package com.sixsq.slipstream.persistence; /* * +=================================================================+ * SlipStream Server (WAR) * ===== * Copyright (C) 2013 SixSq Sarl ( * ===== * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * -=================================================================- */ import; import java.util.*; import; import javax.persistence.CascadeType; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.FetchType; import javax.persistence.OneToMany; import javax.persistence.Transient; import org.hibernate.annotations.Fetch; import org.hibernate.annotations.FetchMode; import org.simpleframework.xml.*; import com.sixsq.slipstream.exceptions.ConfigurationException; import com.sixsq.slipstream.exceptions.ValidationException; /** * Unit test see: * * @see ImageModuleTest * */ @Entity @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class ImageModule extends TargetContainerModule { public static final String INSTANCE_TYPE_KEY = "instance.type"; public static final String INSTANCE_TYPE_INHERITED = "inherited"; public static final String RAM_KEY = "ram"; public static final String CPU_KEY = "cpu"; public static final String SMP_KEY = "smp"; public static final String NETWORK_KEY = "network"; public static final String LOGINPASSWORD_KEY = "login.password"; public static final String EXTRADISK_PARAM_PREFIX = "extra.disk"; private static final String EXTRADISK_NAME_VOLATILE = "volatile"; public static final String EXTRADISK_VOLATILE_PARAM = EXTRADISK_PARAM_PREFIX + "." + EXTRADISK_NAME_VOLATILE; private static final String VOLATILE_DISK_VALUE_REGEX = "^[0-9]*$"; private static final String VOLATILE_DISK_VALUE_REGEXERROR = "Integer value expected for volatile extra disk"; public static final String CPU_PARAM = "cpu.nb"; public static final String RAM_PARAM = "ram.GB"; public static final String DISK_PARAM = "disk.GB"; private static class BuildState implements Serializable { @Attribute public final String moduleUri; @Attribute public final String builtOn; public BuildState(String moduleUri, List<String> clouds) { this.moduleUri = moduleUri; this.builtOn =",")); } } @ElementList(required = false) @Fetch(FetchMode.SELECT) @OneToMany(mappedBy = "module", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.EAGER, orphanRemoval = true) private Set<Package> packages = new HashSet<Package>(); @Transient private Set<Package> packagesExpanded; @Transient protected Map<String, ModuleParameter> inputParametersExpanded; @Transient protected Map<String, ModuleParameter> outputParametersExpanded; @Element(required = false, data = true) @Column(length = 65536) private String prerecipe = ""; @Element(required = false, data = true) @Column(length = 65536) private String recipe = ""; @Attribute private Boolean isBase = false; private String loginUser = "root"; private String platform = "other"; @Fetch(FetchMode.SELECT) @OneToMany(mappedBy = "container", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.EAGER, orphanRemoval = true) @ElementList(required = false, data = true) private Set<CloudImageIdentifier> cloudImageIdentifiers = new HashSet<CloudImageIdentifier>(); @Transient private Set<BuildState> buildStates; @Transient private volatile ImageModule parentModule; protected ImageModule() { super(); } public ImageModule(String name) throws ValidationException, ConfigurationException { super(name, ModuleCategory.Image); setDefaultParameters(); } /** * Validate for an image run (as opposed to a build or as part of a * deployment). * * @param cloudService * @throws ValidationException */ public void validateForRun(String cloudService) throws ValidationException { validateHasImageId(cloudService); validateExtraDisksParameters(); } private void validateExtraDisksParameters() throws ValidationException { validateExtraVolatileDiskValue(); } private void validateExtraVolatileDiskValue() throws ValidationException { String paramValue = getParameterValue(EXTRADISK_VOLATILE_PARAM, ""); if (!paramValue.matches(VOLATILE_DISK_VALUE_REGEX)) throw (new ValidationException(VOLATILE_DISK_VALUE_REGEXERROR)); } private void validateHasImageId(String cloudService) throws ValidationException { if (isBase) { validateBaseImage(cloudService, true); return; } if (isVirtual()) { extractBaseImageId(cloudService); return; } } public boolean hasToRunBuildRecipes(String cloudService) { return !isVirtual() && getImageId(cloudService) == null; } public List<String> getCloudNamesWhereBuilt() { List<String> cloudNames = new LinkedList<>(); if (!isVirtual() && !isBase()) { String cloudId = null; for (CloudImageIdentifier c : getCloudImageIdentifiers()) { cloudId = c.getCloudMachineIdentifer(); if (cloudId != null) { cloudNames.add(c.getCloudServiceName()); } } } return cloudNames; } private void validateBaseImage(String cloudService, boolean throwOnError) throws ValidationException { CloudImageIdentifier cloudImageIdentifier = getCloudImageIdentifier(cloudService); if (cloudImageIdentifier == null || !Parameter.hasValueSet(cloudImageIdentifier.getCloudMachineIdentifer())) { throw (new ValidationException("Base image must have an image id for cloud service: " + cloudService)); } } public String getImageId(String cloudService) { CloudImageIdentifier cloudImageId = null; for (CloudImageIdentifier c : getCloudImageIdentifiers()) { if (cloudService.equals(c.getCloudServiceName())) { cloudImageId = c; break; } } String id = null; if (cloudImageId != null) { id = cloudImageId.getCloudMachineIdentifer(); } return id; } /** * Finds the base image id * * @param cloudService * @return image id * @throws ValidationException */ public String extractBaseImageId(String cloudService) throws ValidationException { String imageId = getCloudImageId(cloudService); if (isSet(imageId)) { return imageId; } if (isBase()) { throw (new ValidationException("Missing image id for base image: " + getName() + " on cloud service: " + cloudService)); } ImageModule parentModule = getParentModule(); if (parentModule == null) { throw (new ValidationException("Missing reference module")); } imageId = parentModule.extractBaseImageId(cloudService); if (!isSet(imageId)) { throw (new ValidationException("Missing image id in reference module: " + parentModule.getName() + " for cloud service: " + cloudService)); } return imageId; } /** * This method will look into the parent image if the parameter doesn't exist, not if it's empty. * @return the value of the parameter. * @throws ValidationException if the parameter doesn't exist in the image hierarchy. */ public ModuleParameter extractParameter(String parameterName) throws ValidationException { ModuleParameter parameter = getParameter(parameterName); if (parameter == null) { throw (new ValidationException("Parameter " + parameterName + " not found.")); } return parameter; } /** * Override the method in {@link Parameterized} to add recursivity. * This method will look into the parent image if the parameter doesn't exist, not if it's empty. * @return the value of the parameter or null if it doesn't exist in the image hierarchy. */ @Override public ModuleParameter getParameter(String name) { ModuleParameter parameter = super.getParameter(name); if (parameter != null) { return parameter; } ImageModule parentModule = getParentModule(); if (parentModule == null) { return null; } return parentModule.getParameter(name); } @ElementMap(required = false) public Map<String, ModuleParameter> getInputParametersExpanded() { if (inputParametersExpanded == null) { inputParametersExpanded = new HashMap<>(); findAndAddInheritedApplicationParameters(inputParametersExpanded, this, ParameterCategory.Input); } return inputParametersExpanded; } @ElementMap(required = false) public void setInputParametersExpanded(Map<String, ModuleParameter> parameters) { } @ElementMap(required = false) public Map<String, ModuleParameter> getOutputParametersExpanded() { if (outputParametersExpanded == null) { outputParametersExpanded = new HashMap<>(); findAndAddInheritedApplicationParameters(outputParametersExpanded, this, ParameterCategory.Output); } return outputParametersExpanded; } @ElementMap(required = false) public void setOutputParametersExpanded(Map<String, ModuleParameter> parameters) { } private void findAndAddInheritedApplicationParameters(Map<String, ModuleParameter> params, ImageModule image, ParameterCategory type) { for (Map.Entry<String, ModuleParameter> entry : image.getParameters().entrySet()) { String parameterName = entry.getKey(); ModuleParameter parameter = entry.getValue(); String category = parameter.getCategory(); if (type.toString().equals(category)) { params.putIfAbsent(parameterName, parameter); } } ImageModule parent = image.getParentModule(); if (parent != null) { findAndAddInheritedApplicationParameters(params, parent, type); } } /** * @return parent module. If the module doesn't have a parent, returns null */ public ImageModule getParentModule() { if (parentModule != null) { return parentModule; } if (getModuleReference() == null) { return null; } parentModule = (ImageModule) Module.load(getModuleReference()); return parentModule; } private void setDefaultParameters() throws ValidationException, ConfigurationException { addMandatoryParameter(RuntimeParameter.HOSTNAME_KEY, RuntimeParameter.HOSTNAME_DESCRIPTION, ParameterCategory.Output); addMandatoryParameter(RuntimeParameter.INSTANCE_ID_KEY, RuntimeParameter.INSTANCE_ID_DESCRIPTION, ParameterCategory.Output); updateCPU(); updateRAM(); updateDisk(); updateExtraDisks(); updateNetwork(); } private void updateNetwork() throws ValidationException { addMandatoryEnumParameter(NETWORK_KEY, "Network type", ParameterCategory.Cloud, NetworkType.getValues()); } private void updateExtraDisks() throws ValidationException, ConfigurationException { addVolatileDiskParameter(); } private void updateCPU() throws ValidationException { addCPUParameter(); } private void updateRAM() throws ValidationException { addRAMParameter(); } private void updateDisk() throws ValidationException { addDiskParameter(); } private void addCPUParameter() throws ValidationException { addMandatoryParameter(CPU_PARAM, "Number of CPUs", ParameterCategory.Cloud); } private void addRAMParameter() throws ValidationException { addMandatoryParameter(RAM_PARAM, "RAM in GB", ParameterCategory.Cloud); } private void addDiskParameter() throws ValidationException { addMandatoryParameter(DISK_PARAM, "Disk in GB", ParameterCategory.Cloud); } private void addVolatileDiskParameter() throws ValidationException { addMandatoryParameter(EXTRADISK_VOLATILE_PARAM, "Volatile extra disk in GB", ParameterCategory.Cloud); } private void addMandatoryParameter(String name, String description, ParameterCategory category) throws ValidationException { addMandatoryParameter(name, description, category, ParameterType.String); } private void addMandatoryEnumParameter(String name, String description, ParameterCategory category, List<String> enumValues) throws ValidationException { addMandatoryParameter(name, description, category, ParameterType.Enum, enumValues); } private void addMandatoryParameter(String name, String description, ParameterCategory category, ParameterType type) throws ValidationException { addMandatoryParameter(name, description, category, type, null); } private void addMandatoryParameter(String name, String description, ParameterCategory category, ParameterType type, List<String> enumValues) throws ValidationException { ModuleParameter parameter = new ModuleParameter(name, null, description, category); parameter.setMandatory(true); parameter.setType(type); if (enumValues != null) { parameter.setEnumValues(enumValues); parameter.setValue(enumValues.get(0)); } setParameter(parameter); } public Boolean isBase() { return isBase == null ? false : isBase; } public void setIsBase(Boolean isBase) throws ValidationException { this.isBase = isBase; } public String getPreRecipe() { return prerecipe; } public void setPreRecipe(String prerecipe) { this.prerecipe = prerecipe; } public Set<Package> getPackages() { return packages; } public void setPackages(Set<Package> packages) { this.packages.clear(); for (Package p : packages) { setPackage(p); } } public void setPackage(Package package_) { package_.setModule(this); packages.add(package_); } public String getRecipe() { return recipe; } public void setRecipe(String recipe) { this.recipe = recipe; } @Attribute public String getLoginUser() throws ValidationException { if (isBase()) { return loginUser; } if (getModuleReference() == null) { return ""; } if (getParentModule() != null) { return getParentModule().getLoginUser(); } else { return ""; } } @Attribute public void setLoginUser(String loginUser) { this.loginUser = loginUser; } @Attribute public void setPlatform(String platform) { this.platform = platform; } @Attribute public String getPlatform() throws ValidationException { if (isBase()) { return platform; } if (getModuleReference() == null) { return ""; } if (getParentModule() != null) { return getParentModule().getPlatform(); } else { return ""; } } @Override public boolean isVirtual() { if (isPreRecipeEmpty() && isRecipeEmpty() && isPackagesEmpty()) { return true; } else { return false; } } private boolean isRecipeEmpty() { return !Parameter.hasValueSet(getRecipe()); } private boolean isPreRecipeEmpty() { return !Parameter.hasValueSet(getPreRecipe()); } private boolean isPackagesEmpty() { return getPackages().isEmpty() ? true : false; } public ImageModule store() { setVersion(); setModuleToTargets(); if (packages != null) { for (Package p : packages) { p.setModule(this); } } for (CloudImageIdentifier id : getCloudImageIdentifiers()) { id.setResourceUri(getResourceUri() + "/" + id.getCloudServiceName()); } return (ImageModule) store(false); } public static ImageModule load(String uri) { return (ImageModule) Module.load(uri); } public void setImageId(String imageId, String cloudService) { if (!isSet(imageId)) { return; } if (!isSet(cloudService)) { return; } CloudImageIdentifier cloudImageIdentifier = getCloudImageIdentifier(cloudService); if (cloudImageIdentifier == null) { getCloudImageIdentifiers().add(new CloudImageIdentifier(this, cloudService, imageId)); } else { cloudImageIdentifier.setCloudMachineIdentifer(imageId); } } protected boolean isSet(String value) { return Parameter.hasValueSet(value); } /** * Assembled notes. Includes notes from inherited images. */ @Transient @ElementArray(required = false, entry = "note") public String[] getNotes() { List<String> notes = new ArrayList<String>(); String moduleReference = getModuleReference(); if (moduleReference != null) { ImageModule parent = load(moduleReference); if (parent != null) { notes.addAll(Arrays.asList(parent.getNotes())); } } if (getNote() != null) { notes.add(getNote()); } return notes.toArray(new String[notes.size()]); } /** * Empty setter needed for serializer on a read only property * */ @Transient @ElementArray(required = false, entry = "note") private void setNotes(String[] notes) { } @ElementList(required = false, entry = "packageExpanded") public Set<Package> getPackagesExpanded() { if(packagesExpanded == null) { packagesExpanded = new HashSet<>(); findAndAddPackages(this); } return packagesExpanded; } @ElementList(required = false, entry = "packageExpanded") public void setPackagesExpanded(Set<Package> packagesExpanded) { } private void findAndAddPackages(ImageModule image) { ImageModule parent = image.getParentModule(); if (parent != null) findAndAddPackages(parent); packagesExpanded.addAll(image.getPackages()); } @ElementList(required = false) public Set<BuildState> getBuildStates() { if (buildStates == null) { buildStates = new HashSet<>(); findAndAddBuildStates(this); } return buildStates; } @ElementList(required = false) public void setBuildStates(Set<BuildState> buildStates) { } private void findAndAddBuildStates(ImageModule image) { ImageModule parent = image.getParentModule(); if (parent != null) findAndAddBuildStates(parent); buildStates.add(new BuildState(image.getResourceUri(), image.getCloudNamesWhereBuilt())); } public ImageModule copy() throws ValidationException { ImageModule copy = (ImageModule) copyTo(new ImageModule(getName())); for (CloudImageIdentifier cii : getCloudImageIdentifiers()) { cii.copyTo(copy); } copy.setIsBase(isBase()); copy.setLoginUser(getLoginUser()); for (Package package_ : getPackages()) { copy.getPackages().add(package_.copy()); } copy.setPlatform(getPlatform()); copy.setPreRecipe(getPreRecipe()); copy.setRecipe(getRecipe()); copy.setPlacementPolicy(getPlacementPolicy()); for (Target target : getTargets()) { copy.getTargets().add(target.copy()); } return copy; } public void setCloudImageIdentifiers(Set<CloudImageIdentifier> cloudImageIdentifiers) { this.cloudImageIdentifiers = cloudImageIdentifiers; } public Set<CloudImageIdentifier> getCloudImageIdentifiers() { return cloudImageIdentifiers; } public CloudImageIdentifier getCloudImageIdentifier(String cloudService) { // TODO: turn cloudImageIdentifiers into a map? CloudImageIdentifier cloudImageIdentifier = null; for (CloudImageIdentifier c : cloudImageIdentifiers) { if (cloudService.equals(c.getCloudServiceName())) { cloudImageIdentifier = c; break; } } return cloudImageIdentifier; } public String getCloudImageId(String cloudService) { CloudImageIdentifier cloudImageIdentifer = getCloudImageIdentifier(cloudService); return cloudImageIdentifer == null ? "" : cloudImageIdentifer.getCloudMachineIdentifer(); } public void postDeserialization() { super.postDeserialization(); for (CloudImageIdentifier c : getCloudImageIdentifiers()) { c.setContainer(this); } } @Override protected void expandTargets() { super.expandTargets(); targetsExpanded.add(new TargetExpanded(this, TargetExpanded.BuildRecipe.PRE_RECIPE)); targetsExpanded.add(new TargetExpanded(this, TargetExpanded.BuildRecipe.RECIPE)); } private boolean nullOrEmpty(String s) { return s == null || s.isEmpty(); } private String andPolicies(String policy1, String policy2) { if (nullOrEmpty(policy1) && nullOrEmpty(policy2)) { return null; } else if (nullOrEmpty(policy1)) { return policy2; } else if (nullOrEmpty(policy2)) { return policy1; } else { return "(" + policy1 + ") and (" + policy2 + ")"; } } @Override public Map<String, String> placementPoliciesPerComponent() { Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<>(); String resultPolicy = null; if (getModuleReference() == null) { resultPolicy = getPlacementPolicy(); } if (getParentModule() != null) { String policy = getPlacementPolicy(); String parentPolicy = null; Map<String, String> parentPlacementPolicies = getParentModule().placementPoliciesPerComponent(); if (parentPlacementPolicies != null && !parentPlacementPolicies.isEmpty()) { parentPolicy = (String) parentPlacementPolicies.values().toArray()[0]; } resultPolicy = andPolicies(parentPolicy, policy); } result.put(getResourceUri(), resultPolicy); return result; } }