by the variables // for(Var var : condition.getExpression().getVarsMentioned()) { // SqlAlgebraToString.groupBy(var, groupByNode, tmp, genG); //generator.forColumn()); // } // } // // // /* // if(true) { // return groupByNode; // }*/ // // // TODO Somewhere in the below code it happens, that the projection gets messed up (resulting in e.g. <1> being returned as a property) // // // Now we have created the "group by projection" // // However, now we need to wrap it with another projection, in which we can add any expressions appearing in the order by // SqlProjection orderByNode = new SqlProjection(generator.nextRelation(), groupByNode); // SqlNodeOld tmp2 = createNewAlias(orderByNode.getAliasName(), groupByNode, generator); // SqlSelectBlockCollector.copyProjection(orderByNode, tmp2); // // // // order by ... str(?o) // // with ?o = uri(concat()) // // // // Create a new projection // // /* // String orderAlias = generator.nextRelation(); // SqlProjection orderNode = new SqlProjection(orderAlias, projection); // createNewAlias(projection.getAliasName(), orderNode, projection); // */ // //SqlSelectBlockCollector.copyProjection(orderNode, projection); // // // // //SqlNode orderNode = wrapWithProjection(projection, generator); //new SqlProjection(projection.getAliasName(), projection); // // // SqlNodeOld result = new SqlNodeOrder(orderByNode.getAliasName(), orderByNode, sqlConditions); // // // Generator gen = Gensym.create("o"); // // // Build the sort conditions for our current node // for(SortCondition condition : conditions) { // // SqlExprList pushed = shallowPushX(condition.getExpression(), orderByNode.getSparqlVarToExprs(), orderByNode.getAliasToColumn()); // // if(pushed == null) { // continue; // } // // //SqlExprList pushed = forcePushDown(new ExprList(condition.getExpression()), a); // // for(SqlExpr sqlExpr : pushed) { // // Don't sort by constant expression // Set<SqlExprColumn> columnsMentioned = SqlExprBase.getColumnsMentioned(sqlExpr); // if(columnsMentioned.isEmpty()) { // continue; // } // // boolean allowExprsInOrderByClause = false; // // Sql cannot order by columns that are not selected; // // Therefore, any order expression becomes part of the projection // // TODO Implement this properly!!! // if(allowExprsInOrderByClause) { // sqlConditions.add(new SqlSortCondition(sqlExpr, condition.getDirection())); // } else { // String dummyColumn =; //generator.nextColumn(); // // orderByNode.getAliasToColumn().put(dummyColumn, sqlExpr); // // sqlConditions.add(new SqlSortCondition(new SqlExprColumn(null, dummyColumn, sqlExpr.getDatatype()), condition.getDirection())); // // //result.getAliasToColumn().put(dummyColumn, new SqlExprColumn(projection.getAliasName(), dummyColumn, sqlExpr.getDatatype())); // } // } // } // // /* // for(Var var : condition.getExpression().getVarsMentioned()) { // for(Expr expr : a.getSparqlVarToExprs().asMap().get(var)) { // for(Var columnName : expr.getVarsMentioned()) { // // // // // SqlExpr sqlExpr = a.getAliasToColumn().get(columnName.getName()); // // // // String exprStr = sqlExprSerializer.serialize(sqlExpr); // // if(dirStr != null) { // //exprStr = dirStr + "(" + exprStr + ")"; // exprStr = exprStr + " " + dirStr; // } // // sortColumnExprStrs.add(exprStr); // } // } // } // } // */ // // /* // result.getAliasToColumn().putAll(a.getAliasToColumn()); // result.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(a.getSparqlVarToExprs()); // */ // // // //SqlProjection r2 = new SqlProjection(aliasName, orderNode); // //createNewAlias(aliasName, r2, orderNode); // // result.getAliasToColumn().putAll(orderByNode.getAliasToColumn()); // result.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(orderByNode.getSparqlVarToExprs()); // return result; // // // // /* // SqlProjection wrap = new SqlProjection(generator.nextRelation(), result); // SqlNode tmp3 = createNewAlias(wrap.getAliasName(), result, generator); // SqlSelectBlockCollector.copyProjection(wrap, tmp3); // // return wrap; // */ // } // // // /* // public static SqlExpr fullPush(Expr expr, SqlNode node) { // return fullPush(new ExprList(exprs), node.getAliasToColumn(), node.getSparqlVarToExprs()); // } // // public static SqlExprList fullPush(ExprList exprs, Map<String, SqlExpr> aliasToColumn, Multimap<Node, Expr> sparqlVarToExprs) { // }*/ // // // /* // public static SqlExpr shallowPush(Expr expr, SqlNode node) { // return shallowPush(new ExprList(expr), node.getSparqlVarToExprs(), node.getAliasToColumn()).get(0); // } // */ // // // public static Map<String, SqlExpr> createShallowAliasToColumn(Map<String, SqlExpr> aliasToColumn) { // // Map<String, SqlExpr> result = new HashMap<String, SqlExpr>(); // for(Entry<String, SqlExpr> entry : aliasToColumn.entrySet()) { // result.put(entry.getKey(), new SqlExprColumn(null, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().getDatatype())); // } // // return result; // } // // /** // * Like a full push, except it does not replace sql-columns with their definition // * // * @param exprs // * @param node // * @return // */ // public static SqlExprList shallowPush(ExprList exprs, Multimap<Var, VarDef> sparqlVarToExprs, Map<String, SqlExpr> aliasToColumn) {//{SqlNode node) { // // Map<String, SqlExpr> shallowAliasToColumn = createShallowAliasToColumn(aliasToColumn); // // return fullPush(exprs, shallowAliasToColumn, sparqlVarToExprs); // } // // // public static SqlExpr fullPush(Expr expr, SqlNodeOld node) { // // Could be a bit more efficient... // SqlExprList tmp = fullPush(new ExprList(expr), node); // if(tmp.isEmpty()) { // throw new RuntimeException("Should not happen"); // } // // return tmp.get(0); // } // // public static SqlExprList fullPush(ExprList exprs, SqlNodeOld node) { // return fullPush(exprs, node.getAliasToColumn(), node.getSparqlVarToExprs()); // } // // // // public static SqlExprList fullPush(ExprList exprs, Map<String, SqlExpr> aliasToColumn, Multimap<Var, VarDef> sparqlVarToExprs) { // // NodeExprSubstitutor substitutor = aliasToColumn == null // ? null // : createSubstitutor(aliasToColumn); // // SqlExprList result = new SqlExprList(); // // for (Expr expr : exprs) { // // List<Var> vars = new ArrayList<Var>(expr.getVarsMentioned()); // List<List<VarDef>> cartesianBase = new ArrayList<List<VarDef>>(); // // // Substitute each sparql variable with its set of definitions on the sql level // for(Var var : vars) { // Collection<VarDef> varExprs = sparqlVarToExprs.get(var); // cartesianBase.add(new ArrayList<VarDef>(varExprs)); // } // // CartesianProduct<VarDef> cartesian = new CartesianProduct<VarDef>(cartesianBase); // // // List<SqlExpr> ors = new ArrayList<SqlExpr>(); // for(List<VarDef> items : cartesian) { // // Map<Var, Expr> expanderMap = new HashMap<Var, Expr>(); // for(int i = 0; i < vars.size(); ++i) { // Var var = vars.get(i); // VarDef item = items.get(i); // // expanderMap.put(var, item.getExpr()); // } // // NodeExprSubstitutor expander = new NodeExprSubstitutor(expanderMap); // // // // /* // Map<Var, Expr> expanderMap = new HashMap<Var, Expr>(); // for(Entry<Node, Expr> entry : node.getSparqlVarToExprs().entrySet()) { // expanderMap.put(Var.alloc(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue()); // }*/ // // /* // if(expr instanceof E_LessThan) { // System.out.println("lessthan here"); // } // */ // // // Expand variables in the filter expression // // Example: Given ?r = term(...) and Filter(regex(?r...)) // // We will get Filter(regex(term(...))) // // // Expr functionExpand = FunctionExpander.transform(expr); // Expr constantExpand = ConstantExpander.transform(functionExpand); // Expr expand = expander.transformMM(constantExpand); // Expr simplified = SqlExprOptimizer.optimizeMM(expand); // // // Expr tmp = sub.transformMM(expr); // // TODO Do the variable transformation // // Expr subbed = (substitutor == null) // ? simplified // : substitutor.transformMM(simplified); // // Expr pushed = PushDown.pushDownMM(subbed); // // SqlExpr sqlExpr = null; // if(pushed instanceof ExprSqlBridge) { // sqlExpr = ((ExprSqlBridge)pushed).getSqlExpr(); // } else { // throw new RuntimeException("Could not push expressions"); // } // // ors.add(sqlExpr); // } // // SqlExpr orified = SqlExprUtils.orifyBalanced(ors); // // TODO Should we assume false or true? // if(orified != null) { // result.add(orified); // } // } // // // FIXME We could bail out earlier // if(!isSatisfiable(result)) { // return new SqlExprList(SqlExprValue.FALSE); // } // // // // Remove all 'true' from the result // // In Postgres 9.1, a "WHERE TRUE" in a union prevents the union to become an append-relation // // As a result, in LinkedGeoData "Select { ?s dc:modified ?o . } Order By ?s" won't work (efficiently) // // FIXME Although it makes sense to already get rid of unnecessary exprs here, // // it might be good to have a full SQL-level optimization at some later stage // Iterator<SqlExpr> it = result.iterator(); // while(it.hasNext()) { // SqlExpr item =; // if(item.equals(SqlExprValue.TRUE)) { // it.remove(); // } // } // // // return result; // } // // // public static boolean isSatisfiable(SqlExpr sqlExpr) // { // Expr expr = SqlExprToExpr.convert(sqlExpr); // if(expr.equals(SqlExprToExpr.UNKNOWN)) { // return true; // } // // // Set<Set<Expr>> dnf = DnfUtils.toSetDnf(expr); // // return DnfUtils.isSatisfiable(dnf); // } // // public static boolean isSatisfiable(SqlExprList sqlExprs) { // if(sqlExprs.isEmpty()) { // return true; // } // // for(SqlExpr sqlExpr : sqlExprs) { // if(!isSatisfiable(sqlExpr)) { // return false; // } // } // // return true; // } // // public static SqlNodeOld group(SqlNodeOld a, VarExprList groupVars, List<ExprAggregator> exprAggregator, Generator colGenerator) { // // NodeExprSubstitutor substitutor = createSubstitutor(a.getAliasToColumn()); // // // TODO: Somehow extend the aggregator with RDF term // // List<SqlExprAggregator> sqlAggregators = new ArrayList<SqlExprAggregator>(); // SqlGroup result = new SqlGroup(a, sqlAggregators); // // for(ExprAggregator item : exprAggregator) { // // //SqlExprAggregator sqlExprAggregator = PushDown. // Expr expr = item.getExpr(); // // SqlExprAggregator sqlExpr = (SqlExprAggregator)forcePushDown(expr, substitutor); // sqlAggregators.add(sqlExpr); // // String newColAlias =; // // // Expr exprVar = new ExprVar(Var.alloc(newColAlias)); // Expr rdfTerm = E_RdfTerm.createTypedLiteral(exprVar, NodeValue.makeNode(sqlExpr.getDatatype().getXsd())); // // result.getSparqlVarToExprs().put(item.getVar(), new VarDef(rdfTerm)); // result.getAliasToColumn().put(newColAlias, sqlExpr); // // //System.out.println(sqlExpr); // } // // //for(SqlExprAggregator item : sqlAggregators) { // //} // // // //throw new RuntimeException("Implement me"); // return result; // } // // /** // * Replaces the projection to refer to a new alias // * // * @param a // * @param newAlias // * @param generator // */ // public static void updateProjection(SqlNodeOld a, String newAlias, ColRelGenerator generator) { // SqlNodeOld newProj = createNewAlias(newAlias, a, generator); // a = new SqlProjection(newAlias, a); // a.getAliasToColumn().putAll(newProj.getAliasToColumn()); // a.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(newProj.getSparqlVarToExprs()); // } // // // NOTE Does in place transformation! // // // public static SqlNodeOld project(SqlNodeOld a, List<Var> vars, ColRelGenerator generator) { // //return projectInPlace(a, vars, generator); // return projectWrap(a, vars, generator); // } // // public static SqlNodeOld projectInPlace(SqlNodeOld result, List<Var> vars, ColRelGenerator generator) { // // Set<String> referencedColumns = new HashSet<String>(); // // // // Track all columns that contribute to the construction of SQL variables // for(Var var : vars) { // for(VarDef def : result.getSparqlVarToExprs().get(var)) { // for(Var item : def.getExpr().getVarsMentioned()) { // referencedColumns.add(item.getName()); // } // } // } // // // // result.getAliasToColumn().keySet().retainAll(referencedColumns); // result.getSparqlVarToExprs().keySet().retainAll(vars); // // return result; // // } // // // public static SqlNodeOld projectWrap(SqlNodeOld a, List<Var> vars, ColRelGenerator generator) { // // /* // if(a.getAliasName() == null) { // // if(a instanceof SqlJoin || a instanceof SqlMyRestrict || a instanceof SqlProjection) { // SqlNode newProj = new SqlProjection(newAlias, a); // newProj.getAliasToColumn().putAll(a.getAliasToColumn()); // newProj.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(a.getSparqlVarToExprs()); // a = newProj; // } else { // SqlNode newProj = createNewAlias(newAlias, a, generator); // a = new SqlProjection(newAlias, a); // a.getAliasToColumn().putAll(newProj.getAliasToColumn()); // a.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(newProj.getSparqlVarToExprs()); // } // //a = new Projection() // //a = wrapWithProjection(, a, generator); // //replaceAlias(alias, node, columnNameColRelGenerator) // // SqlNode newProj = createNewAlias(newAlias, a, generator); // a = new SqlProjection(newAlias, a); // a.getAliasToColumn().putAll(newProj.getAliasToColumn()); // a.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(newProj.getSparqlVarToExprs()); // } // */ // String newAlias = generator.nextRelation(); // // // SqlNodeOld newProj = createNewAlias(newAlias, a, generator); // SqlProjection result = new SqlProjection(newAlias, a); // result.getAliasToColumn().putAll(newProj.getAliasToColumn()); // result.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(newProj.getSparqlVarToExprs()); // // /* // SqlProjection result = new SqlProjection(a.getAliasName(), a); // result.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(a.getSparqlVarToExprs()); // result.getAliasToColumn().putAll(a.getAliasToColumn()); // */ // //createNewAlias(a.getAliasName(), result, a); // // // Set<String> referencedColumns = new HashSet<String>(); // // // // Track all columns that contribute to the construction of SQL variables // for(Var var : vars) { // for(VarDef def : result.getSparqlVarToExprs().get(var)) { // for(Var item : def.getExpr().getVarsMentioned()) { // referencedColumns.add(item.getName()); // } // } // } // // // // result.getAliasToColumn().keySet().retainAll(referencedColumns); // result.getSparqlVarToExprs().keySet().retainAll(vars); // // return result; // } // // // public static SqlNodeOld filter(SqlNodeOld a, ExprList exprs, ColRelGenerator generator) { // // SqlExprList sqlExprs = fullPush(exprs, a); // // SqlNodeOld result; // // /* // if(a.getAliasName() == null) { // String newAlias =; // SqlNode newProj = new SqlProjection(newAlias, a); // newProj.getAliasToColumn().putAll(a.getAliasToColumn()); // newProj.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(a.getSparqlVarToExprs()); // a = newProj; // } // */ // // // if(a instanceof SqlNodeEmpty || !isSatisfiable(sqlExprs)) { // fullPush(exprs, a); // result = new SqlNodeEmpty(); // } else { // // SqlMyRestrict tmp; // if(a instanceof SqlMyRestrict) { // tmp = (SqlMyRestrict)a; // } // else { // //tmp = new SqlMyRestrict(a.getAliasName(), a); // tmp = new SqlMyRestrict(null, a); // } // // tmp.getConditions().addAll(sqlExprs); // // result = tmp; // } // // // //SqlExprToExpr.convert(expr) // // //NodeExprSubstitutor expander = createSparqlVarExpander(a); // // // result.getAliasToColumn().putAll(a.getAliasToColumn()); // result.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(a.getSparqlVarToExprs()); // // return result; // } // // // /** // * // * // * Each variable may have multiple expressions attached to it. // * As a consequence, each combination of expressions has to be // * evaluated. // * // * @param a // * @param exprs // * @return // */ // /* // public static SqlNode filter(SqlNode a, ExprList exprs) { // // SqlMyRestrict result; // if(a instanceof SqlMyRestrict) { // result = (SqlMyRestrict)a; // } // else { // result = new SqlMyRestrict(a.getAliasName(), a); // } // // //NodeExprSubstitutor expander = createSparqlVarExpander(a); // NodeExprSubstitutor substitutor = createSubstitutor(a); // // for (Expr expr : exprs) { // // List<Var> vars = new ArrayList<Var>(expr.getVarsMentioned()); // List<List<Expr>> cartesianBase = new ArrayList<List<Expr>>(); // // for(Var var : vars) { // Collection<Expr> varExprs = a.getSparqlVarToExprs().get(var); // cartesianBase.add(new ArrayList<Expr>(varExprs)); // } // // CartesianProduct<Expr> cartesian = new CartesianProduct<Expr>(cartesianBase); // // // List<SqlExpr> ors = new ArrayList<SqlExpr>(); // for(List<Expr> items : cartesian) { // // Map<Var, Expr> expanderMap = new HashMap<Var, Expr>(); // for(int i = 0; i < vars.size(); ++i) { // Var var = vars.get(i); // Expr item = items.get(i); // // expanderMap.put(var, item); // } // // NodeExprSubstitutor expander = new NodeExprSubstitutor(expanderMap); // // // // /* // Map<Var, Expr> expanderMap = new HashMap<Var, Expr>(); // for(Entry<Node, Expr> entry : node.getSparqlVarToExprs().entrySet()) { // expanderMap.put(Var.alloc(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue()); // }* / // // // // Expand variables in the filter expression // // Example: Given ?r = term(...) and Filter(regex(?r...)) // // We will get Filter(regex(term(...))) // Expr functionExpand = FunctionExpander.transform(expr); // Expr constantExpand = ConstantExpander.transform(functionExpand); // Expr expand = expander.transformMM(constantExpand); // Expr simplified = SqlExprTranslator.optimizeMM(expand); // // // Expr tmp = sub.transformMM(expr); // // TODO Do the variable transformation // Expr subbed = substitutor.transformMM(simplified); // Expr pushed = PushDown.pushDownMM(subbed); // // SqlExpr sqlExpr = null; // if(pushed instanceof ExprSqlBridge) { // sqlExpr = ((ExprSqlBridge)pushed).getSqlExpr(); // } else { // throw new RuntimeException("Could not push expressions"); // } // // ors.add(sqlExpr); // } // // SqlExpr orified = SqlExprUtils.orifyBalanced(ors); // result.getConditions().add(orified); // } // // result.getAliasToColumn().putAll(a.getAliasToColumn()); // result.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(a.getSparqlVarToExprs()); // // return result; // } //*/ // // // /** // * Given two expressions, walk them in a top down fashion and return: .) the // * expression that is common to both, where the leaves where there were // * differences contain helper variables // * // * .) For both expression, a mapping of helper variable to the sub // * expression which would in combination with the common part yield the // * original expression again. // * // * i = f(g(h(a, b)) j = f(g(h(c, d)) // * // * becomes: common = f(g(h(x, y)) // * // * a.x = a a.y = b // * // * b.x = c b.y = d // * // * Note: A helper variable correspond to a single sql colum // * // * Ideally, if we had a union of the same uris generated in the same way // * from different relations, this would allow us to end up with a simple // * union: // * // * // * // * // * @param a // * @param b // */ // public void unifyCommonExpression(Expr a, Expr b) { // // } // // /** // * New approach: // * Only combine columns if they have the same datatype AND result in the same sparql var expression. // * // * In the case of constants we add a discriminator column. // * // * // * // * // * // * Old approach: (Top-Down factoring out) // * // * Problem: We want to create an SQL statement corresponding to the union of // * two SqlNodeBindings: // * // * Select id From A; ?a = Uri(Concat("prefix", id)) Select c1, c2 From B; ?a // * = Uri(Concat(?c1, ?c2)) // * // * This requires aligning the RDF variables: // * // * Select Concat("prefix") As a_lex From (Select id From A); ?a = // * Uri(unionAlias.a_lex) Select Concat(c1, c2) As a_lex From (Select c1, c2 // * From B); ?a = Uri(unionAlias.a_lex) // * // * -> Select ... As a_lex ... Union All Select ... As a_lex // * // * Union(Union(Union(Filter(A), Filter(B)), Filter(C)) // * // * // * We are trying to keep the size of the projections minimal: . Only select // * non-static data from the underlying relation, for constants, keep them in // * the ?a = RdfTerm(const, ...) expression. . Factor out common sub // * expressions for common variables: Example: Assuming there is a union C of // * A and B, ?A.x = expr( and ?B.x = expr'( So we are looking for // * expressions that are equalTo each other, based on a given mapping of // * variables // * // * We can keep the binding ?C.x = expr(, so there is no need to // * translate the expr to sql. TODO We must consider datatypes when doing // * this!!! // * // * // * Dealing with datatypes: // * A sparql variable may get its value assigned from different expressions. // * // * Example: // * ?p = Uri(concat(?prefixColumn, ?id)) // * ?p = PlainLiteral(?name) // * // * ?prefixColumn string // * id int // * name int // * // * // * a) Group expressions by variables, // * b) For each variable: group the datatypes they make use of. // * // * But then we have to find common expressions within each datatype group. // * An unoptimized version would be: for each expression make sure that // * it references a unique set of columns // * // * So... we group the expressions by datatype, and within the group we check // * what we can factor out. // * // * // * // * // * @param a // * @param b // * @return // */ // public static SqlNodeOld unionNew(ColRelGenerator generator, List<SqlNodeOld> sqlNodes) { // // // Prepare the data structures from which the // // result node will be created // Multimap<Var, VarDef> commons = HashMultimap.create(); // // // For each union member, prepare a datastructe for its new projection // List<Multimap<Var, VarDef>> projections = new ArrayList<Multimap<Var, VarDef>>(); // for (int i = 0; i < sqlNodes.size(); ++i) { // Multimap<Var, VarDef> tmp = HashMultimap.create(); // projections.add(tmp); // } // // // Now we can start with the actual work // Multimap<Var, Integer> varToSqlNode = HashMultimap.create(); // // // Map each variable to the set of corresponding nodes // for (int i = 0; i < sqlNodes.size(); ++i) { // SqlNodeOld sqlNode = sqlNodes.get(i); // for (Node var : sqlNode.getSparqlVarsMentioned()) { // varToSqlNode.put((Var)var, i); // } // } // // // // If a variable maps to a constant, than the mapping does not apply to any union member // // that does not define the constant. // // This means we have to introduce a column for discrimination, which contains NULL for // // all union members where to constaint is not applicable // Generator aliasGen = Gensym.create("c"); // ExprCommonFactor factorizer = new ExprCommonFactor(aliasGen); // // // Map<String, SqlDatatype> allColumnsToDatatype = new HashMap<String, SqlDatatype>(); // // // // For each variable, cluster the corresponding expressions // for(Entry<Var, Collection<Integer>> entry : varToSqlNode.asMap().entrySet()) { // Var var = entry.getKey(); // // // // TODO Just clustering by hash may result in clashes!!! // // For each hash we have to keep a list an explicitly compare for structural equivalence // Multimap<Integer, ArgExpr> cluster = HashMultimap.create(); // // //IBiSetMultimap<Integer, Integer> exprToOrigin = new BiHashMultimap<Integer, Integer>(); // //Multimap<Integer, Integer> exprToOrigin = HashMultimap.create(); // // for (int index : entry.getValue()) { // SqlNodeOld sqlNode = sqlNodes.get(index); // // Collection<VarDef> exprsForVar = sqlNode.getSparqlVarToExprs().get(var); // // for(VarDef def : exprsForVar) { // // Map<String, SqlDatatype> columnToDatatype = SqlNodeUtil.getColumnToDatatype(sqlNode); // //Integer hash = ExprStructuralHash.hash(def.getExpr(), columnToDatatype); // Integer hash = ExprDatatypeHash.hash(def.getExpr(), columnToDatatype); // // cluster.put(hash, new ArgExpr(def.getExpr(), index)); // } // } // // // // Process the clusters we just created // // // // First, we build a list of exprs of the cluster and // // a map for mapping the clustered exprs back to their nodes // for(Entry<Integer, Collection<ArgExpr>> clusterEntry : cluster.asMap().entrySet()) { // Collection<ArgExpr> argExprs = clusterEntry.getValue(); // // List<Expr> exprs = new ArrayList<Expr>(); // Map<Integer, Integer> exprToNode = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); // // int i = 0; // for(ArgExpr argExpr : argExprs) { // exprs.add(argExpr.getExpr()); // exprToNode.put(i, argExpr.getIndex()); // // ++i; // } // // // // Now we can finally factor the cluster // List<Map<Var, Expr>> partialProjections = new ArrayList<Map<Var, Expr>>(); // Expr common = factorizer.transform(exprs, partialProjections); // // // // For our current variable, we can set up the projection of the result... // commons.put(var, new VarDef(common)); // // // ... and now we adjust the projections of the children accordingly // for (int j = 0; j < partialProjections.size(); ++j) { // int originalIndex = exprToNode.get(j); // // //SqlNode tmp = sqlNodes.get(originalIndex); // Multimap<Var, VarDef> projection = projections.get(originalIndex); // // Map<Var, Expr> partialProjection = partialProjections.get(j); // // for(Entry<Var, Expr> ppEntry : partialProjection.entrySet()) { // projection.put(ppEntry.getKey(), new VarDef(ppEntry.getValue())); // } // } // } // } // // // Build the final result from the information we gathered // // for (int i = 0; i < projections.size(); ++i) { // SqlNodeOld tmp = sqlNodes.get(i); // Multimap<Var, VarDef> projection = projections.get(i); // // // Projection.Var becomes the new column alias // // Projection.Expr is pushed down to an sqlExpr // // Projection.Expr's vars are replaced with the original column defs // // NodeExprSubstitutor substitutor = createSubstitutor(tmp); // Map<String, SqlExpr> subbedProj = new HashMap<String, SqlExpr>(); // for(Entry<Var, VarDef> entry : projection.entries()) { // Expr subbed = substitutor.transformMM(entry.getValue().getExpr()); // Expr pushed = PushDown.pushDownMM(subbed); // // if(!(pushed instanceof ExprSqlBridge)) { // throw new RuntimeException("Could not push down common sub expression"); // } // // SqlExpr sqlExpr = ((ExprSqlBridge)pushed).getSqlExpr(); // // subbedProj.put(entry.getKey().getName(), sqlExpr); // // allColumnsToDatatype.put(entry.getKey().getName(), sqlExpr.getDatatype()); // } // // // Update the projection // tmp.getAliasToColumn().clear(); // tmp.getAliasToColumn().putAll(subbedProj); // // // Fill up missing columns with null // //Set<Var> referencedColumns = new HashSet<Var>(); // // //Set<Var> unreferenedColumns = Sets.difference(allColumnsToDatatype.keySet(), expr.getVarsMentioned()); // // // tmp.getSparqlVarToExprs().clear(); // tmp.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(commons); // } // // // for(SqlNodeOld sqlNode : sqlNodes) { // Set<String> unboundColumns = Sets.difference(allColumnsToDatatype.keySet(), sqlNode.getAliasToColumn().keySet()); // // for(String columnName : unboundColumns) { // // SqlDatatype datatype = allColumnsToDatatype.get(columnName); // // sqlNode.getAliasToColumn().put(columnName, SqlExprValue.createNull(datatype)); // } // } // // String unionAlias = generator.nextRelation(); // SqlNodeOld result = new SqlUnionN(unionAlias, sqlNodes); // // result.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(commons); // // // for(Entry<String, SqlDatatype> entry : allColumnsToDatatype.entrySet()) { // String columnName = entry.getKey(); // SqlDatatype datatype = entry.getValue(); // // //XXX WAS NULL // result.getAliasToColumn().put(columnName, new SqlExprColumn(unionAlias, columnName, datatype)); // } // // // return result; // } // // // public static SqlNodeOld union(ColRelGenerator generator, List<SqlNodeOld> sqlNodes) { // // // if(sqlNodes.isEmpty()) { // return new SqlNodeEmpty(); // } // // if(sqlNodes.size() == 1) { // return sqlNodes.get(0); // } // // // Prepare the data structures from which the // // result node will be created // Multimap<Var, VarDef> commons = HashMultimap.create(); // // List<Multimap<Var, VarDef>> projections = new ArrayList<Multimap<Var, VarDef>>(); // for (int i = 0; i < sqlNodes.size(); ++i) { // Multimap<Var, VarDef> tmp = HashMultimap.create(); // projections.add(tmp); // } // // // Now we can start with the actual work // Multimap<Var, Integer> varToSqlNode = HashMultimap.create(); // // Generator aliasGen = Gensym.create("c"); // // // Push constants into columns // for (int i = 0; i < sqlNodes.size(); ++i) { // SqlNodeOld sqlNode = sqlNodes.get(i); // Set<Var> vars = new HashSet<Var>(sqlNode.getSparqlVarsMentioned()); // FIXME possible redundant hashset // for (Var var : vars) { // // // List<VarDef> termDefs = new ArrayList<VarDef>(sqlNode.getSparqlVarToExprs().get(var)); // // for(VarDef termDef : termDefs) { // Expr expr = termDef.getExpr(); // // // if(termDef.getExpr().isConstant()) { // sqlNode.getSparqlVarToExprs().remove(var, termDef); // // NodeValue nv = null; // TODO Fix package of: ExprUtils.eval(expr); // Object o = NodeValueUtilsSparqlify.getValue(nv); // // SqlExprValue sv = new SqlExprValue(o); // // String columnAlias =; // // // FIXME Assumes a type constructor here - which it should alway be // List<Expr> newArgs = new ArrayList<Expr>(expr.getFunction().getArgs()); // newArgs.set(1, new ExprVar(columnAlias)); // // Expr newExpr = ExprCopy.getInstance().copy(expr, newArgs); // // VarDef newTermDef = new VarDef(newExpr); // sqlNode.getSparqlVarToExprs().put(var, newTermDef); // sqlNode.getAliasToColumn().put(columnAlias, sv); // // sqlNode.getSparqlVarToExprs().put(var, newTermDef); // } // // } // // // } // } // // // // Map each variable to the set of corresponding nodes // for (int i = 0; i < sqlNodes.size(); ++i) { // SqlNodeOld sqlNode = sqlNodes.get(i); // for (Node var : sqlNode.getSparqlVarsMentioned()) { // varToSqlNode.put((Var)var, i); // } // } // // // // TODO Delete the commented out code below if the pushing into columns works // // A set of variables that have bindings to constants // //Set<Var> varConstant = new HashSet<Var>(); // /* // Map<Var, TermDef> varToConstant = new HashMap<Var, TermDef>(); // for(Entry<Var, Collection<Integer>> entry : varToSqlNode.asMap().entrySet()) { // Var var = entry.getKey(); // // for (int index : entry.getValue()) { // SqlNode sqlNode = sqlNodes.get(index); // // sqlNode. // Collection<TermDef> exprsForVar = sqlNode.getSparqlVarToExprs().get(var); // // // for(TermDef def : exprsForVar) { // if(def.getExpr().isConstant()) { // //varConstant.add(var); // varToConstant.put(var, def); // } // } // } // }*/ // // // // For each var that maps to a constant, add a NULL mapping for // // every union member which does not define the variable as a contstant // /* // for(Entry<Var, TermDef> entry : varToConstant.entrySet()) { // Var var = entry.getKey(); // TermDef baseTermDef = entry.getValue(); // // for (int i = 0; i < sqlNodes.size(); ++i) { // SqlNode sqlNode = sqlNodes.get(i); // // Multimap<Var, TermDef> varDefs = sqlNode.getSparqlVarToExprs(); // // boolean hasConstant = false; // for(TermDef termDef : varDefs.get(var)) { // if(termDef.getExpr().isConstant()) { // hasConstant = true; // continue; // } // } // // if(!hasConstant) { // ExprList exprs = new ExprList(); // List<Expr> args = baseTermDef.getExpr().getFunction().getArgs(); // //System.out.println("Args: " + args.size()); // for(int j = 0; j < args.size(); ++j) { // Expr expr = j == 1 ? NodeValue.makeString(""): args.get(j); // // exprs.add(expr); // } // // Expr newExpr = ExprCopy.getInstance().copy(baseTermDef.getExpr(), exprs); // // varToSqlNode.put((Var)var, i); // varDefs.put(var, new TermDef(newExpr)); // } // } // } // */ // // // // // ExprCommonFactor factorizer = new ExprCommonFactor(aliasGen); // // // Map<String, SqlDatatype> allColumnsToDatatype = new HashMap<String, SqlDatatype>(); // // // // // // For each variable, cluster the corresponding expressions // for(Entry<Var, Collection<Integer>> entry : varToSqlNode.asMap().entrySet()) { // Var var = entry.getKey(); // // // Multimap<Integer, ArgExpr> cluster = HashMultimap.create(); // // //IBiSetMultimap<Integer, Integer> exprToOrigin = new BiHashMultimap<Integer, Integer>(); // //Multimap<Integer, Integer> exprToOrigin = HashMultimap.create(); // // RestrictionSet restrictionsForVar = new RestrictionSet(false); // for (int index : entry.getValue()) { // SqlNodeOld sqlNode = sqlNodes.get(index); // // Collection<VarDef> exprsForVar = sqlNode.getSparqlVarToExprs().get(var); // // // // // // for(VarDef def : exprsForVar) { // restrictionsForVar.addAlternatives(def.getRestrictions()); // // Map<String, SqlDatatype> columnToDatatype = SqlNodeUtil.getColumnToDatatype(sqlNode); // // // TODO This is hacky - we are using a hash for determining structural equivalence // // So the hash is ok, but still we need to check for collisions // Integer hash = ExprDatatypeHash.hash(def.getExpr(), columnToDatatype); // // cluster.put(hash, new ArgExpr(def.getExpr(), index)); // } // } // // // // Process the sets (clusters) of structurally equivalent expressions we just created // // // // First, we build a list of exprs of the cluster and // // a map for mapping the clustered exprs back to their nodes // for(Entry<Integer, Collection<ArgExpr>> clusterEntry : cluster.asMap().entrySet()) { // Collection<ArgExpr> argExprs = clusterEntry.getValue(); // // List<Expr> exprs = new ArrayList<Expr>(); // Map<Integer, Integer> exprToNode = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); // // int i = 0; // for(ArgExpr argExpr : argExprs) { // exprs.add(argExpr.getExpr()); // exprToNode.put(i, argExpr.getIndex()); // // ++i; // } // // /* // if(exprs.size() == 1) { // Expr expr = exprs.get(0); // if(expr.isConstant()) { // System.out.println("constant expr: " + expr); // } // } // */ // // // Now we can finally factor the cluster // List<Map<Var, Expr>> partialProjections = new ArrayList<Map<Var, Expr>>(); // Expr common = factorizer.transform(exprs, partialProjections); // // // // The common restriction is the disjunction of all participating restrictions // // // // // For our current variable, we can set up the projection of the result... // commons.put(var, new VarDef(common, restrictionsForVar)); // // // ... and now we adjust the projections of the children accordingly // for (int j = 0; j < partialProjections.size(); ++j) { // int originalIndex = exprToNode.get(j); // // //SqlNode tmp = sqlNodes.get(originalIndex); // Multimap<Var, VarDef> projection = projections.get(originalIndex); // // Map<Var, Expr> partialProjection = partialProjections.get(j); // // for(Entry<Var, Expr> ppEntry : partialProjection.entrySet()) { // projection.put(ppEntry.getKey(), new VarDef(ppEntry.getValue())); // } // } // } // } // // // Build the final result from the information we gathered // // for (int i = 0; i < projections.size(); ++i) { // SqlNodeOld tmp = sqlNodes.get(i); // Multimap<Var, VarDef> projection = projections.get(i); // // // Projection.Var becomes the new column alias // // Projection.Expr is pushed down to an sqlExpr // // Projection.Expr's vars are replaced with the original column defs // // NodeExprSubstitutor substitutor = createSubstitutor(tmp); // Map<String, SqlExpr> subbedProj = new HashMap<String, SqlExpr>(); // for(Entry<Var, VarDef> entry : projection.entries()) { // Expr subbed = substitutor.transformMM(entry.getValue().getExpr()); // Expr pushed = PushDown.pushDownMM(subbed); // // if(!(pushed instanceof ExprSqlBridge)) { // throw new RuntimeException("Could not push down common sub expression"); // } // // SqlExpr sqlExpr = ((ExprSqlBridge)pushed).getSqlExpr(); // // subbedProj.put(entry.getKey().getName(), sqlExpr); // // allColumnsToDatatype.put(entry.getKey().getName(), sqlExpr.getDatatype()); // } // // // Update the projection // tmp.getAliasToColumn().clear(); // tmp.getAliasToColumn().putAll(subbedProj); // // // Fill up missing columns with null // //Set<Var> referencedColumns = new HashSet<Var>(); // // //Set<Var> unreferenedColumns = Sets.difference(allColumnsToDatatype.keySet(), expr.getVarsMentioned()); // // // tmp.getSparqlVarToExprs().clear(); // tmp.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(commons); // } // // // for(SqlNodeOld sqlNode : sqlNodes) { // Set<String> unboundColumns = Sets.difference(allColumnsToDatatype.keySet(), sqlNode.getAliasToColumn().keySet()); // // for(String columnName : unboundColumns) { // // SqlDatatype datatype = allColumnsToDatatype.get(columnName); // // sqlNode.getAliasToColumn().put(columnName, SqlExprValue.createNull(datatype)); // } // } // // String unionAlias = generator.nextRelation(); // SqlNodeOld result = new SqlUnionN(unionAlias, sqlNodes); // // result.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(commons); // // // for(Entry<String, SqlDatatype> entry : allColumnsToDatatype.entrySet()) { // String columnName = entry.getKey(); // SqlDatatype datatype = entry.getValue(); // // //XXX WAS NULL // result.getAliasToColumn().put(columnName, new SqlExprColumn(unionAlias, columnName, datatype)); // } // // // return result; // } // // // // ///* // Map<Var, Expr> commons = new HashMap<Var, Expr>(); // List<Map<Var, Expr>> projections = new ArrayList<Map<Var, Expr>>(); // for (int i = 0; i < sqlNodes.size(); ++i) { // projections.add(new HashMap<Var, Expr>()); // } //* / // if (sqlNodes.size() == 1) { // return sqlNodes.get(0); // } // // // Map all variables to the bindings where they are used // Multimap<Node, Integer> varToBinding = HashMultimap.create(); // // for (int i = 0; i < sqlNodes.size(); ++i) { // SqlNode binding = sqlNodes.get(i); // for (Node var : binding.getSparqlVarsMentioned()) { // varToBinding.put(var, i); // } // } // // // ColRelGenerator aliasGen = Gensym.create("h"); // // Align the Bindings for each variable // // For each variable, for each union's child, collect all expressions // // Then cluster them based on their hash (structural equivalence) // for(Entry<Node, Collection<Integer>> entry : varToBinding.asMap() // .entrySet()) { // // // // Map each expression to an expression and its argument index // Multimap<Integer, ArgExpr> hashToExpr = HashMultimap.create(); // for (int index : entry.getValue()) { // SqlNode sqlNode = sqlNodes.get(index).getSparqlVarToExprs(); // // Map<String, SqlDatatype> columnToDatatype = SqlNodeUtil.getColumnToDatatype(tmp); // Integer hash = ExprDatatypeHash.hash(sqlNode, columnToDatatype); // // } // // //List<Expr> exprs = new ArrayList<Expr>(); // // // for (SqlNode tmp : bindings) { // // Map the columns to their datatype // // // exprs.addAll(tmp.getSparqlVarToExprs().get(var)); // } // // ExprCommonFactor factorizer = new ExprCommonFactor(aliasGen); // List<Map<Var, Expr>> partialProjections = new ArrayList<Map<Var, Expr>>(); // Expr common = factorizer.transform(exprs, partialProjections); // // commons.put((Var)var, common); // //result.getSparqlVarToExpr().put(var, common); // // // Merge the local projections into the global ones // // int i = 0; // for (int index : entry.getValue()) { // // SqlNodeBinding tmp = bindings.get(index); // projections.get(index).putAll(partialProjections.get(i)); // ++i; // } // // // Map<Var, Expr> partialProjection = partialProjections.get(i); // // // FIXME We assume that there is no overlap in helper variables // // Maybe we could do a merge method like Map merge(Map a, Map b) // // This method would add all entries of b to a, and rename those // // keys // // that already exist in a. The result is a map of renamings. // // result.getSqlVarToExpr().putAll(partialProjections); // // // FIXME Maybe create an OpProjection rather than doing it in place // //tmp.getSqlVarToExpr().putAll(partialProjection); // /* // tmp.getSparqlVarToExpr().put(var, common); // // String alias = "a" + globalAliasId++; // SqlProjection opProj = new SqlProjection(alias, tmp.getSqlNode(), partialProjection); // * / // } // // for (int i = 0; i < projections.size(); ++i) { // SqlNode tmp = sqlNodes.get(i); // Map<Var, Expr> projection = projections.get(i); // // // Projection.Var becomes the new column alias // // Projection.Expr is pushed down to an sqlExpr // // Projection.Expr's vars are replaced with the original column defs // // NodeExprSubstitutor substitutor = createSubstitutor(tmp); // Map<String, SqlExpr> subbedProj = new HashMap<String, SqlExpr>(); // for(Entry<Var, Expr> entry : projection.entrySet()) { // Expr subbed = substitutor.transformMM(entry.getValue()); // Expr pushed = PushDown.pushDownMM(subbed); // // if(!(pushed instanceof ExprSqlBridge)) { // throw new RuntimeException("Could not push down common sub expression"); // } // // SqlExpr sqlExpr = ((ExprSqlBridge)pushed).getSqlExpr(); // // subbedProj.put(entry.getKey().getName(), sqlExpr); // } // // // Update the projection // tmp.getAliasToColumn().clear(); // tmp.getAliasToColumn().putAll(subbedProj); // // tmp.getSparqlVarToExprs().clear(); // tmp.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(commons); // // } // // // // String unionAlias =; // SqlNode result = new SqlUnionN(unionAlias, sqlNodes); // // result.getSparqlVarToExprs().putAll(commons); // // Set<String> columns = new HashSet<String>(); // for(Expr exprs : commons.values()) { // for(Var var : exprs.getVarsMentioned()) { // columns.add(var.getName()); // } // } // // for(String columnName : columns) { // result.getAliasToColumn().put(columnName, new SqlExprColumn(null, columnName)); // } // // // return result; // } // // /** // * Aligns the layout of a sparql variable on the SQL level. // * // * For instance, if a sparql variable is defined as ?o = GeoLit(?geom) then // * it will introduce helper columns on SQL such as: // * // * ?o_lexicalValue = ST_AsText(?geom) ?o_type = 1 // Literal ?o_dataType = // * "http://.../geometry" // * // * which are used to intruduce new columns in the SQL query: Select // * ST_AsText(?geom) as o_lexicalValue, 1 as o_type... // * // * and the rewritten definition of ?o as ?o = RdfTerm(?o_type, // * ?o_lexicalValue, null, ?o_dataType) // * // * This is needed in order to e.g. allow a union such as { ?s geom ?o } // * union {?s hasGeometry ?o }, wheres the second ?o is not based on a // * GeoLiteral column in which case the different "?o"s have to be aligned in // * their structure // * // * // */ // public void alignSql() { // // TODO implement // } //} // // // ///* // // ////boolean isPickDefSatisfiable = defs.isEmpty(); //for(RestrictedExpr pickDef : result.definitionExprs) { // Set<RestrictedExpr> newPickDefs = new HashSet<RestrictedExpr>(); // // // The restrictions that apply to the picked variable. // // initialized only if there are no defs (init means true, i.e. no restriction) // RestrictionSet pickVarRestrictions = defs.isEmpty() ? new RestrictionSet() : null; // // // for(RestrictedExpr def : defs) { // // // RestrictedExpr vdEquals = VariableDefinitionOps.equals(pickDef, def); // // Expr sqlExpr = translateSql(vdEquals, sqlTranslator); // // if(sqlExpr.equals(SqlExprValue.FALSE)) { // continue; // } // // if(pickVarRestrictions == null) { // pickVarRestrictions = new RestrictionSet(); // } // // pickVarRestrictions.addAlternatives(vdEquals.getRestrictions()); // // // result.constraintExpr.add(sqlExpr); // } // // // Only if there is a non-unsatisfiable restriction... // if(pickVarRestrictions != null) { // RestrictedExpr newRestrictedExpr = new RestrictedExpr(pickDef.getExpr(), pickVarRestrictions); // newPickDefs.add(newRestrictedExpr); // } // // result.definitionExprs = newPickDefs; //} //*/