package com.sixsq.slipstream.user; /* * +=================================================================+ * SlipStream Server (WAR) * ===== * Copyright (C) 2013 SixSq Sarl ( * ===== * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * -=================================================================- */ import; import; import; import; import org.restlet.resource.ResourceException; import com.sixsq.slipstream.exceptions.NotFoundException; import com.sixsq.slipstream.exceptions.SlipStreamClientException; import com.sixsq.slipstream.exceptions.ValidationException; import com.sixsq.slipstream.persistence.User; import com.sixsq.slipstream.persistence.User.State; import com.sixsq.slipstream.persistence.UserParameter; /** * For tests documentation * * @see UserFormProcessorTest * */ public class UserFormProcessor extends FormProcessor<User, UserParameter> { public UserFormProcessor(User user) { super(user); } public UserFormProcessor(User parametrized, User user) { super(user); setParametrized(parametrized); } @Override protected void parseForm() throws ValidationException, NotFoundException { super.parseForm(); String name = getForm().getFirstValue("name"); setParametrized(getOrCreateParameterized(name)); User user = (User) getParametrized(); user.setName(name); user.setFirstName(getForm().getFirstValue("firstname")); user.setLastName(getForm().getFirstValue("lastname")); user.setEmail(getForm().getFirstValue("email")); user.setOrganization(getForm().getFirstValue("organization")); parseState(getForm(), user); User dbUser = User.loadByName(name); processIsSuper(getForm()); processRoles(getForm()); processPassword(getForm(), dbUser); } private void processRoles(Form form) throws ValidationException { if (getUser().isSuper()) { getParametrized().setRoles(getForm().getFirstValue("roles")); } } private void parseState(Form form, User user) { String state = form.getFirstValue("state"); if (state != null) { user.setState(State.valueOf(state)); } } @Override protected User getOrCreateParameterized(String name) throws ValidationException { User user = getParametrized(); if (user == null) { user = new User(name); } return user; } @Override protected UserParameter createParameter(String name, String value, String description) throws SlipStreamClientException { UserParameter parameter; try { parameter = new UserParameter(name, value, description); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { throw (new SlipStreamClientException(ex.getMessage(), ex)); } parameter.setContainer(getParametrized()); return parameter; } private void processPassword(Form form, User dbUser) throws ValidationException { Passwords passwords; try { passwords = extractPasswords(form); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new ValidationException(e.getMessage()); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new ValidationException(e.getMessage()); } boolean changePassword = shouldChangePassword(passwords, dbUser); String password; if (changePassword) { password = passwords.newPassword1; } else { password = (isNewUser(dbUser) ? null : dbUser.getHashedPassword()); } getParametrized().setHashedPassword(password); } private Passwords extractPasswords(Form form) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, UnsupportedEncodingException, ValidationException { String password1 = form.getFirstValue("password1"); String password2 = form.getFirstValue("password2"); String oldPassword = form.getFirstValue("oldPassword"); Passwords passwords = new Passwords(oldPassword, password1, password2); passwords.hash(); return passwords; } private boolean shouldChangePassword(Passwords passwords, User dbUser) throws ValidationException { if (!isSet(passwords.newPassword1) && !isSet(passwords.newPassword2)) { return false; } compareNewPasswords(passwords); boolean superChangingItself = false; boolean isNew = isNewUser(dbUser); boolean isSuper = getUser().isSuper(); if (!isNew) { superChangingItself = isSuper && dbUser.isSuper() && isItself(dbUser); } if ((!isNew && !isSuper) || superChangingItself) { compareOldAndNewPasswords(passwords.oldPassword, dbUser.getHashedPassword()); } return true; } private boolean isItself(User dbUser) { return getUser().getName().equals(dbUser.getName()); } private boolean isNewUser(User dbUser) { return dbUser == null; } private void compareNewPasswords(Passwords passwords) { if (!isSet(passwords.newPassword1) || !isSet(passwords.newPassword2)) { throw new ResourceException(Status.CLIENT_ERROR_CONFLICT, "Password cannot be changed to an empty value"); } if (!passwords.newPassword1.equals(passwords.newPassword2)) { throw new ResourceException(Status.CLIENT_ERROR_CONFLICT, "New passwords are not identical"); } } private void compareOldAndNewPasswords(String oldPasswordFromUser, String oldPasswordFromDb) { if (oldPasswordFromUser == null) { throwWrongOldPassword(); } if (!oldPasswordFromUser.equals(oldPasswordFromDb)) { throwWrongOldPassword(); } } private void throwWrongOldPassword() { throw new ResourceException(Status.CLIENT_ERROR_CONFLICT, "Wrong old password"); } private void processIsSuper(Form form) { if (getUser().isSuper()) { String isSuper = form.getFirstValue("issuper"); getParametrized().setSuper("on".equals(isSuper)); } } }