package org.aksw.sparqlify.web; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.core.QueryExecutionDecorator; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.core.QueryExecutionFactory; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.http.QueryExecutionFactoryHttp; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.views.Dialect; import org.aksw.sparqlify.config.lang.ConfiguratorConstructViewSystem; import org.aksw.sparqlify.config.lang.ConstructConfigParser; import org.aksw.sparqlify.config.syntax.ConstructConfig; import org.aksw.sparqlify.core.sparql.QueryExecutionFactoryExWrapper; import org.aksw.sparqlify.sparqlview.SparqlViewSystem; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server; import org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletContextHandler; import org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder; import org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.ServletContainer; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.apache.jena.graph.Triple; import org.apache.jena.query.Query; import org.apache.jena.query.QueryExecution; import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model; import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.StmtIterator; class TripleIterator implements Iterator<Triple> { private StmtIterator itStmt; public TripleIterator(StmtIterator itStmt) { this.itStmt = itStmt; } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return itStmt.hasNext(); } @Override public Triple next() { return; } @Override public void remove() { itStmt.remove(); } } class QueryExecutionStreamingWrapper extends QueryExecutionDecorator implements QueryExecution { public QueryExecutionStreamingWrapper(QueryExecution decoratee) { super(decoratee); } @Override public Iterator<Triple> execConstructTriples() { Model model = getDecoratee().execConstruct(); return new TripleIterator(model.listStatements()); } @Override public Iterator<Triple> execDescribeTriples() { Model model = getDecoratee().execDescribe(); return new TripleIterator(model.listStatements()); } } class QueryExecutionFactoryStreamingWrapper implements QueryExecutionFactory { private QueryExecutionFactory delegate; public QueryExecutionFactoryStreamingWrapper(QueryExecutionFactory delegate) { this.delegate = delegate; } @Override public QueryExecution createQueryExecution(String queryString) { return new QueryExecutionStreamingWrapper(delegate.createQueryExecution(queryString)); } @Override public QueryExecution createQueryExecution(Query query) { return new QueryExecutionStreamingWrapper(delegate.createQueryExecution(query)); } @Override public String getId() { return delegate.getId(); } @Override public String getState() { return delegate.getState(); } @Override public <T> T unwrap(Class<T> clazz) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T result = getClass().isAssignableFrom(clazz) ? (T)this : null; return result; } @Override public void close() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } } public class MainConstructView { /** * @param exitCode */ public static void printHelpAndExit(int exitCode) { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp(HttpSparqlEndpoint.class.getName(), cliOptions); System.exit(exitCode); } private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory .getLogger(HttpSparqlEndpoint.class); private static final Options cliOptions = new Options(); /** * @param args * the command line arguments */ @SuppressWarnings("static-access") public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { /* PropertyConfigurator.configure(""); LogManager.getLogManager().readConfiguration( new FileInputStream("")); */ CommandLineParser cliParser = new GnuParser(); cliOptions.addOption("P", "port", true, "Server port"); cliOptions.addOption("C", "context", true, "Context e.g. /sparqlify"); cliOptions.addOption("B", "backlog", true, "Maximum number of connections"); cliOptions.addOption("t", "type", true, "Database type (posgres, mysql,...)"); cliOptions.addOption("d", "database", true, "Database name"); cliOptions.addOption("u", "username", true, ""); cliOptions.addOption("p", "password", true, ""); cliOptions.addOption("h", "hostname", true, ""); cliOptions.addOption("c", "config", true, "Construct view config file"); cliOptions.addOption("s", "service", true, "Backend Sparql Service"); cliOptions.addOption("t", "timeout", true, "Maximum query execution timeout"); cliOptions.addOption("n", "resultsetsize", true, "Maximum result set size"); CommandLine commandLine = cliParser.parse(cliOptions, args); // Parsing of command line args String portStr = commandLine.getOptionValue("P", "7000"); String backLogStr = commandLine.getOptionValue("B", "100"); String contextStr = commandLine.getOptionValue("C", "/sparql"); int port = Integer.parseInt(portStr); int backLog = Integer.parseInt(backLogStr); String hostName = commandLine.getOptionValue("h", "localhost"); // String dialectStr = commandLine.getOptionValue("d", "").trim().toLowerCase(); Dialect dialect = null; if(!dialectStr.isEmpty()) { for(Dialect candidate : Dialect.values()) { if(candidate.toString().toLowerCase().equals(dialectStr)) { dialect = candidate; break; } } } else { dialect = Dialect.DEFAULT; } if( dialect == null) { throw new RuntimeException("No dialect '" + dialectStr + "' found"); } String serviceStr = commandLine.getOptionValue("s", "").trim(); //String userName = commandLine.getOptionValue("u", ""); //String passWord = commandLine.getOptionValue("p", ""); String maxQueryExecutionTimeStr = commandLine.getOptionValue("t", null); Integer maxQueryExecutionTime = maxQueryExecutionTimeStr == null ? null : Integer.parseInt(maxQueryExecutionTimeStr); String maxResultSetSizeStr = commandLine.getOptionValue("n", null); Long maxResultSetSize = maxResultSetSizeStr == null ? null : Long.parseLong(maxResultSetSizeStr); String configFileStr = commandLine.getOptionValue("c"); if (configFileStr == null) { logger.error("No config file given"); printHelpAndExit(-1); } File configFile = new File(configFileStr); if (!configFile.exists()) { logger.error("File does not exist: " + configFileStr); printHelpAndExit(-1); } ConstructConfigParser parser = new ConstructConfigParser(); InputStream in = new FileInputStream(configFile); ConstructConfig config; try { config = parser.parse(in); } finally { in.close(); } /* RdfViewSystem system = new RdfViewSystem2(); ConfiguratorRdfViewSystem.configure(config, system); */ SparqlViewSystem system = new SparqlViewSystem(); ConfiguratorConstructViewSystem.configure(config, system); QueryExecutionFactory backend = new QueryExecutionFactoryStreamingWrapper(new QueryExecutionFactoryHttp(serviceStr)); QueryExecutionFactory qef = null; //new QueryExecutionFactorySparqlView(backend, system, dialect); /* if(maxQueryExecutionTime != null) { qef = QueryExecutionFactoryTimeout.decorate(qef, maxQueryExecutionTime * 1000); } if(maxResultSetSize != null) { qef = QueryExecutionFactoryLimit.decorate(qef, false, maxResultSetSize); }*/ //sparqler = qef; //new QueryExecutionFactorySparqlify(system, conn); //QueryExecutionFactoryStreamingProvider provider = new QueryExecutionFactoryStreamingProvider(qef); //QueryExecutionFactoryStreamingProvider.qeFactory = qef; HttpSparqlEndpoint.sparqler = QueryExecutionFactoryExWrapper.wrap(qef); ServletHolder sh = new ServletHolder(ServletContainer.class); /* * For 0.8 and later the "" namespace has been renamed to * "com.sun.jersey". For 0.7 or early use the commented out code instead */ // sh.setInitParameter("", // ""); // sh.setInitParameter("", // "jetty"); sh.setInitParameter( "", "com.sun.jersey.api.core.PackagesResourceConfig"); sh.setInitParameter("", ""); Server server = new Server(9999); ServletContextHandler context = new ServletContextHandler(server, "/", ServletContextHandler.SESSIONS); context.addServlet(sh, "/*"); server.start(); // String qs = // URLEncoder.encode("Prefix rdfs:<> Prefix owl:<> Construct {?s ?p ?o } {?s ?p ?o . Filter(?p = rdfs:label && langMatches(lang(?o), 'de') && ?o = 'Buslinie') .}", // "UTF8"); // String qs = // URLEncoder.encode("Prefix rdfs:<> Prefix owl:<> Construct {?s ?p ?o } {?s ?p ?o . Filter(str(?o) = 'Hotel' || str(?o) = 'Tourism') .} Order by Desc(?o)", // "UTF8"); // String qs = // URLEncoder.encode("Prefix rdf:<> Prefix lgdo:<> Prefix rdfs:<> Prefix owl:<> Construct {?s ?p ?o . ?s ?x ?y . } { ?s ?p ?o . ?s ?x ?y . Filter(?y < 7.0) . Filter(?p = rdf:type && ?o = <>) .} Order By ?s limit 100", // "UTF8"); // String qs = // URLEncoder.encode("Prefix rdf:<> Prefix lgdo:<> Prefix rdfs:<> Prefix owl:<> Construct { ?wn ?x ?y . } { ?w lgdo:hasNodesSeq ?wn . ?wn ?x ?y . Filter(?w = <>) . } Limit 100", // "UTF8"); // String qs = // URLEncoder.encode("Prefix rdf:<> Prefix lgdo:<> Prefix rdfs:<> Prefix owl:<> Construct { ?w ?p ?o . ?o ?x ?y . ?y ?a ?b .} { ?w ?p ?o . ?o ?x ?y . ?y ?a ?b . Filter(?w = <> && ?p = <> && ?a = rdf:rest) . } Limit 100", // "UTF8"); // String qs = // URLEncoder.encode("Prefix rdf:<> Prefix lgdo:<> Prefix rdfs:<> Prefix owl:<> Construct { ?a ?c ?x .} { ?a lgdo:hasNodeList ?c . ?c rdf:rest ?x . } Limit 100", // "UTF8"); // String qs = // URLEncoder.encode("Prefix rdf:<> Prefix lgdo:<> Prefix rdfs:<> Prefix owl:<> Construct { ?a ?b ?c .} { ?a ?b ?c . Filter(langMatches(lang(?c), 'de')) . Filter(regex(?c, 'upe')) . } Limit 100", // "UTF8"); // String qs = // URLEncoder.encode("Prefix rdf:<> Prefix lgdo:<> Prefix rdfs:<> Prefix owl:<> Construct { ?a ?b ?c .} { ?a a lgdo:Relation . ?a a lgdo:TramRoute . ?a lgdo:hasMember ?x . ?x a lgdo:TramStop . } Limit 100", // "UTF8"); // String qs = // URLEncoder.encode("Prefix rdf:<> Prefix lgdo:<> Prefix rdfs:<> Prefix owl:<> Select * { ?a ?t ?r . ?a ?t ?tr . ?a ?hm ?x . ?x ?t ?ts . Filter(?t = rdf:type && ?r = lgdo:Relation && ?tr = lgdo:TramRoute && ?hm = lgdo:hasMember && ?ts = lgdo:TramStop) . } Limit 100", // "UTF8"); Point2D.Double a = new Point2D.Double(12.34593062612, 51.33298118419); Point2D.Double b = new Point2D.Double(12.404552986346, 51.348557018545); // Rectangle2D.Double c = new Rectangle2D.Double(a.x, a.y, b.x - a.x, // b.y - a.y); String polygon = "POLYGON((" + a.x + " " + a.y + "," + b.x + " " + a.y + "," + b.x + " " + b.y + "," + a.x + " " + b.y + "," + a.x + " " + a.y + "))"; String qs = URLEncoder .encode("Prefix geo:<> Prefix ogc:<> Prefix rdf:<> Prefix lgdo:<> Prefix rdfs:<> Prefix owl:<> Select * { ?a rdf:type lgdo:TramRoute . ?a lgdo:hasMember ?b . ?b a lgdo:TramStop . ?b rdfs:label ?l . ?b geo:geometry ?geo . Filter(ogc:intersects(?geo, ogc:geomFromText('" + polygon + "'))) . } Limit 100", "UTF8"); // What happens if we search for a specific triple? // qs = // URLEncoder.encode("Prefix geo:<> Prefix ogc:<> Prefix rdf:<> Prefix lgdo:<> Prefix rdfs:<> Prefix owl:<> Select * { <> a lgdo:TramStop .}", // "UTF8"); // qs = // URLEncoder.encode("Prefix geo:<> Prefix ogc:<> Prefix rdf:<> Prefix lgdo:<> Prefix rdfs:<> Prefix owl:<> Select Distinct ?b ?l { ?a rdf:type lgdo:TramRoute . ?a lgdo:hasMember ?b . ?b a lgdo:TramStop . ?b rdfs:label ?l . ?b geo:geometry ?geo . } Limit 100", // "UTF8"); qs = URLEncoder.encode("Select * {?s ?p ?o . } Limit 10"); // qs = // URLEncoder.encode("DESCRIBE <>", // "UTF8"); // String qs = // URLEncoder.encode("Prefix rdf:<> Prefix lgdo:<> Prefix rdfs:<> Prefix owl:<> Select * { ?b rdfs:label ?l . Filter(langMatches(lang(?l), 'de')) .} Limit 100", // "UTF8"); // String qs = // URLEncoder.encode("Prefix rdf:<> Prefix lgdo:<> Prefix rdfs:<> Prefix owl:<> Select * { ?b rdfs:label ?l .} Limit 3", // "UTF8"); // Filter(?z = <>) // String qs = // URLEncoder.encode("Prefix rdfs:<> Prefix owl:<> Construct {?s ?p ?o } {?s ?p ?o . Filter(?o = 'Hotel') .}", // "UTF8"); // URL test = new // URL("http://localhost:9999/sparql?"); /* * URL test = new URL("http://localhost:9999/sparql?query=" + qs); * * URLConnection connection = test.openConnection(); * //connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/rdf+xml"); * //connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", * MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON); connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", * MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN); * * System.out.println(connection.getRequestProperties()); * //connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "text/plain"); * * StreamUtils.copyThenClose(test.openStream(), System.out); */ /* * Client c = Client.create(); WebResource r = * c.resource("http://localhost:9999/"); * System.out.println(r.get(String.class)); */ // server.stop(); } }